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March 5, 1942 Golden Valley News | |
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March 5, 1942 |
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I Ill Ill - ..... "lr ......... I Wl
Dance Next Saturday Night Sponsored By MUSIC BY CHET GRIFFIN AND
Veterans of Foreign Wars HIS DIXIE LANDERS
I I Jr._
W. R. Bratton and H. E. Enderle
Editors and Publishers
A ekly pub}iod every Thursday at Beach, North Dakota. E,tered as
second clam nter t 2e Postoffice art Beach, North Dakota, October 7,
1936, under e of March 3, 1897.
Advertising rates furnished upon request.
, ....... |#,,
0eal'Aon price $2.00 in N. Dak., Minn., Mon't., and S. Dak, Elsewhere $2,50 Burys. George Hammond near &olva. The
= . James Irons was on the sick list occasion being her birthday.
Sentinel Butte } Carlyle o0o+ o+00,.ov +oro
Leo Nistler was cutting ice for A. busine, visitors at Baker Friday.
White on Thursday.
e Jack Ballard of Billings was down
Mr. and Mrs. Neff Hogoboom drov I Mrs. Jim Gannon entertained two Edith Carew and Vio:et Fascling
0 Glendi Thursday where Mr. I tables of bridge Wednesay afternoon attended birthday club at T. A. Wosep m south valley Thursday buying, hors-
Hogoboom had dental work done. ]at her home. High prize was won aY ka's on Thursday. Not many were es. On Friday Bud Still of Carlyle
Mrs &archer and Mrs Nelson were l Mrs. Melvin Hartse. low. Mrs. Martin
presen but those who were enjoyed came out and trucked the horses to
Wibaux for Mr. Ballard and he will
Wednesday afternoon visitors and sup- i won all-cut prize wen* to Mrs. Stew- the fine dinner and spen the after- take them Lo Kentucky.
Per guests at Paul Wagners. art. trav,ling prize went to Mrs. T noon" visiting.
Mrs. Aud Nunn and son John, from J" Fulton. Lunch was served. Raymond FascbAng spent a fw days Mrs. ludoiph lisin was ,aken to
Medora were callers in town on Wed- Mrs. C. R. Stewart and Mrs. Melvin visiting at the home of Mrs. losina the Beach hospital Friday for a check
up and friends are pleased to hear
nesday. Hartse entertained the whist clttb at Fasching. she is progressing very nicely. Miss
Mrs. Neff Hooboom, Mrs. Crdner %he home of Mrs. Stewart on Friday Among shoppers in Bech Saturday Catherine Su is assisting with the
and Myron I-augse called on Mrs. Vic mght. Four tbles were in play with were A. F. Irons, Edith Carew, William household duties.
Oarlson Tuesday afternoon, high prize for ladies going to Mrs. Crew and son Robert, and Leo Nist-
Norman I-lugse visited the dentist Henry Jacobson and low to Mrs Ncary. ler. Mr. and Mrs. Volney Schmelling an¢
in " -- " , " ft rn with high for men to W L Hammond _
Becn on weansaay a e oon ....... ". ' -- _! Mr and Mrs P J Hagen and Mr I II I I l
ann low o .eonara anaerson. .uncnl .....
Delores Hess is assisting with the was served land Mrs. Ed Scherman vsted Ed-
k at the drug store taking the _ _ " _ ]ward Scherman at the Beach hospi- Reading Glasses 50e to $6'
s is mrs Iammond Mrs Owens and ....
plce of Lorraine Peter ille who • ' • I tl on Thursday
recttpertin from a tonsilectomy idaughter Judy, Faye Hammond and _ _ -- " ........ Gold Glasses ........ $10 to $15.50
- -"? ........ ".. Kenneth Jacob-on and Doroth- Ham cam pary was nero at ttcnara
urs. er wlaam enermmea me "i-om - ",- ......... Double Vision Glasses $3.50 up
Oct-Co-tether clu at the Butte hotel i nd were Beach callers turday. t
lIMd ,, afternoon. Ffteen membe,{ Mr. and Mrs. C. R. wt and [r. and Mrs. A. G. Faschtng a/ctend-
,ref. this sewing "meetng:[ Mrs. Melvin Hartse were Beach shop- ed the play in Golva Friday night. GLASSES FITrED
"the door prise number was drawn. P era Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs Ed Scherman enter- --C _-__C;llrtou
by . Reed. A1er the meeting re-1 Mr. and Mrs. Claude Lund took Mr. tIned the Study club Sunday even- ,
nts were served. The next and Mrs. Edwin Irtse and Ralph int.
meen will be the social meeting Doubles to Beach Saturday where Ed- Mr. and Mrs. Gloyd Bury were Sun- Optical Specialist
at the lwme of Mrs. Boisen on Frl- win Hartse and Ralph Doules con- tray evening callers at the Harold Zie- Beach, S. D.
day, March 13. suited the doctor, trth home. __
5, 1942
W,i00'ha ,,'otva Glora Jane. and Stuar Gustafson on Sunday. He enjoyed the trip and
.were visitors a the (3. Hammond is at school now in the air corps.
'home Frday and helped enjoy that]
Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Nunn spent Mrs. Donald Hammond was honor birthay cake and ice cream. [ Mrs. Ed Scherman returned home
Sunday and Monday a the Otto guest for two droners Feb. 27. One
News from Martin Susa who l'zft from Beach Tuesday. Sh,e had been
Johnson home. a the home of her palings, Mr. and i
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. White were Mrs. Mark Lovell of Beach and the Gelva a few weeks ago for service, spending a few days at the P. Thorn-
Sunday evening callers at H. A. other at the home of Mr. and Mrs. staes he left Minneapolis February as home and visiting her son Edward,
20 and arrived a Wichita Falls. Tex., 'at the hospital.
An old established quality line. The
choice of hundreds of thousands of car
owners who will testify to their long
life and dependability.
Greater Value
Compare Quality--
Compare Price
Although Grants are of the finest
quality the prices are below what you
would expect to pay for most ordinary
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Odland St., o[
Beach and dauglter, Lois, and Mr.
nd Mrs. Loule Odland Jr., and their
oanThter of Bsmarck wera SundPy
visitors at the C. P. Re,.. lome.
The Trimty Lutheran Aid w.'il meet
at he home of Mrs. Yte Thursday,
Mrch 12. Dinrmr will be served at
noon with Mrs. Ytes as hostess.
Mrs. John Jordan, Myron Haug,e
and Mrs, Vie Carlson were afternoon
callers Wednesday at the home of Mrs.
Nell Hogoboom.
Mavis Busch went by train o St
Pul Thursday where she had denim
work don,e. She returned at,n ort
Chas, Bohn was a Olendive caller
on Thursday.
Thoe from here who were shoo-
pers in Dickinson Saturdty were Mrs.
Busch and daugh,ter, Mildred, Mrs.
I. Meres and Pafcsy Le Meres. Mrs.
Muelman. lary Muelman and Betty
l4ge and Mr. and Mrs. By Hog,boom.
Mrs. Fred Smith left on Thursday
for Eau Claire, Wis., where she was
called ,by the death of her fther.
She expects to be gone about two
`weeks. Sympathy is extended to hr
in the loss of her father.
Bert Waldahl and son, Darrell,
were callers Saturday afternoon a:
the Neis Waldhl home.
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Nordin and
r. and Mrs. Ot Nordln were sup-
Per guests Monday nlght at I-Iarry
O1so, he occasion being Harry's
birthday anlvertry.
W.- have reason to believe that
wll soon be here as rolns
have been seen flying around. The
lmfly of robins who have made
their home each year amongst the
trees t Netl Hogotmom's came back
lagt ,week Just after he snow storm.
Llllian Kudrna wire has been em-
ployed at the Butte hotel is helping
out this week at the Bolton home.
Mr& Bolton and everal members of
the fatally are corffined to bed with
the flu.
Mrs. lu] Wgner was in charge
of the Red C room at the court
house Thursday.
Mr. and M. Guy Hail of Wbaux
were gue at the waLfle supper at
the Nell Hogoboom home Sunday ev-
Th Sentinel Btrte high school
glrk,defested the Wilmux girls, on the
local flvor Thursday night. The Sen-
tlnel boll team devd the
fra Bech the sne even-
" way y u
tO the Servioe atlon. Almost star.v,:
and fen and he couldnt
zeak above a whisper. He wa re-
moved to the hospital at Beach that
evening, Monday morning it was re-
ported that h unknown man had
shown lttle improvement.
Tlmse from here who attended the
card party at Beach Sunday night
were Mr. and Mrs. Matt Teacher, Mr.
and Mrs. lay Zinsli. Mr. and Mrs.
Mat Decker, Mrs. Seherle, Mrs. Bois-
en and Fred Smith. rs. Boisen and
Ray Z4nli ere winners of lrst prizes.
A pleasant time s reported.
r. and Mrs. H. B. ,tfll of Beach
were Carlyle callers a.t the Melvin
Hrtse home Thursday evening.
Mrs. W, L. Hammond and daugh-
ters visited with her sister, Mrs. Otis
Lutts, at the Beach hospital Satur-
Jim annon from north of Wlbaux
spent Sunday with his wife ut the
Mr, and Mrs. Reese Owens of Lind-
say were callers at the home of their
son. Tommy, on Sunday.
Earl Hitby returned home from De-
trot0 Mich., Saturday where he went
to get a Dodge truck for W. L. Ham-
mond. He also brought back a load
of John Deem machinery which was
purchased in Minneapolis.
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Land went to
Billings Monlay where they are guests
of their son Floyd, and f,mily. While
here Mr. Land is taking treatments
for a growth on his cheek. Alber Ide
is caring" for the stock during their
Ir. and Mrs. Ree OWens and fam-
ily and Mr. ar, d Mrs. Tommy Owens
ard daughter were Marmarth callers
Mrs. A. J. Ziebarth was a pl,+*asant
visitor at the Fred Wasman home on
Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold 7-Aebarth and
A. J. Ziebarh were Saturday aler-
noon callers t the Leighton Nunn
Fred Wassman assited with the but-
chafing at the Victor Renstrom home
Miss Dorothy Wassman spent Mon-
day visiting at the' IAoyd Wa.ssman
Fred and Lloyd We.sman were Gol-
va visitors on Monday.
Stan llpley was a caller at the
Fred Waaaun home Saturday.
Victor lnstrom was a caller at the
F. Wasmnan home Tuesday.
Homer Madison ws d?livering gas
in thks community Wednesday.
Water Wassman wu a caller at the
George Stull home Wednesday.
Mrs. Tom Wosegl entertained the
Alpha Birthday Club on Thursday.
Five memrs and three visitors `were
.. v v v v v v v v v v ls
At my farm 3 miles west, 3 m00les north and one-half mile west of Beach
on the Bittenbender farm.
Sale Starts at 10 A.M. FREE LUNCH-Bring your own cup
One John Deere Hay Bucker
One John Deere 8 ft. Binder
One Moline 11 ft. Drill
One Packer for 11 ft. Drill
One Tandem 10 ft. Disc
One John Deere Duckfoot, 9 1-2 ft.
One 4-Section Steel Harrow
One Packer fox Four Bottom Plow
One John Deere Tractor Model 'D'
prebent and enjoyed a lovely dinner TWo Hay Racks
at noon The One Wagon with box
held In the afternoon after which ev-
eryoae prent en,Joed an aznmflz Three Wagons
=tMr. t m,.°n by ,m" a=mm,..Mr. One Blacksmith Forge
an o,o wo.,, rm Itt One FoerFannlng Mill
.<., ..... One DeIvl Cream Sparator
+++ +// One Three-quarter Horse Gas Motor
''rl)) 10 3x3 Sheep Tents with frame
a m w .. o ,, t Forks, Shovels, and other implements
va. I//
watt....;m uod , l't\\; One good Stock Saddle
Beach and Sentinel Butte vlsitors on l#/
Thursday. I%L Some household goods such as Cup-
Waiter and Lloyd Waesman were l /
callers in the Alpha community last I boards, Chairs, churn, etc.
Friday I((
There will ,be an AAA meeting in
OMe March 12, at 1 o'clock at the
I. O. O. F. hall ,to explain the farm
program for 1942.
_ _ t
One Red Cow, 5 years old giving milk
One Red Poll cow, 3 yrs. old giving
One Hollstein cow 2 yrs. old giving
One Red cow, 9 yrs. old, giving milk
Two spotted cows, 3 yrs. old, fresh in
One Roan heifer, 2 yrs. old in April
One Red heifer, 2 yrs. old in April
One Red Poll heifer, 3 yrs. old in Apr.
One cow, 3 years old in May
One Calf, 3 1 2 months old
Two calve 3 weeks old
One Black Gelding, 4 years old
One Filley, 2 years old
One good saddle horse
TON, owner
Auctioneers: Trollope & Howard
Clerk: P. J. Edkins