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March 6, 2014 Golden Valley News Page 5
They keep promising that the
weather will warm up. Next week.
It's always next week. I mean, my
phone gives me a forecast for 15
days out. And since the first of De-
cember, next week is going to be a
lot warmer. I suppose eventually they
will get it right.
Now, I am getting an occasional
complaint when I miss an article in
one of the papers. I am just here to
tell you that sometimes, well maybe
usually, it is my fault. But some-
times, I get the article written, send
it off, and it is destined to wander
around in cyberspace, or telephone
lines, or wherever bad stories go
when they die. If you are reading this
article today, it got there. If you are
not, it didn't.
I was looking at the used hay that
is building up in our pens and on the
feed ground where we are wintering
cows and I got to thinking about
cleaning pens. Shirley says I should
Hat Tips
By Dean Meyer
never think, but I couldn't help it.
And then I started thinking about the
year Shirley helped me. There are
two things that Shirley is not pretty
good at. She's real poor with a rope.
I mean, she is really, really bad. And
she's not a real good mechanic. She
can operate most machinery, with a
quick lesson, but she's poor at re-
pairs. Pretty good grease monkey
One year she rented a Bobcat. No,
not an animal. A skid steer,loader.
She was cleaning out some sheds,
spreading a little gravel, hauling a lit-
tle garbage. Just kind of odds and
ends. Fall kind of stuff. Stuff that in
December, if you don't do it, you
wish you had.
She had been on the Bobcat for a
couple of days, and I was running the
loader tractor. The loader tractor has
cab and air. The Bobcat has no cab,
and fresh air. It was a hundred and
something with about a thirty mile
per hour wind. I watched her dump-
ing that dry manure out. No matter
which way she dumped it, it would
blow back in her face. I felt sorry for
her and turned my air conditioner
down a notch.
Now, every year, for forty some
years, I have tried to keep the excite-
ment in our marriage. I am con-
stantly looking for something to keep
that "spark" alive. And as I watched
her working hour after hour in that
hot sun. With that fine dust blowing
up all around and through that ma-
chine, I had an idea.
So, armed only with my quick wit
and loud voice, I did it. I climbed up
on the back of the Bobcat while she
was working away. I reached in,
grabbed her neck and screamed. Talk
about keeping spark in a marriage!
She can still get pretty excited!
Applications being accepted for specialty crop grants
The North Dakota Department ofinvesting in specialty crop research, gram/specialty-crop-block-grant-
Agriculture (NDDA) is now accept- enhancing food safety, pest and dis- program.
ing applications for 2014 Specialty ease control and development of Applications must be submitted
Crop Grants. local and regional food systems," he in electronic form by 4 p.m., Friday,
"Projects that promote the pro- said. "Projects that directly benefit May 23, 2014. An external review
duction, processing and use of spe- specific, commercial products or committee will review and score the
cialty crops in the North Dakota are profit a single organization, institu- applications. The successful applica-
eligible for these grants," said Agri- tion or individual are not eligible." tions will be forwarded onto the
culture Commissioner Doug USDA defines specialty crops as USDA for final approval. The grants
Goehring. "Organizations, institu- "fruits and vegetables, tree nuts, will be awarded in late fall/early
tions and individuals are encouraged dried fruits and horticulture and winter.
to submit proposals on their own or nursery crops." Specialty crops In the past, the maximum grant
in partnerships." grown commercially in North amount was $100,000, but Goehring
Goehring said delayed passage of Dakota include dry beans, dry peas, said the possibility of increased
the 2014 Farm Bill means the lentils, potatoes, confection sun- funding from AMS means larger
amount that USDA's Agricultureflowers, grapes, honey and various grants may be possible. Projects
Marketing Service will award North vegetables, funded by the grants must be corn-
Dakota for the grants is not yet Goehring said an information pleted within 18 months.
known, manual with application instructions, For further information, contact
"Eligible applications include de- scoring criteria and an application NDDA's Specialty Crop Grant Ad-
veloping new and improved seed va- template can be found on NDDA's ministrator Emily Edlund at (701)
rieties, reducing distribution costs, website: 328-2191 or
Applicants sought for State Board of Higher Education
BISMARCK - Individuals inter-The SBHE is the governing body ate, Speaker of the House of Repre-
ested in serving on the State Board for the North Dakota University sentatives, President of the North
of Higher Education (SBHE) are System, which includes the state's Dakota Education Association, and
tional Quilters' Day activities planned
BISMARCK - The public is in-
vitedtoaday of individual and fam- All events, except for quilting classes, are
ily activities on Saturday, March 15 free and open to the public. They are spon-
commemorating National Quilters'
Day. Quilt 'tilYou Drop! events will sored by the State Historical Society of
take place from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. at North Dakota and the Capital Quilters of Bis-
the North Dakota Heritage Center,
located on the state capitol grounds marck,
in Bismarck.
All events, except for quilting Martha Downs, Deb Long, and open to the public at the North
classes, are free and open to the pub- Jenny Yearous. A small registration Dakota Heritage Center from Satur-
lie. They are sponsored by the State fee is required. For information on day, March 15 through Sunday.
Historical Society of North Dakota registration, visit www.ndcapi- March 16.
and the Capital Quilters of BiN- or call the State His- Since 1981, the Capital Quilters
marck, torical Society at (701) 328-2099. have participated in numerous quilt
The event will feature classes, During Open Sewing throughout shows,displays and demonstrations.
open sewing opportunities, and a the day, quilters are welcome to The group has also featured quiltsin
quilt show. Capital Quilters of BiN- work on their own projects sewing several exhibits at BAGA and the
marck will conduct quilting classes projects or finish a class project. Bismarck Veterans Memorial Public
from 9:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. with Spaceis limited, so registration is re- Library, and sponsored many quilt
their quilting instructors including quired. Aquilt show showcasing tal- shows. They also host Quiltfest in
Michelle Ripplinger, Alice Schott, ents of the Capital Quilters will be late October.
Program can now cover area corn growers
USDA Farm Service Agency State counties in westem North Dakota was counties. The application deadline
Executive Director Aaron Krauter approved to allow the use of NAP for the 2014 NAP coverage for all
says non-irrigated corn for grain has coverage for non-irrigated corn for non-insurable spring planted and for-
been added as a covered crop under grain beginning with the 2014 crop age crops, including grass for hay and
the 2014 Noninsured Crop Disaster year. Counties approved for the pol- grazing is March 17, 2014.
Assistance Program in some North icy change are: Adams, Billings, Interested producers can apply for
'Dakota Counties. Coverage under Bowman, Burke, Divide, Golden Val- coverage at their local FSA office.
NAP is equivalent to the catastrophic ley, McKenzie, Slope and Williams. Additional information on NAP and
risk protection level of crop insur- Crop insurance through USDA other FSA programs can be obtained
ance. Risk Management Agency cannot be from local FSA offices or online at
A request for an exemption in nine purchased for this crop use in these
Higher rates of STDs reported in North Dakota
Dakota Department of Health
(NDDoH) is reporting an increase
in the number of confirmed sexu-
ally transmitted disease (STD)
Cases of gonorrhea and syphilis
have risen, according to Lindsey
VanderBusch of the Division of
Disease Control at the NDDoH.
Statewide data show that the num-
ber of cases of syphilis has risen
from 15 to 24 since 2012. The
number of cases of gonorrhea has
increased from 340 cases to 471
cases since 2012.
People at risk for STDs include:
• young people ages 15 to 24
who are sexually active
"We wanted to raise the issue with
providers to make sure members of the pub-
lic are getting diagnosed and treated appro-
Lindsey VanderBusch
in their early stages with antibi- see many instances of certain sex-
otics. If left undiagnosed and un- ually transmitted diseases and may
treated, STDs can eventually cause not recognize some of the symp-
serious complications, including toms they see as being caused by
sterility or even death. For those an STD. We wanted to raise the
who may not be able to afford issue with providers to make sure
health care, "there are clinics and members of the public are getting
several local public health units diagnosed and treated appropri-
across the state that can provide re- ately," said VanderBusch.
duced or no-cost testing and treat-
encouraged to submit applications 11 publicly supported colleges and Chief Justice of the North Dakota • people with multiple sexual ment," VanderBusch said.
for appointment to the board, an- universities. The board is com- Supreme Court. . partners One of the major hurdles with
nourtced,Kirsten Baesler, nominat- prised of seven members who serve Applications must be received no • people who use condoms in- treating STDs is not only treating
ing committee chairman, four-year terms, one student mem- ~l, ater,Lhan 5.:00 P,m, DO M0pday~w,c°nsistently .... the patient, but also treating their
"~ The vacancies will, be createcl'"'ber", a nola-Voting'faculty adVisor March 10,2014 and must include a'~ • people who have anonymous Those who may
when~hd terms of current board and a non-voting staff advisor, rfsum6 and supporting references, sexual partners be relh~f~/nt t6 ~ek ~reatment be-
members Kirsten Diederich, Fargo; Current SBHE members are Terry Applications for the vacant position • people who are sexually active cause of privacy concerns should
and Duaine Espegard, Grand Forks Hjelmstad, Minot; Don Morton, may be obtained online or via re- and infected with HIV understand that testing, treatment
suppo your
local merchants!
expire June 30, 2014. The nomi- Fargo; Kathleen Neset, Tioga; Karl quest to Baesler. Online, go to North Dakotans can reduce their and notification of partners is all
nating committee will meet at 1:00 Reichert, Bismarck; and Grant risk of being infected with an STD done confidentially. According to
p.m. in the Office of the Chief Jus- Shaft, Grand Forks; Devon Hof-n53472.pdf for an application or to by: VanderBusch,"programs are avail-
tice of the North Dakota Supreme farth, student member, Mayville; • abstaining from sexual activ- able to ensure those who are diag-
Court onApril 1,2014 and will for- Doug Munski, non-voting faculty struct/instruct53472.pdf to review ity nosed and their partners are tested
ward three nominations for each va- advisor, Fargo; and Janice Hoffarth, the list of nominee considerations. • having only erie non-infected and treated approPriately."
sexual partner The NDDoH is contacting
Cant position to the Governor's non-voting staff advisor, Grand Direct requests may be made to
Office. Any board member ap- Forks. KirstenBaesler, Department of Pub- • using condoms consistently physicians throughout the state to
pointed by the governor must be In addition to Baesler, the nomi- lic Instruction, 600 East Boulevard with every sexual encounter remind them to be aware of peNNi-
confirmed by the 2014 North nating committee consists of the Ave., Bismarck, ND 58505-0440 or Syphilis, gonorrhea and ble STD exposures when they see
Dakota Senate. President Pro Tempore of the Sen- by phone at (701) 328-4572. chlamydia are more easily treated patients. "Some physicians do not
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Demographic Plan Meeting of
Belfield Public School
Notice is hereby given that a public meeting
of the Board of Education, Belfield Public School
District #13, Belfield, North Dakota, will be held on
Thursday, March 13, 2014 at 6:00 P.M. in the high
school gymnasium. The purpose of the meeting is
to invite the public to participate in a planning
process addressing the effects that demographics
might have on the district in the ensuing three-year
and five-year periods.
By order of the Board of Education
Belfield, North Dakota 58622
Alice Berger, Business Manager