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February 16, 1934- I MA L S PEOPLE
Evelyn Adams and Kathleen
Murphy attended a birthday party
at Houcks last Friday. Noting Report of New Horse
Lawrence Gochel is out for the Exhiliator, T h • y Write
marathon. He and Leo Brown Mayor Peall to Have It
walked into town last Sunday from Suppressed.
Leo's home!
Kathleen Murph's birthday is on The Animal Rescue league of
the same day as Washington's. Did ~Iennepin county, Minnesota, is all
you ever tell a fib, Kay? worked up over a story in a Minne-
Nettie :Waldahl has been on the apolis paper about an invention of
sick list during the past week. a Golden Valley county farmer
...... which they deem a cruelty to anl-
SOCIAL reals, so the League appeals to
Verda Smith returned from Dick- Mayor Peall of Beach to have the
inson Wednesday evening, invention suppressed. The item
which has stirred up the anti-cruel-
Anthony Becker, representative
of the Bank of North Dakota, was ty people is as follows:
"Our Beach, N. D., Correspondent,
a local business caller Thursday. (J. C. Alguire) reports a new and
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Walker, son rather clever invention being used
Walter. and Mary Holienbeck at- by the farmers up in his territory.
tended Adult school Friday evening. TheyWe figured out a way to make
Aud Nunn was a ~'Usiness caller the two horses in a team pull to-
in-town Friday. gerber. In most teams, there is one
Several local people attended the horse that lags behind. Up around
George Washington program given Beach, they rig up an apparatus
in the high school assembly Thurs- that consists of a stock with a nail
day afternoon, in the end of it and with a rope
Rlta Lemire left Wednesday for attached. When one horse lags, you
Valley City, N. D. where she will jerk the rope and the nail sticks
resume her nurse's training coUrse, the laggard in the stomach... They
Mrs. Harry Olsen and infant son call it, Mr. Alguire reports, a
visited a few days with her mother, Northwestern Beli-y Telephone."
Mrs. W. W. Wyckoff, last week. This story was taken from the
Pearl Myers has returned home Minneapolis Journal's Joke column,
after a prolonged visit at the home but the well meaning folks of the
of her grandmother, Mrs. Clara League don't seem to have much
Myers. sense of humor, as the seriousness
Walter Dixon was taken to the of the letter to the mayor shows.
Ethel Walker, Richard and Am-
ber Grimes attended a card party at
the Lewis Raisler, st., home Sat-~
urday evening.
Mrs, AL WOsepka spent the week The young married couples bridge
end with her mother, Mrs. Tangen, Club met at the home of Mrs. A. M.
near Beach. Kuhfeld Wednesday evening. A
E. C. Cook, of Westerheim, was lovely dinner preceded the card
taken to the Glendive hospital on playing.
Saturday. Dr. O. R. Niece left last week for
Mr. and Mrs. Tangen of south of Great Falls, Mont.
Beach were callers at the home of Dr. H. L. Rice has been under the
Mr, and Mrs. AL Wo~epka Tues- weather with a bad cold this week.
day evening. Mrs, A. M. Kuhfeld and Mrs.
Harold Cook was a Sentinel Butte Aden Miller are giving a shower for
caller Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Earl Roberts at Mrs. Kuhfeld's
Mrs. Wagner and Mrs. Martin at-
tended the preliminary debate held home today~ Mrs. Roberts will un-
in the high school assembly Wed- doubtedly be the recipient of many
nesday afternoon, lovely things. Cards will be played
at the close of which refreshments
~ The Commercial club held a~,
meeting ~at the hall Monday even-will be served.
haft. Mr. and Mrs. Art.Moyer of Glen-
A. P. Boisen was a Glendive call- dive, Mont., were Beach visit~s on
er,Wedhe~lay on business. Tuesday, ¢ombining~ business with
pleasure. They went to Baker be-
..... -~= ................. fore returning to Glendive.
Social Hour~ had a very enjoyable
ALPHA ingat the home of Mrs. P. A.
(Edna Wassmann, Reporter) Oisvold ~last Tuesday with delicious
refreshments served. The next
====-~-=====-~ ......... ==== meeting will be held at the home
: l~Ine~ ~Wmmnann was a week end of Mrs. W, O, Schuls.
guest at the Matt Krause home this Little Charlie Holls~in, 9, was
quite ill Tuesday and Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jendro and son but is now on the road to recovery.
Clifford and Mrs. Odicrne were din- Wednesday afternoon Mrs, Frank
ner guests of Ed. Scherman's Fri- Dyk~ns entertained Mrs. Clarence
day. Overstad and her Sister visiting,
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Irons and Mrs. Goodwin from Plentywood;
son Jimmie were supper guests at Montana. Other guests present
AI. Iron's Sunday. were Mrs. Pat Birmingham and
A. J. Ztebarth has been on the Mrs. A. M. Schmitz.
sick list the past few days. The Legion Auxiliary met with
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Northrope Mrs. P. J. Edktns at her home Tues-
wereSuuday visitors at the Joe day.
Meyer's ranch. Mrs. E. D. Evans received word
Rev. Bovey held services a tthe Tuesday by phone that her mother,
AlPha church Sunday. Mrs. A. J, Stromme, of Garretson,
Ladies' Aid will meet at Daisy S. D., who has been very seriously
Wassmann's March 15th. ill is now a little improved. All of
Mr. and Mrs. Junius Gronning Mrs. Stromme's family were at her
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Land- bedside with the exception of one
bert and Mrs. Odiorne were visitors son, an army flier, who crashed
at Jerts Gronning's Monday. on his way, althoush luckily not
a button, A[ Ed, Scherman went to Beach on seriously and Mrs. Evans. Mrs.
busin#$s~ Tuesday. Evans has the sympathy of her
i story of the t Edith Carew was a visitor at the many friends in her mother's illness
! in it. t Alpha school Tuesday~ and all Sincerely hope her improve-
wagon is a bicycle [ Mr. and Mrs. Pete Hagen, Mr. and ment will be fast and steady.
wagon ia a[Mrs~ R. L. Johnston and Mildred, M~s. Seeley has been on the sick
call a five- I
Mr. and';M~. S. L. White and son list this week.
v-hick]e, of court, and Mrs.: Henry D~tel and cl~ildren Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lawrence of
a mistake ev- were supper guests at the b. J. Zle- Wlbaux are the proud parents of a
shOe? Be- bather home Wednesday even~,g, baby boy born Monday night. Moth-
foot in it. John K~app and babe are doing well.
is the ~avorLte word of a Beach vislJ~om Kvech, who has been so-
The lag word. The Knapp were callara at the Dickinmn h~pltal,
at the Louie home Satur- home and feeling In.t-
SENIORS day evening.
was in Beach on Nick Robert Earl has been laid up with
Sonnek and John Knapp both and the flu.
spent Monday and son Mr. and Mrs.
Pete Jesok and Alex
a party Mrs. Jul and Betty was a supper and
night. Mr. and Fasching and R.L. Johnston's
spent the week end I family guests at
Jerry Sunday. Tungsvlk and
very btt6y Many Alpha folks were guests at Geo.
~n "His debate speech the Beach shol~pers Many al-
so attende~l basket ball at the John
visited at the AL ment held at school
home Monday evening. Grace and Rose Howard and
Beach Saturday morning with and family
JUNIOR8 Scherman to the week Jendro's Satur-
to with home folks, day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. AboUt of Mrs. Odiorne
Donald Theisen Carl and Louise Warne: gathered at the
were the Juniors and Mrs. '~I, Mrs. S. L. White
• the team to Dick- and were dinner for a surprise and
guests at the Mrs. for Mrs. Odiorne. The
from Peter Hagen Sunday, vas spent by visiting and
RUt~ti~vick was At midnight a nice
; have foRUd guest of R. L. Johnston's lunch was served by all. Byron Ho-
on our ~ Herbert Hesse and Harold Wht- goboom and Miss Dorothea Quarve
and Mr. and Mrs. Neff Hogobomn
to Sentinel
them, where she left for
Glen Ullm 42 to 91.
final games ~t~day even-
Butte defeated Glen
win third place
proved them-
calibre by
New Salem 43 to
Mlasourl Slope conference
to have a team
district tournament
., held next Friday and Satur-
and 10, at Dickinson
Butte will start things
Taylor Friday morn-
• Eight young folks matched wits
W~Lh one another in an interesting
r~ debate-lq~esolved:"rhat all
~dents with an average of 90 per-
~t be exempt from final exams"--
held in the Hight school assembly,
Wednesday afternoon.
Very good constructive arguments
for and against
the Judges ~ Miss
Miss Kremenetsky and Miss
decision beh~g in favor of
factiOn. The six
according to the
were: Pearl Yates,
Eugene ~Mores,
Shoen, John Boisen and
As a comparison a
bodY was also
Yates, Kafltleen Bel-
John Boisen,
and Kermit ~hoen
hia~est in the assembly's esti-
v~ith Fern Reed and Leo
• seventh and eigI~th
~e six highest scored debaters
w~ eonstitute the Debating Team.
BY easily winning over the Beach
February 20,
qualified to corn-
the Missouri Slope C%nfer-
Sentinels took an early lead
held during the entire
The score at the ha~ was
in favor of the Sentinels.
D. Fakler
L. Rtmen
a hard fought game, the
again victorious over
by a score of 29 to
very close during
h~ree-quarters but the
teurth quarter the Sentinel found
t~aemselves to come out on the long
end of the score.
letter in the
is a quart-
The publicity man of the Pacific and (4th) Deliveries would be Jim-
Coast Steamship lines puts out
some very clever stuff, one of his
latest being a letter from him to
another officer of the company,
which runs as follows:
"It seems to me that this N. R. A.
business is being ~arried a little too
far. I see by the papers that the
Birth Control league is now spon-
soring a code for the Stork . .
which threatens to destroy the
World's Greatest Delivery System.
"A~fter centuries of faithful ser-
vice . .. which neither the Railway
Express nor the United States Mall
has been able to equal for regularity
ited to one passenger per trip.
"Naturally the manufacturers of
baby cribs, baby buggies, soothing
syrups and colic cures are up in
arms. They claim the Code would
ruin their business . . . but the
League pays little attention to their
wails. Apparently the ladies of the
League feel it's easier to listen to
the wails of a lot of selfish manu-
• facturers than it is to the waft of a
lot of colic-ey babies. To them the
"coo" is worse than the "boo."
"But somehow I feel that nothing
much will come of it. Honestly,
Rayl, I Just can~ escape the con-
clusion that if they did put the
farm south of town Sunday, where
they were six o'clock dinner guests
of Mrs. Burns and son.
Paul Wagner and Ernest Nelson
attended the American Legion
meeting at Beifield Tuesday.
Several changes in positions took
place the first of March, Louic Hov-
land taking over the duties as jan-
itor at the town school building,
while his position at the garage is
being filled by Hank Olsen, who
was formerly employed at the Bei-
sen store. Harold Gilbert who for-
merly was Janitor has accepted a
position at the Standard Oil service
A1. Gilbert, who was seriously in-
jured in an auto accident Saturday
evening is somewhat improved at
this writing.
and dependability . . . the League
is appealing to Congress to mate
the White Stork . , . with the Blue
Eagle. They want to cripple the
faithful oi' bird . . . with a code.
And what a code! (1st) They want
to put the Stork on an eight-hour
day . . . and a two-day week. (~d)
No deliveries would be permitted
after 4p. m. and all deliveries would
be subject to approval by the Code
Administrator. (3rd) Not more than
three deliveries could be made .to
any-one home during a lifetime,
Stork under an N. R. A. code they'd
have a beck of a time trying to Mrs. W. J. Burps went to Dick]n-
prevent chiseling! An' personally, i son Tuesday to/have dental work
can think of a lot of Jobs I'd rather done. /
try than administering a Stork Cong~tulat~us to all the basket
Code. Maybe some of them Brain ball players ~n the Sentinel Butte
Trusters in Washington ARE as good Indel~nde~t/team who played such
as they're supposed to be . . . but a splendid~ame Saturday evening
I'd like to see one of them control lto win fir~ place in the tourna-
the baby industry.
"Trying to cramp the Stork's
style is like trying to break travelers
of the raylwarter habit. It just can't
be done !"
Charlie Kramer was a business
caller in Sentinel Butte last Thurs-
day morning.
Little Vida Smith was on the sick
list with a stomch ailment last week
and was absent from school.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Smith,
Charlie Kramer, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Ueckert, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zook
all attended the auction sale at the
Conrad Fakler farm Thursday af-
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kramer and
Roy Kramer attended the charivari
party of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Neudick
in Beach last Tuesday evening.
Ervin Ueckert, Roy Kramer and
Mr. and M~s. Bob I~'amer went to
Beach Thursday evening and were
present at Y. P. S. in the church
Mr. Floyd~ Wilson was an all night
guest of Erv~n Ueckert last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kukowski pleas-
antly entertained for friends and
neighbors last Friday evening at a
whist party. Whist was played at 5
tables. Those present were Mr. and
Mrs, Jim Hardy and son Robert,
Mr. and Mrs~ Ed. Kuvelowski and
son, Mr. and~ Mrs. Frank Dykins,
Mr. and Mrs Win. Ueckert and
family, Mr, ~ Mrs. Ernest Feld-
mann and daughters Irene and Ed-
mt and Fl~y~l Wilson. High score
prizes were won by Mrs. Frank Dy-
ktns and Floyd Wilson. Ervin
Ueekert and Edna Feldmann were1
honored by receiving the low scoreI
prizes. At a late hour in the even-;
ing a delicious lynch was served. InI
the early hours ~ the morning the
guests departed for their homes
thanking Mr. and Mrs, Kukowskl for
their delightful entertainment,
Mr. and Kramer. Mr.
Charlie and Mr. and Mrs.
Frank ~Were entertained last
at a party at the
and Mrs. I~ute Cor-
Joey Zook celebrated~ his
last Friday by treatin~ his
mates to a nice birtliday
Mrs. Everetts was pleasantly sur-
prised Thursday on her birthday
when several ladles dropped in on
her, with lots of good ea~s to help
her celebrate the occasion.
Mrs. Louise Hovlartd was ill with
a touch of the flu Sunday and Mon-
from a
in the
Kathleen Lemires,
Kermit ~hoen, John Boisen and Leo
Mrs, Margaret Lemires was ill
with the flu for several days last
L0uie Hovland, Al. Wosepka and
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wagner attend-
ed the fourth wedding anniversary
party for Mr. and Mrs. Wendei~
Nlstler at their home near Golva.
Walter Dixon returned Saturday
from Dlckineson where he spent
several days receiving treatments
for an infected tooth.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Burns and
children drove out to the Burns
Tom Wirtzfelt was a Sentinel
Butte business visitor Saturday.
Ed. Wosepka came up from Dick-
inson Friday to spend the week end
with the home folks.
Alex McLain had .as guests over
Friday and Saturday, Richard Ben-
nett of Bowman and Eddie Fisher
of Dickinson.
Here's one of the
the audit report of the
and elevator, just made
by the state board of
Two items in the
account" tell the story:
July 24, 1933, U. L. Fargo .................
Mentioning state mill
in nine public speeches at
Sept. 22, 1933, IT. L. Bur-
dick, Fargo .............
One-thind of traveling
es. Six speeches
state mill products.
Mr. Burdick is president of
North Dakota Holiday
tion, prominently mentioned
candidate either for the
supreme court or for
indorsed for the latter
the Langer controlled
san convention in Cass
for the place held by J. H.
One of our married friends
that he isn't bothered with a
lection of junk around his
any more because his wife
all away in the form Of o
Beauty rk
Permanent Specialty
Duart, Eugene $5.00
Oil Perm Ammonia, $7.00
The No More
Bea .irman
Over Rice's Drug Store Phone 76
We have The
here. A
of Van
Brunt drills on the
Lower Delivered Price
Ford V-8 F
N. Dak. ass
delegate last Saturday afternoon bY
the Anti-Langer Nonpartisans.
Wm. Ueckert was hauling oats to
Sentinel Butte last Tuesday and
Clyde Polly and Win. Ueckert
went to Beach Tuesday afternoon to
meet with the County Comml~ion-
era, they being appointed on a com-
mittee by the Sentinel Butte Civics
club to encourage the County Com-
missioners to get the grasshopper
poison this year on time or not at
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ueekert re-
turned home last Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Ueckert coming from Velva
and AI. from the Texas range. Both
announce a splendid vacation.
A. P. Kukowski of Georgetown,
Minn., but formerly a resident of
this section and well known to
many, came over to attend the fu-
neral of his old friend A. J. O~Keefe.
He looks Just the same and the old
friends were glad to see him, not
lest among them being the Advance
editor. We were glsd to have him
drop in.
In the face of generally rising commodities and automobiles Ford
dealers announce important in the delivered prices of aH
Ford V-8 Models. Now is the time buy the finest and most economically
operated car that Ford has ever
Don't miss the Fred Waring~and guest stars--Sundgy,
STANDARD ......$669.89
Deluxe Coupe.. "..l...I ....... V $710.80
Standard Tud, ]', lan ...i ..... i. $ 90.50
Deluxe Tudor I.... $731.40
Standard For,{,]: ...... .I.i...$741.80
For or .......... ,7V.. O
1311/ in. Clo{ed cab, platform truck $771.30
V-8 157 in. Closed cab, platform truck $811.60
Other Units Reduced In Same Ratio.
Johnson Motor