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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 5, 1942     Golden Valley News
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March 5, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE EIGHT THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS -" THURSDAY, MAR. 5, 1942 ,,, - . | Ilia[| &apos; , Johnny Worth of Dickinson ws 1 ll,|irlll[?-[r|x Jes Still and C. D. S-Thall were WANTED--Girl for general house- 1E  ] LJ I Beach business ciler Monday of this] IV|/I|/|ilL l  I winners of the two rizes a% the pin- wor I ......... [week in Beach and from here wznt] lochle arty ,.mor-d by ,-.'s e- hrsy%u., lva .-,ror am Mr ala Mxs, imrtte ]eimm and iv5 "s ln . -  .... _ :. _ . _.. .... [on to Otend ,. Mr. Worth k I) -I '  fre,atmn Room Friday evemng of 1. FOR RENT--Room wlth gas and lWlfiaNE1/ , N1/aSW1/I, and NWl, oaugn%ers kaymon(l Ttlnln tna lpecK  . • • : " ' . rang on opcnir, g a course in avta ion/Flax .......... $2£3 - • water. C. }t. Clark Beach. 21-2). zn Section 10. Twp. 142, Rge. ......... ' ..... I • ,  ................. :week. Some over 30 pinochle player aws oz wm =mrKe tamer oI Am- f . n lendiv and' * ' ' _ C, olden vauey c,'ouny, North _ :' ........... [ or te Governme t at G e i Whea ................... 93 enjoyed th,, evenlng of cards and the' son. Mr. and Mrs. jim Mzcnen, lets ......... _.. I ..... *: • - ....... ! FOR SALg--'Ienoroughly recondition- A. J. Blower, Liquadgtor, ISO al; wllllScon Oas ........................... 39 l:lnen serveG oy lvtr. t-lagn. • ed Model D John Deere tractor. Large North Dakota. Langdon and Mr. ad Mrs. Otto A new steam teble has been added l ly e .54 Johnson were Sunday diner guests to the equipment at the Cozy Care .............................. sie rubber tires. Good as new and at- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. games Johnson, Prim winers at the card party last Sunday evening a% St. Jo's h, all in Beach were: Mrs. Irvin Ueckert first and Mrs. Matwaret B:ri:en st, cond for lades, and Ray ZinsH f rst and Ry Kremer second for m:m. Door prize wen, t to Mrs. James Odonbaugh. Mrs. Ed Kowalewski ho was in clmrge wishes to expre: h.:r thmk to ev- ersone who attended fvr their fire cooperation. Mrs. John Brettn ra'urned hem, sunday eventng ft, cm Bismarck wt:rc she had accomvanied her the preceding Wednesd.ay and where he underwent an operation on Friday, He is reported a ting along fine now. The Schofield school of Ekal:aka, Montana, of w, hic Mis Adellas Brock- meyer is teacher sponsored a dane on 8aturdzy, Feb. 7. Nelghbor of the ccsnmuni%y donated lunch and a,/heal orea}er played for tam dance. Tire even% cleared $18 for the war vhest fund. Mr. and Mm. Harry Iaovell left last Friday morning by ear for  An- geles, Calif. where they will spend several weeks vlsing With Mr. Low ell's aged father who has been in Ill which makes serving the public much ]Barley ..................... more convenient and also keeps th? food much better. Word has bee recci.:d bore thq( Attorney A. M. Kuhfeld of Bismarck. lormerly of Beach. [:as been called f-or arm.y offlecr's duty. He had b:en an oral?or in th:: army reserve. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jchn,':cn enler - t,Mned the Sunday night bridge club at their horn, last Smlday eveninv: at a fine 6:30 dinr-,ar. After th:- m',::l cards were p]ayed with prizes going t,o Mrs. Itussell Denton anti Main'ice Rohan. fr. and Mrs. Paul I:TtUIlS arrived here last :?el: and are mnking a pleasan visit with friends. The next meeting or the local D"a- mtic,s club has been postponed until next Thursday evening March 12, at the grade school building. Golden Valley County's three bach- elors returned from Oallforni last week when "Dutch" Hoeck. Jtck Lindt and Axel Nelson arrived home by train Sunday morning. "Dutch" is still somewhat crlgpled up from .his autonmbile accident bu,t able tot health of lte. Old time friend tere out the first of December and Mr, hope Mr. L,cll will b grea, tly Ira- Nelson leaving early last fall. • proved when Harr arrives. .4O .4b t) l II'E TO ('RlqIll'lOn IN TIlE MATTI,;IL (I," "l'}ltg t,:.q- TAT I.: t)l,' MAI tq'liA ( h ( I,: 1',. },L |. Det't, ased. .\\; ot i c, i }1 F-ily .t \\;h' } hv {}1, I ;!(|e ">:[ IO] [.'\\;%'[> 1.)l'c'd, Ilil]x. \\;I] '11 lll>IrtlOl' (,[ lib }'],q{:tl¢, of AIiF- 1  (" (*|< -" ; {' PlI, *1" ' i!f f %est r!} SI)ri),F,s !: lh' (',)':ill', l " }ilk ;/(1 >];tt,• f Iilill i>. dc- cO:t,p,i. ",, Ihe ('l''llit,,l> I,I'. and :11| ])cY,lllS hl/vIlt; {'l; liD< ;t,llllsl sdid h-c,,,t::ed I,, vx}/i,,t, 1]l-ll! Vll t I  Ilt'l :'YN t 'V VtE:'/},'I'> 'il hil sX Ill lit. S ;Lfler I., i t'>i l)tl Ill' !;h.t of tht I',l ct. r, .u'd A I::tiai-tr: It'F i11 I 'I O'['{t', ,if .1(1€ l'(.o*,)}:llll [I1 II]O (' [y f llc(('ll il NtlJ,[ 1,, 1,'] :, al|ey ('otltlty, or lo the .Imhre of th,' (',tlllly Court of Golden Valley ('-unt)', at his fffi¢ e ill the COlll't } |(:ll:.'' ill Ill(' I'llV f tz-t'i.t'h, tlol- den Vi%!ley Colllty .North I)akola. ''ol ;v,, beV(.t)v ll¢t it'|t,d th&l f],ll. A. 1. Kltsliell. Ju(le of the ' (*tlllty (t)llrl vcithil/ arid for the County of Golden Valley and Htate of North l);I kta. has fix'd th," 16th day nf SeDtend¢,r. A I). 1942 :tl the hour of ten o'clock In the ['O'ell'lOll of said day, at the Court i;O0111S, iE [lie lNmrt Itouse in {lie City of Ieteh ill said {ounty slid tate. aS the time anti place ftn" hearing and adjusting all claims agaltlst tilt, esi;* of the said a,'- tha (N)ok Pearee. Deceased which have been duly and regularly pre- sented as hereinbefore provided. Dated March 4, A. D, 1942 LE%VIS DREWNIA K, get around with the u of crutches. ! Admlnistratvr of th Estate of All three had Iaen In Oalifornia mos't [ Martha Cook Pearce. Deceased First Publication (m the 5th d:Lv of the winter, IAnd¢ and Hoeck going} ,f M.,reh. A. D. 1942. JOI- KEOHANE i ttorney for Administrator Beach North Dakota March 5, 12, 19 CLASSIFIED ADS 'IOR SALE--No. 2 good buy. Dakota Implement Co.. Deering Cream Separator. Priced Beach. N. Dak. sell. Wayne Smith, Wibaux, l;,y Yaur Shot Gun sh lls now. FOR SALErNo.._, S.etion 17. Town- FOR SALE--good tires mid one Gamble Store. Beach. It ship 141. Ran 205. n GI "',, Vail':' Plymouth thrown in. See R. R. FOg SALE--Small sadd:e pony. one county. Write BaFoara Bri ske 13!5 stead, Beach, N. Dak. ood bieyc], ant o;,> gaod smut mh - Ferry Street. LaCrosse. Wis 22-t ...... FOR SALE--1939 Oldsmobile ine. ........ Guy Curl, Golva. ltp FAR.Z: FO SALE--On easy t?rms, door sedan completely, overhauled FOR SALE---1-)35 V-8 Tudo_,' con:- I have 260 acre farm for sale or lires. It. It. Halstead, Beach, N. .... trade 1!./_, miles from Beach all un- pl.,"ly eve:ban d. go::t rub!):':'. Also der plow. Good set of buildings, good LOSTWIre haired terrier. one good wood lathe. Will setl reason- water. See me a.t once. Barney Pie:-fi:. wets o name of Mickey. Call able, Chas. Reed. Sentinel Butt, c, N. Beach. 2O=tf Kremers, Golva, N. Dak. Dak, Itc %VANT TO TAKE A--FAIM ON SHARES--InQuire at News. Ip CAME TO MY PLACE .... There came to my farm hs Decem- ber one bay mare branded Z lazy H over bar on right shoulder, weight about 1100 Ibs. This horse has a halt- er and a pmce of chain fastened oa its left foot. Owner may have horse by paying for this ad.Ernest Nelson. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS Men over 18 women over 21 wanted for aircraft factory work. Four weeks (240 hmrs) training qualifies you for employment in aircraft factories. Train in FARGO. Derred tuition plan. Call or write FEDERAL AIR- CRAFT SCHOOL. Inc. 18 Eighth ,Street South. largo, North Dakota for' qualification blank. 23-24p [ I I I I CABBAGE, per pound .......... 4c , , ,, ,  ,,  , , i i i, CALAVOS, 3 for .............. 25c I Mrs. Clarerme Overstad is spending The AAA community committeemen I ,th week visiting wlCh her 'tser, will have a meeting in the court room Mrs. Judd (n and family at lat Beach, on Friday, March 6 strict-] Plentywgd, ana. !ing at 9 o'clock. There will b a dis- John Sche@fer and son Albe. of, cuion of the 1942 agricultml con- Center, Minn., arrived here last week server[on program, the flax situatio :; end from their home to spend a week and the marketing quota re%rendum ', or more visiting Mr. Scheiffer's} The discussion will be conducted by brothers. Pete and Mike, of the Gel-lWilbur J. Bailey, AA¢ iarmer field- va communt, ty. Mr. Schefffer is a iman for h,a district; also some m,nr- former Golden Valley resident and bet of the State AAA committee will h,s many old time friends here who]assist. Anyone interested is welcome l are glad to see him. to atbend. SPRING IS HERE And our machine shop is now open to take care of your spring repair work. Blacksmithing. WeldL-_ Machine Work SORENSEN'S MACHINE SHOP 'WE SELL [OR LESS! ,w' .... .I , , IIII II 2-lb. CORNFLAKES can Miller's 63c 3 for - - 25c m = = a SOAP.:FLAKES | Orange Marmalade ite Eagle • I Pure- Sweet Full51b. box. 33c | 1Pound jar - 25c yo00o,0000 Bakers 2 Bars a RES | 1 Poupd Box - 25c KRAFT DINNER I Smok; SALT ' S:rves 4. ! Old HickorYcan Each ' 9c | 9 Pound 79c II ---- '. I .7 I " , . I ," RE¥N0[D$ [00D $¥0R£S We Dver Free l $1j6AR& Set 2 5 € VaTffe Dell Blue Color I PINT SIZE A. OVERSTAD & SON 4 DAY SPECD AND STANDBY FOOD SALE NOW ON-MAR. 5-6-7-9 Pancake Flour, 3 lb. pkg.. 15c Grapefruit Juice, 46 oz. can .................. ale Ctsul pure 14 , bottle for ................ 25c Peaches, halves or sliced In heavy syrup, No. 2 1-2 can, 2 for ........... 49€ Fruit. Cocktail,  lS-m: en 33e Cream of West, 24 oz. pkg. 27c Milk, large cans, 3 for 290 Kraut, No. 2 1-2 ean 2 for 2c Salmon, fancy Pink l-lb. cans .......... 43c Plum% Delue in Syrup No.  1-2 cans 2 for .... 35 Waffle Syrup, StaJeys 5 lb can .......... 53 taleys Dark Syrup 1@ lb. pail ............ 69e Cheerioats for your break- fast, 2 for ............ 27c Vukelic's Cash & Carry Mkt. and Groc IHOMPSON'S F00D MARREI :::';:"sweet juicy '. ..... 2;:::;;: Cheese .... i ........... 2 lb. box Dc 18K Coffee ............. 1 lb. bag 29c Grape Juice ........ Quart bottle 35c See drcular for canned food bargains GV RADISHES 3 lge 10c_ "" I bunches eo ! , crisp, .  SWEET POTATOES 4 lbs 27c "" o. • .... is he( ,,,,  , • -, and GRAPEFRUIT, l0 for 2% ' ........ crop I arity " Shel c HOT CROSS BUNS. do- ,,o e " • aulell( ....... ted future STARCH, corn or gloss, lb. pkg..,,"": made, KETCHUP, 14 oz. btle., Heinz . . equalntrse age o apply Butter Kernel PEAS, 20 oz. can I Inred to have MATCHES, 6 box carton ...... Fe, LIFEBUOY SOAP, 3 cakes .... 2{k £UX FLAKES, 12 1-2 oz. pkg... 2 RINSO Gi pkg 6 i " , ant ° • affrl ,  hea €o t: In Wth eli - In tl ate river Part ties, Dun. iss hopl Bute tr01 rb f ! Cou the tha "'thr B, nln! be the In liev hop ri R tim ella cat be -he the ed a r Va t th of h m' in o O. Ol IE S 0 d