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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 5, 1942     Golden Valley News
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March 5, 1942
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PAGE FOUR 'IKE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS THURSDAY, MAR. 5, 1942 Basketball I _ I SPRING TIME IS CE00ESAN TIME 5 lbs. Ceresan ................. $3A0 lb. Ceresan .................. 80c SLEIGHTS CITY DRUG BEACH, NO. DAK. -: LOCALS O Supper. Friy even Mar a at the Beltch  City H(IJl served by of the Congregational church, Miller, head chef. Miss Joyce Nelson, daugh.r of Mr. and Mrs. "Butch" ,Nelson of this city was ught lmme from the. Blmnarck hospital last week where she been a for several days. Joyce ,Is now very much improved. Mrs. Matt Kxauae returned. Sunday from the Dickinson hospital where she ha8 been a patient the past ten days underoing a major operation. She is now feeling much Improved, FOR SALE--1935 Wlllys 'sedan. Ov- erhauled and ready to go. Has good fires. Schu Garage. Noreen Kowaleki. who is employed in Pargo, was a weekend visitor in the city wZth her parents, Mr. and BEACH INDEPENDENTS MONDAY, MARCH 9 Mrs. D. L. Kukowski is reported to be on the sick list. CARD OF THANKS := I wish to thank all the friends and neigh'bors for their attertton and as- METHODIST CHURCH Beach. North Dakota Grant S. Moore Pastor Sunday scl-mol, 10:0U a. m. Preaching service 11:00 a. m. Junior League, 5:00 p. m. Epwovth League, 6:30 p. m. vs. DICKINSON INDEPENDENTS Preliminary Game goxin00 Between Halves home of his parents. Hc ks sayin¢ afternoon callers a Mrs. Narums U. B. church. He also gave a short ST. PAUL'S LUTIIEIAN crIURCIi ,.1,1] Mr. and Mrs. Holner Olson and home Sunday. sermon. After the services tile official V. IL Dissen. Pastor i attmdiug the Olson school. Charles Abrams grou:]d feed a the church bGard me in charge of Rev.[ Mr. aud Mrs. J. S. R=tthbun were Paul Bowen basle "Saturday. F.N. Richert. Divine Services ac I0:0 a. m. c;lcrs at the Ted Cock home la; Miss Mary Anne Sher\\; was the A group o youn peolil enjoyed Sunday sciool after services. - Midek Le:ten services Wedn- Wednesday. guest of honor at a surpmse party a tobogganing Thursday evening. [day a 8 p. m. Albert Allen was an overnight gue'; her home Saturday evening o col,2- Roland Schraeder was in town Sat- a the home of his brother Wt,bs:r brae her birthday. Games were en- urday visiting friends, . Walther League l'iday at 8 p. m. Allen last Thursday and he re,ur:e:i joyed until a late hour. when refresh- Ladies Aid Wednestay a 2 p, m. to his home Sa,turday. mcnrs ',re served. Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. SofesL Oy,a:rd who is helping a Allen Cameron spen the weekend Clinton Baker moored to the For- FOR SILE--1910 Special four dxor tile E. M. Nolen ranch came rp i: visiting hks father, Rass Cameron. a gson farm on Fertile Prairie o be Buick with underseat heater, defrost- th!s vicinity Sunday m ge their mail 'he Charles Lazed Lu'm with Mrs. Baker's brother, Bill er- er and ra:i,. A very clean car in gad yeson, who is in the army air coz-ps. unning condition. Schulz Garage. Word reached here that Mrs. Di::k Pat Phunmer and George Rusted Anna Ekrem, Cecil Plummer, andl Terrence Cameron attended the dis.- I €riot basketfiail tournament a Miles I City Saturday and returned home on I Sunday afternoon, t Mr. and Mrs. I:)ae MvCann from Wbaux were callers at the A. F. Slat- slstance during my illness. It is aD er home Sunday aSternoon, appreciated far more than I can ex- Christ Sherva took Mrs. Annie Wee press.-uy Lee. to Golva Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs, Allle Ferrel and fam- fly were Sunday guess at the Carl Rost home. Mr. and Mrs. Ernle Stark motored to Beach Sunday afternoon. Percy Bryon, Leona Bryson and Mrs. Clara Deckert spent Saturday in Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Baker were Junior Choir, Wednesday, 7 p. m. in Baker Ttmsday on business. Adult Choir. Wednesday, 8 p. m. , The Roy. and Mrs. G. Gulseth ,were Catechism class Friday after school I a; 4:15 p.m. ] _ ! ad tWO lriends, who paused a few Pendkton and son Wayne. aP havin3 were m Baker on business Tuesday hours on their way east to officer's a siege of tSe mumps. Lorrain P,n- Mrs. Belle Tatley of Baker visi[ed school in Indiana. They came from dlcton recovered from mumps and is at Mrs. Narum's lmme on Timrsday Everett. Wash. back in high school again, afternoon. Geo. Wright, Ted and Phil Cook, Mrs C. O. Nelson. S:anley and Mar- were Beach vksitors Tuesday. ,jorle Nelson, Mrs. Toni Canner. aud J ,Ronn; View 1 , charlotte conner were Sunday droner ,,,ltn||:e t guests a the Joe Baker home. A new pulSfl, Lois Beeler. of Wtbaux t Tuesday exening the commumty held has enrolled a Bonnie View school Mr. and Mrs. Donald Blair, Miss 'a surprise birthday supper in honor and she is staying with her grand- of Rev. Floyd Richert, He was pro- :;,:ier, Mrs. A1 ]ecle:', c the J. S. sented with a gift of silver by those Schauer home. present. Elmer Rost spent several days last eek assisting at the Clinton Baker home. Mr. and Mrs. La,wPenee Morrison visited at the George Ferrel home cn Sunday. Albert Isles of Carlyle was in Ollle Saturday on business. Tuesday evening the U. B. quarterly conference was conducted by the Roy. E. G. Bergland of Glendive at the A number of friends gathered t t>he Jack Still home Thursday night %o help Jack celebrate his birthday, which occurred that day. Miss Florence Stedman who a#tends school in Beach spen the weekend at her home. Vint Wallace of Glendive spen Fri- day night at the home of his sister, Mrs. E. A. Stoddard. Mrs. Joe Pesha, jr., was, on the sick list last week. CALLING J CALLING YOUNG YOUNG MEN WOMEN FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE Preferably High School Gradu- ates Trained for Office Work Urgent Need for Stenographers, Typists. Book-keepers, Filing Clerks. "Office Machine Oper- ators in Government Defense Offices. And Young Men as Clerks in the Army, Navy, Marines and Flylng Corps, all at very attrac- tire salaries. Ask For Information About Office Training at CAPITAL COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Bismarck, North Dakota . G. OfF, Manmer Harvey N. Jenaen, Registral ENTER ANY MONDAY Mrs. Ed Kowalewskl. UNITEDBRETHRENCHURCH [ For 'Mr. and Mrs. Chester Gas arrived] F.N. Richert. Pastor here the first of the week for a visit] -- [ with home folks. I Sunday, Mar, 1 Last week George Muggll and Riley t 10:00 Sunday School I Jones leftforOanaha, Nebr, insearchd 'Sale of employment. • I Subject: "Wha We Are By Nture." Mr. and Mrs. Jim White an Low's, Youn,g people's meeting at 7:30. and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Larsen and] Wednesday prayer meeting at 7:30 faffilly of Clva were dinner guests a,t the parsonage. on Sunday evening at the home of 00itz Fa00ching I D" "d FOR SALE---19tl Chevrolet town S'-I IVl € My Five-room House, dan. A very clean ear in good condi- tion with good rubber. Has under seat Mr and Mrs. Reuben Hershey. and heater and dual d:froster. Schuiz Gar- sons of Sheldon. Minn., stepped over  Full Basement, Gas. age. 'night Monday at the Emil Kunick lolne. They were on their way home Heat, Bathroom. Well rom the west eoas and Naches, Wn., i NOTICE OF CAUCUS where they had spen about three. There will be a caucus held in the months visiting relatives and friends, near house with 40 feet Township of Gce of Sen,tinel Township John S. Rahbun and sons. Win. and James. motored to Sentinel Butte of water, 13 lots, large on, Tlesd,y. March 10 for the par- Tuesday. Owing to the bad roads not pose of nominating officers to be vat- much traffic took place un,til the I ed on at the regular anmml Township mail man's snowmobile broke the road. garden and plenty of meting of March 17. 1912. I oeo Wright accom,nied hy hs .,on shrubbery. A good buy ERNEST D. NELSON. Ted. Bud and Jean Cook mad' tile Twp. clerk Sentinel Twp. ] trip o Sentinel Butte Tuesday. LADIES NIGHT iVir. and Mrs. Oeo. Wright were in See Beach and Scn,tinel Butte Saturday. [ The Wibaux Bowling alleys this They called at the hospital to see i JOE PROCIV week are holding a Ladies Night to- Mrs. Wright's nephew, Theodore t night Thursday from 7 to 10:30 p. m at which time the alleys will be held Booker, jr., who was recovering from t open just for Women bawlers. H the an appendicis operation, ,Beach, N. women should urn out and take ad- Harold Lawman was a caller at the vantage of-their night it is planned Ted Cook home Saturday. week Mr. and Mrs. Harold Holler and l to hold the night open every children were visitors st the Harold t" for them. Lawman home Monday. I Mrs. Ted Blue missed a day of[ WEA'00°ItER N school last week owing to the bad I reads. I laeb. 25 .02! Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Brown and[ Feb. 26 ........ 20 2 .if2 j children and Mr. and Mrs. Art Brown l Feb, 27 ........ 18 -8  and infarct daughter were Sunday Feb. 38 ........ 29 -1 dinner guests at the Geo. Wright Mar. 1 ........ 38 20 home. Mar. 2 ........ 45 12 Junior Cook is breaking a saddle Mar: $ ........ 45 25 .02 horse these days. al prectpitabim for Feb. was .49 Larry Allen spent Sunday at the THE ALLIS-CHALMER00 MODE[00 sC" TRACTOR I Wil! : pull two I I4-in. [[= or. any macnm0 re- ii:= qmring 4 to' 6: :horses. with 2-row ltivator or a 6 ft. Mower it will do as much work as larger tractor and cost only $705 delivered on farm. We have only a few of these on hand now. Stop and see us. A full Stock of Repairs on hand at all times i ,ll  in CHRIS G. JOHNSON Beach, N. Dak. Golva, N. Dak. II I --Order That Rubber Slat Canvas Now-- USE OCCIDENT FEEDS THEY'RE SCIEN]I:IC:LL] PREPARED Smart pou!ry raisers everywhere know that these feeds are with,,at doubt the best on the markcl:. Healthful, rich in vitamins, they'll provide your poultry with all the nutrition necessary for their growth. WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF LIVESTOCK FEEDS OCCIDENT ELEVATOR CO. TICE! WE NOW HAVE PLENTY OF RUBBER TO RECAP EVERY SIZE TRUCK TIRE ACCOMP- 3NIEB;::00A:: CERTIFICATE FROM YOUR IDEAL RATION]i0ARD. ' " . ,. _ ::" : -, " HhVET00M RECAPPED THE HAWKINSON WAY. EACON OIL CO. [ MILES CITY, MONTANA FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS INQUIRE Ill " OF HOWARD HARDY, BEACH, OR HOMER MADISON, GOLVA Theatre Calendar CURRENT WEEK ROSE GLENDIVE, MONTANA Now Showing Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. Franchot Tont anl Carol Bruce in "THIS WOMAN IS MINE" with Walter Bremm John Car- roll. and Niel Bru: q. S',,eepm- out the storm-turn seas---come a magnificent screen thrill. Owl Show Saf. Nile, 11:30 p. m. Sun. - Mon. - Tues. "BABES ON BROADWAY" with Mickey Rooney, Judy Gar- land, Virginia Weidler, Ray Mc- Donald, Fay Bairer and Donald VIeek. Biggest song and lance spec- tacle of all times: Youth! Fun: Song Hi.ts! It has everything, Wednesday Only-- "MAJOR BARBARA', stam'ing Wendy Hiller, Rex Har- rdson. Robert Morley and introduc- ing a new soar Rober N. From George Bernard Shaw'a cau- stlc pences a s¢ory that makes €.he pie€are you cannot afford to mlss. Opening Next Thurs.-- "TWO-FACED WOMAN' Greta Garo and Melvy Douglas. UPTOWN THEATRE kiddiem matinee ..'gla¥.'a 4.q5 p.m.  =,'-: Friday- urdy-- lichard Arlen and Andy Devine in "MUTINY IN THE AICTIC  Also Hopalong Gasstdy in P1 "SHOWDOWN" (is Chapter 4 of Sky Riders serial. Sunday - Monday-- John Wayne and Ona Munson in "LADY FROM LOUISIANA" also "ANGELS WITH BROKEN WINGS" with Edward Norris and Blnnle Barnes. Tuesday - Thursday-- 'WEN MULE TF.JLM ' with Wlace Beery. t IIu , lll: uy t,h illinas arh ptZ;ce. aYS on r v,,, :te Er t E43twn m. t%\