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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 2, 1950     Golden Valley News
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March 2, 1950
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS. BEACH. N. D. 3.!rthdcry Colobrafloss--- I To Duluth-- [Dawn From Savage--- Daughter Ill-- I Bill was lJhe guest of Mr and Mrs Warren Hancock I F.J. Swisse, of Savage, Mont., Ed Enderle left last Sa~xnxlay I mnor on .his birthday, rat ~hlS a... :.., ~n,t,,~a~., ¢.~. r~,,1,,th I who has spent ~he DaRt few years] for Minneapolis, Wlinn., to see his ] home a week ,ag.o Sur~day even- .'=~ "~. ~"~'"~.: "'_~'" ".~ '1 in the Be~ch community doingI ~minn, wnere ~ar. HanCOCK S sales ] car )eater work sto d ~n town ng. when several of ,h'is fellow " " I , ppe vorkevs ,and their wives gather- headqu,arters are, .and the cou- last Tuesday morning enrou~ce toI THURSDAY, MARC 2, Attend the Reach Bar, ricks Dance, Friday March at the Legion .Hall. el a,t his home. The l~dies pl,ay- od Canasta, ar~! the men a few hands of oards, followed by re- freshmen'ts ,~erved .by ,th,e .hostess Bill was gifted with a card table :,nd a Oan.asta set. ple's 2 children were being ca'red for here. f.he baby by Miss Lydi,a Ehman, and the older child, Den- niu. by Mrs. Werner Kippiey. They returned home over the week end. They saw the ice fol- Ilies sho,v in Duluth. and s~opped in Minn~,al~]-is enrou*e home, where they met Clarenee Over- stud, who rode back to Hancock, Minn. wi,th them. P. E. O. Me~t~--- Members of the Beach P. E. O. (-lub mel thi~ Tuesd,ay after- "-~),'m at ,lhe. home of Mrs. O. R. Niece, with Mrs. Oll'ie O(mald- s:gn in charge of the program, CARD OF THANKS \7~. c ('~tend ,mr'erest thanks ~res ,')f former neighbors and - m,r frit-nds and neighbors for :friends. ~'cir menv kin/.lmya:'es .:tnd ex- .c --qo>s ,~ff sympathy during ~idge Club-- ,,~-' re.cent b,,,'eawm~ent, with "l':;O D-'~V'V ~h)rl ,~lv h()rVle VcaS -:~'(~('J.;t] l]l~,llI,:s to ROv, BuRgs, st:one Sunday of ;1 bridge club Mi.~s ~;wan, tt~e pallbearers~ and ]froze From Calif.-- Mr, ~,n:t lMrs, R. E. Zook re- turned home Saturday from their ~arip to California, where they 'wJ~'~le'i lheir damT, hter Glennette ~m Ires AnRe,lc:q, and attended the 1R~rth Dakota picnic at Long l?et,ach. Feb. 12. where t.hey s,aw 1 ~rly. ThOr were to have met on t~ oqe who g,ave flor,al tributes. ~llurday, but the event was post. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wojahn l[ma~ed a day. Henry I, Smith LA. GREEN ONIONS 70 Eismarck-- 77:'. :rod Mrs. R, W. J(yhnson n.I ,zueds. Mrs. Stanley Raisler, ~.7:.>: l',:,ndal Thompson, @ITS, ~:tb~ Miller. and Mrs. John Keo- : :m,..!r., x~m'e Bismarck visi4ors. l~'.t Frid,.~.y, where Mr. Johnson allcndcd . m~2eting for Ford ,Ic::le:,.;. They returned home the same day, driving through heavy the .Langdon Bros. ranch on ~he river sou~.heast of Golva, where he is going ~to erect a cattle baTn i for ~he Langdon boys. Mr. Sw~sse f has spent the winter months at: his home in Savage. I Recuperating-- l.eo Ilaigh, who entered the N. P. Hospital at Glendive last Wed- nesday, underwent surgery, and from the latest reports is getting -long ver3.~ nicely. His father. Jim ~laigh of Eargo has been staying ;:~re durin:~ his absence. Meets Father-- C.lau(lc Thoomke lefl last S,at- ~-d:Lv for Phoenix. Arizona. xx here b.e met his f:ttller, tIenry, who h,as been spending the win- '~er in the sou[hwesI They plan- snowstorms both w,ays, which ned to drive home within ,a week slowed them down a bit. but did or two. not bother them otherwise. _ Visits Brother-- n --', ~ 'Mrs.Erich Wilkens and tWO ~ children of near New Salem, vis- ited her tmrther and wife.Mr. and Mrs. Bob Taylor recently, ar- riving fast Thursday and remain- ing until Sund, ay. CARD OF THANKS We extend our sincerest thanks to friends for help, comfort, and the many floral offerings during the illness and death of our be- loved mother, with special thanks to F,a, ther Hake. ,the ~altar boys and the pal~lbearers. We grateful- tly acknowledge the opening of the road to the cemetery by Paul Radens. The Anna Adamson Family L'EI,, P 80LID I EBERGS FMESH-.,,eN6ff FMLIOEEO C.6I.IFORHIA PASCAL --- 3 DOZEN SIZE E L E R Y, large bunch .... 17c SHALLOTS, lge. bunch 10e Wcmhinglon State Delicious Comb. Extra Fancy ~ Fancy Grade TIDBITS 14 oz. EROWN "N SERVE SI*E(',IA£$ HOT CROSS BUNS ,TO, o. 19¢ HARD ROLLS ^ RT- , To 19¢ ED PKG. LAKESIDE DARK RED KIDNEY BEANS CAN II~ OERBER'S STRAINED OR CHOPPED ASST'D. BABY r00DS W° 3 °z25¢ MILD LB. 45¢ LONGHORN SALAD DRESSINGPINTRKD OWI.jAR 27¢ STR~W~ERR Y-APPLE RASPBERRY-APPLE COTTAGE FARM 2-LB BRAND JAR SUCHARD'S PLAII~OR ALMO~II:~ GIANT CHOCOLATE BARS * .A. 23¢ MY-T-FINE ASSORTED PUDDINGS • • • • 3 ,-O" 25¢ MARVELOUS SUDS FOR DISHES AND DUD~ ,..'m . . • • . • • • ,-0,- 27¢ PKG. GET~ ALL YOUR CLOTHE~ GLEAMING FAll * . . . . * * • * Loz. 4,w PKG. /~ A SENSATIONAL CLEANSING POWDER 14-OZ MAX CLEANSER 2 25¢ Golva, N. D. daughter Creel]a. (Mrs. Lawrence Peterson), who is very ill at the Universi, ty hosgY~al there. Won't Be Lo.- [] Will Be in Full Swing lk * * * Start Planning and Getting Ready Now By Letting Us Deliver Your GAS OIL AND GREASES Before The Rush Starts Quality Products Will Save You Money Beach, N. D. Homer Madison, prop. ROASTED TO PERFECTION • o ..~ Grlnder-Fresh. You'll enjoy the sparkling fresh flavor of 18K or Red R~st~r ~ot:h~. It is delivered to m in flavor-sealed whole bean and we grind "le exactly dsht for your coffee maker the moment you buy. Try grinder-fre~ coffee=today-youql save on every pound. ,., . ,." ,"'. -',' & 18K COFFEE '""° 69' ! COFFEE ' ~ "° 63' $OOP |ATIIf$.-'$OOD IIUTRITI , i GOOD VALUE t GOOD VALUE " WELL STREAKED WITH LEAN | 16 OZ. [ 1 LB. SLAB BACON I 3cans 23c [ 2cans 21c Ib 27c ]Case $1.79 i Case $2.49, = - PURITY .BUTTER,. lb.... 62c LIVER, lb' 29c . "" EGGS. dozen ........... 30c ,,,.a oz. cans. "" WHY FUSS -- BUY US lye 8. OZ. BUFFETS VAN CAM_P'S -- 16 OZ. STOKLEY S BUTTER KERNEL PORKand BEANS, 2 cans 920 WAX .EANS .... PEAS C .RO ,io ~" DICED CARROTS 10c NIBLET'S DICED BEATS ___ I0c CORN, 7 oz. can __ llc SWANS DOWN GRAPEFRUIT .... 13c JOAN OF ARC MIX, 2-16 oz. pkgs. ,.,,..s KIDNEY BEANS __ 10, 0~)C PEARS .......... 15c I1 oz. APRICOTS ....... lSq DOLE PINEAPPLE VEG-ALL MIXED VEGETABLES, 16 oz. pkg. 17c DEMING'S PINK SALMON. 1 lb. can ....... 37c LIBBY'S VEGETARIAN DEEP BROWN BEANS 2 6 12 24 23c 65c $1.25 $2.25 CRISCO or SPRY, 3 lbs ....... 73c HUNT'S PEACHES ........ 10c TEXAS PINK CRUSHED or TIDBITS 9 oz. Can 17c GRAPEFRUIT, 5 [or ..... . 27c FANCY AND ]EXTRA FANCY Delicious Apples, 40 lb. box $2.85 CALIF. NAVEL JUICE ORANGES, 2 doz.... 45c