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Beach, North Dakota
March 6, 2014     Golden Valley News
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March 6, 2014
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March 6, 2014 -- Golden Valley News Page 3 Develop a positive attitude toward change B Recently I watched a fantastic movie written by Danny Strong and directed by Lee Daniels titled "The Butler." Initially, I wanted to watch the film simply because it starred so many of my favorite actors and ac- tresses. The movie, inspired by a true story, tells of a White House butler who served seven American presidents over three decades. The film traces the intense changes that swept American society during this time, from the Civil Rights Move- ment to Vietnam and beyond, and how these events affected this man's life and family. Several days after watching the movie I started to contemplate how I handle change. Do I embrace it or do I run from it? Inevitably change occurs and affects us all in different ways. Sometimes it is dramatic and drastic. For others it could be as easy and welcoming as a sunshiny day. Change is constant; it is one of the great constants of the universe, nothing is as it was a moment ago. For many, change is a terrifying word, it evokes fear and uncertainty. Others thrive on it - seeking it out whenever they feel like their lives Beef Talk By Kris Ringwall Beef Specialist NDSU Extension Service Change is con- stant; it is one of the great constants of the universe, noth- ing is as it was a moment ago. are too mundane. Whether you love or loathe change, you have to face it. The fact is, you will have to deal with change in your life, but how you deal with it is all up to you. Over the years I've come to real- ize you can find positive in every circumstance. Take a look at a changed situation. What is good about it? What can you learn from the incident? What can you learn about yourself? Adjusting your atti- tude can change a lot. It's not easy - I certainly know that first hand - but it's possible. When you're faced with a difficult situation, look for the positive. It's there. Sometimes you might have to look a little harder, dig a little deeper, but you are sure to find it if you merely look. Unless you have been living under a rock, you will know imme- diately of the significant change that we are experiencing across this great state of ours. Change in our economy, property tax, population, landscape, environment, and the list goes on. In what way have you been affected? Acknowledging change as a process of empowerment will help ease the pain of any kind of transi- tion. Attempt to be open minded to the change that is all around us. I en- courage you to be willing to learn the lesson this change has in store. Accept change as an extraordinary positive force in your life. I leave you now with a quote from Charles Darwin -- "It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most re- sponsive to change." (Nunberg is the Beach city audi- tor and is the president of the North Dakota League of Cities. She writes this column for the City Scan maga- zine.) A new motivation for the obese to skinny-Up With the fat and obese people being the fastest growing group in America, discussion of their condi- tion has become politically incor- rect. By that, I mean any politician expecting victory down the road can't afford to offend this burgeon- ing group. More than one-third of U. S. adults are obese. When they become the majority, the slim will be re- quired to eat carbohydrates. How- ever, we can't sweep obesity under N.D. Matters By Lloyd Omdahl budget hawks sided with costly obe- sity and lobbied for modification of the healthier school menus. If the kids don't like healthy gov- ernment-subsidized lunches, per- haps they should bring their own peanut butter sandwiches to school. That's what many of us did in the person's body is the temple of the Holy Spirit so we should honor it. But what good is grace if you can't be obese? So where do we go from here? Thus far, nothing has slowed the re- lentless expansion of obesity. As a last ditch effort, my proposal is to try taxes. We have used the tax system to foster economic development, to fight urban blight, to help the needy, to encourage charitable giving, ad mng: Early discussions of animal breeding and selection always grouped producers into three types, which were the breeder, multiplier and commercial producer. Generally portrayed as a pyra- mid, the base represented the large group of commercial producers who are in the business of producing products for the consumer. These producers would obtain breeding stock from the second level within the pyramid. The second level represented those producers who specialized in expanding the population of breed- ing males and females. Their princi- ple source of income was selling sires and replacement females to the commercial producer. As a general rule of thumb, commercial produc- ers would neuter all male offspring and, in some cases, even sell all the female offspring. As one would climb the pyramid, the top represented the elite breed- ers, those breeders who offered breeding stock to seedstock produc- ers for propagation. Our agricultural friends use the same process be- cause crop producers may be in- volved in or have access to breeder, foundation, registered or certified seed. At the top of the pyramid is crop breeder seed, which is the product of an intense selection regime that commonly is referred to as the first generation. The seed is kept under close supervision to allow for ap- propriate regeneration to assure a source of the seed. As the seed is further prepared for distribution, foundation seed is produced or maintained to assure adequate preservation of the genetic traits and associated purity of the seed. As a genetic line of seed expands to commercial production, just like As one would climb the pyramid, the top represented the elite breeders, those breeders who offered breeding stock to seedstock producers for prop- agation. commercial production, certain pro- ducers become certified seed pro- ducers to produce certified seed. These producers go to great efforts to assure certifying agents and their customers that they have met a sat- isfactory expectation and their seed contains the genetic traits the origi- nal breeder desired to offer to the in- dustry. There is the assurance that the seed is pure and not significantly modified from the original stock. This process has been going on for more than a century in livestock and plants with the expectation of producing copious amounts of food to feed people. As beef producers, the process is not as structured as the system of genetic improvement and imple- mentation that our agricultural friends have honed. Nevertheless, the process still is with us. What is it? Breed associations and expected progeny differences (EPDs). vide food for people. As cattle producers shop for those genes, it is easy to see what cattle or sires have the needed DNA. In contrast to the agricultural indus- try's structured process for certified seed, bull buyers depend on breed associations. Both processes work well. Breed associations derive from their data sets the EPD values that bull buyers need to have the assurance that the genes they want are present. Mean- while, if one reads the tag on a seed bag, the tag tells the producer what is in the bag. At the Dickinson Research Ex- tension Center, we read tags. We know what is in the bag or, in this case, under the hide. The current Simmental tag says birth weight 2.2 pounds, weaning weight 78 pounds, yearling weight 109.9 pounds, mar- bling score 0.07 and rib-eye area 0.99 square inch. The Red Angus tag reads birth weight minus 0.5 pound, weaning weight 61 poun~ls, yearling weight 104 pounds, marbling score 0.43 and rib-eye area 0.38 square inch. As a commercial user of bulls, the center needs to have access to data to find the genetics desired to meet the center's goals. Breed asso- ciations provide and meet that need. Just like our farming friends, with proven bulls or certified seed, it pays to read the tag. May you find all your ear tags. Please support your local the rug. It is a major health crisis so old days. Taxpayers shouldn't have infinitum. Just about anything can cattle, there needs to be a level of A breed association is a group of be accomplished with the right tax we need to weigh in, whether it is to subsidize both ends. , production that focusses on the dis- breeders who take seriously the re- politically correct or not. Embarrassment: This hash tpolicy, tribution of the traits unique to the sponsibility of exploring, finding Instead of basing taxes on m Obesity is costing $150 billion worked because there aren't mirrors - seed and provides assurances that and propagating genes. Those genes, come, we should base it on the Body annually in medical expenses. For at grocery check-outs and fast food " those traits are maintained and organized strands of DNA and re- [ ABBREVIATE NOTICE ] Mass Index The tax should be individuals, obesity runs $1,500 troughs to deter poor eating habits. . available in the purchased seed. ported as EPDs, guide breeders and [ OF INTENT TO AMEND ] graduated with higher rates falhng higher than for those of healthy Besides, everybody is doing it; obe- . Thus, the production of regis- seedstock producers to produce cat- ] ADMINISTRATIVE I on those with the hxghest BMI A weight. Taxpayers end up paying a sity is popular and acceptable, so " tered seed, which is seed that is the tie that fit the current needs of the ] RULES I relating to N.D.A.C. I tax graduated m this manner would good chunk of the bill. why be embarrassed? . . . progeny of foundation seed and commercial producer. Thus, theI Chapters 75-02-02 I In North Dakota, 30 per cent Fear: Medical research has - bears a high probability that the genes are available for commercial I Medical Services J curredPaY fOrbythethehlgherh ghestPUbhCBMisCOStSThatln t..u tal OtUU HtO Uta,,, U tU ,..- ,, Ca O --mot have too much body mass, a250per demonstrated that obese folks are • goals of the original breeder are met. production to work within the ex- I' North Dakota ' centunlessinCreaSeweSinCecurb1990.this escalating heartm°redisease,likely stroket° contractand somediabeteS'forms ceivedW°uld- tax.jUStifY ]t as a benefits-re- Still not at the volume needed for tended industry and ultimately pro- 1" l)--epartment [] crisis, my projections suggest that of cancer, any one of which will Of course, there will be cheating. Iof Human Servicesl by 2050 'there won't be enough cause them to die prematurely and Some will 10se weight temporarily /r r, l I n rn,-,riD /I ] will hold a public hearing to address ! I proposed changes to the ND.Admin. I money availabl~ in the medical permanently~ But don't fret. Fat is around April 15. Others will buy , i ' i ..... ' .... budget for flu shots. ' today; death is tomorrow, cheap scales. And there will be in- DICKI~~;~ ~t ~|h% ~hd';bf - ~Jm'dao Tescher of Beach I Code i oj I [ Room 210, Second FloorI Thus far, every effort to curb Patriotism: Some think it's a pa- tentional reporting errors. But those each regular semester, Dickinson - Abby Weinreis of Sentinel ] Judicial Wing ] obesity has failed, triotic duty to fight for one's court' are routine in all forms of taxation. State University recognizes those Butte Prevention: When the govern- try. However, many volunteers are This must be accomplished be- students named to the Dean's List. I State Capitol ] merit foresaw the growing crisis, it rejected as too obese, declared 4-F, fore the obese become the new ma- Eligible students must be enrolled r ~ ~ ] Bismarck, ND [ came out with more healthy school with the F meaning fat. They are jority. If they attract just a few full-time and must earn a 3.5 GPAor [ PlIB&m~ [ [ Thurs.,April 3, 2014 [ lunches - less carbohydrates, more too fat to fight and too fat to run. No additional supporters who are on higher. The following local students | "- -- / ] 10-00 a.m. ] vegetables. Parents and students re- help in an invasion, their way to obesity, the cause will have been named to the Dean's List ] 'R~l~.~Rlr~lrm~] [ I Copies of the proposed rules areI belled. In response, the political Religion: The Bible says that a be lost. for fall 2013: / ...-..v.vmmm-.mmv, | I available for review at county sociall / / I centers. Copies of the proposed rules I / Van or Bus Service / I services o.ices and at human serviceI I and the regulatory analysis relating I I I 22 ° / Billings County / I to these rules may be requested bYl • " ~11 P | telephoning (701) 328-2311. Written or/ Rent this spac ; for onmy a i'ew nd Annual Makoeh ka Golden Valley County |oraldata, views, or arguments may beI I~ /I entered at the hearing Or sent tO: Rules / Distance of 160 Miles / Administrator, Nor Dakota DeparlmentI 55 II I'°'Humanserv'ces'stateoap't°'-I'Dept | , .., ~ [~a=kotball Tournamont ~l / CALL ,,6OOEastBoulevardAve.,I ' iolahnll/a/ =urn= 325, Bismarck, ND 58505-0250. doll, lrs a weel Call 872 31 . 701-872-3836 |Writtendata, views'°rargumentsmustl dl tails todayf [ I@Frlday' March.14 " Sunday' March 16@1 ] /I be received n° later than 5:00 p'm" °all April 14, 2014. Ifyou plan to attend the/ fi)r more Boys and Girls • 4th-8th grades / assistancerelatingt°adisability'pleasel | contact the Department of Humanl ~W ' @ I or address at least two weeks prior to/ I the hearing. / HOW TO SHARE YOUR VIEWS @ / Dated this 27th day of February, 2014j We welcome letters to the editor concerning issues of area interest or regarding stories and editorials that have been published. Letters should be limited to 400 words. Guest columns or opinion-editorials longer in length are also welcome. A writer can have only one letter or column regarding the same subject published in a 30-day time period, unless the writer is responding to a new aspect of an issue that has been raised. Letters and columns are a way to encourage public discussion. Thank-you letters and invitations cannot be published as letters to the editor, but can be formatted as advertisements. Please include your name, address and phone number on your letter or column so that we can contact you. Your address and phone number will not be published. Golden Valley News/Billings County Pioneer, P.O. Box 156, Beach, N.D. 58621; "Insurance Inc. 110 • Term Life Insurance • Universal Life Insurance Fixed Annuities • Index Annuities IRAs • Long-Term Care Ins. Bruce Ross Central Ave. South, Beach, ND (701) 872-4461 (office) (Across from Bank of the West) (701) 872-3075 (home) 281 E. Main Beach, ND 701-872-4362 Pull Tabs Bingo Black Jack New Happy Hour: 5:30 - 6:30 p.m., Mondays thru Thursdays. Karaoke: 9 p.m. to closing, first Saturday of every month Bingo: the social event of the week! Friday at 6 p.m.! Join us! Hours: Mort. - Fri. 3 p.m. - 1 p.m.; Sat. 1 p.m. - 1 a.m. Iii I I I I| ................ BEACH BELFIELD month SENTINEL BUTTE St. John the Baptist Catholic St. Peter's Lutheran - LCMS Belfield Baptist Church Trinity Lutheran Church Church Rev. Scott Hojnacki Rev. Robert Hlibichuk Pastor J.T. Burk Rev. Dan Berg Worship Service: Sunday - 8 a.m. Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. Mass: Saturday 4 p.m. St. Bernard's Catholic ChurchSunday Bible Study: 10 a.m. SOUTHHEART Sunday: 10:30 a.m. Rev. Bill Reulle FAIRFIELD St. Mary's Catholic Church Golden Valley Manor Chapel Saturday: Confessions 6-6:45 p.m. St. Demetrius Ukrainian Rev. Bill Reulle Pastor Ron Hudson of CalvaryMass: 7 p.m. Catholic Church Confessions before Mass Chapel Sunday: Confessions 7:30-8:15 a.m. Rev. Tarns Miles Saturday Mass: 4 p.m. Sundays: 6:30, Communion, first Mass: 8:30 a.m. Sunday Divine Liturgy: 8 a.m. on TROTTERS Sunday in each month St. John Ukrainian Catholic second and fourth Sundays, Trotters Church St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Church 10 a.m. on first, third and fifth 1 st and 3rd Sunday of each month LCMS Rev. Taras Miles Sundays WIBA UX Rev. Scott Hojnacki Divine Liturgy: 8 a.m. on fffst, GOLVA United Methodist Church Sunday Worship: 10:15 a.m. third and fifth Sundays, St. Mary's Catholic Church Pastor Ruth McKenzie Sunday School: 11:15 a.m. 10 a.m. on second and fourth Sun- Rev. Dan Berg Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. First Lutheran Church - ELCAdays Mass: 8 a.m., Sunday Calvary Temple, Assembly of God Pastor J.T. Burk Belfield Lutheran - ELCA MEDORA Pastor Reese Stephans Sunday School: 8:10 a.m. Rev. Roger Dietetic Medora Lutheran - ELCA Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School (all ages): 11 a.m. Rev. Roger Dierterle Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Beach Evangelical Church Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 8:30 a.m. Trinity Lutheran Church - Pastor Ben Baker Daglum Lutheran Church - Sunday School: 3:30 p.m., Wed. ELCA Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. ELCA Union Congregational Church Pastor J.T. Burk Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. Rev. Roger Dierterle June, July and August only Sunday Worship: 11 : 15 a.m. United Community Church (Located 25 miles southeast of Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m. Christian Fundamental Church Pastor Warren Maxted Belfield) St. Mary's Catholic Church Pastor Jeremy Stradley Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11:45 a.m. onNo mass during winter seasonSunday School: 9:45 a.m. first and third Sunday of ca'oh Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. These schedules are brought to you by." Silvernale-Silha Funeral Home www.silvemale-silhafuneralh0me.c0m 221 N. Meade Ave. 201 South Wibaux St.53 1st Avenue S.E. Glendive, MT 59330 Wibaux, MT 59353 Beach, ND 58621 406-377-2622 or 406-796-2421 701-872-3232 or 1-800-368-2690 1-800-892-6424 • i i Illl I II I JAMES J. WOSEPKA, P.C. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Licensed In North Dakota and Montana 41 Central Ave. South P.O. Box 970 Beach, North Dakota 58621 701-872-4321 I IIII IIII f ff [