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February 28, 2013
Golden Valley News
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Legal Cow business is very positive General sign-up for CRP to start
The U.S. Department of Agricul- on Sept 30, 2013. Producers with
The cow-calf business continues ture will conduct a four-week gen- expiring contracts or producers with
Beef Talk
By Kris Ringwall
Beef Specialist
Notices t°seeP0sitivereturns'acc°rdingi° eral sign-up for the Conservation environmentally sensitive land are
the North Dakota Farm Manage- Reserve Program (CRP), beginning encouraged to evaluate their options
ment Program (http://www.ndfarm- May 20 and ending on June 14. under CRP. Although 2009 Additional sign-ups for continu- Producers who are accepted in the
was not a great year for beef pro- ous CRP programs-such as Highly sign-up can receive cost-share assis-
Notice ducers, 2010 was and 2011 was Erodible Land Initiative and lnitia- tance to plant long-term, resource-
' even better, tive to Restore Grasslands, Wethmds conserving covers and receive an
NOTICE TO CREDITORS The majority of cow-calf enter- and Wildlife-will be announced in annual rental payment for the length
Cow.calf Enter )rise Numbers
prises are experiencing good eco- spring 2013. of the contract (10-15 years). Pro-
IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF nomic times. However, there still About 27 million acres are en- ducers also are encouraged to look
BILLINGS COUNTY, STATE OF Cost to Maintain Direct Overhead Net
NORTH DAKOTA are producers who do not enjoy . rolled in CRP, which is a vohmtary into CRP's other enrollment oppor-
Probate No. 04-2013-PR-00004 positive returns, despite the in-" the Herd Costs Expenses Return program available to agricultural tunitiesoffcredonacontinuous, non-
In the Matter of the Estate of Mar- creasing value of calves. The culprit producers to help them safeguard en- competitive, sign-up basis and that
ion Hurinenko, Deceased. is costs, both obvious and those that 2008 148.42 390.65 6:3.42 12 11 vironmentally sensitive hind. Pro- often provide additional financial as-
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that are not so obvious. Profitability is ducers enrolled in CRP plant sistance. Continuous sign-up dates
the undersigned have been appointed positive only when expenses are 2009 175.76 397.68 66.93 (12.85'}
Co-Personal Representatives of the , hmg-term, resource-conserving coy- will be announced at a later date.
above-named estate. Pursuant to less than income received, which is ers to improve the quality of water, For more inlormati0n on CRP ind
N.D.C.C. § 30.1-19-01, all persons not rocket science. 2010 . 232.17 394.34 70.70 113.29 control soil erosion and enhance other FSA programs, producers are
having claims against the said de- in the beef business, particularly 2011 269.88 414.65 83.64 173.55 wildlife habitat. Contracts on 3.3 advised to contact their FSA service
ceased are required to present their the cow-calf business, the numbers million acres of CRP are set to expire center
claims within three months after the
date of the first publication of this no- that actually ate used in the assess-
"rice or said claims will be forever ment of profitability are not always North Dakota Farm Management Program. www dfarmmanagemet corn
barred. Olaims must either be pre- complete. Our, n..oo. ,ncome .orda. bred .e,fo... ,.e cos, ,. t.e 00..atio. ,,, 000,0 with,,.00t Funds available to plant
sented to Jeffrey Alan Hurinenko or years, the,tendency may creep in to 'single greatst outlay for the cow- $113.29. During 2011 the upside"
Douglas Steven Hurinenko a/k/a D.
StevenHurinenko, Co-PersonalRep- not track expenses. Infact, thecur- calf enterprise, side even got more positive at munity school orchards
resentatives of the Estate, or filed with rent income check may be large and It does make a difference (par- $173.55. CO m ,
the Court. actually overshadow the size.ofnu- chased versus raised) in other fi- This wou'ld be the dollars tlaat
Datedthis 15th day of February, merous expense checks that had nancial evaluations, but for the each cow could contribute to labor BISMARCK ,)ki Agriculture March 15, 2(113.
2013. been written or expenses allotted to purpose of the profit discussion, and management of the cow- calf Commissioner Doug Goehring says Goehring said questions about
/s/JefferyAlan Hurinenko .. $20,000 is available to help North the grant program should be di-
12408 167th Street West the beef enterprise during the let,A6s keep it simple. The cost of enterprise. The question of the day
Dakota communities and schools rected to Emily Edlund, specialty
Lakeville, MN 55044 course of the production year. maintaining a breeding herd has remains: Is this profitability BUS-
/s/Douglas Steven Hurinenko In visiting with Jerry Tuhy, farm gone up for North Dakota produc- tainable? Again, let,,6s look at the plant an orchard in 2013. crops grants specialist at (701) 328-
a/k/a D. Steven Hurinenko business management instructor at ers. numbers bfft turn to gross margin. The Community Orchard Prelect 2191 or
8291 FoxberryCourt the Dickinson Research Extension In 2008, the purchased and " I asked Tuhy to provide fin ex- provides funds to NortJa Dakota The North Dakota Community
Savage, MN 55378 communities and schools to raise Orchard Project is part of NDDA's-
Jennifer Grosz, Lawyer #06130 Center, he offered similar thoughts transferred-in breeding stock cost planation of gross margin. He says
Ebeltoff, Sickler Lawyers as he did last spring. For North cattle producers in the " state gross margin accounts for the pur- locally grown fruit, while fostering Local Foods Initiative, funded
46 W Second St. Dakota cattle, the average herd re- $148.42. In 2009, the cost was chase and sale oT all calves, cull community spirit that builds local ttarough the USDA Specialty Crop
P.O. Box 1598 " turned (over direct expenses) $175.76, while in 2010, that figure cows and bulls, plus animals trans- service opportunities by bringing ' Block Grant Program.
Dickinson, ND 58602-1598 together people to plan, plant and
Lawyers for Co-Personal Repre- $257.19 in 2011, which was up rose to $232.17. The 2011 analysis ferred in and any overall changes in tend to the orchard" hc said. It also
from $183.99 in 2010 and up from has the cost per cow to maintain the cattle inventory.
sentatives (February28) $54.08 that was returned in 2009. , herd at $269.88. The cost of having The bottomline:Grossmargins enhances the beauty of the local Didyou
However, he noted the bottom higher-priced cattle reflects very reflect the amount of money cattle communities and schools and in-
Hearing Notice 20 percent of the herds in 2011 still quickly in the cost of replacing the producers have' to work with. In creases awareness of specialty
NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION returned (over direct expenses) only breeding herd and also the bottom 2010, producers had $578.33 in crops, k/OW ?
$40.66, while the upper 20 percent line associated with the cow-calf gross margins, while in 2011 pro- Communities and schools can
AND APPOINTMENT OF A returned (over direct expenses) enterprise, ducers had $671.84. apply for grants of $500 to $7,000.
PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE $421.30. This huge spread in return The actual direct costs for these Since the early 1990s, cattle pro- The grants are available on a com-
over direct expenses is nothing new producers - in other words those ducers generally have not had that petitive basis. The Billings County
INTHE DISTRICT COURT OF in the beef business. Cost control costs" We tend to write out checks much money to work with, so the Goehring said grant funds can be Pioneer and Golden Valley
GOLDEN VALLEY, STATE OF says a lot. for on a routine basis - were real question still is costs because used for phmts, trees, equipment, News have shared
Probate No. 17-2013-PR-2012 The story line is the same from $390.65 in 2008, $397.68 in 2009, the operational costs still need to be planting supplies, soil amendments,
In the Matter of the Estate of Oel- 2010 to 2011, so perhaps the best $394.34 in 2010 and on the rise in subtracted from the gross margin, irrigation and fencing supplies, but advertising,, and have been
bertDuaneZeller, Deceased. way to look at increasing costs is to 2011 at$4t4.65. In 2010, only 20 percent of the not permanent structures or pur- sharing the news./br some
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that look at all the North Dakota herds In terms of actual net return, fig- gross dollars were captured. How- Chase of land. ()./'their inside pagesjbr
Linda Marie Kinikin has filed herein a The North Dakota State Univer-
petition for formal probate'of Will and in 2008, 2009, 20 l0 and 201 l. uring the replacement costs, such as ever, in 2011, producers captured about 40 years'.
her appointment as Personal Repre- Starting with the cost of replac- direct and overhead expenses, these slightly more than 25 percent of sity Extension Service has devel-
sentative of the Estate of Delbert ing cattle, including purchising re- producers netted $12.11 per cow in their gross margins, oped a beginner's guide, Starting A
Duane Zeller, deceased, placements or retaining heifers and 2008, lost $12.85 per cow in 2009 Is this sustainable? Community Orchard irr North This means the coverage o["
Hearing has been set upon said transferring them into the breeding and rejoined the positive side of the May you find all your ear tags. Dakota, that applicants can use in
petition on Thursday the 28th day of preparing their grant application. It your ad isn't limited to just
March, 20t3, at 8:30 o'clock A.M., at either comity! Our primary
the Courtroom of the above named .' can be found on the North Dakota
helmet's associ ti fie ing g g De, partmentofAgriculture(NDDA' coverage area is western
.Court in the County Courthouse in thecity of Beach, County of Golden Val- A[Z a on o r new care iver pro ram website . " at ..Stark County and west to
ley, Stateof North Dakota. ..... - ..... " ....... : ...... • '
Dated this 21st day of February, . The Alzheimer's Association of gram is designed for care partners of calls are led by a trainedi-acifitat0r, www.nd.'gov/n'dda/i'iies/Market-
2013. MinneSota and North Dakota has people with Alzheimer's disease or a There is no cost to participate and ing/OrChardMafiualFiffdipdf. / the Montana border, ltpays
/s/Linda Marie Kinikin begun offering a new program in related dementia to call in from any participants remain anonymous. Pre- Application forms for the grants to advertise!
Linda Marie Kinikin, Petitioner North Dakota, Memory Education location in North Dakota. registration is required to participate are also available on the NDDA
1004 Mills Ave. website at .
Dumas, TX 79029R. and Caregiver Discussion Caregiver, The program is offered for one in each session,'arket-
Jon Fitzner which provides education about the hour the third Thursday, first Satur- For more information about this i ng/NDDAOrchardProject-
Fitzner & Nelson, PLLP care of someone with a memory loss day and first Sunday of each month, service, or dates and times of future
149 4th Street N.E., P.O. Box 330 • illness and a place for caregivers to Participants need only participate in calls, or to register, please contact the GrantApplication2013.pdf. Grant
Valley'City, North Dakota 58072 discuss issues related to caregiving, one call per month, though they are Alzheimer's Association at (701) applications must be received by
Telephone: (701) 8452701
Bar ID#02708 This new telephone-based pro- welcome to all three sessions. The 277-9757.
Attorneys for Personal Representa-
tive(February28, March,and,4 ) Dakota Farm Equipment
Bids Maus named to fall Dean's List Put Your' tdoney is now having a huge truckload oil and filter sale on all
BISMARCK- Sanford College coursework for asemester. Students' Where )/our House I&l John Deere oils and filters, John Deere oils exceed all
CALL FOR BIDS of Nursing recently announced its named to the honor roll must have a ,[,._. ' ". industry requirements and John Deere filters are specif-
The Golden Valley County Weed Dean's List and honor roll for the cumulative grade point average of ,.:' "': '., ' '-_<t
Board is calling for bids on the follow, fall 2012 semester. 3.5 or better on a 4.0 scale, must be .... ically designed for today's high-pressure fuel-injection
ing chemicals and surfactants, in nor- Josephene Maus of Golva was enrolled in a minimum of.12 semes-
mal usage size containers, quart, 1 named to the Dean,)k6s List and ter hours of coursework and main- systems. These are the best prices of the year with
support your
local merchants!
gallon, 2 1/2 gallon, or 30 gallon in honor roll. tain satisfactory academic progress. 10% off all John Deere oil and 12% off on all John
Brand name or generic label.
2-4D Amine; Ally; Arsenal; Banvel; To qualify for inclusion .on the Sanford College of Nursing is a
Charparral; Curtail; Escort; Fallow Dean's List, students must maintain fully-accredited, upper-division in- Deere filters so hurry in or call now until
march 31st to receive these great deals
Master; Widematch; Hell Fire; LV-6; between a 3.5-3.99 grade point av- stitution awarding its graduates a
Milestone; Redeem; Perspective; erage on a 4.0 scale and complete a four-year bachelor of science degree
Plateau; Tordon 22K; Methylated Seed ..
minimum of 12 semester hours of in nursing. .:;: at Dakota Farm Equipment teacn Bow-
Surf de-
' tant); Brewer 90 (Non Ionic Surfae-
rant). ' man, Dickinson, Elgin, and Lemmon.
Bids are to be submitted to:
GVCountyWeedBoardp.o. Box 605 DEADLINES 3ust Nhat the
Beach, ND 58621 The deadline for Doctor Should Order
Or in person by March 7, 3:00 p.m.
at the Golden Valley County Extension submitted copy and Prescribing secure, up-to-dote occess
Office, or by fax at 701-872-4334. At
which time, during the regular meet- stories and all ad orders ro Uour medicof records.
ing, all submitted bids are to be is noon on Fridays. Visil to leorn more ",
opened and considered. '
If have questions, call 701-872- Call 872-3755 or
4123 or 701-29o-3569. e-mail
(February 14, 21 and 28) goldenandbillings WE'RE
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BOAT, CAMPING & VACATION 1oi#, * aavaApplicationDevolopers * Questions? ,
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,t lt Contact us at www.nd.govllTDI • 701.328.1004 or TTY 1.800.366.6888 I Your opinion is
something we ahvays
want to hear. Call or
contact us via phone or
our e-mail address.
The Golden Valley News lind Billings County Pioneer .o,,o. Valley News
lillings County Pioneer
have a new e-mail address: .