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Beach, North Dakota
February 28, 2013     Golden Valley News
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February 28, 2013
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Page 4 Golden Valley News I February 28, 2013 Legal Notices Notice to Creditors Donald L. Netzer ND Bar No. 05606 NETZER LAW OFFICE, P.C. 1060 S. Central Ave., Ste. 2 Sidney, Montana 59270 (406) 433-5511 (406) 433-5513 (fax) Attorney for Personal Representa- tive IN SOUTHWEST JUDICIAL DIS- TRICT COURT, GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY, STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA Cause No. t7-2013-PR-00002 In the Matter of the Estate of BEN (NMN) ANDRES, Deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed personal representative of the above estate• All persons having claims against the said deceased are re- quired to present their claims within three months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be presented to Joyce Ann Stidham, personal repre- sentative of the estate, at c/o Donald L. Netzer, Netzer Law Office, 1060 S. Central Ave., Ste. 2, Sidney, Montana 59270, or filed with the Court. Dated this 31 st day of December, 2012. /s/Joyce Ann Stidham 1400 Robbinwood Court Longview, T× 75601 (February 14, 21 and 28) Notice to Creditors Jack P. Dwyer Dwyer Law Office, PLLC 3330 Fiechtner Dr. Ste. #102 Fargo, ND 58103 (701) 235-2040 Attorney for Personal Representa- tive IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY, STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA In the Matter of the Estate of VERA L. SCHNEIDER, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Probate No. 17-2012-PR-00038 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that MATTHEW C. SLOCOMB has been appointed Personal Representative of the above estate. All persons having claims against said deceased are re- quired to present their claims within three (3) months after the date of the first publication of this notice or mailing of this notice or said claims will forever be barred. Claims must either be pre- sented to MATTHEW C. SLOCOMB, Personal Representative of the estate at 1112 39th Avenue West, West Fargo, North Dakota, 58078, or filed with the Court. Dated this 1st day of February, 2013. Dwyer Law Office, PLLC Jack P. Dwyer 3330 Fiechtner Drive Suite #102 Fargo, ND 58103 (701) 235-2040 Attorney for Personal Representa- tive North Dakota Attorney No. 06614 , (February 14, 21 and 28) Notice SECTION 101 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received for Gravel Crush- ing and Incidentals in Billings County, North Dakota. Bids will be received by the Billings County Auditor, Joan Jur- gens, at the office of the County Audi- tor until 11:30 A.M. (MT) on Marcff 5th, 2013 and then at said office all bids properly submitted will be publicly opened and read aloud. The bidding and contract docu- ments may be obtained at a cost of $25.00 from the District 2 Supervisor Roy Krivoruchka at PC Box 168, Medora, ND. 58645• (701) 575-4782. The project will consist of the fol- lowing approximate quattities: 1 L:S. Contract Bond; 1 L.S. Re- move & Replace Topsoil; 1 L.S. Re- move & Replace Subsoil; 30,000 C.Y. Crush and Stockpile Aggregate Sur- face Course; Erosion control and Inci- dental Items thereto. Each bid will be submitted on the basis of a cash payment for work. It will be enclosed in a sealed envelope addressed to the above mentioned County Auditor, 495 4th Street, Medora, North Dakota 58645 and shall be designated that the bid is for "Gravel Crushing." The bid shall be ac- ' companied by a Bidder's Bond in a separate envelope in the amount of five percent (5%) of the full amount of the bid, executed by the Bidder as Principal and by a Surety Company authorized to do business inNorth , Dakota. If the Principal's bid is ac- cepted by Billings County and the con- tract awarded, the principal, within ten (10) days after the Notice of AWard, will be required to execute and effect a contract in accordance with the terms of the principal's bid aqd any require- ments and conditions (f Billings County. A Contractor's Bond, as required by Section 48-01.2-10 of the North Dakota Century Code, shall be in- cluded with the executed Contract Documents. The Bid Security shall be as required in Section 48-01.2-05 of the North Dakota Century Code. All bidders must be licensed for the highest amount of their bids, as re- quired by Section 43-07-05 of the North Dakota Century Code and a copy of the license or certificate of re- newal thereof issued shall be en- closed in the required bid bond envelope. No bid will be read or considered which does not fully comply with the above provisions as to Bond and Li- censes, and any deficient bid submit- ted will be resealed and returned to the Bidder immediately. The OWNER retains, the right to re- ject any or all of the bids submitted and to waive any informally/in any bill and to hold all bids for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days from said date of opening and to hold the three low bids and bid securities for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days from said date of bid opening. The work on the improvements is to commence upon a date to be speci- fied by the OWNER, notice of which will be given to the successful bidder ten (10) days in advance of the start of construction. The Contractor will'be required to commence construction, and in an approved sequence, com- plete the project by December 1st, 2013. By order of the County Commis- sion Billings County, North Dakota " Joan Jurgens Billings County Auditor Medora, North Dakota Dated this 7th day of Febru- ary, 2013. (February 14, 21 and 28) Notice NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION FOR FORMAL PROBATE OF WILL AND APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE IN SOUTHWEST JUDICIAL DIS- TRICT COURT, GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY, STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA Probate No. 17-2013 PR 00005 In the Matter of the Estate of Vera B. Kukowski, a/Ida Vera Heath Kukowski, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Daniel W. Kukowski has filed herein a petition for formal probate of will and appointment of a Personal Represen- tative. Hearing has been. set upon said petition on the 28th day of March, 2013, at 8:30 o'clock a.m., at the Courtroom of the above-named Court in the City of Beach, County of Golden Valley, State of North Dakota. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that any person appearing for the purpose of objecting to any matter or item con- tained within the above mentioned pe- tition for formal probate of will shall file with the Court and serve upon the un- dersigned counsel for the Petitioner their written objections to the same prior to the above scheduled hearing. Dated this 6th day of February, 2013. MACKOFF KELLOGG LAW FIRM 38 Second Ave E Dickinson, ND 58601 Telephone Number: (701) 456- 3210 By:/s/Charles J. Peterson, Attor- ney #04009 Attorney for Petitioner (February 14, 21 and 28) Notice NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION FOR FORMAL PROBATE OF WILL AND FOR FORMAL APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE Court File No. 04-2013-PR-00003 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF BILLINGS COUNTY, STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA In the Matter of the Estate of Mary Perry Anderson, Deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Harris Jacobs has filed herein a Peti- tion for Formal Probate of Will and Formal Appointment of Personal Rep- resentative. Hearing has been set upon said Petition on March 28, 2013, at 8:30 A.M., at the Courtroom of the above-named Court in the City of Medora, County of Billings, State of North Dakota. Dated this 1st day of February, 2013. /s/Harris Jacobs Harris Jacobs c/o UHY Advisors TX, LLC 2929 Allen Parkway, 20th Floor Houston, TX 77019-7100 Michel W. Stefonowicz Attorney ID#02914 - OHNSTAD TWlCHELL, P.C. 901 - 13th Avenue East P.O. Box 458 West Fargo, ND 58078-0458 (701) 282-3249 Attorneys for Petitioner (February 14, 21 and 28) Bids Call for Bids NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That the board of county commissioners of Golden Valley County, North Dakota, will on Tuesday, March 5, 2013, at 2:00 PM in their office at the court- house, open sealed bids for crushing and stockpiling scoria. A detailed list of specifications may be obtained by contacting the Golden Valley County Auditor's office at the courthouse in • Beach. Send bills to Golden Valley County Auditor, PC Box 67; Beach, ND 58621, or drop them off at the Audi- tor's office. Bids must be received no later than 1:30 PM Tuesday, March 5, 2013. Envelopes containing bid must be marked "scoria crushing bid". . Bidder must hold a current State of Montana Contractors License and abide by all regulations required by the State of Montana to perform crush- ing and stockpiling of scoria. Bidder • must have equipment available to per- form the work as specified. The board of county commission- ers reserve the right to reject any or all bids, to waive irregularities, or to ac- cept any bid they deem to be in the best interest of Golden Valley County. (February 21 and 28) Notice FILING DEADLINE NOTICE FOR SCHOOL BOARD CANDIDATES Anyone wishing to file as a candi- date for the Billings County School Board from director districts one, four, or five must file a "Statement of Candi- dacy" form and a completed "State- ment of Interest" form with the District Business Manager prior to 4:00 p.m. MT, Thursday/, April 4, 2013. Forms are available at the district office in Medora, or by calling 623-4363 or 623-4351. Forms are also available on the school web site: www.billingscou nty.kl Ilings_CO_l Candidates must be a resident of director district #1, #4 or #5, but will be voted upon at- large in the entire school district. Director district #1 is comprised of all of townships 137- 102,138-102, 139-102, and 140-102. Director district #4 is comprised of sections 1-18 of townships 142-98, 142-99, and 142-100, and all of town- ships 143-98, 143-99, and 143-100. Director district #5 is comprised of townships 144-98, 144-99, 144-100, 144-101,144-102, 143-101,143-102, 112-101,142-102, 141-101, and 141- 102. If you are unsure if you qualify as a candidate from these areas, please contact the business manager at 623-4363 for assistance• The direc- tor district # 1 position will be for a two year term, and the director districts # 4 & # 5 positions will be for three year terms. Anyone needing special accommo- dations to complete the filing process • should contact the District Office at 623-4363 or Relay North Dakota at 1- 800-366-6888 (TTY) or 1-800,366- 6889 (Voice). (February 28 and March 7) Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY, STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA Probate No. 04-2013PR7 In the Matter of thb Estate of MIL- FORD G. VANVIG, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the above estate. All persons having claims against the said deceased are re- quired to present their claims within three months after the date of the first publication Of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must ei- ther be presented to Roger Vanvig, Personal Representative of the. estate, at 137 First Avenue West, Dickinson, North Dakota, or filed with the Court. Dated this 21st day of February, 2013. /s/Roger Vanvig, Personal Repre- sentative Michael J. Maus MAUS & NORDSVEN, P.C. 137 First Avenue West P.O. Box 570 Dickinson, ND 58602-0570 701-483-4501 Attorneys for Personal Representa- tive (February 28, March 7 and 14) Summons SUMMONS IN DISTRICT COURT, SOUTH- WEST JUDICIAL DISTRICT, STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY Civil No. 17-2013-CV-00012 Velvet Craigo, Plaintiff, -vs- • Evelyn Weinreis, Peter Weinreis, Evelyn S. Golde, Dora Bostyn, T&T In- vestments, Inc., and all persons un- known having or claiming any estate or interest in, or lien or encumbrance upon, the property described in the complaint, whether as heirs, devisees, legatees, or personal representatives of a deceased person, or under any other title or interest, and not in pos- session nor appearing of record in the office of register of deeds, the clerk of the district court, or the county auditor of the county in which the real property is situated, to have a claim, title or in- terest in the property; and any person in possession, Defendants. THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFEN- DANTS. You are hereby summoned and re- quired to appear and defend against the Complaint in this action which is herewith served upon you, by serving upon the undersigned an Answer or other proper response within twenty (21) days after service upon you, ex- clusive of the date of service. If you fail to do so, Judgment by default will be taken against you for the relief de- manded in the Complaint. Dated this 15th day of February, 2013. MACKOFF KELLOGG tW FIRM Attorneys for Plaintiffs 38 Second Avenue East Dickinson, ND 58601 701-456-3210 By: Effzabeth A. Ebert, Attorney #07326 AFFIDAVIT FOR PUBLICATION Civil No. 17-2013-CV-00012 Velvet Craigo, Plaintiff, -vs- Evelyn Weinreis, Peter Weinreis, Evelyn S. Golde, Dora Bostyn, T&T In- vestments, Inc., and all persons un- known having or claiming any estate or interest in, or lien or encumbrance upon,, the property described in the complaint, whether as heirs, devisees, legatees, or personal representatives of a deceased person, or under any other title or interest, and not in pos- session nor appearing of record in the office of register of deeds, the clerk of the district court, or the county auditor of the county in which the real property is situated, to have a claim, title or in- terest in the property; and any person in possession, Defendants. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, COUNTY OF STARK 1. Elizabeth A. Ebert, being first duly sworn, deposes and says as fol- lows: That she is one of the attorneys for the Plaintiff in the above-entitled action, and that she makes this Affi- davit on behalf of said Plaintiff. Affiant further states: 2. That the Summons and veri- fied Complaint in the above-entitled action were duly filed in the Office of the Clerk of the District Court in and for the County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota, the County where said action was commenced and is now pending, setting forth a cause of action for quieting of title to real estate situated in said County,  and more specifically hereinafter de- scribed, which said real estate is also described in said verified Complaint, which Complaint is hereby referred to and made a part hereof by reference as though the same were set forth herewith in full. 3. That the subject of the above-entitled action is real property situated within this Statel described as follows: Hunter's Fifth Addition to the City of Beach, North Dakota; Block 1 : Lot 9 and the North 3 feet of Lot 8 and that the Defendants, and each of them, claim a lien thereon or other interests therein, either vested or contingent, and that the relief demanded against such Defendants, and each of them, consists wholly or partially in excluding such Defendants from such lieh or in- terest, and that said above-entitled ac- tion affects the title to real property. 4• That all persons having or claiming an estate or interest in, or lien or encumbrance upon, the real prop- erty hereinabove described and de- scribed in the Complaint, whether as heirs, devisees,.legatees, or personal representatives of a deceased person, or under any other title or interest, and not in possession, nor appearing of record in the Office of the County Recorder, the Clerk of the District Court, or the County Auditor of Golden Valley County, the County in which the real property is situated, to have such claim, title, or interest therein, are pro- ceeded against as unknown persons defendant pursuant to Chapter 32-17 of the North Dakota Century Code; and that the interests Of such unknown persons defendant in the land de-, scribed in the Complaint, "and all other persons known and unknown having or claiming any right, title, estate or in- terest in or lien or encumbrance upon the real property described in the com- plaint, whether as heirs, devisees, legatees or Personal Representatives of the aforementioned parties or as holding any claim adverse to Plaintiffs' ownership or any cloud upon Plaintiffs' title tt-lereto," are not shown of record in the Office of the County Recorder, the Clerk of the District Court, or the County Auditor of Golden Valley Count, North Dakota, the County in which such land Hes, and that Affiant does not know and is unable to ascer- tain the names, residences, or post of- rice addresses of any of the persons who are proceeded against as un- known persons Defendant. 5. That the relief sought in this action consists wholly or partly in ex- cluding the Defendants from any inter- est in or lien upon specific real property in this State, the same being the real property hereinabove de- scribed at Paragraph Three (3) above. 6. The last reasonably ascer- tainable post office addresses of such Defendants are as set out below im- mediately following the names of such Defendants: • Evelyn Weinreis Golva, ND 58621 Evelyn S. Golde Beach, ND 58621 Peter Weinreis Golva, ND'58621 Dora Bostyn Golva, ND 58621 7. That in the event any of the above and foregoing post office ad- dresses shown for the Defendants named in the immediately preceding paragraph are not in fact the post of- • rice addresses of such Defendants, that then the Plaintiff and your Affiant do not knew and are not able to ascer- tain the post office addresses of such Defendants. Dated this 21st day of February, 2013. Elizabeth A. Ebe, Attorney #07326 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21 st day of February, 2013. Gina Powers Barnes, Notary Public State of North Dakota My commission expires March 28, 2018 (February 28, March 7 and 14) Notice ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS SECTION 00100 BEACH QUIET ZONE CITY OF BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA SeaLed bids will be received by the City of Beach, at the City Hall, 153 East Main Street, Beach, ND, until 1:30 PM MT, March 18, 2013, at which time they will be publically opened and read aloud for the furnishing of materi- als, labor, equipment and skill required for the construction of Beach Quiet Zone and incidental items in and for said City of Beach, as is more fully de- scribed and set forth in the plans and specifications therefore, which are now on file in'the office of Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson, Inc. Bids shall be upon cash payment on the following estimated quantities and types of work: Mobilization, 1 LS; Contract Bond, 1 LS; Railway Protection Insurance - 2 Locations, 1 LS;Saw Concrete, 5 LF; Remove & Salvage Bituminous Sur- facing, 69 SY; Removal of Curb & Gut- ter, 32 LF; Saw Bituminous Surfacing - Full Depth, 89 LF; Pavement Re)air, 10 TON; Traffic Control Signs, 492 UNIT; Type III Barricade, 6 EA; Delin- eator Drums, 10 EA; Traffic Cones, 25 EA; Curb & Gutter - Type I Special, 89 LF; Curb Concrete Median, 342 LF; Flat Sheet For Signs-Type 3A Refl. Sheeting, 83 SF; Flexible Delineators - Type D, 8 EA; Steel Galv. Post- Tele- scoping Perforated Tube, 80 LF; Rail- road Crossbuck Sign & Post, 4 EA; PVMT MK Painted - Message, 314 SF; PVMT MK Painted - 4 In Line, 200 LF; PVMT MK Painted - 24 In Line, 194 LF; PVMT MK Painted Curb Top and Face, 684 LF The contract documents are on file and may be examined at the following: City of Beach 153 East Main Street, Beach, ND KLJ 1463 1-94 Business Loop East, Dickinson, North Dakota Complete digital project bidding documents are available at www.kl- jeng.corn "Projects for Bid" or You may down- DEPARTMENT OF load the digital plan documents for PUBLIC INSTRU $15.37 $20•00 by inputting Quest project # GARY MEDUNA $4,740.00 2481566 on the website's Project THE HORACE MANN Search page. Please contact COMPANIES $251.43 QuestCDN at (952) 233-1632 or JAMES J WOSEPKA PC $800.00 for assistance in KASEY MALKOWSKI $274.05 free membership registration, down- KATHY MALKOWSKI $6,754.60 loading, and working with this digital LAURA FILKOWSKI $97.05 project information. An optional paper MIDSTATE TELEPHONE CO.$214.01 set of project documents is also avail- • OLSON'S SERVICE $5,188.17 able for a non-refundable price of PETER ODERMANN $4,676.31 $65.00 per set at Kadrmas, Lee & BILLINGS COUNTY PIONEERS94.00 Jackson, Inc .... Please contact us at PREBLE MEDICAL if you have any questions. SERVICES INC $136.00 All bids are to be submitted on the RDA SYSTEMS INC $511.52 basis of cash payment for the work OFFICE OF THE and materials, and each bid shall be - STATE AUDITOR $165.00 accompanied by a separate envelope SUSAN PEDELISKI $39.55 containing the contractor's license and SW WATER AUTHORITY $105.64 bid security. The bid security must be TAMMY SIMNIONIW $444.98 in a sum equal tP five per cent (5%) of UCI $117.60 the full amount of the bid and must be WAL-MART COMMUNITY $235.49 in the form of a bidder's bond. A bid- WEST RIVER der's bond must be executed by the STUDENT SERVICES $2,208.91 bidder as principal and by a surety PAYFLEX company authorized to do business in (HORACE MANN FLEX) $6.00 this state, conditioned that if the princi- PAYFLEX pal's bid be accepted and the contract (HORACE MANN FLEX) $502.56 awarded to the principal, the principal, Arthaud moved, Kessel seconded, within ten (10) days after notice of to set the annual school election for award, will execute and effect a con- Tuesday, June 4, 2013, at DeMores tract in accordance with the terms of School and Prairie School, with polling his bid and the bid bond as required hours and election workers to be the by the laws of the State of North same as last year, with the business Dakota and the regulations and deter- manager authorized to find suitable re- minations of the governing body. If a placements if someone cannot serve. successful bidder does not execute a The motion carried unanimously. contract within ten (10) days allowed, Principal Soehren informed the the bidder's bond must be forfeited to board that she will present proposals the governing body and the project to the board for the 2013-14 school awarded to the next lowest responsi- calendar after researching those being bte bidder, used by neighboring schools. She All bidders must be licensed for the also reported that.the school crisis and full amount of the bid as required by safety plan for both schools will be up- Section 430705 and 43-07-12 of the dated. Arthaud volunteered to serve North Dakota Century Code. on the committee for the DeMores The successful Bidder will be re- school and another board member will quire d to furnish Contract Perform- be needed for the committee working ance and Payment Bonds in the full on the Prairie School plan• Arthaud amount of the contract• moved, Burian seconded, to provide Contracts shall be awarded on the $15 per staff member to be used to- basis of the low bid submitted by a re- - ward the purchase of a clothing item sponsible and responsive bidLler for with the Billings County School District the aggregate sum of all bid items• be name on it. The motion carried unani- awarded for the work. mously. All bids will be contained in a Principal Soehren presented the sealed envelope, as above provided; board with a staffing proposal for the plainly marked showing that such en- 2013-14 school year. After reviewing velope contains a bid for the above enrollment projections, Burian moved, project. In addition, the bidder shall Arthaud seconded, to approve holding place upon theexterior of such enve- two separate preschool sessions in lope the following information: Medora consisting of two days per 1. The work covered by the bid- week for three year olds and three der days per week for four year olds and 2. The name of the bidder to separate out first and second grade 3. Separate envelope contain- classes at both DeMores and Prairie, ing bid bond and a copy of North which would require hiring two addi- Dakota Contractor's License or certifi- tional teachers. The motion carried cate of renewal, with Kessel opposed. 4. Acknowledgement of the Ad- Discussion was held regarding the denda, current open enrollment policy. The No Bid will be read or considered consensus was to continue to follow which does not fully comply with the current policy for now. above provisions as to Bond and li- DeMores School will be holding a censes and any deficient Bid submit- formal dinner on March 13. The board ted will be resealed and returned to will attend the dinner, and tour the la- the Bidder immediately• cility, and visit classrooms after lunch. The work on the improvement will. A work session will follow to discuss be completed by May 31,2013. any identified issues during the tour. The Owner reserves the right to e- The regular March school board meet- ject any and all bids, to waive any in- ing will be held at 3:30 p.m. that day. formality in any bid, to hold all bids for Arthaud moved, Kessel seconded, a period not to exceed days from the to approve the second reading and date of opening bids, and to accept adoption of,the personal leave policy the bid deemed most favorable to the DDBE. The motion carried unani- interest of the Owner. mously. Should the Contractor fail to com- Adoption of an employee assis- plete the work within the time required tance program (EAP) was tabled until herein or within such extra time as the next meeting. The board asked may have been granted by formal ex- that BCSD staff be polled to determine tensions of time approved by the potential level of usage if this program Owner, there will be deducted from were available. any amount due the Contractor the Burian moved, Kessel seconded, to sum of $800 per day and every day rescind the November motion to ap- that the completion of the work is de- prove the first reading of the y'Vest layed. The Contractor and his surety River Special Services Restraint and will be liable for any excess. Such Seclusion Policy. The motion carried payment will be as and for liquidated unanimously• Kessel submitted recom- • damages, mendations for the development of a Dated this 18th day of February, new policy for review by Policy Serv- 2013 ices CITY OF BEACH Open enrollment requests were re- BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA viewed. Baranko moved, Burian sec- s/Kim Nunberg onded, to approve a family open Auditor enrollment from the Dickinson Public (February 28, March 7 and 14) School District to DeMores` The mo-. "lion carried unanimously. Arthaud Billings County School moved, Burian seconded, to approve • a family open enrollment from the District Belfield School District to DeMores. The motion carried unanimously. BILLINGS COUNTY SCHOOL Baranko moved, Burian seconded, to DISTRICT #1 approve an individual open enrollment MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING from the Dickinson Public School Dis- FEBRUARY 13, 2013 trict to Prairie. The motion carried unanimously. Decisions on two addi- The regular meeting of the Billings tional open enrollment applications County School Board was called to were tabled until clarification can be order at 5:30 PM MT, Wednesday, obtained. February 13, 2013, at the DeMores The business manager reported School, with members Darren that DPI conducted a review of the Baranko, Stacey Kessel, Lynn lunch programs at both schools and Arthaud, and Paige Burian, and Princi- received a positive review. The cooks pal Soehren present• Also present for were commended for the outstanding all or portions of the meeting were job they do. The board reviewed cur- Mathew Larson, Erica Honeyman, rent meal prices and decided not to in- CharleLe Schmidt, Andrea Krebs, crease prices for the 2013-14 school Becky Hild, Todd Corneit, and Ella Jo year. Corneil. Issues of concern identified during Burian moved, Kessel seconded, to the work session held at Prairie after approve the consent agenda, which the site visit in January were dis- included the minutes of the January cussed and projects to be addressed 18, meeting, the attached check list, were selected. and the addition of two agenda items. Ai'thaud requested that research be The motion carried unanimously, done on an electronic math learning JP MORGAN CHASE .. system which has reportedly yielded P-CARD $16,944.26 positive results in math scores. ALTERNATIVE SANITATION $260•00 Arthaud also stated that school par- BLUE CROSS ents have asked for help in identifying BLUE SHIELD $1,702.85 tutoring resources that may be avail- BORDER STATES $107•67 able. Principal Soehren wilt look into CASS CLAY CREAMERY INC$562.99 the math learning system and poten- CHS CREDIT CARD $223.68 tial tutoring options. CITY OF MEDORA $249•29' Kessel reported on the status of DENISE SOEHREN $298•74 the RESP program and a national con- DENNIS O'BRIEN $6,281.68 ference being held for which members DICKINSON PUBLIC of RESP sponsoring organizations are LIBRARY $3,480.57 eligible to attend. DOLLYM)/OOD FOUNDATIONS185.94 The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 DONNA BARNETT $5,049.37 PM. (February 28) FUELS- LUBRICANTS - CHEMICALS Class A CDL Drivers for North Dakota Class A w/X Endorsement • Clean Driving & Criminal History We Offer: TOP PAY! • Benefits, Matched 401K • Quarterly Bonus. Uniforms Provided OT over 40 • Weekly Pay • Affordable Company Housing • Family Housing Call Kristen: (801) 397-8322 ; Apply at: