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Beach, North Dakota
February 28, 2019     Golden Valley News
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February 28, 2019
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7":7"; "v‘~"'"'r.».»....w...s.............,..,. mm..,.....,...,... ., m.» ......... February 28, 2019 ,(s... ». .... . We ..,.....n «my WV... .. s. r. N (am; Arman-navy _., u- .59 savym'vm rum"... . .._/a‘r&m iv 13.7,":m‘evlnwi. .m. .lr.neywwmmwvrm~mwm Golden Valley News MW. ram, . m, unm’ " ,~hrrimiimvm’ in" «aw-J” fi'amfim": v'i-mf"m, ‘“‘ um“ mm Page OPINION NEWS Facing to nowhere Highway 10 between Sentinel Butte and Beach seems as if it were fading to nowhere during the fog and frost of Friday, Feb. 22. (Photo by Jane Cook) The N.D. Legislature still doesn’t get it The people of North Dakota don’t trust the Legislature. As a matter of fact, they never did. In the first place, the Legislature has shown little respect for the people. When the people enact, legislation through the initiative, the Legislature spends considerable time at subvert- ing the intent of the voters. In the recent general election, the people initiated a constitutional amendment to protect the integrity of legislative politics and expose interest group money. The measure passed with-a-convincing “yes” vote. Rather than honoring the will of the people, the Legislature is slashing the proposal and will, by the session’s end, have underfunded it to make it unworkable. If this were the only example of legislative defiance of the wishes of the citizenry, we could attribute treat— ment of the (integrity measure to a i—temporary—pique but this has been.a 1 historical conflict between the legisla- ture and the people. By its hostility, the Legislature continues to demonstrate that North Dakota citizens are justified in jeal- ously guarding the right to initiate and refer legislation. Actually, fear of re- ferral“, has kept the Legislature in . check on scores of ill-conceived ideas. In preparation for the constitutional amendment, North Dakotas for Pub- lic Integrity had the benefit of three separate professional polls that samé pled 1,400 people. Having spent years in polling at the University, I can vouch for their accuracy, AARP invites applications for Challenge Grant Program AARP is accepting applications . for the 2019 Community Chal- lenge grant program to fund “quick—action” projects that spark i change in local communities. The grant program is part of AARP’s nationwide Livable Com- munities initiative, which aims to , i, make communities great places to l live for everyone. Last year in North‘ Dakota, Grand Forks, Buxton and Het— . tinger were 'each recipients of Community Challenge grants. There were 26 applications re- ceived from North Dakota. The Community Challenge is open to 501(c)(3), 501(c)(4) and , 501(c)(6) nonprofits and govern— ‘ ment entities. ‘ Other types of organizations will be considered on a case-by— Case basis. Grants can range from several hundred dollars forsmall, short-term activities to several thousand dollars for larger proj— ects. The program will accept ap— ‘ plications in .the following categories‘for 2019: I The application deadline is Wednesday, April 17, 2019, and all projects mustrbe cempleted by Monday, Nov. 4, 2019. Applications must be submitted through— Challenge. Other Views By Lloyd Omdahl However, when the Senate Special Committee on Ethics heard the results from North Dakotans for Public In— tegrity, they expressed disbelief. Nat— urally, they attacked the polls as inaccurate, something that oliticians always do wheri they dbn’t rké‘th'e r2:— sults. The first shocking truth was that the Legislature had an approval rating of only 39 percent. From there, it got ' worse. I - Nearly 80 percent want greater oversight and accountability from state legislators , - Seventy percent believe that leg- islators work for the wealthy and powerful more than for ordinary folks. 0 More than 80 percent believe that political leaders are more interested in protecting their power than doing what’s right for North Dakota. ' Nearly'two-thirds think there is widespread corruption and abuse of power among public officials and em- ployees. 0 Around 85 percent think money and campaign contributions have too much influence. 0 Over three-fourths allege that powerful interests have rigged the sys- tem for themselves. As a former public official, I am at- tuned to the negative comments about the evil people in government. The polls have accurately measured the opinions but the opinions are not well founded. This high level of skepticism does not speak well for democracy and should command the attention of everyone who believes in government by the people. Citizens must be reas- sured that their governments are hon— est, in spite of the transgressions of a few. , .. .. This brings us back to thecon'sti— tutional amendment” proposed *by North Dakotans for Public Integrity and passed by the voters last Novem— ber. The amendment requires more in- tegrity in the political system — less corrupting money, more transparency and a standing ethics commission. Full implementation by the Legisla— ture would be a big step in the right di- rection. On the other hand, if this measure is not implemented properly, the Leg- islature will once again be telling the citizens to “go home and slop the hogs.” WANTED: Looking for Valmar or Gandy seeders to buy, most models. Call Paul 763—286-2037 FREE ESTATE PLANNING SEMINAR Learn about Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney, Health Care Directives and the new Estate Tax regulations. Presented by Mackoff Kellogg L a w F i r m Christina M. Wenko and Olivia L. Krebs, Attorneys 6:30 p.m., March 11, at Beach Community Center, 153 E. Main St. Please RSVP to 456-3210 How to choose a good h Dear Savvy Senior, Can you recommend some good stair lift companies? I have a diffi- cult time getting up and down the stairs anymore and am interested in purchasing a stair lift for my house but could use some help choosing one. Arthritic Ann Dear Ann, A good home stair lift is an ex- cellent solution for those with me- bility challenges who have trouble with steps. A stair lift will carry you up and down the stairs in a safe seated position, providing easy ac- cess to the second story or base- ment level of your home. To help you choose a quality stair lift that meets your needs and budget, here are a few shopping tips, along with some top—rated companies that make them. Types of Lifts There are two basic types of stair lifts that are sold today: straight and curved. The type you need will de- pend upon the design of your stair— case. A straight stair lift is one that travels in a straight line up a flight of stairs uninterrupted by landings, bends or curves, and costs between $2,500 and $5,000 installed. Curved lifts, however, are much more elaborate and will go around corners, bends and changes in di- rection. Curved lifts are also much more expensive, typically running between $8,500 and $15,000 or more depending on the complexity of the installation. You also need to know that all stair lifts mount to the stair treads, not to the wall, so they are very sturdy and can be installed in al— most any home. .By Jim Miller There are two basic types of stair lifts that are sold today: straight and curved. The type you need will de- pend upon the de- sign of staircase. your If you are a large person, you may need to get a heavy—duty lift with a wider seat and bigger lifting capacity —- all companies offer them. Or, if you’re tall, find out about raising the seat height during installation. Most stair lifts available today also have seats, armrests and foot- plates that fold up out of the way, and . swivel seats that make getting into and out of the chair easier. They also come with standard safety features like seatbelts, breaking systems and footrest sensors, push-button or rocker—switch controls located on the armrest for easy operation, and “call send” controls which allow you to call or send the unit to the other end of the stairs. Make sure the lift you choose has all these features. Depending on the company, you may also have the option of choos— ing between an electric (AC) and a ome stair lift battery powered (DC) stair lift. Bat- tery powered units charge at the base station (some recharge any- where on the track) are quieter, smoother and better than electric lifts, and will work even if there’s a power failure in the home. Where to Shop While there are'many companies that make and sell stair lifts, two of the best, based on reputation and customer satisfaction ratings, are Bruno (Brunocom, 800454—4355) and Stannah (Stannah-, 888-465-7652). Unfortunately, original Medicare does not cover stair lifts nor do Medicare supplemental (Medigap) policies, but some Medicare Ad- vantage plans may help pay. There are also many states that offer Med- icaid waivers that will pay for lifts to those that qualify, and the VA of- fers cash grants to veterans with disabilities for home safety im- provements. To save some money, you may want to consider purchasing a used or refurbished model. Or, if you need a stair lift for only a short pe- riod of time, consider renting one. Most companies offer these op- tions, and many offer financing pro- grams too. To get started, contact some stair lift companies who will put you in touch with a dealer in your area. All dealers provide free in-home as- sessments and estimates and can help you choose an appropriate lift. Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, PO. Box Nor- man, OK 73070, or visit SavvySe— nior.0rg. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book. FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION SHTURDHY, MHREH 9, 2019 10.00 mm. For more information call Rick or Linda 701~872-4329, Rick Cell: 701.872-6471, Linda Cell: 701-872-6476 Directions: From ND Interstate 94 at Beach, ND Exit. South at 169 th Ave SWto 4th St NW, Tum East 1 mile to ND Hwy 16, South 13. miles to Golva, ND. South to Pipeline Road, East 1 mile. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Rick Linda have decided to retire from farming and have given us this grateful opportunity to sell to you their line up of exceptionally clean and very-well maintained farm equipment! Rick Linda are very particular about the Maintenance and Cleaning of their equipment before and after each season. Please note machiner has been shedded. Tractors 2001 John Deere 9400 4WD, 425HP, 5800 hrs, 24spd, Universal Autosteer, New Engine 2000 hrs. ago, Steering Pins - Replaced 500 hrs, ago, No PTO, 4 hyd., Heavy Duty Draw Bar Hitch, 710/70R42 Duals, (Serial# RW9400H040259) 1998 John Deere 8400 Combines , 2011 Case lH 9120 w/ Crary Big Top Man—Fold Hopper Extension , — 450bu. Hopper, ’ ” 1 Small Grain 81 Com Concaves, New Plastic ” 4- ~, , ., Feeder Chain, Pro 700 Monitor, Extension on unloading auger, Front fires: 20.8 x22 (520/85R42 Duals) Rear Tires: 540/65R30, Tires are Good, Trailer Hitch, 1970 Engine hrs. 1448 Hrs. Separator (Seriaiil Y86211638) 2011 Case M 9120 w/ Crary Big Top Man-Fold Hopper Extension . 450bu. Hopper, 1 Small Grain 1 Com Concaves, Pro 700 Monitor, Extension on unloading auger, Front Tires: 520/85R42 Rear Tires: 600/65R28 Tires are Good, Trailer Hitch, 1514 Engine Hrs, 1094 Hrs. Separator (Serial# YAG210482) Headers 2008 Case IH 2016 Pickup head 2004 Case IH 2016 Pickup head 2009 Case IH 3412 2014 Case IH 3152 Straight head 2014 Case "-1 3152 Straight head Case IH 2020 Flex head 2004 John Deere 630R Header Shelboume CV 32' Header 2 — Unverferth HTA-30’ Header Trailers Grain Trailers 8. Cart 2003 Timpte Super Hopper Trailer (Serial# 38102451) 78 in x 40 ft. Ag Hopper, New Roll Tarp, Electric Traps, 11- 24.5 Low Profile Virgin Tires ‘ 2008 Timpte Super Hopper Trailer (Serialll 88114813) 78 in x 40ft. Ag Hopper, Air Ride. New Roi! Tarp, Electric Traps, 11-245 Virgin Tires Demco 750 Bushel Grain Cart, Sherco Manual Roll Tarp, New Gear Box for Bottom Auger, Tires: 30.5L-32 Good (Serial# 944502240029) ‘ Grain Handling Equip. WEISHAAR Auction Sender: Trucks & Pickup 1991 Peterbilt 379, "a 425HP B Model CAT, 0‘ 15 spd., 336 Rear—end Ratio, 260 Wheelbase, . Retarder Brake Saver, 9‘ All Alum. Rims — New, All \firgin Tires — Good, 11.24 x 5 Low Profile w/ 63-inch Flat Top Sleeper (1083743 miles), Extended Hood 2000 Peterbilt 500HP, Extended Hood, Detroit - 60 series, 270 Wneelbase, New 13 spd. Transmission, 2 - New 336 rear ends, Air Bags Replaced — No oil leaks, Ultra Cab 63 in. Standup Sleep w/Bunks, 1.24.5 Low Profile Tires & New Rims Service Pickup 1999 Ford F350 Super Duty Lariat, Automatic, V8 P o w e r s l r o k e Diesel, w/ Coleman “ ‘ Utility Bed - Hose Reel. Auto Crane, John Deere A02 - . CW51705 Welderator w/Elect. Start, 125—gal‘Fuel Tank, Vise, (249,427 miles) This pickup is field ready! Sprayers, Spray Trailer & Tanks 2009 John Deere 4930 WI 12041 Self Level~ ing Booms, 1200 gallon tank, 5 way Nozzle Bod- ies, Trelleborg, 710/70R42 Floater Tires, GS 2 w/JD 3000 Receiver. Engine Hrs. 2387 (Serial# N04930X006682) 2004TopAirTA1100 1991 Great Dane Semi Trailer 48 x 102, Sliding Rear Axles, Wood Floor. Good Tires, ~ setup as Chemical, Spray Trailer, w/27 gal Batch Boy, 30 gal mix & fill cone. Tanks 5500 gallons 8 =- Poly Water Tanks Air Seeders 2012 John Deere 1895 4311, 10-inch Space, Full Run Monitor, Disk Blades 80% - Changed Spring 2018, Narrow Gauge Wheels, Needham Press Wheels and Seed Tabs M Martin Spike Closing Wheels, Stainless Steel Meter Housing in 2 nd 8 3 rd Fertilizer Tanks, w/John Deere 1910, 430 bu Tow Between Cart, 3 tanks: 15080-200 Dry Fert, Voyager camera setup in all 3 tanks; Hydraulic Calibration (Cart Serialil 1A81910TVCZ 745691) Covered 24,000 acres with this drill (Seriab‘l 1A81895XLCH745230) 2009 John Deere 1895 301i, 10inch Space, Full Run Monitor, New Style Easy Flow Towers, Disk Blades 80% - Changed Spring 2018, Narrow Gauge Wheels, Needham Press Wheels and Seed Tabs w/ Martin Spike Closing Wheels. M John Deere 1910 340 bu Tow Behind Cart. tanks: 12070450 Dry Fert, Hydraulic Calibration (Cart Serialll A01910H731063) Covered 18,000 acres with this dn’ll (Serialli A01 895x 730276) Misc. Farm Equipment Shop & Misc. 701-872-5299 7015678637 7111-2900546 SCDIIWElSHllHR “10114931 WHYNE WEISHllllR {till #99] [Hill] SlDlIZ {Nil #39] www.weisha - Terms: Cos/u‘Czis/znh/o Check Photo ID, No! Resp/isllile li,.»1‘Ar'}t'/tie/zls. Lunch will be served Loading A voila!) All announcements made Day of Sale will take Precedence overAll Printed Material ,