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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
February 28, 2019     Golden Valley News
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February 28, 2019
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. -m-m. .. we...” MW “ma—p..." v”... - .4. .....,. . ...w.».. . .4“... .‘Page 6 .- r 1. RAW“, Piled—up stress can lead farmers and ranchers to develop physical or mental health issues, but they can take steps to reduce stress and create healthy ways to manage it, says a North Dakota State University Ex- ; tension expert. 1 "Farm and ranch families often experience pressure. conflict and un- certainty, especially during harvest- ing and planting," says Sean Brotherson, Extension family sci— ence specialist. "If feelings of frus~ ,tration and helplessness build up, -, they can lead to intense family prob- lems involving spouses or partners, , children, parents and other relatives. If left unresolved, these feelings can lead to costly accidents, poor deci- ; sions, strained relationships, health concerns and risks, including sni— cide." Using strategies such as control— ling events, attitudes and responses [can help manage symptoms of stress, .4 Golden Valley News . February 28, 2019 COMICS NEWS Methods for farmers, ranchers to manage stress according to Brotherson. "Farmers, ranchers and their fam- ily members and employees can learn to manage their stresses well, even during planting, harvesting or times of difficulty," he says. "The key is to be flexible and maintain a balanced lifestyle. Make time daily to take care of yourself because your work is vital to all of us. Your health is your most important asset on your farm or ranch operation. ” To help manage stress, Brother— son suggests: * Taking control of events by planning ahead and discussing who can be available to help before key seasons arrive — Make time to set pri- orities so you can focus on what needs to be done today and what can wait. * Taking control of attitudes that influence you — Identify the sources of the stress you have, and which ones you can and cannot change. Shift your focus off worrying and onto problem solving. Notice what you have achieved rather than what you did not accomplish. Set goals and daily expectations that are real- istic. How you view a situation is a key factor in creating or eliminating stress. * Controlling your responses to stressful conditions Take a break when feeling stressed, and focus on relaxing your body and mind. Take three deep breaths slowly and let go of unwanted stress. Think positive thoughts, balance work and play, find someone to talk to and seek help when you need it. Brotherson encourages farm and ranch family members to get addi- tional resources at stress and talk to trusted friends or associates, such as pastors or coun- selors, or call North Dakota‘s 2—lol help line. Health officials respond to Legionnaires’ disease cases BISMARCK The North Dakota Department of Health (NDDoH) and Fargo Cass Public Health are re- sponding to reports of three individ- uals with Legionnaires’ disease ;: associated with a hotel water park in Casselton, ND. Three people diagnosed with Le— l:gionnaire’s disease were reported to izthe department between July 2018 i and January 2019, and all reported Espending some time at the Days Inn {of Casselton prior to their illnesses. :None of the ill people were overnight :3. guests at the hotel, but all visited the :5 hotel to use the indoor water park. I;No additional cases have been re- ;ported. Hotel management has been ‘3 cooperative during the investigation. Prior measly: @éihdilatibhllwatér jand sandtilter sampleswere col~ :lected from the hotel on January 8 fland 9. One of the samples from the spa filter was found to have Le~ gionella bacteria detected through . laboratory testing. Hotel staff further cleaned and disinfected the spa. After “this remediation, a subsequent sam— :' ple collected January 31 from the spa tested negative. However, Legionella {bacteria was detected in a sample Amber Waves GERALD...GERALD HONEY. TIME to no your: CHORES. ETHEY'LL Do IT TIME i NIFELY PliT/ES 'a‘a's‘e'c'oh'o‘o‘o‘e 1‘. '4: "£012 ‘ c'o’b‘ c‘a‘o‘o‘o‘o‘o 'o'a‘o‘a‘e 5w? 0H Mics POTHOOI<SuTHI§ . gmyoyflv iéfiwisius J. Avoflisuomz ave' VERY BEST Cuem'm . DAY mu . HOW woum You WEAR m LIKE TO HAVE lawn/wager Viewer? WITH HIM? Y'KNOW-- emu»- collected from the spa filter on Feb- ruary 13. Spas are often associated with Legionnaires’ disease outbreaks due to their temperature and ability to aerosolize Legionella bacteria in small water droplets. Upon notification of the positive Legionella test on February 21, the hotel again drained and closed its spa until further notice and is committed to the public’s safety. The pool re- mains open. With support from the hotel, Fargo Cass Public Health will continue to work with the facility. “If you spent time at the hotel, especially in the water park area, between February 7 and 21 and are ill with undiagnosed pneumonia or you develop symptoms in the two weeks foilbwihg "visit, please see a health care provider to be evaluated for possible Legion- naire’s disease,” said Laura Cron- quist, epidemiologist with the N DDoH. “There are no recommen- dations to prevent illness once peo- ple have been exposed to Legionella bacteria. Instead, the focus is on rapid diagnosis and treatment if people develop symp- toms after a possible exposure.” lea ‘ .; fiflmmwmrfiu rescuer. If. you. have concerns 3— f. about posSibleéexloosureé please con-’1 or, I'M couurma TO 3. HERE I so 1-2-3! Legionnaires’ disease is a bacter- ial pneumonia that can be severe, so prompt diagnosis and antibiotic treat- ment is important. Symptoms in— clude fever, fatigue, headache, muscle aches, chills, shortness of breath, loss of appetite and coughing. The disease is spread by inhaling the line spray from water sources con— taining Legionella bacteria. It is not spread from person to person. Most people exposed to Le- gionella bacteria do not develop Le— gionnaires’ disease. People over the age of 50, smokers or those with cer- tain medical conditions including weakened immune systems, dia— betes, chronic lung disease or other _, chronic health conditions are at in- i tact your health care provider. In 201 8, ten peOple were reported ‘: to have Legionnaires’ disease in North Dakota. Two individuals with Legionnaires’ disease have been re- ported in 2019. More information about Legion— naires’ disease is available on the NDDoH website or from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "wow, I NEVER ruouaur ABOUT WHAT HAPPENS? PROB'LY BEST IF YOU TWO ‘AVOID DISCUSSIN’ POLITICS. '> JUST SAYIN’. " we saw me 11' mm HAPPY ENVlNé-"EVEW wits 9mm 6”“! 1 u/z/l/A ;‘ W S. LOPEZ . NEW OVLEAMQIA . 427 #5 v” 13"me Ikkiaéx} King Crossword ________ ACROSS 1 3 4 5 7 1o 11 1 III II III 5 Ayes' Oppo_ 12 13 14 sWMMaIIII E III ‘2 0°“““e”ta' III III coin 13 Squashed cir— - I cle ,, 29 3o 31 14 £023; a III III. 15 mama... II III. 1WWMw Ila IIII 3W 17 sun, in verse I. I 18 Peruse 42 44 45 46 47 ‘“WW“ IEEI FREE 20 Mentor 5 2‘ 3111:5453 I II III mm all all. all. 23 Swelled head 25 PBS dinosaur 51 Tavern eare's river 31 Type mea- 28 Intertwine 52 Be in charge 7 Northerner sures 32 Underwater of 8 Crafty 35 Reservation gear 53 Dregs 9 God, in residences 33 Hatred 54 carte Grenoble 36 Cheaply imi— 34 Swear (to) 55 Catch sight of 10 State tative 36 Refines, as 56 Top pick, 11 Waiter's 39 Ali — ore slangily handout 40 Exam format 37 Devoured 20 Aaron's idol 41 Gumbo need 38 Coop denizen DOWN 22 Minimum 43 Harvest 39 Rude one 1 Dread 24 Travelocity 45 On the briny 42 Expert 2 Garage job mascot 46 Ukraine's 44 Birthday party 3 Vicinity 25 Merit-badge capital essential 4 Nicklaus nick— org. 47 Facility 48‘ Clumsy boat name, with 26 Performance 49 The girl 49 Start a garden "The" 27 Trench 50 One side of 5 Inform 29 Have a bug the urals 6; Shakesp- 30 8mg... “"‘ “V” “‘"““~”‘““ I” ""- ' ’©’20‘l9‘ King Features Synd., Inc. ' “ seq ‘fiugumon si [(09 '3 'iueiayip sg mus spiuecioew‘t :saouaieuicj RIDDLE CAR 1. When does a boat show affection? 2. Why do lazy boys have 'siuad spare Apoqeuios '9 went 0; emoo i,u0M iooqos eta esneoeg '3 'equs out sOnu it warm 't HOCUS-FOCUS HENRYBBJmNOFF to go to school? 3. If a poor man found a dollar In every pocket of his pants, what would he probably have? 4. Why is a coward like a leaky faucet? - There are good reasons to recaulk your baseboards from time to time. Not only will it give you a clean look, but it will help to stop drafts and block out bugs, which can creep in through the tiniest of cracks. - “Here’s a tip for making a box cake taste like it was made from scratch: Add an extra egg, use melted butter instead of oil and use milk (whole) in place of water. Mix for an extra minute or two, to really aerate the batter. It’ll be gor— geous.” -— TH. in New Hampshire I - “Hide the cerds coming from your wall—mounted television by running them through a length of PVC pipe. It can be painted to match your wall, too! Measure the length you need, and your hardware store may be able to cut a piece for you if you can’t find one the right size. It looks so much clean— er, and you can even use double-stick tape to attach the pipe to the wall.” ——- BB. in Florida - “Donate extra throw blankets to your local animal shelters. In fact, visit the website of your local shelter and check for a ‘wish list’ to see if you have anything that can be donat- ed. They are always inneed, and so deserving.”———F.I. in Texas junar 'oui ‘eieoipufis seinieeg Bum swag) 'Jafiuol st unis sperm/Vi '9 ‘lefifiiq sg iufiupeeH '9 'peruJ dand sefi uo ufiis 'v 'iueieulp si Butuee s,ueuJoM '9 ___..____. by Charles Barry Townsend PUNCH IN FOR PUZZLE FUNI V In this type of puzzle you are given a word that must be changed into another word in a series of moves. During each move you must change one letter in the previous word so as to form a new word. In our example we changed TIME to 'CARD in four moves. See if you can change the following five words in four moves: ‘3ui 'aieogpuws semmed but); 61039 'uni qioq Aeui esneoeg 1, ISJSMSUV . 1. GOLD to MINE SEE IF YOU CAN make this math expression correct by adding four plus signs between certain numbers: 2. FIRE to BALL 1234561=1OO '001=LS+9+V+€Z+l1000l=£+99+VE+Z+LISJQMSUV 3. WORM to BAIT 4. HALF to PINT A PASSWORD TO WORD POWER! Pictured below are two puzzle grids, each containing four words. Hints are given, and the words in Grid 8 contain the same letters as the corresponding words in Grid A. They come with nails- 1, I m... 4. 2. Mexican favorite. 3. Coarse file. 4. Found in classrooms. 5. PASS to WORD “oaom ‘daVM “SHVM‘SWd 'ssva '9 lNld ‘J.NIH 'L'IIH ‘rivH ':I‘IVH '1» LINE ’JJVM ‘iHVM 'INHVM 'WHOM '8 'TIVQ ‘TIIE ‘3118 “311:1 ‘SHH "a r 3le ‘E‘IIW ‘CI'IIW ‘O'IOW 'CI'IOD '1. ZQBMSUV .u-- .91.. 2. A layer of paint. I-E- .IE. 3. Golfers love them. II-E IIIE 4. What cars may do. “ID A GRID I 'ppis-epm 'y ciao-dang 'e woo-093; 'a ‘deemvsmadji zero/«aw l W .. —. -tqun-qm