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February 28, 2013
Golden Valley News
Changes in grand Jury law spurs debate Dieters" Beverage choices
., ognize citizen's in ol ement but it i<; times resurface in the other chamber
District 39, R-Arnegard also important to have integrity in the and be sent back and placed in con-
The session is now one week
away for what is referred to as
crossover. That's when all House
bills need to be voted upon in .the
House and all Seriate bills voted
upon in the Senate.
When we come back from
crossover, then the House will then
start the hearing process on Senate
bills and vice versa in the Senate.
Starting around Easter the confer-
ence committees will begin to work
out the differences in the version of a
bill that one house passes and the
other side amends.
The House had a lively debate on
House Bill 1451, which addressed
the requirements that citizens will
need to do in order to call a grand
jury. Currently the requirement is 10
percent of the voters who voted in
the last governor's election in what-
ever countythat the petition workers
wanted to choose. What is happen-
ing is that the petition sponsors
would select a county with low voter
population and file a petition on
statewide issues or on elected offi-
cials. It is important to protect the
citizen's right of referral and to rec-
process. The current percentage was
amended inn9 the requirement in
At that time most citizens lived in a
rural area and travel was limited by
roads and weather. Today, most citi-
zens live in communities, and we have
super highways and Interact access so
required signatures are much easier to
acquire. The bill would move the re-
quirement up to 40 percent of vot-
ers who voted in the last general
election or a maximum of 5,000 sig-
natures. The bill also shifts the re-
sponsibility to notify the courts of the
petition from the county commission-
ers to the county state's attorney.
The debate on the bill lasted about
35 minutes and the bill was voted a
"do pass" so that the Senate will have
an opportunity to review the process.
Sometimes legislators get all excited
about the measures that fail or pass
out of the chamber. They act like this
is the last chance to get their ideas
into law. The truth is that we are
only moving to the next stage of the
process and everything, and I mean
everything, is still on the table. I've
seen ideas that were defeated several
terence committees.
The appropriation committee now
has all the bills that contain spending
requests and as they finish their work
we can finish voting on the remain-
ing 100 bills in the House.
The larger appropriation bills are
split between the House and the Sen-
ate so completing the budget doesn't
happen until the end of the session.
One thing that has been bothering
me this session is the lack of biparti-
san support for committee work..In
the past the committees would take
testimony, discuss the measure and
anyone who had a concern would
bring amendments to improve the
bill so that the committee would send
out the best bill possible to be de-
bated in the chamber floor. This ses-
sion, only the majority party is
offering amendments and there is lit-
tle or no discussion in committee on
any concerns. Then When the bill is
presented on the floor the debate
often is on concerns that could have
been addressed in committee. I hope
this changes in the second half so
that the work we do reflects the best
alternatives for all the people.
Medal of honor recipient again honored
BISMARCK - Gov. Jack Dalrym-
ple and First Lady Betsy Dalrymple
were joined on Feb. 21 ,by congi-es-
sional and state officials, veterans,
militar3z members and the'public to
honor Minot resident and former
U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Clinton Rome-
sha, who was awarded the na-
tion,)krs highest military honor for,
courageous service during an enemy
attack in Afghanistan.
President Obama presented Ro-
mesha witla the Medal of Honor dur-
ing a ceremony at the White House
on Feb. 11.
"What Staff Sgt. Romesha ac-
Complished while wounded and
under heavy fire is remarkable" Gov.
Dalrymple said. He disregarded his
own safety to rescue injured soldiers,
retrieve the fallen and take the fight
to the enemy. He is a true American
hero and we are proud to call him a
North Dakotan. Staff Sgt. Romesha
acted with incredible bravery and
this country owes him a great debt of
Romesha, 31, is the fourth living
recipient of the Medal of Honor for
actions in Iraq or Afghanistan. He
was awarded the medal for leading
the charge against hundreds of Tal-
iban fighters during an Oct. 3, 2009,
siege on U.S. troops at a small corn-
Gov. Jack Dalrymple, left, presents Medal of Honor recipient
and Minot resident Clinton Romesha with a North Dakota flag
that has,flown over the state Capitol. Dalrymple and First Lady
Betsy Dalrymple hosted a public reception on Feb. 21 in Rome-
sha's honor. (Courtesy Photo)
bat outpost in Afghanistan. Romesha
served for 12 years in the U.S. Army
and deployed twice to Iraq and once
to Afghanistan. He lives in Minot
with his wife, Tammy, and their three
children. ,
Romesha's reception, held in the
state Capitol's Brynhild Haugland
Room, was attended by veterans,
state officials and many other North
Dakotans. Among those also at-
tending were: Lt. Gov. Drew
Wrigley, Sen. John Hoeven, Con'-
gressman Kevin Cramer, Maj. Gun.
David Sprynczynatyk, North
Dakota adjutant general; and Jim
Hatlelid, president of the Minot City
Crop disaster assistance program deadline near
Aaron Krauter, state executive
director of North Dakota's USDA
Farm Service Agency; reminds
producers to purchase FSA's Non-
insured Crop Disaster Assistance
Program coverage for noninsur=
able crops.
"Crop insurance is an important
risk management tool for farmers,
but it's not available for all crops.
That's why NAP is so important,"
said Krauter. - "
NAP is a federally funded pro-
gram that provides coverage to
producers for noninsurable crops
when low yields, loss of inventory
of prevented planting occurs due to
natural disasters. Crops eligible for
NAP coverage are those for which
crop insurance is not available, in-
cluding fruits and vegetables,
aquaculture, turf grass and forage
"Producers must apply for cov-
erage before a diskster strikes,"
continued Krauter. "Like regular
crop insurance, once an application
period closes, the opportunity to
obtain coverage is passed." The
application closing date for spring
planted crops is March 15, 2013.
In order to enroll, producers need
to contact the local FSA Office
where they farm.
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St. John the Baptist Catholic
Rev. Dan Berg
Mass: Saturday 4 p.m.
Sunday: 10:30 a.m.
Golden Valley Manor Chapel
Pastor Ron Hudson of Calvary
Sundays: 6:30, Communion, first
Sunday in each month
St. Paul's Lutheran Church,
Rev. Scott Hojnacki
Sunday Worship: 10:15 a.m.
Sunday School: 11:15 a.m.
First Lutheran Church - ELCA
pastor J.T. Burk
Sunday School: 8:10 a.m.
Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m.
Beach Evangelical Church
Pastor Ben Baker
Sunday School: 9:.30 a.m.
Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m.
St. Peter's Lutheran - LCMS
Rev. Scott Hojnacki
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you by."
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Glendive, MT 59330
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can make a difference
By Julie Garden-Robinson, Food
and Nutrition Specialist
NDSU Extension Service
For several consecutive weeks
last fall, I visited the fourth-grade
classroom that includes my daughter.
We explored reading, math and other
subjects as we discussed nutrition,
acted out a play and did hands-on ac-
One day, we examined the ingre-
dient statements to find words that
indicate a food has added sweeten-
ers. They learned that sweeteners add
calories but no nutrients, such as pro-
tein or vitamin C or A.
Are you smarter than a fourth-
grader? Besides the term sugar can
you name at least four words that in-
dicate your favorite beverage is
sweetened with a calorie-containing
ingredient? Pause and think.
If an 'ingredient statement in-
Cludes the words high-fructose corn
syrup, fructose, fruit juice concen-
trate, honey, sucrose or dextrose, the
beverage has added sweeteners that
contribute calories. All these ingredi-
ents are combined as sugars on the
Nutrition Facts label.
One week, we studied Nutrition
Facts labels. I brought a variety of
empty beverage containers with me
so we could practice reading labels.
We calculated the number of tea-
spoons of added sweetener each bev-
erage contained.
We-used sugar cubes as our vi-
sual aids. The cubes are stackable
and a lot neater than spoons of
syrup in an elementary classroom.
One cube weighs about 4 grams,
which is equal to 1 teaspoon of
I told them a little story about the
Golden days when I was their age.
While we can fit
some added sweet-
eners in a healthful
diet, we need to
consider portion
size and conse-
quences of too
many added calo-
Back then, bottles were .smaller and
made of glass. Soda pop was a treat,
not a beverage regularly served with
meals. An 8-ounce bottle was the
norm and had about 100 calories.
That was equal to 7 sugar cubes.
Later, 12-ounce cans of soda be-
came the typical size. A can of regu-
lar pop has about 150 calories. That's
about l0 sugar cubes.
Now 20-ounce plastic bottles are
the norm. If you drink the entire bot-
tle, which technically is 2.5 servings,
you are consuming 250 calories or
about 17 sugar cubes. Liter-sized
containers are available, too, and
some people treat those bottles as
single servings. Stack up about 27
sugar cubes if you drink a liter of
regular pop.
The kids were surprised at the
towers of sugar cubes we created.
Then we talked about juice and
other beverages. Juice labeled 100
percent fruit juice contains natural
sugs from the fruit, plus most con-
tain vitamin C. A fruit-flavored bev-
erage, on the other hand, may contain
little, if any, fruit juice..
While we can fit some added
sweeteners in a healthful diet, we
need to consider portion size and
consequences of too many added
calories. Unfortunately, when we
drink sweetened beverages, we usu-
ally do not feel very full compared
with eating food. According to a pub-
lished study, with 18 months of fol-
low-up, researchers reported that if
children drank just 12 ounces (one
can) of regular soda per day, they in-
creased the odds of becoming obese
by 60 percent.
Think about your beverage
choices. Here are some tips adapted
from ://
Make water, low-fat or fat-free
milk or 100 percent juice easy op-
tions in your home. EnCourage fam-
ily members to eat whole fruit for the
fiber advantage.
Drink water instead of sweet-
ened drinks when you are thirsty. En-
ergy and sports drinks and regular
soda all provide added sweeteners
and calories to you r diet.
Take water on the go in : clean,
reusable water bottle. Reusable water
bottles are easy on the envir’ :ment,
convenient and cost-effective.
Save money at restaurants by
ordering water when dining out and
,drinking water from the tap at home.
.Enjoy an occasional sweetened
beverage, but have a smaller portion.
Split a can of soda pop.
Read and compare Nutriti0h
Facts labels to learn more about
sugar, fat, calories and nutrients in
your favorite beverages.
Program for seniors accepting applications
The Experience Works Senior
Community Service Employment
Program (SCSEP) is accepting ap-
Program applicants must be age
55 or older, unemployed, live in
Adams, Billings, Bowman, Burke,
Divide, Dunn, Golden Valley, Grant,
Hettinger, McKenzie, McLean, Mer-
cer, Mountrail, Oliver, Slope, Stark,
and Williams counties and have in-
comes of $14,363 per year or less for
a family of one ($19,388 for a family
of two). There are 17 openings for
qualified candidates.
"Unfortunately, finding a job can
be especially difficult for older work-
ers who have not looked foi" employ-
ment for some time or for those who
have been unsuccessful in their job
hunt" said Lyle Koller, emlrloyment
and training coordinator for Experi-
ence Works. Our program is a step-
ping stone for people desperate for
work. We can provide immediate as-
sistance and wages, for those who
qualify for the SCSEP.
Experience Works SCSSEP is
available at rio cost to people who
meet eligibility criteria. The program
provides paid community service as-
signments at local public and non-
profit organizations, training, referral
to needed services, and job search as-
sistance. For more information call
1-800-842-4982 or e-mail
lyle_koller@ experienceworks .org.
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Worship Service: Sunday - 8 a.m. :: Rev. Robert Hlibichuk
i < rl
St. Bernard's Catholic Churli, , , Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.
Roy. Bill Reulle Sunday Bible Study: 10 a.m.
Saturday: Confessions 6-6:45 p.r FAIRFIELD
Mass: 7 p.m. , ii: ;2; . St. Demetrius Ukrainian
Sunday: Confessions7:30 ' )::'i:i. Catholic Church
Mass: 8:30 p.m. ;? Roy. Tarns Miles
St. John Ukrainian Cathc ,: :: ,t Divine Liturgy: 8 a.. on
Church ', , , second and fourth Sundays,
Roy. Tarns Miles ! '! l(!m, on first, third and fifth
Divine Liturgy: 8 a.m ',:. Sundays
third and fifth :' SL MaCatholic Church
10 a.m. on second ' Re. Berg
Mass: 8 a]Lunday
,= MED
ltedoruthan - ELCA
Sunday / :' R,Qge;Dierterle -
Dag!um "!'i: Sun"y:Ws: 8:30 a.m.
30 p.m., Wed.
Rev. Roar lrch
(Located 25 only
10:30 a.m.
Mary'sColic Church
first and third Sunday of each i. No Mass from November through
month .................. April
Belfield Baptist Chm't ' '' ........ $ENTINEL BUTTE
Trinity Lutheran Church
Pastor J.T. Burk
Sunday Worship: 8 a.m.
St. Mary's Catholic Church.
Rev. Bill Reulle
Confessions before Mass
Saturday Mass: 4 p.m.
Trotters Church
1 st and 3rd Sunday of each month
United Methodist Church
Pastor Ruth McKenzie
Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.
Calvary Temple, Assembly of God
Pastor Reuse Stephans
Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m.
Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. ,
Trinity Lutheran Church -
Pastor J.T. Burk
Sunday Worship: 11 : 15 a.m.
Christian Fundamental Church
Pastor Jeremy Stradley
Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.
Sunday Worship: 11 a.m.
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201 South Wibaux St. 53 1st Avenue S.E.
Wibaux, MT 59353 Beac h, ND 58621
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I O. Box 970
Beach, North Dakota 58621