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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 7, 1935     Golden Valley News
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March 7, 1935
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't Miss The Ind Starting In The Beach H Tournament omorfOw Afternoon i,iqH E 4 I II THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF GOlDEN VALLEY CO~~AND THE CITY OF BEACH • i i ~1~ . IJ L( A . ,L i . BEACH, GOLDI~N V~ (X)UNTY. NORTH DAKOTA, ~'PHURSDAY. i!~ARCH' 7, 1935 ill Story Of High l INTERESTING TEACH- ERSMEETING HELD School Origin, Devel0pmenl GOLVA FRIDAY NAMED HOUSING CHIEF j i[-- [Sup't Dietz Holds Well At- tended Meeting IS 300 IH YEAR OF FENCE EllS I Teacher Tells Abou Early Days Of I Hi Schools [ 41 " I By Evea M. Pericie I In the Beach High School I hundred years ago Boston, I was a small strug- village, beset on by dangers and foea~lnd- threats of plagues, and intolerance. Yet her cit- one project "that at- only her own country, the world as well. • meeting, assembled on of April, 1635, a n~otion itati~g "that our broth- Pormont, s~all be en- become schoolmaster for a~i nourtertlUg of the child- zm.,, Accounts dO not tell Phflemon'~ response, Ex-G~)vernor Thomas H, MeDdle above, was early this week named state director for North Dakota by the Federal Housing Adm.nistratlor and will set up headquarters in Bis- marck immediately. All M~ic Service at S. led to believe that heI POMtlon. in August,[ E. Church March 10th inhabitants bf Be(ston,[ ~li be1 t forty-five,t The Methodist church choir, under to maintain aI the direction of Miss Fairchild, will present on all worsh:p service in for the Youth music next Sunday morning, March being now at the regular worship hour, 11:00 village ~::~le~ to be outdone by Boston, trios, anthems, vocal or Mr. William ,Wltherell to al music. Then you-are especially ~hoolmaster taking up hisI invited to attend this service. Pr~- August 8, 1636, Theset Easter messages will be brought humble beginnings markleach Sunday evening at 7:30 p. m. our system of secondary~ ~ uning Rext Sunday evening, in the United States today.i throughout the Lenten period. All Were probably about, are cordially invited to attend the gran~mar schools in New services, Rev. Osborne informs us. The idea of fzee public ed-I Wads not very popular in the and southern colonies whereI College, Teacheth Reading, Writing: tutors cared for the children Arethmatick, whole Numbers and landowners. Fractions, Vulgar and Decimal, the the Primary purpose of the Was to Prepare students for entrance, the : curriculum was tile Colleges. Control of the was unquestiom~bly eDuced- the right and duty of the Regardless of a student's life, he was compelled to' the SUbjects which.were r~ the ministery. Students to become lawyers or dec- REVIEW NUMBER 25 DINWOODIE OF A, Death Takes Two Senlinel C, TO AID WHEAT ALLOTMENT WORK Butte People During Week N E~P~A!"~A GOVERNOR Ill] P, S, GALLAGHER AND MRS, LESLIE PREMO PASS AWAY .ll. Both Were Well Known Residents Of Eastern G. V. Co. t[ Daring the past week death hal taken two residents of the Sentinel Butte community, striking last Wed. ---IL Fargo Man Is Recommendeff For Future Wheat Set-up f[ forward to another ad- program for wheat when three-year contract ex- wheat section of the Ag- Adjustment Administratior the services of Dr, J. state compliance to aid in developing the new effort. Dr. Din- to tile North Da. College extension for Washington Feb. :~I return early in March. I nesday when Mrs. Leslie J. Premo of the high degree of co.[ was stricken, and again Thursday F given the Agrlcult~ral Ad-[ when Patrick S. GaJlagher died sad- Administration in the pres.1 deniy that morning. : program by North Dakotat Mrs. Premo had been ill for a short while and was known to be the assistance of a rep-1 of the state in workingI in a precarious condition. Her pasain~ • regulations and contract] Recent portrait of R. L. Cochran. leaves a big gap in her circle, and was especially desired by[ Democrat, the new governor of Me- sincerest sym~pathy is extended to sect,s. North Dakota breaka, the bereaved husband and their one than 102,000 wheat con- -. child. now, a greater num.Local Auxiliary Entertains Alma Soph:a Premo was born iu Sioux Falls, S. D. Aug. 1, 189e, and other state. It is esti-t Beifield Groups At Party was ~s years old at the time of her more than 95 percent oft -It. wheat producers hold z mark unequaled by any Last Wednesday evening in the hal! death. She was the wife of Lentils of St. John's church a very delight J. Premo who farms near Sentinel ful entertainment was given to the Butte Funeral services were held on Belfietd American Legion and Aux. last Saturday from Sentinel Butte iliary. The evening's entertainment with Rev. E. T. Anderson of Beach was opened by a welcome address officiating. The last rites were largely by Ernest Nelson, commander of the attended and a great number of Harley Salzman Post of Beach. floral offerings signified the high es- couples from Belfield attend- teem in which Mrs. Premo was heir were dur:ng the bY all who knew her. Mariners Art, Pla:n and Mercators Way; Also Geometry, Surveying, the L~tin Tongue, and Greek and He- brew Grammers, Ethicks. Rhetorick, Logick. Natural Philosophy and Met. aphysicks, all or any of them for a Reasonable Price." "* * * that they learn those things that are likely to be most useful and most ornamental. The English language might be taught by grammar; iu which some Last Week A very instructive and interesting meeting was held in the Golva con- sol'dated school last Friday afternoon at 2:00 p. m. The meeting was called by County Superintendent Herman F. Dietz. A plan was submitted for campaign against the housefly and teachers were enlisted to cooperate ~n ridding the home of these pests. A practical plan was given for the construction of an economical and simple home made fly catcher, that could easily be made by school child. ren. Superintendent Dietz asked the teachers for the irsuggestions as to the kind of events they would be inter. 'eared in for a County Play Day. In addition to the regular athletic sched- ule seholastic and declamation feat, ares were suggested. At some later date a committee of teachers will be~ f~J selected to help plan the program for the the annual play day. to be held in ~aa May some time, I. Q. Perkins. relief director, gave some interesting facts about hot lunches and school pro~tems in gen- eral, and Miss LudmiIl& I~ad~k also ~poke interestingly in reg~T{I to, hm lunches, fololwed by a general dl~ cusssion of the idea. ent~h., e following ~nd, Buck, Viola Mogle, Nelson, ~velyn loaned by the to supervise the compliance work. with problems of wheat producers and of the regulations the pre~ Inn, Gladys Halstead. Doris Bacon to ~the wheat section in develc MeCloud receiving consolation for .was therefore 51 °Ethel Krause. Nellie Irons, Evelyn the 1936 program, the extension ser. the ladies, and AI Gilman receiving of his passing. His wife and Hanne~ld. and Cecelia Miller. q~ ST. PATRICK'S DAY PROGRAM PLANNED BY MEN'S GUILE; Plans for a St. Patrick's Day pro- gram by the Men's Guild of the St. John's Parish are being developed as rapidly as poss:ble. Committees are enthusiastically busy with prepara- tions and give promise to make the affair enjoyable to those who attend. A card party in the evening, most likely. Dinner at six, certainly. Question !s: Who will furnish the music IHi IMPROVING RAPIDLY II Howard Hess. of Sentinel Butte. who has been seriously ill with pneumonia, has passed the critical po!nt in his illness and is well on vice believes. TOURNAMENT DANCE AT LE- GION HALL SATURDAY NITEI were served after which dancingwa~ [the diversion for the remainder of The local American Legion announc the evening. es that there will he a dance at the lilt, Legion Hall in Beach Saturday nightI KENNETH ALTON APPOINTED this week. with dancing to start im-I NEW BEACH CITY AUDITOR mediately after the close of the bas-] ~-ll-- ketball tournament at the high At the regular meeting of the city school , Bill's Rhythm Boys of Bel-i council Monday night a new city field ~have been secured to furn!sht auditor was appointed, Jess Hougen the music ,and a gOOd time is upper- having resigned in order to accept ently in store for all who attend, a position with the submarginal ,~ I land office in Medora. There was a Butte" FINE CASH PRIZES large number of applicants for the head prize and Clarence Thompson small children survive him. l~uneral !consolation for the men. After the services were held Monday from • card playing, delicious refreshments the Catholic church in Sentinel Butte with Roy. Fr. W. F. Hake officiat- ing. An unusually large number of floral offerings were In evidence at the funeral as mute testimony of the high regard in which "Pat," am he was familiarly known to all, was held. Out of town relatives who at- tended included his brother, a Chl. cage dentist, tie was a printer for many years and was the linotype o1~ erator for the Review for Several°, rears when it was located at Sentinel Deepest sympathy Is extended the --.ll--- vacancy, with Kenneth Alton finally bereaved widow and children. Roy Noyes of the Cozy Care an- being des!gnated as the new auditor, ~- nounces that he will again give $5 assuming his duties .immediately. .till U~ the team winning first place in His friends congratulate him on his RONALD JOHNSTON WEDS the basketball tournament here this good fortune. also wiil i,-e ,:; ,,, ....... ...-...HllW/i:Y, MINNESOTA.,,.r.m weekend. and he ~PPrenticed themselves to some that profession and thus did ;nter the public school. Later~ Schools gave training in bank-t industry, and commerce. from the journals of the x'illages in the years Carry the following informa- to the aim and scope of the SChool: "* * * places of Latin, Greek, writing, and • * * to teach English and to h's (the master's) of our-best wz.iters . . . should be the road to recovery, although still to the team winning second place GEGELIA ENOERLE WEDS classlcs. * * * If history be made a confined to bed. He is under the both of these be ng added induce- "-"-~J~ cons,a., ,,a,t ,,f their ,o.ding .leers of .r. Lyons. merits to other ,,o,,' oo MAUSTON, WISCONSIHJohnstonLaSt week marrtedWednesdaYat Giendiv,,R°uald ~' a Y 1] O * all ~, 1, d ~ O [ 11~ ~ [ul kl,~,~, t . ,,],. " ........ ' ' [ , ................ MAN was ledge be that way introduced to ad-I A baby girl was born to Mrs, P. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Op!and of Dick- 1[ i~iont., to Bernice Omberg of ~'antage? * * * though all should natjF. Wycoff of Sentinel t~ut~,~ ],':'iday. inson were in Beach on business last Announcement has Just been made[ Hawley, Minnesota. their wedding' be compelled to learn Latin. Greek I They named the infant Lyh, George. Friday afternoon of the marriage of Miss Cecelia]coming as a surprise to their mauF or the modern langu,~ges, yet none~ , , .., ~ :_:,~ Enderle of this cty to James E. Bell i friends here. Miss Omberg has been that have an ardent ~esira to lea~] -- - of Mauston, Wisconsin. They were a recent visitor at the Johnston home, them should /be refnsed. * * * i~e married in Baker nearly two months but they stole a march last week on history of commerce, or the invert- ago by Rev. Phillipl of that place, their friends. .stealing away quietly for the cere. tlon of arts. rise of nlanufacture,~, progress of trade . . . the principh,~ of that art by which weak men per. form such wonders, labor ;s saved and manufaetures expedited, * * °~ that benignity of mind which . . . and their (the pupils') ca- * * * That the scholars be~ [hel~Seives at all times, espec- t sChooltime, with dUe rever~ o the:r master, and with so- is the foundation of what is called and quietness among them- good breeding * * * true merit . . . without fghting, quarreling,~ as consisting in an inclinat'on. Joined another any bad names, or with an ability, to serve mankind. names in cursing, taking one's country, friends, and family." of God in vain. or other -. * * for the purpose of instruct- obscene, or corrupt speech- ing Youth, not only in English and if any do, that the master Latin Grammar, Writing, Arithmetic give them due correction, and those Sciences wherein they are certain number of gentlemen commonly taught: but more espec- education, together with tally to learn them the g:reat and the reverend ministers of real business of living," n, to be inspectors of the ,,* * * the coUrSe of education * * *" . should be adapted to youth in gen- That Where any town shall in- eral, whether they he intcn(led for to-the num~ber of one hundred civil or commercial life. or for the householders, they shall learned professions. The Town Is grammar school, the mast- w~lling that the estate ~iven for the being able to instruct support of a Grammar School in the so far as they may be fitted, Town of Hadley he employed . • • ty * * *', for the support of an Academy in .. t learning an~t per, the Town of :Hadley. POSterity; dreading to Opened sChoot,~c0ueistfng the firs: illiterate ministry to the day of about 30 mt~~e~- Afterward • they. ~zlcreased (o TO a~d 80 * *" our .~reaent ministers It~.js icnorance 7 to 20 years of ! monY. Thursday of last week Ce- celia left by train for Mauston tc, Join her husband, who had preceded her there some time before. Cecol:a is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Enderle of this city and has lived here for many years She Is well known to many '~,,re. and all of her friends unite in wishing the newlyweds the £ultest in marital happiness. Mr, Bell I~ employed with the M lwaukee rail- ~-oad at Man,ton, where they will Ronald is the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Johnston residing northeast of Beach, and has l~ved here practically all h~s life, being a graduate of the bocal schools and welt known to many people in Beach and the surrounding territory. They expect to take up their re~ idence on a farm just east of the Edgar Johnston place. Last Thursday night a large group of friends dropped in on them at the Edgar Johnston home,, the party be ing in the nature of a charivari, and make their future home. Iiil a royal time was enjoyed. Lunch was INSTITUTE FOR CHURCH served late in the evening and all WORKERS STARTS MONDAY departed wishing the newlyweds at An institute for all church woTkers will be held at the United Brethren church in Beach on next Monday March II, beginning at two in th~ afternoon and continuing through until Tuesday noon. March 12, This Ine~lt~te w ll be led by Bishop I. D. W'arner of Portland, Oregon. Bishop Warner is an expert on this the Review this week replaced ;ta lin~. Delegations from O!lte, mat casting equipment with a dandy ,~l~ha and Tr tt~ rs v~ a:~t ~p-to-date casting box; and at the m~etings are open to ~auie time installed a- new electric saw-trlmmer. The' new"equFpment sorts of nuptial bess. They were again called on by another group o~ friends on Friday night. llil REVIEW INSTALLS FINE NEW SHOP EQUIPMENT In line with, its progressive :policy, Wily ~[urther f~cllitate this tYDe~;~of: in :the ~Revtew office; ~tl~t • :d~d :eaU be"gr~ handled. public • ~HII---- .... of OolCg I~