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March 5, 1942 |
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THURSDAY, MAR. 5, t942
Saturday Matinee at 2:30 p- m.
ELSA LANCHESTER. An absorbing dra-
ma. Comedy - News.
- . - - -
Sunday- Monday- Tuesday
edy that will keep you laughing through-
out the picture. Comedy.
Wednesday - Thursday
RIE. A comedy you won't want to miss.
"March of Time" and Comedy.
The prescnDtlon counter at the
Sleight City Drug has been re-arrang-
el and office room has .been made
in the back eddlng to the convenience
of the store.
The Wednesday Night Bridge Club
met last week at the home of Mr.
There will be church services this
Sunday, March 8, at Trotters• Service
will ,be at 2:30 p. m. Official board
meeting following.
The lYoerCson home was the scene
Leslie Baird was a business visitor
in Baker Sunday. His wife spent the
day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
E. L. Watkins.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Trollope came
from Fallen Wednesday and spent
the remainder of the week vith their
daughter, Mrs. Nck Morgan, and fam-
Mrs. Robert Anderson and son Don-
ald, were business visitors in Glendive
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. We!:eh and Du-
ane returned Friday from the west
coast where they spen several eks
visiting relatives and friends.
Mrs, Henry Buldhaupt left last week
o viMt her daughter. Mrs. John Sim-
iles, and family at Bismarck, N. D.
Mr and Mrs, John Greenup from
nar Skaar. N. Dak.. were in town
Wednesday on their way to Golva.
They took their graffddaughter, Mar-
gie Bosrman, who had been visiting
them. back to her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Bosserman.
Mr. and 'Mrs. R. Wing of Glendive
spent Sunday wth the letter's par-
ents. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Faltermeyer.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Steele enter-
tained at a lovely birthday dinner
Sunday in honor of Mr. Steele's and
his daughter Mrs. Glen Scammon's
birthdays. The guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Scammon and children and Mr.
and Mrs. B. Welsh and Russell.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Brown came
I from Livingston Wednesday to visit
at the parental Win. Dick and Emery
I Brown homes and with other rela-
tives. They were" accompanied by Mrs.
Lloyd Griffith and daughter who went
on to Beach to visit her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. O. Douglas and family and
I Mr. and ,Mrs. Mike Kern of Big Tim-
ber. Mrs. Kern was formerly Sophie
Grifflth. Her brother, James, and wife
took them out to the farm hom, of
the Griffths that evening. All return-
ed to their homes Monday.
Mrs. E. B. Sherman and Mrs. Bur-
ton Welsh were hostesses to the C. P.
ladies aid at the latter's home Thurs-
day afternoon. After the business
meeting, the president, Mrs. Glenn
Scammon was taken by surprise when
all joined in singing, "Hapy Birth-
day to You." She was presented with
a little gift in appreciation of her
faithful work in the society. The hos-
tesees served an apptizing supper af-
ter the program. ]
Contributing delightfully to the so- I
cial week, Mrs. L. C. Paltermeyer was I
hostess to the Birthday Club Tuesday I
evening honoring Mrs. J. D. Cullen
at a 7 oclock dinner. Contract was
the diversion at which Mrs. R. Wing]
won first prize and Mrs. A. W. War-]
den second. Mrs. Ahrens of Torring-]
ton, Wyo., received a guest prize and
Mrs. Cullen was presented wh a
birthday gift.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred laolen and faro-
- ily were Beach visitors Saturday.
Mrs. Albion Welsh wes hostess at
a birthday party after school Wednes-
day in honor of her son, Noel. Miss
Hardy, the teacher, and all the pupils
were guests and enjoyed games until
supper time ater which Neal opened
his gifts and more games were played. [
All expressed themselves as having [
cf a delightful birthday dinner Sun- had a very nice time•
"Wednesday afternoon when an over-
time period resulted in a score of 27
to 29 in Ismay's favor. Among those
who accompaned the team were Mr.
and Mrs• Francis Payne Mrs. Pete
Kramer, Shirley Bixby, Mr. and Mrs.
W. Marcus and Mr. and Mrs. Wallac,2
cett and daughter.
,Mrs. A. W. Warden and Mrs. Van
Cleave entertained at a farewell par-
ty for Mr. and Mrs. R. C. McConnell
Thursday evening at the Warden
home. Bridge was the diw2rsion with
)rizes going to Win. Long and Mr..
Van Cleave. The guezts of honor were
resentcd w:£h a lovely gift from the
.oil conservation staff with whom Mr.
McConnell has work,d. Refrcshmem
were served. They were breakfast
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reinecke
before leaving for Billings Friday.
N. G. Haz'21wood and Ross Bixby
surGed to Baker Sunday.
The Chris:inn Fundamental church
choir gave a very fine program at.
the United Brethren church in Glen-
dive Sunday evening. Mmbers at-
tending were Rev. and Mrs. L. A.
Westmoreland, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie [
Baird, Misses Lois Dick, LilRan Scum- I
men, Ila Baker, and Olive Welsh and l
Orville Woodhouse, Loren Wtkins,
Howard Anderson. Robert Dick, Rus-
sell Welsh, and Glenn Scammon and
their able accompanist, Mrs. Glenn
Scammon. Mrs. Earl Baker and her
daughter Frances, also contributed de-
lightul numbers to the program whick
consisted of choruses, duets, solos and
several instrumental numbers and a
message by L. A. Wesmoreland. Oth-
ers who attended rom here were Mr.
Earl Baker, Mrs. Mary Seammon and
daughter, Lucy, Mrs. C. E. White. Mrs.
Will Welsh. Mrs. Robert Anderson,
Mrs. E. L. Watkins, Mr. and Mrs. C.
A. Steele and Mrs. Burton Wish. The
U. B. choir served refreshments to the
visitors after the program. Miss Elaine
Anderson was unable to wttend as she
was ill with the mumps.
Little Marlene Amunrud was cele-
brating her birthday Saturday so her
parents wrote her name on their tick-
eta for the Pot o'Gold drawing. She
was lucky enough to win the $10 prize
and a $1 bill• Mrs. Fred Polen, C. A.
Steele, Wm Dik and Mrs. Hugh
Chaffee won $1 bills.
Mrs. Simon Hfazelton and children
and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Meyer were
among those who surged to Beach
Saturday. I
R. H. Welsh and son autoed to
Glendive Saturday. to
Mrs. Sid Woodard was hostess
the Thursday Nite bridge club. Prizes
were won by Mrs. Iwrence Hartse
and Mrs. Bert Fasching. Refreshments
were enjoyed by all.
Howard Wenchers and Mr, Hardy
were among those who were here from
Beach Monday.
Mrs. Dan Sutherland was hostess
to the Woman's Club at their regular
meeting Monday afternoon. Mrs. War-
den read a paper "America in a World
War." Mrs. T. L. Parker read "Pro-
ducts of America and Impor of For-
elan Courxtrles," and Mrs. C. E. White
read "Improvements in Educational,
Moral and Spiritual Life." The hostess
served a lovely lunch.
The Pleart Valley homemakers
cltb held an all day meeting at the
Erv Breitenfeldt home Saturday. This
was also a meeting for the Project
I.tders of the clubs of the county,
and Mrs. T. N. Leverson. Following
the gam hostess served lunch
and an hour was spent socially.
The Rev. E. C. Havik of hneap-
oEs is at Present visiting families in
the Beach Ltrtheean Parish of which
the Rev. O. Eerette is pastor. The
Rev. IIaavik is one of the trustees
of the national church ,body, and .s
here i. the interests of the Centen-
nial Program of the synod.
enjoyed a delicious dinner and spent
a xry pleasant day.
I h,',s L:naine Walker was a
end gust at he Kyle Sperry home.
Leslie McClenahan and Theodore
Becker mvored :o Beach on Friday
to bring Theodore Jr•, out from tle
Beach hospl'tal.
day, leb. 22, in honor f Audrey The basketball games played here
Ielen's eighth birthday. Gues at the Tuesday evening resul¢,ed in the high as Mrs. M. Tullar of eman was
party were the Milton Brunswold, Art school girls winning from the girls ipresent to discuss '"rhe Inheritance
Brtmsvold Iamity of Alexander and independent ' team of Becb with a lLaw." Mny men, women and children
the. Coo Neudek family of Beach. The i ..... ,= ,^ ,, T, ........ . ,^-
,v, v, ,,, ,,v ,,. --to ..... :,e ........ [enjoyed the program and dinner.
P V. Moores were invited guests but I from Medora with a rcorc of 20-16
did not go due to unfar¢orsle weath- - '. •
........... People arounq town w,tJ hw Rus- Nels ,Rasmussen returr:ed to Ollie
er meemess to say all wno awenaea
• alan Olive trees are surprised at the Saturday after spending a week visit-
Arthur Nellermoe was a dinner
guest at the P. V. Moore home Sat-I
! urday, d her
.r. and Mrs. P. V. Moore an t
i daughters were Sunday visStors at I
the J. F. Crook home. I
l Nets Nelson visited his friend Bill[
i Campbel on Sunday.
Chester Oasho rpots that his Dad
is now visiting at the Chas. Simmons
home in Wisconsin.
C. C. Cark anl John Barkland left
last Sunday morning. Mr. Clark going
to largo for a truck-load of Massey-
Harris machinery and Mr. Barkland
took the train from there for Elgin, The ,Mllton Brunsvolds were Friday
Illinois where he will be employed in evening callers at the P. V. Moore
the Elgin Watch Co., on defense work. home. They took Miss Lorraine Walk-
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Lorenz of the er home with them to spent the week
GOlva community were Beach shop- end.
wets 'Monday mornng of this week and I Mrs. Ray Tasker went to Glendive
While in town Mrs. Lorenz consulted on Thursday a week ago, to visit a
her doctor. Mr. Lorenz while here sister who was very ill at the Glen-
dropped into the News office to add dive hospital. We are sorry to report
his dnghter's name, Mrs. Isabelle that her sister later passed away• We
Blrnell, Tacoma, Wn., to the News wish to express our sincere sympathy
subscription list. the sorrowing relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stecker left H.H. Burchette returued home last
by bus Sunday morning for Carson 'lweek from Minnesota where he at-
City, Nevada where Mr. Stecker was tended ,th funeral of an aged uncle•
called in conn,tion with a court ease Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Moore and her
over the heft of his ear last fall. daughters motored to Beach on Fri-
Prom there the Steckers will take a'day when Carol and Deems had dental
circle tour o the northwest before work done.
returning home.
t Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Soensen re-
urned to Beach Wednesday evening
of last week from their winter's stay
Pr¢land, Ore., where Mr. Sorensen
, been employed in a defense plant.
ar. Soreusen came back to open the
ovenaen machine shop for the spring
and summer months•
Mr. and Mrs. Cale Heath bf Glen-
dive were Sunday guests at the Min-
nie • mith home in tnls city, coming
down hat morning and turning :
their home that night.
Miss Della Moore of Dickinson
was a weekend visitor at the parent,l
Rev. Grant Moore home returning to
Dickinson Sunday evening accompaned
by her sister, 'Mrs. Clifford Culvex and
son Who had spent the past wek
Jm Haigh of Fargo and his daugh-
ter, Mrs. Mark Kepnic, of Moorehead
arrived here last weekend for a visit
with tr. and M2s. Harold Smith an
Mr. and Mxs. Leo Haigh and femil¥.
Mary Ellen Doerner took :I
over the w{kend'and was unl
retn to her-mhool work at
on tlay. 8he Mv to remain
ay 'we ake this means o ex-
pressng our heartfelt thanks o our
many friends and neighbors for the
nots of sympathy and kindness shown
to us during our recent time of sor-
Mrs. E. A. Stoddard,
Mr. and Mrs. L. C• Stod-
daxd and Paul
Mr. and Mrs, I. A. Gord-
on and family.
i Friday of last week the Rev.
Ms-& Oliver Everette visited in
t the Rev. E. M. Sletten
Rev. Everette spoke t services
Teylor the same evening.
number of robins here at this time
of year. We think there were ac least
50 eating the seeds h'm the trees
,t the N. P. Yadon home last w,ek.
Other reports came from M. P. Ost-
bys A. W. Wardens, Mrs. Sletten and
Mrs. Stipek of the great number in
their trees. We hope there will be no
severe storm to kill off these feather-
ed friends• ,
Roy Amunrud received a telegram
Thursday that his cousin, Vet, non
Ohnsad, of Georgetown, Minn., who
was in the U. S. army was killed in
Oklahoma when the bus on which he
Was a passenger, collided with a train.
IIrs. John Trollope and daughter, Ar-
{dis, went to attend the funeral.
I Mrs. Alec Carlson, who used to re-
,side on Dry Creek ,passed away at
he Glendive hospital Thursday. Her
]body was brought here Saturday and
funeral services conducted from the
C. F. church in charge of lv. L. A.
WeStmoreland that afternoon. Mrs.
West%moreland, accompanied by Mrs.
Wayne Marcus sang hymns. Inter-
ment was made in the Iocl cme-
teere-- was a good attendance at
the Banquet held Thursday noon at
the Sutherland ca(e. M. P. Ostby was
toastmaster. Ralph Mercer of Boze-
man, president of the Nztonal Seed
Growers Association was the main
speaker. A. W. Warden and Aaron
'Hale also contributed to the program•
Prizes were awarded to the winners
who exhibited at the corn shows at
Glendive and Sidney. Charles Micheis
was proclaimed "corn king," and Rob -
eft Ley "corn prince". A silver trophy
was awarded to RobeV Dick, Raymond
Dick and Donald Lawrence who com-
posed the best judging team at Glen-
dive. This team has won the trophy
three yars in succession and get to
keep it now.
During the aRernoon a meeting was
held at the Commercial Club room,
where Mr. Mercer ga.¢e a very inter-
estlng and instructive talk on corn
nd other grains best adapted to our
Basketball fns who couldn' go to
,Miles City to the tournament kept
¢ty close to their rsdlcs last week.
Much excitement was let when Wl-
bux the firzt game to /may on
ing at Baker.
Andrew Sonnek, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given by the
undersigned A. F• Irons. Adminis-
trator of the Estate of Andrew Son-
nek, late of the County of Golden
Valley and State of Nortl, Dakota,
deceased to the creditors of, and
all persons having claims against
said deceased, to emhtblt them with
the necessary vouchers, within six
months after the flr:t publication
of this notice, to said A. F• Irons
at the off|ce of J.ohn Keohane.
in the City of Beach in said Gol-
den Valley County. or to the
Judge of the County Court of Gol-
den Valley County. at his office
in the court House in the City
of Beach, Golden Valley County,
North Dakota•
You are hereby further notified
that Hen• A• E. Kastten, Judge of
the County Court within and for
the County of Golden Valley, and
State of North Dakota, has fixed
the 18th day of September A• D•
1942, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the
forenoon of said day, at the Cohrt
Rooms. In the Court House in the
City of Beaoh in said County and
State, as the time and place for
hearing and adjusting all claims
against the" estate of the said An-
drew Sonnek, Deceased w&ich have
been duly and regularly presented
as hereinbefore provided.
Dated February 25, A. D. 1942.
First publication on the Sth day
of March A. D. 1942.
Attorney for Administrator,
Beach, North Dakota.
March 5. 12. 19"
All unleased State School Lands
is Golden Valley County, N. Dak.,
will be offered for rent at a pub-
lic leasing to be held in the Court
House at Beach, in said county,
on the 14th day of March, 1942
commencing Rt 10 a• m• o'clock.
All unleased lands will be leased
to the highest bidder, for a term
of three to five years. The first
year's rent plus the legal leasing
fee must bc paid in full om the
day of the sale.
list of such lands to be of-
fered will be on file with the
Treasurer of said county for pub-
lic inspection rot less tka two
weeks before the daT of leasing;
also instructions in regard to te
terms, etc., 'undsr which these
lands will be,leased.
The Board of Unlver$1tF LU
School Lands roserve the right
to reject any and all .hi4a.
Dated at Bismarck. N. M. this
$0th day of Dmber0 1941.
Stste Md (ommeloner
Jan II-lli-ll&.ll Feb $-1g-19-|1 " IS
W. C. Bd. Pastor Oller Everete, Pastor
Sunday school 10:30 a.m. Beach:
Morning service 11:00 a.m. Sunday school, 10:00 a. ln,
Pilgrim Fellowship 7:15 p.m. Services 11 a. m.
Sentinel Butte Wednesdays 8 p. m. Denten ,
Morning service 9:30 a. m• ices.
Sunday school 10:00 a.m. Aid, Friday at the H. R. Thompson
Medora: home. Mrs. Thompson 2.nd Miss ,t-
Sunday school 10:00 a.m. tie Thompson entertaining.
Preaching service 3:00 p.m. Carlyle: --
-- Stmday services at 2 p. m.
I. Seah,,l I)r,)p)sals f.r tim con- Woseok school: ""
tru,:tion of Ntate Ahl i)r( ject No.
307A 3071{ and 2:10 will be rece}v- Sunday services at 3:45 p. m.
ed bf tle,: Highway t'ommis- Sentinel Butte: -
i ii,*l, ill 11€ ' ffi t., ,,f the- State
It ighwtty [)el,ar tlllen.t tl [iNlllZtF.'k.
N-rth l)ak.ta until D:30 o'cloci, Lenten srvices Thur.days 8:30 p. m.
A. 51. Mar(,h 27 1942. ',1 uhi,'h Adult class Thursday 7 p. m.
l)la('elirly openedand tlm.andtheYread.Will be pub- Aid t the home of Mrs. Lloyd
'2. t'rolh.ed v:,,rl-; t'(,nsts of IYates at noon Thursday, Mar. 12.
26.242 miles of IItuminous Rese:tl-
" ing located on U. S. Highway N(). 10.
.Med,u'a tdas! and We,t iri (Jt,hh, n Phone 39 With Your News ltenm
Valley and l'illings counties and
lllv,)ives iiDI)roxi/hately : 1111.6111
(ttls. S(]-6. 3,SZS t{oseal Affgl'effttl.e. I
3. A ('erllfied ('llvck i}n a solvent
........ u. NOW OPEN
equal to five per cent of the bid
sllall accon/j)tlly each proposal slll)-
mltted The ¢'he(!l s of the t ?lree
lowest bidders will be cashed and t
the money retained until the con-
tract has been executed. :¢ ' ,
4. Proposed (Grills may be obtain-
ed up to 5:00 P. M. the day pre-
ceding the letting from the State
Hllway Department at Bismarck,
,North Dakota, and will be given
only tO contractors who have com-
plied with the pre-q ualiflcation
requirements. Plans and speclfica-
th,ns are on file In the Division
Office of the State Highway De-
partment at Dickinson, North Da-
kota. and the office of the State |
Highway Department at Bismarck.
North Dakota.
5. The attention Of bidders is
directed to the specifications cov-
ering sub-letting or asslgaing con- W I B A U X ' S
6, The minlum wages for labor NEW BLUE ROOM
employed on this project shall be
as follows: Skilled labor Ninety
cents (90c) per hour. Intermediate Side Door Entrance Off the
labor Seventy cents (70c) per hour. Street for Ladies
Unskilled labor Fifty cents (50c)
It nlay b necessary, however, to
pay wage rates considerably great- ENTERTAINMENT
er than tills minimum to - properly
staff the work YOU LLWAYS EI.OE
7. The right is reserved to reject
any and all proposals, to waive AT THE
technicalities, or to accept such as
may be determined to be for the
best interests of the State B L U E R O 0 M
(Signed) J. S. Lamb. Ill The Corner
State Highway Commis- "Red " laNamala lzroll
March 5-12-19
Take advantage of this opportunity. The
alleys open to ladies only 7 to 10:30 p. m.
At The
Wibaux AHeys
Turn your leisure time in-
to hours of fun by bowl-
ing. Get acquainted with
the crowd you'll find here
at all times.
Bowl . . . to keep your
figure the way you want
it and your health up to
i i
USED DRILLS--10 ft. to 14 ft. Any make
priced to fit any pocketbook
TRACTORS---Most any
any size
time to order a new one
Act Now! Order
kind and
is the
Some Good Milk Cows
Some Good Young Grade Bulls
1937 Nash Sedan
C. C, Clark, Mar.
1938 Tudor Olds.
One 1934 ton and half Dodge Truck
i i
Golden Valley Harvester cO.
Beach,N. D.