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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 2, 1950     Golden Valley News
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March 2, 1950
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MARCH 2, 1950 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS. BEACH. N. D. PAGE I 7:30 p. m., Wed., Prayer Meet ~. .......----= .....----1 Florence Kessel and Peggy , 1[ Mrs. Ad~ [Marshall of Jasper, inC. | ~ Johnson were week end guests l ]]Minn., arrived at ,the G. | {:!...-s "..--|I]t.~.~4.. |of Florence's sister~ Mrs. Gerald , ~ ! ~T t[mond home Sunday• ~Virs. Mar- 13 4F~ lit O • l" 1-5 p. m., Wed., Dorcas ~oc|ety i Drill ilICl DUttl= I Hals'tead in Glendive. ~ oIva l~ews t lshal is a sister of George Ham- 11 ~J[ lt~ ~ ~ la l~l 7:30 p. m., Ptt., Bible Class. Tune in every Sunday [ ~ Mrs. Kennet~h Wick was hostess [ mond. EVANGELICAL LUTMERAN KSJB, a.t 8:30 a.ln. and enjo) [ ................. -::½ to a group of small girls and ........................ I The Golva Homemakers Club Reed Crni. CHURCH i(he Vmce Of Prophley. , .. +. .... boys 'Sunday ,af.ternoon at her ......... will meet on March 9, at the ......... herman l+)letz ann ~wo sons re- ~--,~ ;,- h,-~,,r o~ her A Dlrmoay omner was cele- ~. ....¢ ~,... ,-, .... • O. L. OLSRUD, Pastor ] . .v ......... ~ . ~, , ,,-,.v ~,L ~w~-~• ~,eo. t+earey, wlm turned home from a shor~ bum- , ............. , ~.~,,~.a,,, The b~ated Sunday, Feb.19, at the ............. BARLEY FIRST LUTHERAN, BEACH: EVANGELICAL UITITED BRETHI~ CHURCH .... ~. afternoon w, as spe~t p ay g . . . ". . . ess ~'%~mm~ Sum:lay School I0 a.m. l Rev. E. J. Bott. Pm~r e~,~., I ......• ...... ~-;-~- ~ delicious eft gues[s were ~m, ary ~v, auoe ann " .. ~,2%1~ ,3~Irs. wm. P ranzen underwen.t lunch was served by '~*he hostess Grandpa Schi,]lo. Those present . - . l~enzl H.amm.~nd ,~as ........ Services at 11 a. m., Sermon Preaching Service, 10:15 a. m.. ..... ga,n~ a~Lv* w.*c, a Mrs i " theme: "Power Over Demons". Sunday School, 11:15 a.m. ~;urgery at the Beach hospita,l v -~-- ~:.., '..~-eiv,~d man,, love-were Grandame Sc]~illo, Mr. and taken ~o [.ne ~achnOSpltal .Tues/ 1-'OWA'l'Ol Friday and accordlng to relatlves Iv "-iris Mrs. Pete Sch'il]o and girls ~yf y. g 1or lur~ner [rea~- ]I~|'~, ~,.;,,**,~,~]~, Adult el,ass of instruction 7:30 Choir Practice, 7:00 p.m. ~h++ ;~ " ..... ~ .... i,~ ,~;o,+h, ~ ~ " • Beaoh ana Mr and N[rs Mike men[s, ana passes ,away Frid~iy JL~U~ JtJtlUtUltU~ ...... Emil Scherle andHerb MoJ .... ~ m Friends e P"Lentenm" Services Wednesdays, Preaching Service,Hour Wed.,7:30 4:00 p" m. ++ ............ ' ..... +, ...... -,. • m ~ Airs. ~xtn, a ~anaers was nos~- returned~ to Bismarck Sunday Schwagel of Baker. A very plea- a'm ath to "~h x tend sin~e~ Russetts ~t 7:30 p.m. mChildrens p" ess to the Get-Together Club at ,'~+-~ ............. ~---,;-~ .... ,~ ~he week end++ant and enjoyable, dinner and • ~ P Y ~ ose m~t ~o mourn. The Ladies Aid Meeting is W.S.W.S. Thurs., March 2nd, .er home \¥ed. afternoon. Prlzes ............ ,~;w~- ~, ..... here ~ afternoon was spent pl.aylng l~ev. and ,Mrs. G. Hlnz and FERTILIZER • " wo b rs Ur ~ u,,:, -~w .... ......... I P+ook and Canasta daughter of Beach were Thurs Postponed one week. :~t 1:30 p. m., atRoy Snow home, m bridge were n y M . - ............ %~fr~ N~il 14¢~h~Orn~...... returned I ~ ' ' " da" v " " " ~_ on . n nula DeSchneau, Mrs Fern Tan- , ~ ~+,,,.,~.~,, v,.,~ th,~ c:l~n [ ]~Ir and Mrs. Geo. Gearey were . y e enlng dinner guests of Mr. O - ,.)1) TRINITY, SENTINEL BUTTE: with Mrs. Sno'~ and ~Irs. Anna ~en and Mrs. Gertie itonnold. 3°,meho~'p~ta~and'~is much'~m: vis~tors at the B. Covert home and Mrs. John Schmenng. Treble Phosphate Sunday School 1:30 p.m. Greeley entertaining. Richard Zinsli left Stmd.ay for ~_~e.~ flora her recen" illness l in Golva Sunday. [ --~ CARLYLE:Services at 2:30 p.m. d SundayTROTTERSschool, CHURCH2:00 p. m. Grc,i" Falls, Mont.* where he will tn~ic~'" Uetz' is 'improving" ,at t'he Mr. :and Mrs. Leo Kremers.. and I ReenlerSMrs ,, Hosp.-- ~.+111 I~! 1 • Ladies Aid at the Church We - Preaching Service, 3:00 employed on a ranch. ++~ +,,~r+~t~ ,,h .... h,+ w~ Idaughter were Beach vlmtors at, . Emma Woj.ahn reentered l~]|l JV|e|V|l~l ~esday. March 8, at 2 p.m., Col- ?h~ Cl;~ro~aee ~atre family ,~t,~,~ ~, w~l+ I the hosprtal Wednesday. to e Beach hospital last Wednes. lowed by pot luck lunch. --~3~.- PAUL'S LUTHERAN wereSun-day~dinnerguests at the .................... Mr. A. Gu~tafson and Rienzi day for treatment of the dog Phone 4F-12 Beach, N. Do~ ' CHURCH .... ~ ~x~.~H~,~n home "+-'iticion C=lls-- lIammond motored to Beach bite in .her leg, which had be- ___ ..... ~ltre,. Ivl .............. ~-ul ' * ~ . -- - --' BEACH METHODIST CHURCH Missouri Synod ............... ;..,,n +.~,..+ A C Townlev a nolitician of lThursday to be .at the hospl~alleome Infected wi,th gangrene ~~++~~ ]. Robert Boggs, Jr., Pastor G. HINZ, pastor that Miss Marion Lardy of ~his~he early days. and said to be[W~th !he~r daughter arid wl~e, [ BEACH: ~ h " ~ervices Sunday, March 5th,~-,*~s=";~' .... ,~nd Dick Bell of ,the Sid- the founder of 'the Non-Part~sanlrespecn ly.. , ~ ~"~+~++~'~+'~'~"~ 10:00 a. m., Sunday ~c ool. 10:30. ney vicinity stole a march vn League, was in Beach last Thurs-[ Mrs. Morris Douglas and child-[~ 11:15 Morning Worship. Sund.ay School, 11:30. their friends, and were m,arried day cal.ling on old friends, and ren were, ~eun~.ay callers a~ ]]~ ......... ~[ 7:30 p. m., Evening Worship. Mid-Week Lenten Services on J, anu.ary 14t.h atthehomeoflealledattheBarneyPiesikh°me'lmet~aenn°sp~a" ]~ 14"s A (ll~rl~ 14~ I~P ~I~! [ ll+P(k~ i • .al ..... .... Wed., 4:15 p. m., Catechism Wed., 7:45. the groom. Attending %he bud/ ] ~+4~.~~~ak~l~ II'J ~ k.~ .L II'J III k_Y ~.J I .I.k.Y I[ Chgs. Ladies Aid Wed., ~I.arch 8th, r ~-.~r ~- ~- ~ ~r ~r ~" ~ ~r ~- resident .here, and Mi:s M?v~I ......... [ &T f& • ][7 " 7:00 p. m., Choir Rehearsal. 2:30. couple were Dale Hess, fo met [ ~[ "l~ 8:00 p,. m., We'll see, "God of W.alther League Wed., March Lickner. Both the b ide .a .-- _ - _ I 1 I I 1 1 . IP, . * * * * Creation , .at the Legion H~ll. 8th, 8:45. groom ,teach school in the Sid- [ ' , :- ~ [ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~t~ ~ • ]~ , Thurs., 2:30 p. m., W. S. C. S., ney vicinity ,and to attend _ - --~ I6 ii WIBAUXla Church: pa~'lors. , Good Attendance.-- normal school in Montana next ~ ,,:~r"~ ~, ~"m=m~ I ~g-~ ~*I'~]~[1E~.'I~L"~ I~ Easter is only a few weeks off, and | 9:45 a. m., ~vIorning Worship. ] The Union Day of P~ayer Ser- summer. Congratulations are ex-I ~¢/~-~ } |1 IU PPllllIl~l13 ,,,~ o"'11 to loin the E ster 10:45 a. m., Sunday School. ]vice at the E. U. B. Church Wed- tended ~he ~h, appy couple [ / .~;:~) [ /-- ~,. [ [ [~ vv~ n,**~vv j u vvctu~ t v ju,x, us~ ~to~.u,, John Honno]d ]eft ~Mond*ay for ~ ~. * ~, I 7:00 p. m., M. Y.F. i nesday evening of last week was [ % :l Parade lookma your best. $ Thurs., 4:15 Catechism Class. ]well attended. The sound-film, Fargo, where he will a.t~tend a ~. ~Ml~ ~l~ k. / 1[~*~'~" .......... [~ "-" "~ 7:30 p. m., Choir Practice. "A Letter From China", was Lumber Dealers Convention. [ ~ ~l~ i{ [~ 8:15 p. m., Fellowship of Study] greatly ,appreciated and ,the of- ~ ..~..~ , ~ . . and Prayer. fering received was sent to "The ...... - - .. [ :[ When you want to[+[ Stop in and look o+ver .our New Spring Mond,ay Evening, '3/larch. 6, China Inl, and Mission". B U ] L D ] IJ S- ,row laser. Y°"tca" ha cmcks' ,,[ ISELL your _7._.:farm, see} and Summer Line of Tailor MadeSuits. 8:00 p. m., begins our two weeks MOVED tt~pecialPre-Easterservieesat Move ToTovm-- °ugive'emDr'Sal'sbury ' I I Barney Ples,k. Latest in Gabardines, Tweeds and Wibaux. Everyone is invited to ,Mr. and Mrs. J. E. ,Metcalf mov- "" -- REN-O-SAL rigI s , . • • aitend, ed to Beach this week from their . ~-, . --.. [ ...... , I When you want toil Sharkskms, and guaranteed to fit. It yS yr ~ ,rom me star', I~ farm in the Trotters community, An ]ze An lact , [ BUY a farm, see THE CONGRLGATIONAL and their son Don,ald is now set- CHRISTIAN CHURCHES :led there, ,and will take over the PRI E ESTIMATF- ' drinking wate '1 Barney Piemk. Axold," the Easter Rush by having" t ~EACH: are temporarily making their Call ~ ~.~ cal coccidiosi: ,+~l When you need your Dry Cleaning done now[ Church S~hool at 10:00 a.m. home at ¢~he Pierzina Cabin _., . , ~ Ask for REN-( |'l .... ,, [~ Worship Service at 11:00 a. re. ,Camp, until they find sui~abl~Dlckil SO1 I SAL. I ,ILOA~ on your.rarm,/ Pilgrim F~l~p, Wed., 7:30 living quarters. ,, ,, • Io] • - *- I See Bar/icy-- "[,es,k. /][ Choir Practice Sat.. at ,:a0 1-1OUS to, rag Imelgnts Llty urugI At his office, BEACH CLEANERS | P.m. 7:30 Wed., LelYten Services. Dickinson, N. Oak.,I Beach, N. Dak. ] Beach, N. Dak. tt,[ Phone 32-J Beach, N. Dak. SENTINEL BUTTE: . Morning W~r~hi9 +~t 9:~0 axn. ~A,~~A~~|/~ ~EDORA UNION: ~mr~1-w-~ ~-v- ~w- Sunday School at 11:00 a. m. Worship Service ~t 2:30 p. m Ash Wed~esclay, Febru+~'y 22, 1950, Ist day