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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 2, 1950     Golden Valley News
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March 2, 1950
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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INgl WX THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS. BEACH. N. D. THURSDAY, MARCH 2, :W'ib:aux ...... N-::!ews , (Crowded Out Last Week) Domald Ch, affee and Richard ~pson made ,a ~Ip to BuCte week to get the ,]~a~ter's! house2mld goods. ~V~r. and Mrs. ~ompson are movictg here to J. W. Green.up and C. Brungard from near Sk~ar, N. D., ,a~ter~ded the Soil Conservation meeting here Friday. Prizes were ,award- ed $,avnes Roberts, Raymond Dobrowski, Ernie Petermann, [I~verly Br~itenfeld't a,nd RuCh Quale, for wrRing the best es- says on "Wh, a,t Oonserva.tion Means to My Commun, ity." Miss Betty ,Bryce came from Miles Ci~cy and spent the week end a¢ ~he p~rental A. Bryce blip ,hts m~her, Mrs. Hugh home. Sunday (]V~r. ,and Mrs. ~a~fee, on ~J~e farm. ,o , I Bryce celebrated t.heir 31st wed. Mr. ,a~d Mrs. C. E. Win, kleman / din~, ~iversa, rv at Beach cMled on friends hereI ~Irs Hugh "" Chaffee was ~[~umd~y. I broug~t home from ~he Beach ,Miss Marl~aret Welliver ~as a !l~.ien~ ,a¢ f he N. P. hospital in hospi~at Sun~tay, where She has been confined since the accident, Glendive part of last week. I whichcaused her husband's Coach Owen ;and Bobby OrgM, n death. ~nded "the Terry vs. Sacred Heart baske1~ba,ll .game .at Miles C~ty Friday eve. Mr. Irwin ac- omrtpavded the W. C. H. S. has. lmtball team to Baker ~he same I~e., where ¢chey phyed, winning by 20 poi, n~s. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Beeler ~K)ok 4~heir d~.ugh~er Shirley to Bc,ach 1,ast week, where she re- mained at the 'hospital as a Imeumon,ia patient. Mesda~mes Alda H, ansen, A1. bion Welsh and Tom Ly~w en- tertained the C. F. Lad~es Aid a~ file club house Thursd, ay slUr- Mrs. Blanche Jeeters has re- ttwned from ,a very enjoya~Me ~ca~mn. Which ~ok ~her east to the Atlantic Coast. She pkans to I~open the Dl~ette C~afe in ¢.he hoax future. Charles Holmes who was em- ployed a¢~ Knowles Market, left Friday for ,his home in Lincoln, Nebraska. ~VIrs. Earl Baker ,and d~,uffh~er F~ances ,a.nd David Knowles vis- ited Mrs. Don Knowles a't Glen- dive Thursctay. ~,VIrs. C. A. Anderson and ~d_rs. O.M. W~odhouse enCertained the C. F. church eh~>ir ,and some friends at a Valentine party at the dub house Tuesday everdng after choir practice. ~avnes a~d ,lunch were enjoyed by ,a~. FINAL CLEARANCE Thursday- Friday- Saturday To Make Room For The W. L. Hammond is in Wash-I inffton, D. C., where he went to attend ~a two day conference,,,t Feb. 15-16, of Che '~t~te Comman- ders of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Funeral services were held 'Fri- day ~afteroon ,a,t the M. E. church for 1 year old ,Diane Jean Bair, daugh'ter of Mr. and tVIvs. Harold Ba4r of Great Fa~s, (Mont., and grandchild of ~vIrs. M,ay Ba~r of Wib~ux. 'Interment was made in the local cemetery. .Mr. and (Mrs. Glenn Scammon enterta4~ed their Sun£~ay School classes at ~a Va, len~ine party at their home Wednesday evening. A del.icious supper w~s served to the guests ~terward. Archie Holmes h~s purchased the bufld,iwg occupied 'by the R. Golden Valley News. Mrs. Byron Hudson Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Fulton and M,aflys of Golva. were din- ner guests at the Alvin Wood- send ~home Wednesday. World Day of Prayer was ob- served Friday a~ternoon a,t the E. U. B. church ,by members of the local W. S. W. S. .Mr. a~d Mrs. Ralph Rustad and George Rustad were Baker cal- lers Friday ,and Saturday. Mrs. Charles Shepherd and Larry motored to Baker Thurs- day, ,and were overnite guests of Mrs. ~¢Iartha Shepherd. Mrs. Shepherd had dewtai work done while in town. 'Mrs. Byron Hudson is a .pati- en,t at the Beach Hospital, where she underwent surgery Thurs- day morning. Byron Hudson and children were Sunday .dinner guests at • he Willis Preston home. Mr. and (Mrs. ,Hubert Rustad :tad .~ons spent last Su'nday ~t~ the George Rustad home. Francis Plummet returned Tuesday and Mrs. Plummer re- turned Thursday from Bismarck, where they had taken little Debo- ra,h to the Bismarck hospital .~he first of the week; they left her improving slowly. Bernie Jesfield has been quite fll w~th the mumps, this week. Bernita Scott w~s honor guest at a farewell party Thursday afternoon given by her class- mates, and .Mrs. Ralph Shepherd, substitute teacher. Ice cream ,and cookies were enjoyed by the group, and Bernita was present- ed with a lovely "going away" gi~t. She plans to leave this week with her g~andmo~her, .Mrs. R~lph Miller. Mr. and .Mrs. Sam Fisher and Sandra were overn, Re guests ,at the Dewey Fisher home in Beach • Friday nile. I ] . Mr. and (Mrs. Gloyd ~ury Daisy Wassmann of A~h~, d~nner guests at the E~iae home Wednesday. They were supper guests at the Bet*. H~I- son .home. let the following electrical ser- vants cut your farm production e costs: Meyers and Red Jacket water systems and pump jacks. Viking Electric hammer mills. General Electric farm welders & bat- tery chargers. Hudson chicken brooders and waterers. Black and °Decker portable electric drills & grinders. General electric heaters and heat lamps. General Electric and Wagner motors for those 101 jobs around the farm. Farewell Party-- A group of friends feted Maxy Arm Vukelie at a di~m~ last Thursday evening a¢ J, ac~ Club, in a farewell .to her; d)~ is leaving COhOs F~iday, March ~, for Ch,icago, II1., where she will make her home. The Cars Listed Below Are Very Clean Ones. 1949 2 door Chev. Sedan, Heater, Seat Covers, Very Clean. $1489.00. 1949 Buick Super 4 door Sedan, full line Equipment $2295.00. 1947 Ford 4 door Sedan, Full Equipment. $1179.00. 1947 Ford 2 door, Full Equipment. $1049.00. 1946 Ford 2 door, Full Equipment. $999.00. 1946 Ford 2 door, Full Equipment. $949.00. 1946 Hudson, 4-dr. Sedan. $999.00. 1941 Chevrolet Town Sedan. $379.00. 1942 Plymouth 4 door Sedan. $419.00. 1947 Chevrolet Aero Sedan. $1145.00. GOOD VALUE 1933 Chev. Truck, Ton, Good Tires. $249.00. 1946 3-4 Ton International Pickup. $699.00. 1939 Ford 1/2 Ton Pickup. $379.00. 1946 Chev. 2 Ton Truck, 825 x 20, 2 speed. $1599.00. 1936 Chev. 2 door Town Sedan. -- $199.00. 1938 Chev. 2 door Sedan. $249.00. 1941 Ford Ton Pickup. $329.00. 1936 Chevrolet Coupe. $65.00. 1936 4 door Chev. Sedan. $299.00. NEW SPRING MERCHANDISE 1936Plymouth 4 door Sedan. $129.00. Now Arriving Daily. R A I S L E R E L E CT R I C C O. GMAC FINANCE PLAN • Beach, N. Dak. Phone 74 Beach, N. Dak. Excepuonal Values! ..... :--- ! !Take Advantage Of The l Two Great Tractor Tires ........ I MANY BARGAINS /e' / mom/cgl, Two members of The Firestone Tire & Rubber Company's Illustrious family of agricultural tirex now available to tractor owners are pictured above. At the left the winsome young lady is prepared to take the field with a tractor equipped with the new open center curved bar tire, the newut addition to the Firestone line. At right ia the famous patented curved bar traction center tire. Addition of the open center enrved bar tire gives Firextone the only complete lhte of tractor tires available. Sold and Serviced in All Sizes, for All Tractors at MILLER'S Beach, N. D. Phone 17 The hottest innovation |n- young men's shoes since the war. Patterned a er western ideas...a free 'n easy boot that's tops for wear with slacks, f/ne jeans or levis. ' for datia' ,or " [ MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED ~ 7~~.~.- " , Style Name Siza Width ~. I(.t.l~-"v'-- -- Check__ Cash C,O. D. -- N~ME ~. ADDRESS ~ ...- CITY STATE Beach, N. Dak. with