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March 8, 1934 Golden Valley News | ![]() |
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March 8, 1934 |
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Mrs. Reginald Woodhams left
~arly Saturday morning for Chicago
to make her future home. Her hus-
band has been in Chicago about
three months, after spending most
of last year near Golva where the
"couple met and were married, Paul-
ine, as her friends best know her
was tendered a surprise Friday
night at the home of her sister, Mrs.
:Frank Schouboe. The heavy rain
prevented many from attending
which was much regretted. HoW-
ever the evening was spent most
Pleasantly and a fine lunch served.
A silver collection was given the
bride with many best wishes for
their happiness. Mr. Woodham's
mother and sister reside in Chicago
and he also has a position there.
A. H. Kreitinger and family were
guests at the Frank Kreitinger
home SUnday.
Mrs. Glen Page entertained her
son Philllp and wife. Mrs. W. W.
Page and Miss Ruth Hong to a fine
Cl~kcn dinner Sunday.
M~m Edna Peterson was a guest
uf her sister Evelyn over night Sat-
Since it leaked out through the
:Mandan paper of the marriage of
l~rank Meeker, Frank and wife
llave been receiving congratulations
from theh. friends and of course the
USual treats are in order.
A lot of changes are being made
in the transaction of land this year.
?Many having to buy farms to get
a place to live.- It is reported Nick
Johnson has bought the Ed. Egan
farm, Jerry Smeltzer one of the Os-
car Johnson farms, Simon Schmitzz
a quarter near Burkey in 17. Oswin
~nitz has been farming the old
Egan farm and is looking for an-
other location. Alvin Sartz has
bOught the old Johnston farm north
of town.
Delphine Kreitinger has been on
the sick list the past week.
Miss Ruth Hong was shopping in
Beach Saturday with Mrs. A. M.
Mrs- Arley Hayden was honored
St a layette shower given by Mrs.
Ruth Denton and Mrs. Chas. Hay-
clen at her home Thursday after-
noon. The honoree received many
~eautiful and appropriate gifts. A
fine lunch was served.
The Jolly Thelen club met with
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Thompson Sat-
urday night and the usual large
~rowd attended with plenty of eats
and plenty of merriment. Floyd
~Wllson and Mrs. Ralph Samueis
~on high prizes.
As Belgium Buried Its Beloved Monarch
Flanked by an honor guard of steel-helmeted veterans [ dral, where last services he!d. Kings and princes
who fought under him in the World War, the remains [ from many lands mingma wire representatwes ox
of King Albert of Belgium are borne on a gun caisson ] republican governments in paying a last tribute t~
through the streets of Brussels to St, Guduls Cathe- [ gallant soldier-monarch. Photo radioed to New York.
County22 Years Ago
When B~ach was 5 years old.
Dr A. B. McNab of Sentinel
Butte left last Saturday on a busi-
ness trip to Chicago.
F. E. Near and Len Stockwell left
Wednesday for Minneapolis and
Sou~h Dakota points. ~o be gone
about sen days.
~hc local Commercial club en-
joyed a~.other of its get-together
~inners at the Callender hotel on
Thursday evening of last week. a
,%cod number of business men being
present and listening to addresses
by Prof. C. N. Nelson. States Attor-
ney Gallagher, J. W. Foley of Me-
dora and others. Nelson and Gal-
lagher spoke on the subject of agri-
cu'.tural cducation and the possibil-
ities of securing greater facilities for
its dissemination in the Golden
A fine bevy of young ladies were
born during the past week: Born
to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. R. Johnson.
Feb. 20th, a girl; to Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Jandt, Feb. 22. a girl; to Mr.
and Mrs. Mark Lovell, Feb. 27, a
girl; to Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Walde,
Lone Tree township, Feb. 28, a girl
and to Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Roberts,
Feb. 29, a girl.
How is this? Frank Schram, J.
M. Zimmers and Jos. Fischer re-
turned home from their trip to
Rygate, Mont., Friday. They looked
over the land in Musseishell valley,
where they intended to buy land,
but returned without making a deal
on account of the high price. Joe
Fischer said, "I made $2000 on that
trip to Montana." Asked Bill, "How
Mr. and Mrs. John Denton were
~3cach visitors Thursday.
L. E. Curl and wife returned from
Harlan, Iowa, Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schouboe
"went to Bismarck during the week
to oousult the occulist at the clinic
regarding a change in their little
~Iris glasses. Guy Curl who was al-
~so a Bismarck visitor returned with
them Thursday.
The Reach Review has been mis-
informed about Golva not asking
for federal aid in building a hall.
The voters will do their share and
it will not cost them much either,
lrat they want the same privileges
as others have. It will pep up our
little town and give us a fine place
for commUnity, gatherings which be-
before we have not enjoyed without
sitting in our cars or in the hot sun. did you happen to make the
Iet~Wi~, b~Mv°t~~0th and stake in such a short time?" Fisehbiegr
o" "7-P!U)gffether for the benefit revlied, "I raised my land $10 an
:re~o?~lll en.!oy a place for're- acre after seeing Musselshell val-
prou~f nu a building we may ~ ley, and that makes me $2000 rich-
L ~. Paue ~.~,,.,~a ~,^~ ' er." Bill said, 'Gee, t must go
Tr~. ~-age returned home Mon-r~there too."
~__ avin~fco"me froml*\: Win. Swan will go to Musselshell
~,~C~:A :~a ~rmay ancL staying over]A~iley Friday 0)
p2aY with h~ mother at Beach. ~?M A Finneman intends to go
~:lm~'much~'~mproved, lira" the real estate business this
stag in connection with
/ ""A ~ I~?--~W~,F.~I.-~." ["Away over in the eastern edge
~. ~. i-eterson ana y were N
/ hl -- . ~n anaI I a~y_ o~ 0rth Dakota, where the North-
r~wn early Monda Peter- iflo ^ ~ *,---
n wlan go Go a me
i : in from the
mcat ~(eXm~h~n ~e~ T:~a~wh~°~ ~ide, it became fashionable two
, ~een,~e~m_g.. ~n~ ~a ,... ~years ago to addre~ his excellency,
etere~ l~opmg~ Dr. ~wen Iraqi/ the ma-,or as "Your Hon~- ~-
~m serious~ ~ her condition ,, # .........
~t~. seri_ot~/~[~ a./ Lovell ---that being hie name of the
urdock Can~ n and family cit
~urdock Cal~Cre tlY*~r"I y executive then elected to the
~d Mrs_. Fra~ Davldson of B~ch Fargo job. That the thriving little
.Schmitz~ Mr. and Mrs./Pete[city of Beach--over here where
Thom o were train hu les a ously
g~ at s~ O'ClOCk dinne: at the I from Yates and the state line --
~Win ~tz home. // [should also have a Mayor Loveil,
ah~Y ~I)~gins and ~ntly were I had not become a definitely formed
S" ng~ Beach ~t~u'day. [ambition until the fact was given
race leaving ~ Mr. Ralph I out by Mayor Noble, this week, that
promoted to a lhe positively desired to retire from
and mov- I the political field. The Advance
to Forsythe. Mr. l has not asked permission of Mr
~vmItson was section foreman ~t]
and Marguerite K el-I
of g e.r were six o'clock dinner guests naarcella l~Ischer recently.
Harold Larson who has ~een at
the L. D. Page home during Mr.
Page's absence to Bismarck, return-
ed to Oolva Monday morning.
Fred Noll and wife and Mr. and
/Mrs. J. L. Tsehlda were guests at
the Matt Kraus home
Mr" and ~rs. Frank of
near Beach were callers in Golva on
~uday. Mr. and Mrs. Lachiar and
Mlaa Henrietta went out to the
Oerhardt Fischer home for a short
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Nichols, Mm
Me.bee of Plevna were Oolva
zueats of Duncan
on the farm.
Miss Grace M. Miller (Mrs. E. A.
Wleting) returned to Fargo on
Monday, after a visit here with her
brother, Marshall Miller and family.
After a short visit, at the Red River
Valley metropolis she will proceed
to Winona. which is her home.
Mrs. J. R. Delany of this city
passed away a~ about six o'clock
a. m. today in her room at the
hospital where she has been re-
ceiving medical care through several
weeks of painful illness. She was a
most estimable Christian wife and
mother, and a valued member of
the Eastern Star. being one of the
charter officers of the local chap-
ter recently organized here. Funeral
services will be held under the au-
spices of Beach Chapter No'. 70,
O. E. S.
Little Lloyd Lovell is gaining
nicely after his operation for ap-
pendicitis at the hospital last week.
A few folks from this vicinity a~
tended the Reyelt auction Wednes-
day. W. L. Blue purchased a mare,
and Win. McConkey a buggy and
a set of bobsleds. The snow ought
to go soon now!
Luther Hodgin attended the Roof
sale near Beach last week but re-
ports that he was unable to get a
look in owing to the prices which
prevailed among the bidders.
Judge Halliday, who has been
line riding the past winter, is now
located in J. A. Miller's law office
at Beach. where he is spilling ink,
and giving legal advice to custom-
With the death of the venerable
Paul L. Hawks. at his son's home
at Wibaux there passed from life
one of the most remarkable men in
Montana. Mr. Hawks was 99 years
old and was said to. have been the
only survivor of the Black Hawk
war, one of the most sanguinary In-
dians campaigns in the eventful
history of the west,
Miss Anna Tretter of Dickinson
has been a guest of the J. J. Bart-
ley's for several days.
Attention was called today by R.
B. Cummins, state NRA compliance
director, that the code for the rest-
aurant industry, which became ef-
fecttve February 26, establishes a
six-day week of not to exceed 54
hours for male empioyes and 48
hours for female employes,
Lovell to set his name before its
readers in terms of praise, but it UP YOUR FURNACE OR
shares in the opinion which it finds STOVE WITH
expressed in many quarters that he .~.~_~..~
would be a most capable man for
the position. 1 John Haigh, Sr. and his young
grandson, Bud Haigh, left for Osh-
kosh last TuesdaY.
Messrs. N. P. Reed, A. R. Thomp-
son and W. C. SchulZ represented
Beach at the meeting of North Da-
kota retail lumber dealers held at
Fargo this week.
William Barthel, one of our prom-
inent farmers, was in town Wednes-
day, looking after some busine~ af-
fairs prior to beg~ spring work
basket ball tournament at Beach on
Misses Marguerite Kreitinger and
Marcella Fischer took in the show
at Beach SatUrday night, while
Tony Kreitinger tooktn the basket
ball game.
This coal is mined from treas-
ure vein. We have installed
efficient machinery and are
capable of mining 200 tons
daffy. One load will convince
you that this coal
m any test may
Wisconsin Preas-- Who gets the
dollar that is spent for printing?
Analysis of disposition of the dollar
spent for printing shows that more
than 70 percent of It is paid for la-
bor, and remains at home to benefit
the butcher, the baker, the clothier
and every line of retail trade.
The dollar expended with the lo-
cal printer is of greater value to the
community than the dollar spent
for merchandise.
IThe local merchant who buys
printing outside of his own cora-
l munity is robbing his own cash reg-
ister. A good many retail mer-
chants need education along this
line. The only source from which
they will get this education is the
local newspaper.
It has taken years for people to
come to some understanding of the
fact that the tourist dollar, for in-
stance, is of direct benefit to the en-
tire community.
The dollar spent for printing is
the most loyal dollar in your com-
munity. Local merchants should no~
forget that~ fact.
Caucus we be--h-=/in"Lone Tree
Township ]][allfl~tween hours of
Two and ~/~P. M. Tuesday,
March 13. 1]~" _
~r. J. ~,
Mch. 15 Twp. Clerk
Welcome, l~odney Sheen'.
Lincoln Acrastlcs, seven
Thy Name We sing,
Reading, Hazel
Jlmmy's Dorothy
V~ra~smann, George
Musical Earl
Oorden Sl~e~,
Washington, Babcock.
Hippity Hop Bed,
Lincoln, Wamm~an~
Song, Alistot,
Jams, Shoen,
He HIS W~ord, thre
MUsical ' Selection, C~
Earl Alistot,
Fritchie, Stuil.
Yankee schooL.
O, My Captain,
I Closing Gorden S~mmI-
Contest,L All. .-~
I Ciosing, Musical Se]
] Allstot, ~ Sb~mm
Lyman Page who has been in
Bismarck the last two weeks came
back as far as Be~ch Friday, and
is expected home Monday.
Mrs. Tom Wosepka has been con-
fined to the house with a very bad
cold for the last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dletz and chil-
dren were Relfleld and Medora vis-
itors last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Torval Vleland, Mr.
and M~s. Harry Waasmann and Vic-
tor Renstrom %ook in the Oleson
sale near Wibaux last Saturday.
Harman Olstad was an over night
visitor at the Shoen home Monday.
Glen Page, Mr. and Mi's. Cross-
man. Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Shoen. Mr.
and Mrs. L. Babcock and children,
Fred Wassmann and son"Lloyd, Mr.
and Mrs. A. M. Peterson were in
Beach during last week.
Laurence LaMire spent Wednes-
day night at the Joe Dietz home.
Dell Howie hauled wheat for H.
Babcock Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Johnson en-
tertained the Garner Whist club on
had by all in spite of the
Mrs. ~len Page had as guests
dinner Sunday MrS. W. W.
and Mia~ Hong.
Mrs. who has been
her son for the
with her. It
have no
Friday evening, Five tables played led last week at
seven games, Mrs. Allatot receiving]daughter~ Mrs, Fred Mc~
ladles high, Mrs. Herman Wass-~ Mr. nd ~rs. A, M,
mann low, Viqtor Renstrom aud ] tended the Fakler sale
Mr. and Mrs. Joe ~~
dren visited Mrs. Dletz'
Sunday, Mr. and Mrs;
Mrs, Ray Marman re~ :
Saturday after spendlng
months in Beach.
Thr. Y era_r, to Bu|M
Approximately three Fear~ '!I!
qulred to build a
the navy. One year
prepare the plans
terlal preparatory to the
the keel; another y~ ela~
tmtil Monday tween the laying of tim k~
Mrs. H.P. Friday the launching of the v~i
Mt~. Glen third year
Edward from the ship before she is
spend the week commission.
Mr. and Ed. Shoen were Pale ,,--,,-,v.
callers at H.P. Cros~man home By a recent proceu,
produced which reflect
Mrs. George Stull visit 94 per cent of light,
For Good Meals
I 4
North Dakota"
Order in M~weh and ~.
Fruit trees, new kinds, ............ 25¢ each and up
Flowering budded .......... 18-24 inch, 25c each
Pixwell new ........................ ~ at 8~c each
Red Lake new, only .......... $1.5.0 per 1/'~ doz,
SPECIAL: Chinese Elm, 4-8 inch, not listed in 1954
price list. Order direct from this advertisement,
50 for 60c, p.p. Postpaid, $1.00 per 100, $3.00 per
500, $5.00 per 1000.
~'~ Club. No 100 .102
Pictorial Review, 1 yr. $2=00 ~athfind~((Wkly) 1 yr. S2.00
Radioland, 1 yr. The Cog~ntry Home, 1 yr.
THE BEACH ADVANCE, 1 yr. B~ ~er/Homes & Gardens, 1 yr.
[~] Club No. 1Ol ~' t/ Club No. 103 -
l~cCall's Magazine, 1 yr.
Woman's World, 1 yr. ~D, ~neator, 1 yr. g~flrl
Good Stories, 1 yr. $2.00 ~ ~e Confessions, 1 yr. "''''
The Farm Journal, 1 yr.
LJ Club No. 104
McCall's Magazine, 1 yr.
Woman's World, 1 yr.
[~ Club No, 105
Modern Mechanix &
Inventions, 1 yr.
Woman's World, 1 yr.
And your choice of any three (3)of ~ ~
these famous magazines for ............ ~g=•
Mark an "X" before the three magazines you desire
and enclose list with your order.
Better Homes & Gardens, lyr.
Delineator, 1 yr.
Hollywood Movie MUg., 1 yr.
McCalra Magazine, I yr.
Movie C1am~, I yr.
Fathfinder, (Weekly) 1 yr.
Review, 1 yr,
Open Road (Boys) 2 yrs.
~creen Book, I yr.
Screen Play, 1 yr.
True C'on~e~do~, I yr.
Radioland, lyr.
American Poultry Journal ~yr,
The Country Home, 2 Yrs.
The ~ Journal, 1 Yr.
Oapper's Farmer, 1 yr.
O~.ntlewoman Mag~ine, 1 yr.
Good Storie~, I yr,
Home Circle. 1 yr.
Household Magazine, I yr.
~ustrated Meclmaz~, 1 yr.
Mother's Home Life, 1 yr.
N~flecraft, I yr.
SuCCeSsfUl ~, 1 yr.
Woman'a World, I yr.
Check the papers you want, sign
name and address below, cut out the
entire advertisement and send to this
office with remittance.