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March 2, 1950 Golden Valley News | |
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March 2, 1950 |
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LOST--in Beach. oldgoldbrooch,|MALE HELP WAl~rED--Reliable FOR SALE--Blue ribbon Chicks. CALL FOR BIDS The news of ,Mrs. Adamson's
~r/'~'r~ I with amber seWtin, Reward,g. ,, man wRh car wanted t,o ~all Place orders now, ~Ira. P.A. -~ |; .......... --= ....... ] 0ec, th came ,as a shock to all
~Al~I ] Mrs. J.J.'Eaton, Medora. 24-2tpI on farmers in Golden Valley Thomas, ,at Dickinson Cream- Bids are asked by .EAc. t T ,,,s ,e exto.d our sym.a hy =
"" I --:=--:--=--.2--. 1I County Wonderful opportuni- cry. 24-¢fc SC,IOOL DlST,ItT,o 3 for onei rotters News
[ the bereaved family.
FOB SALE--1000 gel t~a~ moae / ~..-" .......
| | ' ..... "" ....... I ty. ~1~ to ~Lu xn .a oay. i~o ex- .:7...&.~------~ _. thou~an.d (1000) b~.gsof fire- We were tree.ted to ~a real s~
vvP,~-l-~-l.~-- L,atmary worm also ' " ~ t Mrs. ~. r. Crook. co,! stol~m on Friday, but the warm
I two CENTS PER WOaD |1 ~u~mr ~'ropane ~ang. wm seu~ oerience or capital reauired " i-- °o n- "--1 proof msulatmn, granulated gr
| pma lssm~ |1 for $100..below eo~. A1 Kreit-I Perm, aner~t Wri.te ted, aT Me: iurn snea ro(0m" .i ,r r er.L (cm , oour-in type, similar to ZONe- weather on Sunday, melted :~
inger, Be~ield. 23-2tp " "" R^_^~. ,, ~ ,,o ~,.. I LI],E or granulated reekwool to great deal of the snow, and
,-, ,--- .. o, -,ill I Ness Company Dept. A. Free- or see Mrs. ~vnnnle borensen, ,
• ethln" U you mood help, or -- -- 2
I~ a ?~. yo. can get remal~ II FOR S~t,E--Late Model Remlng-I port, Ill. 23- tp _cat,, ,~. , .... o~, be; delivered ~o the high school ']'here will be Sund,ay school w,a~er was running ev~
.:|~_l~a No~s Want A~. No aa ac-|l +,~n ~]nri,~ht Semi Noiseless l ................ FOR SALE--Ford--tractor, like and Lincoln bldg. Bids may be and church services at Tro~ters,Mrs. Homer J.ackson
j~ z~ l~ man 2~ pw ~'1~ Lv'" v~.. ~ ........ III SALESMAN WANTED new, equ~'pped wi~h plow ~d submitted on more than one type on Sunday, March 6; at ~he usual that she is now, s~n~
'l~n. A .eevice charge of ~l[ Typewrl~er. ~oo~ snipe, w~ I ...................
~lV~i be made for "blind" a~. | t sel,1 r~asonable. A1 Ueckert,,A BUSINE~ O¥ YOUI~ tJw~t disc. Frank Bar~s, Beach. of insul, ation, but sample of insu- time. Everybody welcome, her son, Alfred Tres~er, Er., and
::--- ' ! [ Beach. 23-2tc INO INVESTMENT NEEDED 23-3tp 1.ation, descriptive materials, net John Nellermoe m,ade a trip to wife were blessed with a ~,
1~ ~ I A splendid opening for the man ......... I weight per ba~, and square feet Dickin,~n lasl Wednesday to con- Feb. 5.
R SALE-- ~neral Ele~ricl WAIWrED---Baby ssthng by ma - . ..... FOR 5.ALE--II ft. Westingh~_ae I of coverage with five inch depth suit an ocuiist. ,Mr. ,and Mrs. Francis Boy~ a~
• cloth"~ d" er "nl- • ~ ~ ~ ~ ...... nest err wno can qu,a'n~y: ~epresem one re~rigeraVor, $250., only used 3 1 mn~t be su, bmitted with each I~id. &dr. ,and Mrs. Eugene Russell son, B0~by, were visi'tors at the
c~ ~' , ~ ~' ~:~=~ ~| rio(1 worr~an. ,Mrs. ~r ' .... r " " n"
Weeks,cheap.Seeley,Electric ] Beach 23-1¢p, oxrne m gest weomn compa ms weeks, also 7 ft. eleettm re- 1 Insulation is to be delivered by were Sund,ay visitors a¢ the Kyle P. V. ,Moore home on Wednesda~o
~-, .Cn o~ ~ i ~_ ...... , selling airect-,to-consumer. Terri- ~r~gerator, good running con- { May 5th, 1950. Bids must be su~b- S~erry home. 1
i~-" . --'-"~]FOR SALE--Payne floor furnace, tory in your county available. Sell dition, $25. Sam Johnstone, lmi~ted ~o ,Mr A. A. Abel, Clerk - ~-N-~-TICE-~
~I~R SALE---2 slmtl~ ye~lingl 50000 B T U. includes vent from .actual made-up-samples. Beach. Phone 177. 24-1tp of t}~e Board "by 8:00 ,P. M., on Lenus N'ielsen, Arlowe Adams!
Shetland Ponies, from gentle ] pi~. Pete ~h'illo, Beach. 24-2tp Over $500.00 ~ample fine of wear- ~__ .~oroom--fu~ai ---[Wednesday, ~Iareh 15, 1950. Theafternoonand Eddie callersCr°°k' wereat theSUndayj. F. townTheretaxiWillservi'6ebe no un.tilm°re furthev°ut
strain of Sh~tl .ands. One Regis- [ .... _ . ing apparel ~or the entire family _ _ --, m^ u d saea I Board reserves the righ~ to reject notice.
~ered Hereford Bull four years] FOR SALE--One Prefer.el. sere furnished you. Must ,have car. apartment, rnone o~-~ ,~,~-~c .... n ~,~a~ i Earnie's Taxi
~!d. J(x~n BreYain, Beach, N. D. ] bm'nd new:_Just the s~z Nort~hwestern Woolen Co. Dept. O ~ :~ny ~, ........... Crook home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Metcalf
mane 17-F-20. 23-2~:e]ear a tin, all ~umness nrm or Minneapolis, Minn 24-ItcFOR SALE--Tre~ie~ Barley, Ear- A. A~ Abel, Clerk have gone to Beach, where they 111 In B~
..... [ farm home. Price greasy re - - nes Johnson, Sentinel Butte. I Beach District No. 3 will make their home. They have ~Mrs. M. L. Melvin of Beach, ~i~
I~R SALE--Ford tractor, good/ duce~. See it at ,the News of FOR SALE-- Farm Ma~hinerT. 24.2tpt 24-1tc not been .able to get a house ,as ill in the Butte, Mont., hospi,l~at[,
tubber, auxili.ary road gear,/rice. 16die "Mrs. Irv. Gordon, Phone 182-W, yet, so are st,eying i'n .a cabin at where she has been several
plow, and heavy duty mower. Beach N D 23-3~cNews Want Ads Bring Resul~ News Want Ads Bring Results! presen, t. weeks, suffering from nephri~i~.
D. M. Snow, Beach. Phone 208- I FOR SALE-- 3 room, 1½ story
.._W. 22-3tp] home, 75 f~. front, good well
1 with electric pump. Cheap for
I~)R SALE---One Lelorneau, Mo-~cash. Furnished or unfurnished,
del G. 611-10 cu. yd. 1940 Me-{ Art Holland. 24-2tp
del. Ix)oared Helena, Mont., willI] F-(~ ~ ~ ~ ~,
deliver. Mike N. Guelff, phone
250-J, Glendive, Mont. 24-2tp 4-bottom Plow and Packer. 1,
"--- 400 g,al. gas ~ank, 1, 10 ft. Ya~a
I~R SALE--Two lois, with Brunt Press Drill, 1, 10 ft. Tan-
w~ter, sewer, a.r~d gas. l~easoa- dem Disc, 1, Hay Bucker. 1,
ably priced. See Rich Quade Fargo Sprayer, at Eddie's
~t Yor