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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 6, 1941     Golden Valley News
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March 6, 1941
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? f" PAGE 2 The Golden Valley News W. R. Bratton and tL B. Enderie Editors and Publishers £ week~ ~ every Thursday at Beach, North Dakota. ]~tered as ~ matter at the Postofflce at Beach, North Dakota, October 7, 1836, under the act of March 3, 1897. Advertising rates furnished upon request I~llMm~tion price $2~0 in No. Dak., MIRn~ Mont., and So. Dak., ELsewhere $250 Carlyle Mr• and Mrs. Floyd Vanatta and children of Cody, Wyoming. arrived Wednesday evening for a month's stay at the home of Mrs. Vanatta's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Martin. death of his sister. They also visited at the home of Mrs. AI Beeler. Mr• and Mrs. Hugh Chaffee were business visitors in Glendive last Tuesday. Several young people enjoyed their weekly Bible study and social at the THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS Sunday and also visited at the Gloyd Bury home. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. White were Clubhouse Monday evening. Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Westmoreland entertained Mr. and lIFT~ Wlbaux Mrs. Glenn Scammon and children at dinner. In the evening several in- W• L. Staggs, A. W. Warden and vited guests arrived for a birthday M. P. Ostby were business visitors in surprise party honoring Mrs. Seam- Sidney Thursday. men and Orville Woodhouse. Games Ted Sletten ana a friend from Bill- were played and a lovely lunch with ings were visitors in town Thursday two birthday cakes was served. Both in Beach Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kouba Satur- day evening callers at the John Irons home THURSDAY, MAR 6, tr Trotters0iJi Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dtetz and family A rather small crowd a~ were dinner guests last Sunday at the church services at TrotterS! Underwood home. ' day. Don't forget that t~ Mr. and Mrs. George Wosepka vls- services on March 16th at Mr. and Mrs. A. Gustafson and ited at the Sheen home last Satur- Everybody is welcome. Mrs. P V Moore calld Stuart were Saturday visitors at the day evenng. Miss Vivian Holt also Norman Nellermoe home Lew McManigal home. accompanied them. Maurice Hogoboom and Ed Eide J Mrs. M. ,Bolsen, Mrs. Dodge, Mac- afternoon to see the new Sunday for a few days visit in Bis- garet Bolsen, Mrs. E. Sheen and sons Billie Campbell has retuf marck. Mrs. Bessie Ccamroth accom-t Kenneth and George went to Dickin- after attending a partied them as far as Dickinson and!son Tuesday and visited with Rodney in Beach for the past Mr. and Mrs. Ernest will visit there with her mother. I Shoen, Orville Dodge and Bud Boi- arrived at Trotters on FridS Mr. and Mrs. John Irons enter- tained at dinner Sunday. Those pre- Ernest was employed at# Mr. Vanatta plans a trip to Cut combining business with pleasure. [guests of honor received some nice Bank, Montana, before returning to Mr. and Mrs• Burton Welsh and gifts along wilt1 the best wishes of their friends for many more happy (2)dy. Russell were business visitors in Glen- birthdays. Ater several weeks illness with the dive Monday. flu and inflammatory rheumatism, I Mr. and Mrs. Exnest Lobbs .and David Dick and Melvin Pederson of Mrs. Ed Krueger was taken to the baby arrived from Minnesota I'~rmay Glendive were callers in town Sunday Wibaux hospital Tuesday afternoon, for a visit at theJ. E. Trollope morning and took Mr. and Mrs. John ~er son Walter visited her Thursday Jhome. . . Carlson back with them to see their evening and found her much ira- O. M. Helvik and A1 Ley returned new grandson. James Melvin Dick. proved l Wednesday night from a trip to Mis- Mr. and Mrs. Dick and baby went to ColOred Pratt accompanied Tommie~souri where they took treatments, their home in Wolf Point Sunday Owens to Billings Friday. They re- turned Saturday evening. Word was received ~rom Merton Gibbons Tuesday stating that he is loca .t@d at Glendale, Cal., where he is ettendlng an aeronautic school. Merton Uved in Carlyle during the Mrs. P. A. Fischer. an appendectomy about ten days ago. years his father was agent at the N. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McClain, Mrs. James Lynn was on the sick P. depot. He enlisted in the Army Jr., Harry Zabroski and Mlckey Dunn list last week. last fag and states that he is well came from Miles City Saturday and plee, sed with the treatment he has spent the weekend with relatives. received from the government. Mrs. Everett Good and son Fred C~ra Rowe, 10-year-old daughter of were weekend visitors at the E. B. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Rowe. was op- Stair and R. S. Elsenbart homes, re- Leonard Boehlke was taken to the erated on for appendictis at the turning to their home in Pompey's hospital at Dickinson last Sunday hospital Saturday. Her mother Pillar Sunday evening, and is now under the doctor's care. is staying with her and they report Mr. and Mrs. Albion Welsh enter- At this writing he is somewhat im- tained relatives at a lovel~ birthday Oora is doing nicely, proved. Mr. and Mrs. Roy.,OqBrien and dinner Sunday in honor of their son The Catholic study club met Mon- M~'S. Oq~'len, St., were business Nell. day evening at the home of Jerry callers in Carlyle Friday. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Ostby and Kouba. After the study period cards 8herLff Ell Swarts of Wibaux was Philip Parker were business visitors i were played and at midnight Mrs. ~a oficlal caller in Caryle Saturday. in Glendive Friday morning. ~Kouba served a delicious lunch. Mrs. Franchetta Ellenbaum is the Sig and Albert Skaar were county l Maurice Hogoboom and Karnes ~e~t of her daughter and f~tmily, seat visitors from the ranch near Johnson have been sawing wood at Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hartse. She Skaar Thursday. the river a few days the past week reecntly arrived from Princeton, E.B. Stair, M. Shea and Herman Richard Knopp hauled a load of M~. Brungard were among those who were feed to Glen Olson's Wednesday. Dorothy Hammond was taken to transacting business in Olendlve o,~ Mr .and Mrs, A. Gustafson, son the Beach hospital Friday evening, Wednesday: .... Stuart and Mrs. Rienzi Hammond • uffering from infection in her face. [_..Mr. ana .mrs. cJlenn b'cammou, visited at the Ziebarth home Wed- Mrs Martin is sta-in-- with her |MIss Mac Jacgson and C. A..-~teete nesday evening. from of Wlbau ere dinner ..ests of Mr and Mrs. Mr and Mrs Werner Nistler were . _..,.. .~..^...,~hlwarren m ~azer weonesaay. Dickinson business visitors Tuesday. visited Thursday ~b b-v ~,~m,b w~v i ........ O .... h ---'---- *~".... ere [ Mrs ~.~uy tlall was n s~ss to ~ e Mr. and Mrs. Lew McManigal were his wife. In the ev~,u,,s ~,,~# ,, ~ ~" : ...... W -" ......... r ......... k ~o aria ~ew cmo a~ ner name ca- Golva shoppers Thursday and also guessb ox M. ana ~rs. n. ~. e-~s . [ ...... s i 1 The .......... nigh SenDal Days ana g~rls t nesaay, ax~ernoon. ,~xuer a. oc a called at the Gee. Hammond home• ............ ~, ..^~.~.lttme a dainty lunch was enjoyed by Peter Hagen was a Golva shopper partlclpa~eu m ~nre oas~e~b~,, ~m,,~ [ all during the past week, playing wlth/ ~. ............. Friday. I Ollie Golva and ~i),a" ! t;omml~tee l~o. ~ oz me t;. r'. euuMr. Whitaker of Beach is spending[ , _ . .., ~,_.u~. ~ [composed of Mrs Glenn Scummon a few days at the Carl OtrembaI Tom ~uale issulIering irom a / ...... " -- ,~ - ' "zuptured ear drumwhich he thought ]~r~s~" n:'M~saeEma~' We~llSver~eUt~°n home• 1 was caused by blowing his nose while [.. a ... . _- .,., . . ? Andrew Kohler, Daisy Was.smann] sufferin from a ....... mineo a~ the wemver nome las~ and Mrs. A, G. Fasching were shop-I g cola. tar. ¢4uate went si .......... Thursday afternoon. After the bus- ping in Beach Friday• [ • o Jaeacn,_ ~ several~. . ~imes aurmg ~ne ,vss ...... mw~,,~" ........ ~ ,p~,u~r~'~,,, ~,,~'~^n"e~. ~ b"~ A. G. Fasching called at Vic Ren- week tar medical care. strata s Frida3. D 1 n ~'ult ..... I Mrs Mary Scammon was enjoyed by u a e e' on wno is an ms~ruc~orl .. " . i e a s rved b aiJ and a n ce supp r ~ s e y in the high school at Chinook. Mont, ] . . ' Werner Nist!er helper with work at arrived early Saturday morning for[thMrn°a~dSSMrs Tom Le" Miss Leora a week end visit with his parents Mr ' " #' ' "lLey and Dave Daley were business and Mrs. C. M. Fulton. Dulane re- visitors in Glendive Monday• turned to Chinook on Sunday. driving Bobby Stelter who has been ill with a special deluxe Chevrolet coupe, he rheumatic fever for several weeks -recently purchased, was taken ~o Beach for a short time Mrs. (3. M. Fulton and Mrs Chas. last week. His condition has been Abrams attended the project leaders been very serious and Dr. Olson was meeting on Saturday in Wibaux. The down from Glendive Sunday for con- lesson studied was "house cleaning" sultation. Bobby was taken to the Arnold Beach was taken early Fri- Wagner hospital Sunday morning day morning to the Beach hospital iwhere he is reported to be a little with a bad attack of the flu. better. Several Carlylites motored to OllieI Miss Hazelle Nelson, Mrs. Dorothy Saturday evening to see the basket- Powell and Norbert Fadden were bal game between the Medora Rough- among those who motored to Glen- Riders and the Ollie Bronchos. Ollie dive Saturday afternoon. won with a score of 22 to 23. Mr. and Mrs. Sig Pederson were The Carlyle Homemakers Demon- having dental work done in Beach ~tration club met Tuesday afternoon Monday. nt the home of Mrs. Chas. Abrams. Mrs. Wm. Meachem from Arkansas. There were only four members and who lived near Vales several years two guests present. Whe March meet ago, was a recent visitor at the home ing will be wi~h Mrs. C. R. Stewar~. of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beeler. She Henrietta Bargfeld was a supper was accompanying her son. Lester guest of Jean Hartse on Sunday eve- Adams to his home in Olympia, Wn ning. He had been called east by the BF~JkCH LU']tr~ ~ NOTICE OF LEA$1N~ OF STATE: Oliver Iverette, IN~tor AND SCHOOL LANDS -- All unleased State School Lands Beach: in Golden Valley County, N. D. will be offered for rent at a public Sunday school 10 a.m. leasing sale to be held in the Court House at Beach in said county, on Sunday services 11 a.m. the 25th day of March, 1941, cam- Lenten services Wednesdays at 7:30 mencing at I0 A, M• o'clock. All P.m. unleased lands wlll be leased to the highest bidder for a term of Ladies Aid Friday, March 7th. au ~hree to five years. The first year's the H. R. Thompson home. rent plus the legal leasing L. D. R. Tuesday, March llth. at fee must be paid in full on the day of the sale, the E. J. Anderson home. A list of such lands to be of- fered will bs on file with the Treasurer of saidcounty for public Sentinel Butte: inspection not less than two weeks Sunday school 1:30 p.m. before the day ofthe leasing sale. The Board of University and Sunday services 2:30 p.m. School lands reserves the right to Lenten services Thursday 7:30 p.m. to reject any and all bids. Dated at Bismarck, N. D. this 30th day Of Decem~ber. 1940• Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wojahn were E.E. SWANSTON Acting Land Commissioner Beach shoppers Saturday. Jan23-30 Feb6-13-20-27 Mar6-13-20 SPECIAL 15th NCS WITH NEW PISTONS. AND RI. ,, REGULAR PRICE $16.00 SORENSEN BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA guests at the Gloyd Bury home. A. F. Irons is confined to his home with a sore foot. Mr. and Mrs. Lewie Drewniak and children and LeRoy Poaching spent Saturday in Dickinson with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Poaching. sent were Mrs. Rahn of Ollie, Mr. ters several years ago bUI and Mrs. Fred Wojahn Mr. and Mr and Mrs Lewie Drewniak and past few years has bee~: ,-, Mrs R L Johnston Mr and Mrs J ^,--,~', :~.~ *~, "r~t,~,~o,~ ~, ,r,~, ~,, i near Fargo and in Min~ ~ A. J. Ziebarth, Harold and Anna- s,~end the da- with Jack Fasching at are au nappy ~o see 2~' helle Warren Irons and Edith Carew ~h~ ~,~¢,~ital " [ O.K. Ommy called a~ ~ (~(~rlt Mr and Mrs. Robert Carew are .................... v;~ !Prms, W. A. Campbell: ~I kee i" ~ , • 1 ~r. aria mrs. ~ou ~u~..vwv~ ~- Crooz names on ~unaay p ng house at Hogooooms while .__ h me folks Sunda-- Mrs Vic "" Ma,,,i,o ~o ~,, ~ ..... :. i z~ea o Y. - Norman Nellermoe to~#. " ................... .! Klein returned home with them and John to Beach Thursd~v~ tar. and Mrs. Carl Otremba and will spend the weekend with her chironractic treatment ~]~][-~ children and Mr. and Mrs. Harold daughter ~--v. ~'--~ ~--~ ~:~¢a ~ ""~ Ziebarth were Sunday evening dinner Mr and Mrs T Vieland and call'~d" at""th'e'~Nor~-n=:n West daughter Inez were callers Friday home on Sunday to see iS at Shoen's. rival• Phone 39 With "~our T. M. Leverson was ill for several days last week but was out again the first of the week taking care of his duties as Bell teleptmne manage£. Will pull two plows 4 ½ miles per hour. Cultivate 2 Rows. Pull Grain Drill, Binder or small combine on less than one gallon of gas an hour. Sells with Starter and Lights at Beach for $620 on rubber W-C Row Crop 3 Plow Tractor For $998 here. On Rubber, Starter and Lights The Model "U" at $1250.00 and Model "l" at $1495.00 Is the most tractor for the money anywhere. Built for economy in operation and upkeep. Built and backed by the largest manufacturers of tractors and high class machin- ery in the world. C.G. JOHNSON, Beach, N. Mr McAdams of Belfield was an !overnight g ues~ at A. J. Ziebarth',~ Located first door west of Chevrolet Garage Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Stark of Ollie i attended services at the UB church • . . because it's a 90-H.P. VALVE-IN-H[AD SiX--the only one in the biggest-selllng Iow-prlce gr'oup ! • . . because VALVE-IN-HEAD S Tile VICTOR" in perform- ance on land, sea, and in the air! . . . because its SiX CYLINDERS save you money on gas, oil and upkeep! • . . because it's thoroughly PROVED--thoroughly DEPENDABLE--as mil- lions upon millions of owners will testify! I | * " I I I n mmnu It I Fresh S Formaldeh? " And Cer¢ "N am GLENDIVE, MO : Now Showing AST: Tm .-F L-SAT.- ghtl "YOU'LL FIND Starring Kay Kyser a~ with Boris Karloff B~ ~eter Lorre and De A T- It's Kay Kyser in tl~_" ° thriller of the season. ~|aI~ __- ntert SUN. - MON. - TUES. :~ Midnight Show. Satur~ With Marlene Diet:iwCfh'o~~ Lt ne, Broderick Crawl ~a " Gilbert. ~; nc[ Mr Auer and Billy he" -- lady whose story is a 1 ~" ~ Daunt( ical passion• ~'~,~.., . ------- "--'~'~ farm ,, WEDNESDA~ ~ they HONEYMOON FaKe's birt]c with Anne Shertd~ Carrie Brent, Charlie Ruggl¢~,! visitor sen and Jane Wym~" ~t Sawy, ventures of a popllllgf~ Week j and his women• .corne~l the R~ CURRENT NOW SHOWING FRIDAY AND "MELODY with Oene Autry, Ann Miller. Staxs of und radio. (plus) "I~HANTOM with Anita Louise nell. Adventures on Sunday and Monday "ESCAPE TO with Constance Brien, John Kalliday. European' war .... a ~ou'II never forget. "LUCKY ~zith Richard Arlen vine. Dick and another thrill REQUEST NIGHTS TUESDAY and S K "OF II~UMAN 1~ Davis ~NTU starril~gHoward, Bettewith Fran¢~'~'L w~.&~ Johnson, Alan Hale Owen. Belle Davis in~ made her famous ....~ a ,~, tills time. Thisfe. : AT quested by one of O~: JLe Why don't :¢ou reqUestl that you would like turned? COMING NEXT -FRL- SA~' "GANGS OF with Lloyd Nolan "PRAIRIE ~ith Bill Elliott.