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March 7, 2013
Golden Valley News
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North Dakotans agree that VAWA works
To the editor: children. It is the stories iike these women. My position was strength-
The week before last, during the that show just how this legislation ened when I discussed the law with
Senate's work period, I traveled the impacts not just women, but entire women in Indian Country during
state hosting six meetings regarding families, my tour. We agreed that the provi-
the reauthorization of the Violence I also heard from law enforce- sions in the Senate bill I supported
Against Women Act (VAWA). ment officials who repeatedlywill go a long way to stop violence
Ico-sponsoredandvoted for this praised the programs funded on our reservations. Currently,
bipartisan legislation because I through VAWA. In Fargo, Police tribal prosecutors cannot prosecute
know how absolutely imperative it Chief Keith Ternes said that if non-Natives on the reservation. For
is to North Dakota families. I am so VAWA is not reauthorized, he fears example, if a non-Native is travel-
pleased that the House'of Repro- that the progress we,have made in ing through a reservation and sexu-
sentativesthis week passed the Sen- combatting domestic violenbe will ally assaults someone, the tribe
ate version of VAWA, sending the be lost. In Grand Forks, University cannot punish them. It falls to the
reauthorization to the President for of North Dakota Police Chief Eric Department of Justice to prosecute,
his signature. This will be the first Plummer said that VAWA funding but the DOJ often lacks the re-
co-sponsored legislation to be is crucial to help educate college sources to consider such cases.
signed into law and I couldn't be students about dangers they could When a North Dakotan commits a
more proud, encounter, crime in Minnesota, Minnesota
My Violence Against Women This legislation is important for prosecutes the perpetrator. Under
Act discussions across the state all North,Dakotans, but particularly " the reauthorization, the same rules
helped reiterate why it is so impor- Native American women. Thank-will now apply to reservations.
tant for us to reauthorize this law." fully, the provisions I fought for While many people criticize the
During these meetings, I heard that give Native Americans the ineffectiveness ofFederalprograms,
emotional testimony from women same protections as non-Natives are VAWA worlds. In fact, VAWA has re-
who have experienced domestic vi- included in the reauthorization that duced the incidences of domestic vi-
olence. I~heard from one North passed both the Senate and House. olence by more than 50 percent.
Dakota woman who came back Women in Indian Country expert- This is real progress,but we can still
here from Montana with her two ence abuse at a very high rate and do better. Senate and House passage
children and what they could fit in our bill includes specific provisions of this reauthorizatiol~ is an impor-
their car, fleeing an abusive rela- designed to make them safer. I re- tant step in our efforts to reduce the
tionship. Because of VAWA, law peatedly said that I would not sup- instances of domestic violence.
enforcement ~vas able to stop her "port a VAWA reauthorization that U.S. Sen. Heidi Heitkamp
abuser from following her and her did not protect Native American Washington D.C.
Government needs tobe fed 'just enough'
To the editor: education supporters go off in the ier to do their job when the money is
I don't know about the rest of corner and pout "because they never tight and the odds are close to even
you, but whenever there is a super get enough money," human services Republicans to Democrats. When
majority in the North Dakota Legis- supporters have established another taxpayer money is in excess you
lature the atmosphere and basic constituency that desperately needs have normally responsible legisla-
philosophies go right down the tot-. millions more m tax dollars, local tors imply "You vote for my cocka-
let. political subdivisions want all the mamy idea and I'll vote for yours."
Examples would be the House property tax relief they can get be- Taxes and government are like
approval to buy a skiing lodge and cause it opens the floodgates at the oats and horses, if you feed the horse
speeding charges based on another other end with enough ill-gotten too many oats he just gets fat and
states' fines. In the Senate we seem money to build roads to heaven, and lazy and lays around. If you feed
to have an ongoing or continuing if you tripled the salary for the teach- him too little the horse weakens and
resolution just in case we have to ers and NDEA members they would has a hard time doing the expected
buy out the Higher Ed chancellor, still find some school district in Ara- job. The key is to feed the horse just
But it's just with the funny money bia that paid their teachers more. enough. It's better for the horse and
from the taxpayer. The key to this is to shut the better for whoever has to raise the
Couple.that with money stacked mbney off because it'is the root of oats.
in the hallways, we have a race to most political evil in North Dakota. Leon L. Mallberg
see who can spend it all. The higher Old legislators will tell you it is eas- Dickinson
MBI employees receive safety award
BISMARCK The North who have gone above and beyond Randy Davenport. MBI Energy
Dakota Safety Council (NDSC) re- to improve the safety~ and health en- Services - Belfield
cently recognized several North vironments in their communities. Kristy Goodall. MBI Energy
Dakota companfes that displayed Several industries, including Services-Belfield
exemlSlary safety performance transportation, construction, mining Clay Hull, MBI Energy Services
throughout 2012. during an arinual and oil and gas, were represented at - Belfield
awards banquet at the Bismarck this year's a'wards banquet. Brice Stegner, MBI Energy
Civic Center. Among the awards presented Services- Belfield
The NDSC's awards program is were: Joe Williams, MBI Energy Serv-
designed to promote incident pre- Outstanding Safety Instructor:ices-Belfield
vention by honoring companies Given to instructors or organiza-
with outstanding safety programs, tions who have taught at least 10
employees with superior safety courses or 150 students for the
records and North Dakota citizens North Dakota Safety Council.
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This is an example of one of two
Allison and Aaron Deutscher and
died on July 6, 2012, when their vehicle
BISMARCK - The North Dakota
Department of Transportation
(NDDOT) recently worked in part-
nership with Arleneand Tom
Deutscher.of Bismarck to bring
awareness to the deadly consequences
of drinking and driving.
The Bismarck family's message is
under way through a multi-faceted
safety campaign utilizing television,
radio, social media and billboards
across the state. In the safety message,
Tom and Arlene Deutscher discuss
how a tragic crash affected them on
July 6, 2012, when their son, Aaron
Deutscher, his wife Allison, their 18-
month-old daughter Brielle and their
unborn baby, were on their way from
West Fargo to a family gathering in
Bismarck. A drunk driver, traveling
the wrong way on Interstate 94, col-
lided head-on with their vehicle.
Everyone was instantly killed.
In the television public service an-
nouncement, Tom Deutscher relays
how they went from planning a fam-
ily reunion to planning a family fu-
neral. Arlene Deutscher relays the
experience of losing an entire branch
of her family tree. Tom Deutscher is
originally from Scranton, while Ar-
lene Deutscher is a native of Belfield.
"With too many tragedies such as
this happening in our state, the
NDDOT along with the Deutschers
have teamed up to launch a new cam-
paign to encourage people not to
drink and drive," Mark Nelson,
NDDOT Safety Division director,
said in prepared statement. "In 2012,
nearly 52 percent of fatalities could
have been prevented if Hey had made
the decision not to drive after drink-
ing alcohol."
Tom and Arlene Deutscher, and the
father of Allison Deutscher. Lynn
Mickelson of Colfax, plus other fam-
ily members and friends have also tes-
Dakota Growers Pasta Company, a subsidiary of Viterra has an
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St. John the Baptist Catholic
Rev. Dan Berg
Mass: Saturday 4. p.m.
Sunday: 10:2 0 a.m.
Golden Valley Manor Chapel
Pastor Ron Hudson of Calvary
Sundays: 6:30, Communion, first
Sunday in each month
St. Paul's Lutheran Church,
Rev. Scott Hojnacki
Sunday Worship: 10:15 a.m.
Sunday School: 11:15 a.m.
First Lutheran Church - ELCA
Pastor J.T. Burk
Sunday School: g:10 a.m.
Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m.
Beach Evangelical Church
Pastor Ben Baker
Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.
Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m.
St. Peter's Lutheran - LCMS
Rev. Scott Hojnacki
Worship Service: Sunday - 8 a.m.
St. Bernard's Catholic Church
Re~,. Bill Reulle
Saturday: Confessions 6-6:45 p.m.
Mass: 7 p.m.
Sunday: Confessions 7:30-8:15
Mass: 8:30 p.m.
St. John Ukrainian Catholic
Rev. Taras Miles
o Divine Liturgy: 8 a.m. on first,
third and fifth Sundays,
10 a.m. on second and fourth Sun-
Belfield Lutheran - ELCA •
Rev. ROger Dieterle .,
Sunday Schoo[)(all ages): 11 a.m.
Sunday Worship: 10 a.rn
Daglum Lutheran Church -
Rev. Roger Dierterle
(Located 25 miles southeast of
Sunday Worship: 11:45 a.m. on
first and third unday of each
Belfield Baptist Church
schedules "
brought to
you by."
types of billboards that are to go up in North Dakota this month.
their daughter, Brielle, and their unborn baby, of West Fargo;
was struck by a drunk driver on Interstate 94. (Courtesy
tiffed before legislative hearings, urg-"
ing North Dakota lawmakers to
strengthen the state's DUI laws.
The 60-second Deutscher safety
message can also be found on
NDDOT's Facebook page or on
YouTube at
"The Deutschers have made a bold
choice to take their tragedy and turn it
into an opportunity to save lives," said
Nelson. "The overall message we
want to get across with the Deutscher
campaign is that it's not worth it.
Don't drive drunk. It's that simple.
just don't do it."
Friends of the deceased West
Fargo family in recent months have
been organizing an awareness cam-
palgn now known as Run4Change.
On April 6. in an effort to accom-
plish a goal of bringing something
positive out of the tragedy and to help
change society's attitudes about drink-
ing ~ind driving, a Run4Change gath-
ering at Scheel's Arena. Farg9, will
feature 10K, 5K.and 1/2K events with
all proceeds going to the Fargo-Moor-
head Safe Communities Coalition.
Organizers say the event will have an
upbeat atmosphere with lixe music
and kids' activities so families can
come together with their community.
While family was the main priority
in the lives of Aaron and Allison
Deutscher. they were avid sports en-
thusiasts and being healthy and active
was also important to them, organiz-
ers of Run4Change say. Allison en-
joyed playing softball and running
Van or Bus Service
Billings County
Golden Valley County
Distance-Of 160 Miles
Rev. Robert Hlibichuk
Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.
Sunday Bible Study: 10 a.m.
St. Demetrius Ukrainian
Catholic Church
Rev. Taras Miles
Sunday Divine Liturgy: 8 a.m. on
second and fourth Sundays,
10 a.m. on first, third and fifth
St. Mary*s'Catholie Church
Rev. Dan Berg
Mass: 8 a.m., Sunday
Medora Lutheran - ELCA
Rev. Roger Dierterle
Sunday Worship: 8:30 a.m.
Sunday School: 3:30 p.m., Wed.
Union Congregational Church
June, July and'August only
Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m.
St. Mary's Catholic Church
No Mass from November through
half marathons. Aaron enjoyed play-
ing softball and soccer. Even 13ffielle
got in on the action as Aaron had been
teaching her how to kick a soccer ball.
Early registration/check-in can be
done from 7 a.m. to 4 p:m. in the
Scheels Arena lobby on Friday, April
5. Same-day registration/check in will
also be held on April 6, beginning'at 7
a.m., at Sheels Arena, followed by a
welcome program at 8 a.m. and then
the run and walk events.
People who didn't personally
know the Deutscher family ,may only
think of them as victims of a drunk
driver. But the organizers of
Run4Change say relatives and friends
of the Deutschers want people to re-
member the family as more than vic-
tims. that they were a young, loving,
giving and active family that should
be remembered for the many accom-
plishments they had and the lives they
More information regarding
Run4Change can found at, or at www.face-
Two spectacular
parcels of land con-
sisting of rolling native
prairie, tree-lined val-
leys, water pond ', and
picturesque views of
the Missouri River Val-
ley just north of rapidly
growirtg Bismarck,
ND! 440 acres total at
$5,000 per acre.
Contact Alan Butts
at 701-400-8858 or
Pifer's Auction & Re-
alty at 87%700-4099
or view at
Silvernale-Silha Funeral Home
Trinity Lutheran Church
Pastor J.T. Burk
Sunday Worship: 8 a.m.
St. Mary's Catholic Church
Rev. Bill Reulle
Confessions before Mass
Saturday Mass: 4 p.m.
Trotters Church
1 st and 3rd Sunday of each month
United Methodist Church
Pastor Ruth McKenzie
Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.
Calvary Temple, Assembly of God
Pastor Rees'e Stephans
Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m.
Sunday School': 9:30 a.m.
Trini_ty Lutheran Church -
Pastor J.T. Burk
Sunday Worship: 11:15 a.m.
Christian Fundamental Church
Pastor Jeremy Stradley
Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.
Sunday Worship: 11 a.m.
221 N. Meade Ave. 201 South Wibaux St. 53 1st Avenue S.E.
Glendive, MT 59330Wibaux, MT 59353 Beach, ND 58621
406-377-2622 or 406-796-2421 701-872-3232 or
1-800-368-2690 1-800-892-6424
Licensed In North Dakota and Montana
41 Central Ave. South
P.O. Box 970
Beach. North Dakota 58621