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t With Your
j County Extension ]
} Agent
By R. M. Miller
............ - GOLOE I VALL N EWS. BEACH. N. D : THURSDAY, MARCH. 2_,
- ......"[ I 'Mr. and ,:Mrs. I:kmald MetoalfI A ra, ther small crowd ,attended I ~
SOIL CONSI~RVATION PLEKgAIWr VALLEY 1 .....- -:=-- ~T ~ /and daughter .have moved to .the I the meeting of Webbs WillingI -czr T lr~l"lvrln~o
How long is time . Is It one i "II'r/tt-t~r~ l~Wt~ | [ J. E. Metcalf home. Mr. ,and Mrs. [ Workers on Wednesday. The J ¥¥ • /.~ rata/X.IPat,~
,day or is it one hundred years? Mrs. Rex Simms, S~v.. | ~t avI, L~O -- "~ | ! Metca~f pl, an t~o move to Beach. / meeting was held i,n the Trot, ters
When the Soil Cxm~erv~tiQn Set- ,Mrs. Err. Br~.i,ten~eldt. was | Mr. s r eroo cot Mrs Kyle Sperry, Mrs Bob
k. I ' . church parlors. A deli,cious pot- ATTORNEY AT LAW
vice Calks about lor~g ".time" hostess .Io the clu~ at net norne | " " " t, Stevens and aVlrs. Eugene RussellI luck dinner was served a.t about
conservation, they mean foreveron Febru,a~y 16, with seven mere- I, ~ • J Imade a trip ¢o Sidney on Wed- noon. rio business meeting could Income Tax Servlel
Centuries ago the region along bars and two visi¢ors presenL I be held, ~a.s only three members
the Medi~erran~a~ Sea i,n Egypt Ballots for 1950-51 major projects (Crowded out last week.) Inesday'Mrs. Hazel Gorrclt and Mrs. P. were present. PHONE 133
Beach. N. Dak.
V. Moore were both on the sick
In cooperation with q~heodore
W. Thorson of the ~il Conser-
vation ~rviee, ,three farmers
rneetir~gs will be held during the
first week in ,March. F.armers aTe
invi,ted fie attend lhe discussions
on grass .and legume seeding and
hybrid corn.
The m~.~ting will be held .at
C,~lva March I, in l he school
house; at Beach Marcia 3. in the
courthouse: and Sentinel Butte.
March 7. in the .~chool house. All
m(~qings will heain at g:00 p. m,
~loekmen should s4arl emamin-
~ng the backs of their ca,tile for
was the richest land in ,the world.
Evidence of this can still .be .%~en
in the form of abandoned olive
presses among the ruins of this
ar~a. But, because of faulty land
use and ImOr soil man,agement,
the are~-~ is now barren rock and
sand. The people are hungry .and
I dostitu,te.
If this is not,to happen to Gold-
on Valley County and to our de-
condan*t~, w.e will have to start
applying a program of long
"time" soil eonserva.tion t~)day.
"A very good" thing
Aboul ~)il conserwvtion.
It sav~*s the ~il
For the next generation."
were discussed and voted on.
Contributions made ,to the infan-
tile paralysis drives in C, olden
V, alley and Wiba'ux Coun¢ies.
Mrs. Ben Thompson will be
hostess to the next meeting,
March 2, at 12:00.
Notes Birthdm/--
Several friends dropped in to
help Mrs. Thelma Zielsdorf cele-
brate her birthday last ~Monday
Golden Valley
Grubs usually start appearing
in backs of cattle about,his time WESTERHEIM 4-H CLUB Entered as Secona C~aS~ matter m
of 3 ear. They should be dus~- Denna Bl~own, Sac, the Postofflee at Beach. North Dakota
October 7, 1936. under the Act o~
ed with Rotenone powder, thirty Four members and three visi- March 3, 1~'/
days after the first grubs appear, tors were present for a meeting
A second dusting should be made held on February 18, at the West- A WeeklYThursdaylPUblllLhed lgver~
30 days later to ca~tch late grubs erheim school .house. the club WALTER R. BI~A'I*TOM
• ' Editor - P~bBsher
your supply of Rotenone decided to hold a oard party on SUBSCRIPTION ~TI~
powder the ne~t time you are in March 3, and members will sell One Year ........,
t~wn. One pound will treat about homemade candy. Achievement s~x MoW.h~ ....... t.~
12-15 head of cattle. Institute was discussed. The To addressee with North Dakota,
and WibauX and Fal!on CoUntl~ i~
, • , • • • club will meet again on March Monterey:
To addraUes outside of North D~to~,
4-H MEETING SCHEDULED 18, at the school 'h~use. One Year ........ ~
. , * a * One Year ........ I13.0~
A meetir~g will be held on Mon-
day, March 6, at 7:30 p.m., at
~e Weinreis school south of
Beach ,to discuss the 4-tI club
program. Parents .and children
invited ~o attend this meet-
ing. Movies will be shown.
F~armers if you ,haven't already
Iisted items for tim farmers ex-
change there is still ,time to leave
lists at our office. M,arch 4th. is
the deadline.
* * $ * *
Completely Modern 12 Unit Tourist
Cotirt in Black Hills Area.
Very well built, beautifully landscaped,
doing excellent business, best court in
city. For inquiries write G. A. Holben,
or phone 418-W, Belle Fourche, S. D.
The Following
as straight run
or sexed chicks:
White Rocks
Barred Rocks
Austra- Whites
White Wyandottes
New Hampshires
White Leghorns
Heavy Assorted
Started Chicks:
One week old add $4.50 per 100 over day old prices.
Two weeks old add $7.50 per 100 o er day old prices.
Prices: .
All of the. dual-purpose strmght run
chicks sell at
$15.00, while the pullets are $20.00, and the cockerels
$12.00. Heavy assorted se!l for $1 .50. The White Leg-
horns and Austra - White strmght run are $14.00,
pul!ets $29.00, and the .Leghorn cockerels sell at $4.00,
while the Austra - White cockerels are $4.50.
$1 deposit at time of placing order, balance due.when
chicks arrive, nace orders with us early to insure
correct date of arrival.
Phone 127
P. V. Moore home. The young
folks spen~t the evening pt.aying Mrs. Moore served a de-
licious hmch.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robertson
were Saturday aftorn,oon visitors
a,t the P. V Moore home ,a week
We extend con/ratulations to
Mr. and Mrs. Bm't St~erry, v:ho
celebrated their thirty fifth wed-
ding ,armiver,:, ~ry. or1 Stlllday.
Their ehih{ren a.:d f:,milie~; p}.an-
ed ,to sl~en,1 the flay v,-ith t)Icnl.
Mr, ::ml Mrs. F. C, achnqon and
Kat:hryn McDon: 1-1 uere Eat.
evening visitors at the No,'man
Nellermoe ;'ome..a week a~o.
The P. C. Mcores ,are the proud
~)wners of a new Chevrolet ear.
tar for a cheek-up, tl~is week.
Chester Gasho left for Roehes-
The J. F. Crook f~amily were
~Saturday evening visitors at the list ,a part of last week.
When Planning To
Sell Anything
News Want Ads Resultsl
Wibaux, Mont.
You Are A
S But
Once At
Don't hesitate to bring your lady friend•
Door Prizes of $5.00 -- $5.00 & $10.00
At 5 p.m., 9 p. m., and 12:00 Midnight
On Monday and Friday Nights.
Wibaux, Mont.
Lawrence Hoffman, prop.
VOU read it on There are wonderful things for Yes, you've a date--right noW
,[the calendar-- you to look into: to meet spring at your Buiol
and you feel it in the A Riviera at Sedan prices. Two- dealer's• A date not only to see
pleasant things--but to hear pleaS"
air. door Sedanets, four-door Sedans in
Spring--and the out- a wide range of power and prices, ant news as well.
doors calling--and that lively jubl- Convertibles, Estate Wagons, a For Buick prices are something to
Coupe--cars for dvery taste and jubilate about too. They start
lance that comes with winter's practically any budget, above the lowest bracket--ate°
passing, they are accompanied by very
There are even gay new spring easy-to-take arrangements as to
And nowhere is the spirit more in colors to help you meet the season .. ,, ....
evidencethanatyourBuickdealer's,in proper garb. And of course, if me uem.
, , 0f°
you haven t yet done, so, there s How about today--at latest torn a,
For it's Spring Jubilee time whhDynaflow Drive* for you to meet row--for keeping your date wiw
Buick. Time to trot out and show and sample, your Buick dealer? °
offall the gay and brilhant beauties *,S~ndardonRoA,9~,48"r,WR, optlonagate~LracostonSUe~RandSp, g¢lhLmoddal, •
of his 1950 line.
Time for you to sample, in proper eafmres l/ke fhese mean BUIC fftS THJ 111177'
setting, all the new life and bril- mOUER.COt,~RESSIOU Fireboll ~ot~, power in three e,eines, tire bp na;nes, tUaw r,.Ma end#
fiance of Buick valve-in-head i,, m el .l • UEW. Arr/ u srvuua, ith bumper-guard orilles, taper.through fan.~#,
"double bubble taillights • WIDE.ANGLE VISIBIUTY, close-up road view both fo~ard and back #
strMght-eight power--time for you rR~eIC.U~U~DY SIZE, less over-all length for easier parking and garaging, short furaing cadi~l ..~
to meet the greatest cure for spring
• O~ =~
fever known--the easy, effortless, EXtRA.WIDE SEATS cradled between the axles • SOFT BUICK RIDE, from all.coil springing, Sa~
aide rims, Iow-pretmm tirw, rlde.afeadylng tarque4ube DYNAFLOW DRNE standard
mile mastering stride of a Buick t~eas, optional at mehra ~ on SUPER and SPfCIAL series • WIDE AIL~AY OF MODEIJ
under your command. ' br Fish,,
Ph me Tour deale • demmu atlea--JUffht Igewl
Phone 74
Beach, N. Dak.