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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 3, 1932     Golden Valley News
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March 3, 1932
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Snow I OFFICIAL PAl"ElL O1 GOLDEN VALLEY ODUNTY &ND cI'rY OF BEACH VOLUME XXIII. .... , ,, , ,, , ALL HOME PRINT ..... ,, , , NEW MANAGER HERE ] Robert Mills)/, of Williston. N. D. i arrived here Sunday and took charge as manager of thee J.C. Penner Store Tuesday mSrhing, het havin~ been transferred from the L assistant management of the Pcn- Hey store at Williston. Mr. Milloy is a young man who comCS otOf us~ with the highest good ~will the[ ueople of Williston. the papers there very much regretting, his de- parture from that town, and we are confident that he will quickly gain the good will of the people of Beach and surroundin~ countvv Mso. He has been given a cordial MASONS, EASTERN STARS, D'-'greeting by all whom he has met BEACH• GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA, THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1932 Scenes and Persons in the Current News SIX PAGES NUMBER 44 , ,, " , .... , ,,. , , ,, ,, INTERESTING PROGRAMS The Beach Woman's club has held three intere.stlng programs during the month of February. The first meeting was a~ the home of Mrs. I. Joss where the program consisted of a studv of "Women Famous }n Public Service." The lollowJn~ papers wer~ ~iven: Fran- c+a Willard b¢ Mrs. Wallace: Jane Adamn by Miss Steltcr and Fran- ces Perkins. by Mrs. Keohane. The second meetin~ was with Mr:+. D, Lo2au on February 15. when the topic wa:; "Women's Riahts Leaders." The reports con- sisted of the stories of "Lucretia Molt/' by Mrs. Kuhfcld: "EliTabeth Stanton," by Mrs. L~an "Susan B. Anthony," bv Mrs. Menke and .... + , ~' , , . . S I MERCILESSLY BEAT DICKIN- dane- Jane Alguire as lath Halstead as L bOth m colon- a unique and pleasing +Idsor gave a ~rthu Washing- 821 or- Mrs. elf Union cause, 'all ~he other male A numbOru of young folks from th~ Io~n ~n |nst~l]menks, Two Democrats bv tb- name of fore ihe Masons, Stars and Raiu- membe~.s of the family having deep qolva *nd ~tinel Butte attended The ~t-.n ~ the, or~.~nlzatJ~n Perry are on the stat~ ticket in the bow ~ Girls at Molt+ He says he sympa,thie.s with the Southern cause, and fought for g. Despite the roller rink Sunday evening. ~,s ¢)utll~e0 bv ~rr ~lar~-~ ~ as fol- M~rc~ election and the Denies are hopc,~ to visit Beach in the near the xemon staaces of their family Ernie SchmAlz and Gee Wosepka l°ws:~ Each "regional director willremindingall split up thebaCkus of overthe it.Nebra~k~tbe e~e future. --- . ------_ be restmnsible for the entre or- ~nis~de where two Norris' were out and friends. William and his bro- of the south country attimded ~the Mrs. Arma Meyer. who h~s been therenlistedWOrkedin thetheirunibnWay northarmv, andthe show in Beach Saturday evening, have~ani~a~J~nwith him *~f hiss_ ~rri~0-v.leWal deuartment.we will for U. S. senator, at home sufferin~ with rhe~lmatism • was able to ~et over to tc~n for a brother beln~ k~lled, and WilPamMr..and Mrs. Albert Turnqutst an a~rtcuttttr~l ~te~rtme~t. a~d a disbursing officer The a~'viculf,ur- ~,~-s. Roy Johnson is sickthis ~hort time Mondav, but Is far from serving four years. It is not often ,,,no hve north of Wibauxwere al department will he made tip of week. • recovery from her ~rouble; She boys of their age form so firmly a Beach shoppers Wednesday. ren~e~sentatiws of e~cb State in the ts greatly ,missed bv the 'coffee love of ~ountry in violent opposi7 gang," tion all their family ties, and it . Miss Almeda Gilbertson who has r . lon, usually a lculti ral extort- is to the everlasting crectit of Will- .neon worktn~ lit Mtssoula this Will- who ~)ass tmon loan a~,ent wtll be asked l:o sU~' a tam th~,t throughout his life he ter ca ae home Monday to visit her from their red,tractive ( un y covrm~itte~ and he will net pod In yester- ~ed his act, and died, ~arenta, Mr. and Mrs. John Off- as an ~dvisor to the committee. The and left a lover of the land of hl~ er~e~a and family, committee in, most ca:~es will e~0n- ~ for another sist of three members. Usualt~ b~nk- If there are ers. farmers. are felt on siekrtess.