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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
February 28, 2013     Golden Valley News
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February 28, 2013
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Page 6 Golden Valley News February 28, 2013 Calving time Weekly SUDOKU Hello, This time of the year you start thinking about calving. And a few people are starting. Those that are ambitious and want to wean big calves. Others wait until April or May. But, we like many others, for- get how those March and April storms can fill the canyons with snow. And there are a lot of people like us. You turn your bulls out when you no longer can keep them in, or you are out of hay. The last ten years, more people are switching to fall calving. You calve those cows out in August or so. The chances of a blizzard are slight. Very few ears are frozen off. No short tails or frozen feet. You don't have to have sharp shoes on your horse. Just saddle up and trot around the pasture and enjoy the best nature has to offer. But now [ am going to let you in on a secret: We invented fall calv- ing. Only we didn't call it that. We called them late. And then you sold her cause she was always late. After they were gone a few years, we re- alized those cows weren't late. We were early. But, back to spring calving. We, using the word 'we' loosely, always buy a few heifers. Cause I like to watch Shirley wrap up and check , heifers at midnight or two in the morning. She is good at it. And you always calve your heifers early. To get them out of the way before the cows start, give them a chance to breed back easier, and give their calves a little head start on growing. Now, I'm getting a little long in the tooth. And last year I bought a few heifers that were to calf in March. They started in January. But it was a mild winter and things-worked out alright. Shirley made me promise that we were done calving heifers. Her knees hurt when she walks around a frozen pen in the dark. And I can't • get back to sleep when she wakes me up with her whining. So, under the threat of death or worse, I agreed. But that was last spring. I was at a sale a while ago and evidently, word was ou_t that calv- ing heifers can be a tough task. Heifers got cheap. I tried to stop, but my hand shot in the air com- pletely on its own. Shirley now has 120 heifers to calf. Then Shirley re- minded me of a time years ago when we were young enough to kind of enjoy the challenge. I don't know what year it was, but we had some heifers to calve out and I talked Gene into sending his down too. No sense the w.hole neigh b0rhood slopping around the BY HOCUS -FOCUS HENRY BOLTINOFF But now I am going to let you in on a secret. We in- vented fall calving. • Only we didn't call } it that. We called them late. T tl in th , m Idle of the ni ;1 .reycou]]hadle hatfc(al c d One n ght ShiJ eyc,ultr :(  heifer .. St  wa at sot e I il eeting. An, asrm s:t il al a rip roa'ing 91izzad f used tc male.' I fought my way down to the Hat Tips By Dean Meyer corral in the middle of the night. Shirley could handle that for all of us. One night Shirley couldn't check heifers. She was at some kind of meeting. And a storm set in. I mean a rip-roaring blizzard like they used to make.' barn at about midnight. The heifers were in a pen right in front of the door, . under a yard light. One of Gene's heifers was just starting. I opened the door and proceeded to put her in. And it wasn't easy. She kept ducking back and running over me. The snow was up to my knees and gaining fast. I was playing out. Running out of things to throw and things to say. Finally she gave up and walked into the barn• I figured I would let her sit awhile and settle down. I checked her in an hour. Nothing• I checked her in two hours. Nothing• Finally at three a.m., I decided I'd better reach in her and see if that little guy was breeched. Now, it is dark inside a cow. But even in a dark place like that, if there is a calf in there, even a dumb guy like me will find it. There was- n't one. I sat down on the edge of the pen and had a cigarette and tried to think this thing through. I know that cow was bred. And I know she was about ready to calf. And the calf wasn't in the cow. And it was- n't in the barn. Then it dawned on me why that heifer was reluctant to leave that snowy pen and go in the barn ! I'd like to tell you that the story had a happy ending. I would like to tell you I vent out in the sub-zero temperatures and found another heifer had dried that calf off and al- lowed it to nurse. It was up and bucking and feeling good. I'd like to, but that would be a lie. And I hate a guy that lies! But now, I have to run! I believe our first calf is coming today. One month before they were supposed to start ! Later, Dean CAN YOU TRUST YOUR EYES? There are at least six differ- ences in drawing details between top and bottom panels. How quickly can you find them? Check answers with those below. "luelop s! eeH "9 l.loP.Ms eJe su,uV "S "0u!ss!tu st eO "P • 0Ja!ss!uJ s! esJnd "£ ";ueJep s! eH " "Su!ss[uJ s! esnoqpJ!8 ' L :S-qON3H3=I-IIQ DIFFICULTY THIS WEEK: * * W ishing Well* 6 ' 3 •8 4 8 6 5 6 5 6 5 4 7 Y B B S E O C U O R N U B 8 5 6 5 8 6 4 7 3 5 3 7 2 C G E E A C D I U N S D C 5 3 4 2 3 8 2 3 7 5 3 6 2 I I D H N U O E E A S E O 3 5 6 3 8 6 3 2 8 2 5 6 7 S L I T T V R S I E F,E Y 2 7 5 3 7 8 7 4 5 4 2 8 2 W Q R I U O R E I N I U S 4 6 2 4 8 4 7 6 3 5 6 2 5 T B E R S A T O P E N L N 4 6 2 6 5 4 7; 5 4 7 4 7 4 N U Y S D S I S F M E E R HERE IS A PLEASANT LITTLE GAME that will give you a message every day. It's a numencal puzzle designed to spell out your fortune. Count the letters in your first name. If the number of letters is 6 or more, subtract 4. If the number is less than 6, add 3. The result is your key number. Start at the up- per left-hand corner and check one of your key numbers, left to right. Then read the message the letters under the checked figures give you. © 2013 King Features Synd., Inc. All rights reserved THEY'LL DO IT EVERY TIME BY AL SCADUTO Out on a Limb by Gary Kopervas -soxa." I. .F  UTe £ L g 6 £ L # 8 9 9 z # L 8 £ £  6 9 6 £ 9 b g t ¢3 L # £ L L 6 £ 8 9 g L g 9 ¢3 L 9 6 b £ £ 9 6 g 9 It £ Z L g Y Z £ £ 6 9 L 8 6 9 £ 8 L I. g £ Y k £ 8 t  9' L 6 ¢3 esuv NHOQNS AINeeM by Linda Thistle Solution below 7 2 1 4 8 5 1 9 4 2 7 4 6 8 3 1 6 582  3 4 3 2 5 Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each small 9-box square contains all of the numbers from one tonine. *- Moderate *'k Challenging * *-,- HOO BOY! © 2013 King Features Synd., Inc. This weekly puzzle is brought to you by: PUBLIC T&A Seeds Beach, ND (701) 872-3248 NOTICES A public notice is information infoming citizens of government activities that may affect the citizens' everday lives. Public notices have been printed • in local newspapers, the trusted sources for community information, for more than 200 years. LAND FOR SALE • Two spectacular parcels of land con- sisting of rolling native prairie, tree-lined val- leys, water ponds, and picturesque views of the Missouri River Val- ley just north of rapidly growing Bismarck, ND! 440 acres total at $5,000 per acre. Contact Alan Butts at 701-400-8858 or Pifer's Auction & Re- alty at 877-700-4099 or view at Part of your welllbalanced 'farm business. Delivering high yield potential, high'protein, high Scafo tolerance, and excellent pasta quality makes DG Max the trusted choice for North Dakota and Montana durum wheat growers. GIVE US A CALL. We will help you sort out all the facts you need to know about • MEDICARE ENROLLMENT • MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT INSURANCE • PRESCRIPTION DRUG COVERAGE Call today for your NO OBLIGATION consultation. Grog Lefor Les Lefor LEFOR INSURANCE SERVICES LUTCE CSA, LTCP, CLTC CtaimsAssistant 448 21st St. W., Suite A Dickinson, ND 58601 • 701-483.4255 I 800-867.4255 Janet Decker Policy Services Asst. eed growers in your area: Andrew Smith Beach, ND (701)872-3248 Mark Birdsall Richard Mickelson Brian Knutson Ken Forest Bert01O, ND RolIa, ND Sherw0oO, ND Wales, ND (701)240-9507 (701)477-5910 1701)459-2764 (701)283-5108 Lawson Jones Webster, ND (701)395-4437