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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 5, 1942     Golden Valley News
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March 5, 1942
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/ __URSDAY, MAR, 5, 1942 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS PAGE FIVE LOCALS Hub Schmidt, Dr. Nyman and Miss Deanna Goughnour were Sunday ea- rning dinner guests at the Henry rhoemke home east of town. Doerner&apos;s care surprised the boys f the Beash Pistol and Rifle Club ne evening last week when they k over lunch for the e,ght boys Maurice Otto Wed To Eileen 00to00st On Sunday is Eileen I-Iol:,t. da lter of Ycir and ::s. Leo Hoist of DickilRou, b:-- • 1 Notes I DRAFT NEWS--- Attorney and Mrs. John Keollane i FOB SALE---19 ]Pontiac town se- n ..'nos.00ta 00uoty were v0000tors over tho .oe00 I .,th I-- boys will come up for their prelimin- end going down Sunday and remaln-lgood tires. Schulz Garage. l ary screening pysical examination ins until Monday as guests at the] Several new patients were added tO lbefor e Dr. M. W. Lyons, on Saturday, A1 Kuhfeld home. _/ _----- _-i- -_9- _ the lists of the Jhnstone Memorial,Marc h 6: I hospital this week and several ave, Egnatz Osadchuk, Robert Still, Don- MEETING NOTICE also lcfL Those m)en0iu , jUL cne day l ald Bublitz. James Odenbugh, Ches- :or rcatment were: Mrs. Ralph Wil- rr Gas, William Johnson. Wm. Brown, The township board of supervisors ViSit Our son of sentinel Butte who entered )n Donald Hardy, William Wemett. Fred of Beach Civil Township will meet in Wednesd,y. Feb. 25: ncl Paul Schief-lRPinholz" William GashÙ. Collis Me- regular assmn on Tuesday, March lowed a wedding dinner at the Ger- Carlyle. Montana, are the parents of ain.,d Rock Canyon. The animal man ranch near Medora. " a baby daughter. Louise Violet, born V=s loaded and bro,,,ht home and 5=s tie,st was born aud reared :n by Cesarean section on March 3. rly the next. mornmg Mr. Michels Dickinson. he aVv:tde:l D:ckinson 'eported the incident to the State schools and was a student at DSTC. FIRST ALIEN REGISTERS ame and Fish Dept. Because the She has been employed by Helen' leer had not bled it is thought that Frock shop here for the past two John Pest. Bohemian, of Sirit- L large po,tion of the meat was spoil- years, wood. N. D., was the first alien to b d. The couple will live on the groom's registered in Golden Valley county. hat's in a Name. You'll find out ranch south of Medora. He is a prophet and has written ar- vhen you read F. C. Jenson's short ticles in the Dakota Farmer about tory about a devoted young husband Plowless Fallow .crop pldietions. vho played a role unknown to his vile and found himself caught in a i TIRES RATIONED OUT Web of complications. See it in The Saves Farm Labor, Smerieam Weekly, the magazine dis-  At the lust meeting of the county ributed with next week's Chicago tire board, the following were issued ;unday Herald-American. I Plowless and trashy fallow experi-',tires: Richard Fisher wo truck tires Ralph Samuels and Marshall raG- manta .in North Dakota first started and one tube: Edward Finneman one :.ored to Bismarck Wednesday of this in 1923 by the NDAC experiment sta- truck tire: At}ton Oswood two pas- se, reek where they will transact busi- lion at the Dickinson substation, sensor car tires and two tubes, obso- Saees for several days. have shown throughout the 18 years let, e; P. H. Schieffer, two passenger -Llve you. ever ate any of Marshall that wheat grown on plowless fallow, 'car tires and tubes, obsolete. me's Oysters Try them on Friday on land not touched by the plow since ] Wednesday the tmard is to go to %hi, (1 t, March 6 t the Beach City 1923. yields equally as well as wheat Dickinson for further in formtion re- grown In companion experiments garding the issuing of sugar and cars. iT he Auxiliary will meet next Wed- where the land is ,plowed. I For March the quota for .this coun- nesday night March 11, t 7:30 p.m. This work was begun at the Dickin- ty is as follows: three passerger car 1 In the Red Cross rooms, u hter son substation as a phase af the till- tires and tubes; 11 truck tires and 12 A Mrs. C. F. Schroeder and da g age and rotation experiments of the tubes; five caps. f len Crbon, Illlu:,is, arrive3 last Division of Dry Land Agriculture,] :veek for a week's stay and visi with Bureau of Plant Industry, USDA. iHE'S A LION- ,or brothers, A, E and August Kas- Plowl,ss fallow lately has been reccg- While ou, t riding last Sunday in the lien, inasmuch as August is serioual," nized by the AAA as an approved Sentinel Butte country Mr. and Mrs. ll at present in %he local hospital, practice for paymen under the farm Gerald Clman by chance sighted a llen Kastien of Seattle. Wn lso program. Now .this practice for soft mountain lion several hundred yards arrived for a few days visit with hi3 and water conservati,n is used upon from the road. Gerald was fortunate ick father, and also ttelen Wilson. thousands of acres in western North enough to get several shots at the tis daughter of Yakima Wn.. a, rived Dakota. licn with s 22-rifle but it just kept o be with him for awhile. Robert "Plowless fallow is effective in pro- on going. Friends have been kidding .atien of Lovell. Wyo., is sisÙ here venting wind erosion of soil. since the Gerald some but this comus Sunday or a visit with his father. A. E Kas-. surface is left ridged and cloddy with he plans to lead an expedition into ion, and to visit his sick uncle, stubble and trash on the surface, says that same country to see if it can't 'Mr. and Mrs Ira J. Wilson of New Leroy Moomaw. substation supervisor, be located again. nghnd, N. Dak., were pleasant• call- "This surface condition also best per- rs at the News office -1:tea;day, whil mils summer rains to penetrate the ' -Vx"ec'e a nroute back to their home after Soil deep enough to be stored for use State • Den.dmg the past few mÙ itns at Twin by the following crop. t rl0ges Montana To Expand Flax i ' . "Tillage of plow!ess f,dlow can t| , Mr. and Mrs. Auut Brockmever don- rapidy and effectively with trac- 'eeived Word this ,eek ii:on hlr ter-h'awn duckfoot or fieid eultiwto on, Vernon, who is st.,.:"  e  one way disc. rod weeder, or a com- hlan.ute Field, Ill., th:,= hz has bcn bination of these implements for th On the basis of nat:.onal goals at by the Department of Agriculture ca m the hospital there wih tLP early and late cultivations necessary for iereasing flax seed production, Uu, but is now recovering and soon to keep the field free of weeds." North Dakota is exoected ¢o expand hol)es to be out Since this type of ti]l,ge is more it.,; acreage from 767.000 ye,ar to Ward was receiv..d the pas wek rapid and cost.s lass than plowing, it 1.759.009 ac,a m 1942. This is the !Y the New: tha{ Mi:;s Clara Miske, ks adapted o use in 1942 when labor state's tentat.ive shar2 of an estimated er Beaeh glrl, who ks now in must be conserved at the same time 4.C0£00 acres needed by the nation. mlngs, is to be mavrled the"c on that it is urgent o increase produc- The State USDA War Board has arch 13 to Mr. Bob Dixon of tha lion for defense, been directed by th, a Department of }lace. Attendants a the ceremonv rill be Ellen Schauar. also formerly VANTIG HONORED Ajriculture ,to advise €armors to lo- Ut Bech, and Jack Fritz. ca'.e seed supplies and to place orders wth dealers early so that the eed B. T. Piesik returned Sunday from Thomas Vanvig of Sentinel Butte will be ready when the planting seas- Jflllns Where he had spent a few'and a senior in the School of Agricul- son arrives. t-Ys on business, ture at NDAC. won the grand cham- Louis and Lois Odland of Bismarck pionship trophy in the hort'culture armers are assured of a price for h re Weekend visitors in Beach at e Parental Lewis Odland home north division of the Little International the new crop on the basis of 85 per- ff town. Show held at the college recently, cent of parity by loans in no case The Little International is an an- less than $2.10 a bushel farm basis, Gerhard Muggli, proprietor of th nual event at the college and is pat- with location and grade differentials. Gamble store was on the sick,tarried after the famous exodtion Parity on Jan. 15 was $2.47. Average Tuesday and Wednesday of this in Chicago. Sponsored by agricultural farm price on thag date was 1.95, or leek. 15 cents less than the 85 percen{ level. studen,ts, the show gives cont.tan Sa-s. Ted Kurkowski was ill at her experience in fitting an l  I (. showing of[ I rnt of last week with a touch farm crops. :[ sore thr/t and a bad cold. livestock and in exhibiting FOR SALE Socal Hur club will meet with I NOTICE 1940 NASH-LAF 4 DOOR TOWN :, Mary Dickinson Tuesday after-] Farmers are asked to inspect their  much 10, Roll call is "Childrens grain bins' before the sprivg thaw SEDAN Like New. Equipped with air  Staney K-ako and children does much damage. During the recent 2nrek are here a present via- snow storms many of the bins were conditioning unit and over drive. e nor parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed not tight enough to keep out the Write IF. O. Box 1051 evens, of northeast of Beach. snow and that moisture will start the bugs working. This mtter should be CHendive, Montana aken care of immediately. -- ........ II ,ho were shootmg that night. The fe:" infam son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Co)', Rbert McDonald and Reinhardt 10. 1942. at, the court house in Beach, Ys appreciated the luuch and wish (.me .he bride uf Mori Otto. son S;DJeffer (,f Beach. who entered Sun- Fischer. Ne.rth Dakota. At 2 o'clock p. m.. a o: ir. ud Mrs E. M O .3 of 7,A do:':. 0 thank them for their thoughtful- S%i:lr(y f:.,Tr,.ot n 11 ::)c Metim:l;t d,'-\\;'. M:rch 1. I caucus will be hld to nomin::te can- ess. ?Ji"; _;nez 3.'ri V[elaud, d-m-htu" ! STATES ATTORNEY ON JOB didates for the following ofiices: parson'e at ,{:.13allX ]%i0Ie:t. b A crew o Bell Telephone men hve .{r. nd M:'<. Otto were attende-t by oF Ir. an< Mrs'. Th.rv.dd Viqand of Otto supervisor, one clerk, one tress- een stationed here in Betch the t)ta Mrs. Ida Harro;n ned J,'hu Oerrnn. lpl:q. -,-mr the three days from States Attorney Guv Lee ",v:,; b]c!: urer. one. assessor, two justices of the ¢'€k or more installing u die(at liue Also p=-esen was E M. Oto. Ltth.r T!m sday Feb 23. r.a Stmday, March in his office the first or the weal: peace and two co:_st:tbles. From the Oolva airpor to Minneap- cf the groom 1 a le hv,itA Mss E"ma Sleomb!for the first time in over a month On Tuesday, March 17, 1942 an el- !is. There has been little information The ')ride wore  medium blue light o; S.-nti'.vl Butte underwent an ap- after beLng laid up at Ws home in Put ou concernmg the liue anti whxt weight woo] redigo.c suit. He:" acce- pendeetomy on Thursday, February Sentinel Butte with pneumonia, tion will be held for said offices at K's use will be but it is being install- series were white. 26. Guy st.ales that he is still a li'tle the court house "in Beach for said ed for defense purposes as a govern- T,:W:er:d for reatm.ent on Fe.bruarv run down and weak but will be on township. ment project. Before the b,-idt] l)a¢t,, ' o?,: tn r 27. was ]fred Nunberg of W'ibaux. the job steady in a few days. R.F. SAMUELS. Clerk. Chas. Michels while returning from .journey to Wbaux. t,.%" .-;'t,-,d,-c; a Dickinson Friday nifdt of last week weddlr- luncheon a th,? b.ome cf the Minor ur;:'-y wp )erforwed on J. bride's parent.. Aft{.r tte wdding tel- B.. Novotny also of W{baux, this morn- h?,d the misfot%une of hitting a deer ,n, Mr. a:'d Mrs. O.tis E. Lulls of that ran th.e road near the HOG MARKET at Wibx 'lli: Bl::." Friday, March 13 ewing to the scarcity of hogs, I will only ship every two weeks from now on. BALLARD FARGO'S FRIENDLY HOTEL • FARGOAN OFFERS • yO U ...... COMFORT IN THE HEART OF FARGO FOR ONLY $1.00 Room rates are $1.00 to $1.50 single ........ and only $1.50 to $2.50 for two ......... these rates include complete detached bath. Two free auto parking courts. TAKE YOUR WIFE OUT OF THE KITCHE00:00! Surprise the Little Woman and bring her here for a delicious SUNDAY DINNER Good Home Cooked Food Excellent Service Beach's Favorite- -PARK CAFE- "WHERE FRIENDS MEET TO EAT" Perfect for Those Busy School Days' GIRLS COTTON DRESSES Sparkling cottons vÙ make her look as pretty ass picture! Bright paterns in 1 .vv /" i?" gay, young syles! Other Delightful Cotton Frocks - 9Sc GIRLS STRAW HATS--Perfectly darling syles rimmed with flowers I .-q--.- and ribbon ! GIRLS SKIRTS Plain and Plaids 4to 16 $1.49 to $2.49 For Girls 7 to 16 S?RING COATS $5.90 Youthful princess, double breasted or belted models ! Rich colors ! For Sizes 3 to 6 ............................. $4.98 COAT and BONNET SET sm ,a ,=,-1:98 broidery! Toddlers' Knit Suits ...... e Pretty Trimmed Bonnets .. 98e All Wool Swmtters ........ 980 Fhmnel Diapers .... 6 for 63e I A Party Special! DRESSY PUMPS $2.49 A sparkler -- in bright paen and elasticized gaTrdlne! Sizes 12 to 3 Girls Oxfords C_od looking, surdy l 8% - 3. $2.29 Boys' Oxfords Penl-Plex insoles. Sizes I - 6. $2.79 L/ttle Teaeher ;HIGH.SHOES ddle-Back" feature l 5½ - 8 Rfreshing little styles.ln crl cotton seersucker or 1 98 soft spun rayonl Sorority Rayons ...... yd.  Rondo ]Percales ........ yd. Se GIRLS BLOUSES, sizes 3 to 16, in Rayon and Broadcloth 69c to $1.29 Just For. Boys! Sweaters ........ $1.49 Slack Socks .. 15c pr. Dres Shirts ...... 69c Shirts, Shorts, Junior Longies ,. $1.98 Briefs .... 25¢ ea. WE JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF MEN'S RUBBERS - - $1.29 forget Friday, March 13th is the next Shipping Day. For Your Afternoon Snack Our Cookie Jar is filled with Whole Peanut Cookies Oatmeal Macaroons Date Filled Cookies Ginger Snaps Ice Box Cookies Chocolate Squares Peanut Butter Cookies Try These with a cup of our Delicious Coffee Doerner's Care "We Mean It When We Say We Appreciate Your Business" Greyhound Bus Depot .... Phone 70 I- ........... '-T '-:''-''" PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Dr. Chernausek Rogers & Gumper Walton Block Dickinson, North Dakota GUY LEE senj rile, . . AS AT ,X,4kW DR. O.  lqIECE llt, kt S, NORTH D& DR. E. A. NYMAN Ohiropmetor BEACH, NORTH IKOTA office phone 61 -  W. R. SCHELL Attorney-At-Law Beach. N.D. " lotmted la fem Oaldmt