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March 8, 1934 |
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Prepared for Japanese Threat
Chafing that Japan is "feverishly preparing for I in the event Japan does attack Russia, she will find
war,' General Vassily Bluecher (inset), commander- herself facing a ~ of steel that surrounds the
in-chief of the Soviet Armies in the Far East, re-! Soviets. Above is a parade of up-to-the-minute Rus-
¢ently told the Communist Congress in Moscow that alan tanks duri~¢ recent Moscow ~ew,
Ne~olY 80 of Old Timers
m Here Hold Reunion
In Park at Pasadena Calif-
A letter from Thor Plomasen says
he and the family will be leaving
southern California, where they !
have spent the winter, about thei
23rd and will stop at Boulder Dam, I
Salt Lake City, Casper and Beach1
on the way. That they have had aI
fine winter, but will be glad to bel
back in North Dakota.
He tells of the North Dakota pic-'
~ai¢, whereat Jimmie Foley, North
Dakota's poet, was the main speak-
.er, and where they met many old
friends. He also attended a picnic
given bY the Golden Valley county
crowd oUt there, Mr. and Mrs.
]Prank Hurley and Mr. and Mrs.
Nlc Weinacht sponsoring the same,
and whereat all had a great time
and a fine feed, 76 former residents
of this section being present. Among
~hem he mentlol~ the following:
Mr, and Mrs. C. H. Letson, Mr.
~at~l Mrs. Frank Hurley, Mr, and
Mrs. Nlc Weinacht and Barbara,
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Lovell, Mr, and
Mrs. Mark F. Jones• Mr. and Mrs,
W. A. Sprague, Mr, and Mrs, Jim
Sprague and two children. Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. Perry, C. P. Johnson, Mr.
and Mrs, R. I. Olson and two chil-
dren, Mr. and ]Mrs. S. A. Johnston
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Zook, Mrs, L. Donovan (nee Minnie
Zook) and two children. Mr. and
Mrs. F. E. Near, Mr. and Mrs• W.
B. Artls, Mrs. Llyod B. Near and
two children. Mrs. Theo Beito. Mr.
and Mrs. Leo McLaughtin, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank M. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs.
A. B. Hollstein. Mr. and Mrs, Park-
er Johnstone, Albert Miche~s. ~Ir~.
Ella B. Thompson and son Earle,
Mrs. Alice Howard, Mr. and Mrs.
Peter .Schmidt and two children,
Mr. and Mrs• J. J. Wysocke• Misses
Frances and Clara Wicka. Ralph O.
Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. E. Moore,
Mr• and Mrs. T. O• Plomasen. Jean
and Bruce, Mrs. A. R. Hoffman,
~, Michels, Mrs. Kramer. Mr.
and Mrs. N. B. Hogmire and two
Early Monday morning a freight
box car, in being shunted about by
a sw~h engine, decided to go on
a little trip by Itself, and, instead
of stopping where it was intended it
should stop after the engine gave
it its little boost, inconsiderately
going, a brakeman sprint-
It. He made it alright but
climbing on top and attempt-
Ing to brake it found he was un-
able to do so and the car continued
On its merry way, going through the
switch and onto the mafn line, fin-
ally coming to rest about three
miles east of town with no damage
A gentleman out in Missouri pro-
leases to be amazed that a people
~0~rt enough to discard ox carts,
wheels, tallow candles,
hand presses will
legislatures. It's
, at that.--Nashvllle
Last Friday at 7 o'clock, the Wl-
baux girls basket ball team. com-
posed of the following girls: Misses
Lynette Howard, La Vern Bair~
Virginia Young, Marian Ste~rt,
Elsie Jakin, Rose Jakin, ~arah
Bernhardt, Camilla Dahl an~i/Laur-
etta Collins, departed f~ Miles
Olty. That evening theyfln~t their
second defeat of the s~sott when
they played the Miles C~y/4~irls. The
final score was 13-17/i~ favor of
Miles City. Although/tjl~~ girls were
disappointed in not] ~'inning the
games, they report ~t~ie Miles City
people, royal ente~iners. After
the game Friday e~ning, both the
Wibaux and Miles~City teams en-
joyed a banquet. ]rhe Wibaux girls
were entertained ]]at the various
homes of Miles Ci~]z girls that
and Satmxiay m~illg were
through the Boy~ ~mdustrlal
and the green h~asts. The
er of the day sPent
and the home
Saturday The Wlbaux
was by Mrs.
Stair, Miss Edwards and
Florence Larsen.
Mrs. P.A. was a
hostess on evening
when she at her
in compliment to a ) of
Seven tables of bridge gave diver-
sion to the guests for sev~#l hours
and at the conclusion~a ~la!nty
lunch was served by the hostess. ~At
the game the high score favor was
received by Miss Oleta Allen. se-
cond high by Mrs. W. O. Schuett
and low by Mrs. G. E. Keller. The
traveling prize was received by Miss
Isabel Buckland.
O, S. Drake. Wn~ Lentz and T. J.
Bushell were tra~._sacting business
in Glendive. Wedneeday.
Henry Mullendore of Glendive
was a business visitor in Wibaux on
Mr. J• P. Myer returned Wednes-
day evening h~m a three months
visit in the 'twin Cities and Des-
Moines, Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Callender and
Mr, and Mrs. C. H. Callender were
shopping in Glendive last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Grant are tSe
proud parents of a baby girl born
February 26th. Mrs. Grant will be
remembered as Miss Christina Paul-
Mrs. Otto Muller who has been
seriously ill the past t~¢o weeks, re-
turned to Dickinson Saturday morn-
lng, where she will take radium
Rtmserl Welsh has made several
trips to Glendive with feed the past
M~s Blanche Teska and Paul
Drake of Olendlve visited with rel-
atives in Wibaux, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Skinner of
BeaCh were guests at the R. H.
Welsh home Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Larson were
hosts Friday evening when they en-
tertained in their home as a cour-
tesy to a group of friends." Follow-
lng several hours of bridge at six
tables high score awards were pre-
sented to Mr. and Mrs. F. J, Erding,
second high to Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Rogerson and low to Mrs. McCann
and Fr. Leahy. A dainty lune/n,
served by the hostess, concluded a
pleasant evening.
Mrs. J. R. Barley was hostess to
the Methodist Ladhm' aid at her
home, Thursday afternoon last. Af-
ter the huZfuess meeting, the after-
noon was spent informally /11 con-
versation and fancy work. An ap-
l~lZl~g lunch served by the hostess
concluded a mest pleasant after-
born to Mr. and
returned to Fargo Sunday.
Mrs. Beatrice Klrman. daughter
Joan and mother, Mrs. Louise Bll-
yen came over from Beach Friday
evening and were guests a~ the N.
G. Hazclwood home.
Miss Isabel Buckland and Walter
~neer guests of Mr. and
Mr, R, ThranW__ of Skaar, N. D.,
spent Friday with ~is family in Wi-
baux. ~
Dr. and P.. Keller an4
sons departed Frida for
Iowa, to attend the Anni-
versary celebration of doctor's
l~v. F. M• Burtch
concocted services in the
Fund~nental church Su
ing. @ was accompa:
two s~ ~ ~hd two dat
fR~nisl ;d ~usic for the
~r~ l~t week, to M and Mrs.
Hent~, Z~brocki of the ;t. Phillip
comndl ~ty, a baby girl
Roe~.~om~,Samson, l and Bud
Drake ~.ame down Glendive
Saturd y evening Sunday
respective Wl-
returning to Mon-
Seth returned
the hospital Satur-
Boyd of Fergus Falls,
Is a at the home of his
Mrs. J. E. Trol-
Chappell depal~ed for
D., Monday morning af-
several days with rela-
and friends in Glendive and
Mr. J. R. Woods. Sr.. is enjoying a
visit with her daughter from Soutk
Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Ostby were
dinner hosts on Sunday last, when
they had as their guests Mr. and
Mrs. P. A. Fischer, Mr. and Mrs.
E: A. Brand. Robert Brand and
Dixie Jean Bryant.
Miss Ermina Get-man and James
Oq~ourke attended the d~nce at
Skaar Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Burr Laurence are
the proud parents of a baby girl
bont last week.
The bll%hday anniversary of Mrs.
L. Preston was the insph'ation for
the surprise party given on Wed-
nesday evening of last week by her
daughter. Miss Irene Preston. at
the Scott home. During the even-
ing three tables of progressive
whist were in play and at the con-
clusion a dai~ity lunch was served.
The guests included: Mrs. Chas.
Walker, Mrs. F. J. O'Rourke, Mrs.
Joe Kegley, Mrs. W. A. Scott, Mrs.
L. Preston, Miss Ermina Germain,
Miss Kathryn O'Rourke, Miss Grace'
Kegley, Miss Pauline Schade, Miss
Rose S~tefanovlteh and Miss Marlan
A large CrOWd was in attendance
at the regular meeting of the Wi-
baux Woman's club at the Commun-
ity club house Monday evening. Mrs.
M. B. Larson. president, presided at
the business "session. A feature of
the evenings program was a style
show, which had been arranged by
Mr. and Mrs. Speckeen. Miss Clara
Langowski presided at the piano
during the showing of the latest
spring creations. An interesting
salad demonstration by Miss Paul-
ine Schade and Miss FrancesZable
was also enjoyed. A dainty lunch
served by a committe, concluded a
most profitable and enjoyable even-
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Stipek were
hosts at a dinner Party, given in
compliment to a few friends last
Thursday evening.
Misses Catherine and Grace Rice,
Mrs. Grace OhappelI, Rex Chappell
and Burl Chappell were dinner
guests at the L. C. Faltermeyer
home on Wednesday evening last.
Clinton Knudson who has been
seriously/11 the past week. returned
to the Dickinson hos~tal ~unday
where he tmderwent an operatio~
the Wlbaux
at her home in Fargo, N. D., Man-IChas. A. Steele, C~o. Hansen arid[he went west, but in 1905 he cameI POWERS NOT
day evening. Her death was not;Judge Leiper. The services were]to Beach to visit his cousin, Mrs• L.I
unexpected, as she had been in fail- 1 largely attended and interment took ] Richards and filed on a claim two '~ An impression seems
ing health the past year, as a re-lplace in the Wibaux cemetery b-]and one-half miles east of Yates• some ill informed
sult of cancer l side her husband ! • { chairman of the
• i " He was marrieu in February 1910
Mrs. Lillie M. Rice was born in Out of town relatives present for l ........... ' . t tee chosen at the
_ "[. i so tv~rs ~,a~e '~aylor oi Minneapolis I
Logansport Indiana, March 19th ~the funeral were' Misses ~a~nerine[ _ ." ...... " last week will serve
1 7 ', " wno atso preceaea him in aea~n
86 aud passed away at her home I and Grace Rice, Mrs. Grace Chap- I For the ast few "ears the deceased coming two years.
m Fargo, Monday evening Febru- pell all of Fargo N D Rex Chap- . P. .. #.
.~r'" 26th 1934 She was unit ~ in~ ..' . .... '_2." "~ ." __ i spen~ mos~ oI hiS time at the name is entirely up to the
y , . eu i peu o~ wmona tv~lnn. ~ur~ wnap-. ......... ,: - -- -- mittee that will be
• ' ' OI nls aaugn/~ mrs. d. ~w. r~oscoe.
marrmge to Burr H• Rice, who pre- pell of Williston, N. D., and Mr. lof Rath~rffm Idaho June primary, as that
ceded his wife in death in Febru- and Mrs. Henry Mullendore of[ ~r,-u, , . made up of the precinct
ary 1933. I Glendive. Judge and Mrs. F. P. ~¢fi~" Welsh leaves to mourn his men elected at the
To this union were born two i Leiper of Glendive also attended~~g°ing seven children, Burton, Albion in July and organize
daughters, Miss Grace and Miss l ~and Raleigh of Wibaux, Fred of
committee by the
Catherine, and a son who precededi ALBERT WELSH IS~AD Beaverton, Oregon, Mrs. J. M. Ros- chairman• secretary,
his parents in the Great Beyond. The sad news was ~ived Stun- coe of Rathdrum, Idaho, Mrs. O. O. ft. desirable, an
In 1893 Mr. and Mrs. Rice came to!day of the death~f Mr. Albert Jon~s of Opportunity, Wash., and tee. but an executive
Montana from Pueblo, Colo., and lWelsh, who had~assed away Sat- Mrs. Leo. Hilt of Loyal, Wisc., 29 need not be electd if
grand cluld~en and several great
resided in Wibaux until 1921, when lurday at Wog~urn, oregon, while - ." " . '
grand children besxdes other ~ela
Mrs. Rice moved, her two lvisiting friends. Mr. Welsh a " " . _ desirable• Such is the
daughters to Fargo. ~e deceased lpioneer ~C Wibaux county, is 'the tires and friends, state, and it would no~
within the province of
was one of the founders ~f the Con- i father ~ Burton, Albion and R.H. Mrs. Roscoe and R. H. Welsh ac- serving at the late
gregational church of Wi~aux, hay- ~ Wels!~of Wibaux. companied the body to Loyal, Wisc.,
ing been one of the fi~e chaV6ert /~rt Welsh was born at Iron were funeral services will be heldforaSSumein thePrer°gativeSstatute.
members and at the tL~e of her lR~dge, Wise., December 9, 1846, and ~nd interment made in the Pine gentleman might desire
death, was a member of ~he Pres-IF~assed away at Woodburn, Oregon, Grove cemetery beside his wife. otherwise.
byterian church of Fargo.1 XMarch 3rd, 1934, at the age of 87
Mrs. Rice is survived ~by .tw/i years, 2 months and 23 days. His Lotterie, Banned DENIED
daughters, Miss Grace a~d M~[mother died when he was a baby Lottery was such an easy plan of
Catherine, a sister Mrs. Gra~e Cl~p-i and his grandmother raised he and gettlnz money in the earls: days of All those in
pell of Fargo, a brother,~ I~nry his only' brother, Henry Welsh. the state of Ohio that the General Dakota Democracy
Mullendore of Glendive, als0 a] host He enlisted in May 1864 in Co. C., Assembly, Jealous of so many profit- deny that William
of other relatives and frien~l¢ 41st Wisconsin volunteer infantry lng In that way without permission, asked ¢o become the
The funeral services wer~ held and reinlisted inca. B., 52nd Wisc. In 1807 passed a law forbidding all that party for
from the Christian Fundamental Vol. infantry carp, M. O. and was lotteries except those authorized by governor having
church. Thursday afternoon last honorably discharged at the close of the legislature, government's action
and were conducted by the Rev. the war. He was married to Miss was in revenge for his
Harper Burn~ of the Congregation- Zietta M. Marcy at Ha~ford~. Wise.. Ancient Olive Tree.
al church of Glendive, who is an on July 3, 1870 and moved to the In the 01d World there are olive Hi~hway:~ More
old time friend of the family. The wilds of Clark county, where they trees 20 feet in circumference, glv- Some 45,000
pall-beareres were L. C. Faltermey- lived until his wife passed away, lng evidence of being 1,000 years United States are
er, Chas. E. Elliott, Burton Welsh. February 10. 1903. The next year old. highways.
-Having decided to quit farming I will sell at farm One Mile South
Two Miles West of Wibaux, at One O'Clock P.
When the
1 Hay Rake
1 Five-foot mower
1 Ten-foot drill
1 Seven-foot binder
1 Gang plow
1 Sulky plow, 20-inch
1 rack and w~;on
1 loading shtt~e
1 og feeder /
1 sled /
1 drag
Will Sold:
2 Fresh Jersey cows
8 Head Shorthorn bulls
20 Head mixed horses
articles too num-
This Will Be A Cash
ED. TROLLOPE, Auctioneer.