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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 5, 1942     Golden Valley News
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March 5, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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,,. -- II iiii II pi " lano Is Learned With Clever Chart tin )ig 'ee .k. Thrilling To Be Appreciated tiSAY, you can really PLAY!" t" Wouldn't you love to have nat said of you? You can, you know, teach yourself to play with a chart. You don't have to be talented ! i o.O00r 004-page p,:oo'insLot,oo in. lng life-size keyboard chart, has the st *le chords you'll need for playing the t-ut way. Explains elements of mu- st g Yes three airs for practice. Send Your order to: READER-HOME SERVICE i 635 Sixth Avenue New York City ' i Send 15 cents in Coins for your copy of QUICK COURSE IN PIANO PLAY. ING. Name ..... . .......... o .............. Address Sailor Discovers That i A___Ppearances Deceive T he naval recruit was getting on !very Well with the blue-eyed and 0000:00etly fragile damsel at the !_ e. Naturally he su ested !having a bite to eat She ggadil 7accepted, and " • Y th .... they strolled rata  cilnlng room. --- Presently, the sailor noticed that ,cne waiter was staring at his part- ee- er rather too intently. At last }tie,tackled the man. me ! Don't You know i ' yet :, . "t s very rune ted .-,, sare at ladies?" he snapped. l"S°rry, sir," was the meek re- Y, "but it ain't rudeness--it's ad- n.Aration; sir. This is the sixth "J,e she s been down to supper to, ll]  ! ' ' tka mm st-- Do Yeu Bake at Home? i._ If YOU do, send for a grand cook l°":dramraed with recipes for i nd cakes It's absolu y .  ,ms ? yeast rasd I br;t:: lust drop a postcard with your Lame and address to Standard sT prands Inc., 691 Washin ton St ! ew York City.--Adv. g "' oil- the '   COOLIN8, $OOrlll$l@ I  ILISL/AVDeOPS t:B 'Best' Man : eat man at a weddin m teece is, in one way ,,, ',g,t-,, :tsn.i • He gets the %ride's fl.r' ISN'T THiS it WlS|lt WAY? AU.00JUIUI areNR_(_lqt%.'a .Remedy) Tablet thl ,* u vegetable" mulated "stats • _EEa., tr on  de- "i n'.¢O'-  " 'e-  w IEIIAII tall  a  uake Tour Money Carrot; =e-' ;uy U. S. Defense Bonds Thought to gTRBI00T d ,e)'  rowe.., and towns 0 mm ou clear across the coun •" tere's at S U ,4 ,e,# revolu00o00 --.,ers ,i., ,'°'e'minute in living , ! [e.nt events, folio '  el,,- - e.ely. eadUa.. J__7 know what s doing in GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS iii i • ii ii i ,. iii/ r - , :,,% Pattern 714Z NTERTAINING'S a joy when you've a beautiful crocheted dinner cloth to set off your fine china! Make this heirloom cloth in -Salt meat requires longer boil- ing than fresh. Put it into cold wa- ter, quickly bring it to a boil, then let it simmer. Always keep perfume in a dark place. Daylight will affect every odor differently, according to its formula. In extreme cases per- fume turns bright red as soon as it has been exposed to the sun. Leftover stock , from cooked vegetables contains valuable min- erals and vitamins. Save it to use in soups, stews, and sauces. $ it it To bring out the full flavor of raisins, dates, currants or figs, soak them in a little boiling wa- ter for five minutes. Two table- spoons of boiling water for each half cup of fruit will be satis- factory. A tablespoon o granulated sug- ar mixed with the fat or meat drippings of a pot roast gives the roast a brown color and adds fla- vor to the stock and gravy. it it $ Keep your furnace, flues and chimney clean. Dirt and soot cut down furnace efficiency. Cleaning once a year should be enough, but if you burn a high-soot coal, your furnace may need cleanirig twice a season. it $ $ When using a double boiler, the food will cook more quickly if the water in the outer vessel is salted in the proportion of a fourth of a cup of salt to one quart of water. It It It Dampness often comes up through cracks in cement floors. To stop the cracks, chisel them to between a quarter and one-half inch wide, then fill them with hot tar. Specially prepared commer- cial cement can also be used. string. It's filet crochet that has clear chart to follow. It • it Pattern 7142 contains instructions and chart for making cloth in various sizes; illustrations of it and stitches; materials needed. Send your order to: Sewing Circle Needlecraft Dept. 82 Eighth Ave. New York Enclose 15 cents in coins for Pat. tern No ........... Name .............................. ,, Address .............................. Swore in 9 Presidents Roger Brooke Taney, chief jus- tice of the United States Supreme court from 1836 to 1864, admin- istered the oath of office to more Presidents than any other man, says Collier's. He swore in Mar- tin Van Buren, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, James K. Polk, Zachary Taylor, Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan and Abraham Lincoln. Best for Juice it le4a, c4au'olmhl ]tt  * Buy Bonds or You May Have to Liu.e in Them LADY IF" YOU BAKE AT HONE, REMEHBER,THE ONLY YEA5T WITH LL "  / [  THE'E')It VITAMIN5 I ' FLEISCHHANN00 [ Pn TFE#/VS00 ] 1538-B OESN'T this picture of our two itttractive aprons inspire you to start a sewing bee. at once? Both are so pleasing in style and so easy to make[ And either of them will add decided charm to your home attire. One pattern, No. 1538-B gives complete directions, for making both styles. You'll like the pina- fore for day-long duty. Slip it on over your head, tie it in backhand there it is, firmly adjusted, neatly in place no matter how active you may be. The wide gracefully shaped belt actually slims your fig- ure at the waistline. The full skirt Belied the Amazons The most ferocious female war- riors in history were the 5,000 Am- azons who formed a part of the army of Behanzin, the Negro king of Dahomey, West Africa, in the 1880s, says Collier's. Eventually, they grew to he so tough ind quar- relsome that the king had to make them wear bells so that civilians would be "warned of their ap- proach. is generously cut to give your dress complete protection. You'll certainly want several versions of the smaller apron[ They can be so decorative in bright checked ginghams, striped chambrays and plain broadcloth. it it it Barbara Bell Pattern No 1538-B is de- signed for sizes 14. 16, 18, 20; 40 and 42. Corresponding bust measurements 32. 34, 36, 38. 40 and 42. Size 16 (34) pinafore apron requires 2, yards 35-inch material, 4,h yards ric-rac. Small apron, size 16. 2 yards 32-inch material. Send order to: SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. Room 1324 211 West Wacker Dr. Chicago Enclose 20 cents in coins for Pattern No ............. Size ......... Name ............................... Address ............................. ,ANOTHER | A General Quiz i ? The Questions l. How many mints does the United States have for making coins? 2. Fleet street in London is fa- mous for what? 3. What proportion of Ameri- cans have blue eyes? 4. The bouquet of a wine refers to what? 5. What was the greatest attrac- tion of the World's fair of 18937 6. Who knighted Francis Drake for sailing around the world? 7. What is made from flax-- sweater yarn, linen or rayon? 8. Tempus fugit means what-- Storm rages, time flies or weather is good? 9. Who was the sweetheart of Maid Marian? 10. Are there any stars which do not give off enough light to be seen? The Answers Gems el Thought E DO ourselves wrong, and too meanly estimate the holiness above us, when we deem that any act or enjoy- ment good in itself, is not good to do religiously.--Hawthorne. Our doubts are trahors And makb us lose the good we oft might win By fearing to attempt. --Shakespeare. The man who trusts men will make fewer misakes than he who distrusts them.--Cavour. Let the farmer forevermore 1. Three (Philadelphia, Denver and San Francisco). 2. Its newspaper offices. 3. For every 100 Americans who have blue eyes, 70 have gray eyes, 49 have hazel eyes, 46 have brown eyes. 4. Its aroma. 5. The Ferris wheel. 6. Queen Elizabeth. 7. Linen. 8. Time flies. 9. Robin Hood. 10. Astronomers have recently discovered a number of "black stars," or stars which are not hot enough to give off visible light but which are sufficiently warm to have their heat waves regis- ter on an infra-red photographic plate. 00:HE CHEEI00UL CME00U00 fl_ i i Tk00, world r00ll of bv00y rolk, L]00o %oi[ 00.nd moil tleie liws -w-y. lily did 'J¢. %.rI; l,.bor =',.Wl',,.-,, r00ost WNU Service. Best Occupation Agriculture for an honorable and high-minded man, is the best of all occupations or arts by which men procure the means of living.--Xeno ophon. Equal Graces Common sense and a respect for realities are not less graces of the spirit than more zeal. It's 35 feet of iatestines,§ or 6 times the length of your body, thru which everything you eat must pass. Nature usually needs no help, butthe wrong food, or too much of it, can cause temporary blockage (constipation) with aggra- vating ga% headaches, listlessness or bad breath. ADLER2:KA, with its 5 carminative and 3 laxative ingre- dients, relieves gas tuickly and gets bowel action surprisingly fast• Ask your druggist for ADLERIKA. DIG DEEP FOR VICTORY Dig Into Your Pocket and Buy U. S. Defense Bonds 00FOR WOMEN00 ONLY? If you suffer from monthly elmps, headache, backache, nervousness and distress of "lrregulrlttes"-- catted by functional monthly d- turbancestry Lydia Plnkham's Vegetable Compotmdfamous for relieving tln and nervous eelings of women s "difficult days." Taken regul,rlyLydia Pinkbam's Compollnd helps build UP resistance agalns such annoying symptoms. Follow lall direction. WORTH TRYINGI Cheap Is Cheap Cheap things are not good, good things are not cheap. Give YOUR child same expert care used when QUINTUPLETS CATCH COB At the first sign of a chest sold---the Dionne Quintuplets'throats and ehest are rubbed with Mtmterole--a product made especially to promptly relieve DISTRESS of colds and resulting bronehil and croupy coughs. Musterole gives such wonderful results be- cause it's more than an ordinary "salvo." It helps break up local sensation. Sines Musterole is used on the Quintuplets you may be Lure you're using just about the BEST product rondel IN 3 STRKNGTHB Children's Mild Muster- ole. Also Regular and Extra Strength for grown-ups who prefer a stronger product. All drugstores. be honored in his calling; for they who labor in the earth are __ __ __ ,. _ .,. _ . y the chosen people of God.-- " W  onds or Uon¢lagelt s Up to You[ Thomas Jefferson • • Buying" U. S. Defense Bonds Will Te 7 i:k-':!::i:i:!ii:!:!ii;!!:;ii;!:!.! i-ii;i!!ii ---'- ........ -- ............ i ............ ......................... i ........... '. ......  ill*;:" ............ :::i!i]ii!i::":iiii:";!i!ii iii;ii;'.,::: ,N i i ;;'£%7,, /1/i ! Poet ExclumgN .... and Canteens  SMOKE OF SLOWER-BUIIIN@ QqMEL$ CONTAINS M,ow (::lml m-e the faottte LESS NICOTIN lmt-,,elu umrmut G ciprettes tested--le than any of them--sccording • to independent scientific tests o th antolt lteqI