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Beach, North Dakota
February 28, 2008     Golden Valley News
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February 28, 2008
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Page 6 February 28, 2008 To Purchaset ourTickcts, Contact MedoraArca Convcnfion&VisitorsBurcau 701-623-4829 701-690-8897 e Meeting Notice Public Meeting A public meeting will be held asking for input for implementing rules & reg- ulations for recreational uses on Odland's Dam, north of Beach. The public is invited to share their thoughts & ideas. This meeting will be held Tuesday, March 4, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. at the community ambulance building in Beach. For more information, please call Bud Ordahl at 872-4917. (February 21, 28) Belfield Public School REGULAR MEETING, BOARD OF EDUCATION, BELFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT #13 JANUARY 17, 2008 ELEMENTARY LIBRARY The meeting was called to order by board president Ed Procive at 7:00 p.m Present: Hugh Hlebechuk, Delbert Kadrmas, Tony Krebs, Ernie Buckman and Ed Procive, Supt. Remington, HS Prin. Lamprecht, Elem Prin. Lorge, Bus. Mgr. Berger. Also present were Ken Koppinger representing the South Heart School board, Anthony Kessel representing the Billing County School Board, Lois Myran representing RESP, parent Tara and Curt Kahl and patron Lavonne Goetsch. M/S Hlebechuk/Krebs to approve t.he minutes of the December 07, 2007, school board meeting. Motion carried unanimously. M/S Kadrmas/Buckman to approve the agenda with an addition of life time passes and CTE governing board member. Motion carried unanimously. President Procive noted the next item on the agenda must be discussed in an executive session. The legal authority for closing this portion of the meeting is NDCC. The topic of this executive session is to consider mat- ters involving confidential education records of students. He asked that all members of the public please leave the room. The executive session began at 7:05 p.m. and was attended by Procive, Krebs, Buckman, Hlebechuk, Kadrmas, Supt. Remington, Bus. Mgr. Berger, and par- Edward Procive, Board Pres;ident Date BELFIELD PUBLIC SCHOO)L Jan-08 POSTMASTER $z41.00 ACME ELECTRIC 187.99 ACTIVITY FUND BHS ,"77.54 ALLTEL CORP ,'.33.20 ALTERNATIVE SANITATION 250.00 AT & T 146.31 BELFIELD AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY :26.11 BELFIELD PLUMBING & HTG. 1,9(05 53 ALICE BERGER "16.77 BW SEVEN SEAS INN 1"10.00 CAPITAL CITY BOILER REPAIR 13~0t62.75 CASS CLAY CREAMERY, I NC 1,1106.93 CITY OF BELFIELD 7102.91 DAN'S SUPERMARKET 2163.35 DEPT. OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 3109.32 PAULETTE DORVAL 8.40 ESP COMPUTERS & SOFTWARE 4;34.95 FARMERS UNION OIL 4~69.84 FOLLETT EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 2110.34 GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS 1:58 80 RENE HLEBECHUK ,49.50 KENNETH HUTZENBILER,3,5;46.20 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPT 1 79.92 INTERSTATE BRANDS 1 48.72 JACOBSEN MUSIC 5.80 JAYMAR BUSINESS FORMS243.07 JOB SERVICE ND 1 06.08 JW PEPPER & SON INC 117.99 MONTANA-DAKOTA UTILITIES 6,500.20 NDASA 1 25.00 NEWBY'S ACE HARDWARE 1110.91 JOE OBRIGEWITCH 2,5;18.90 POSTMASTER $;75.05 PRAXAIR 1 02.62 RATH & MEHRER PC 3,600.00 READER'S DIGEST 9.98 DARREL REMINGTON 3106.00 RESP 2,5~00.00 TIMOTHY SCHAIBLE 3365.00 SHERWlN-WiLLIAMS 1164.71 STATE TAX COMMISSIONER 3,7780.00 TOM'S SERVICE STATION 55.50 TRANS-LUX 4190.65 US FOODSERVICE 2,677.50 IVAN VANDERESCH 350.00 QWEST 1195.43 QWEST 74.61 , WAL-MART STORE 60.33 STUDENT ACTIVITY ANDERSON'S 781.48 ALICE BERGER 9.00 BISMARCK RAMKOTA INN 280:00 BOWMAN COUNTY SCHOOL #1 1115.91 BRAUN DISTRIBUTING ~95.67 COCA-COLA BOTTLING 352.92 DICKINSON NEWSPAPERS INC. 23.00 ALAN GEIGER 200.35 CATHERINE HOSELTON 79.50 Geography Bee champ MorganNunberg, shown with teacher Mike Zier, is the first-place winner of the recent Beach Higl School Geography Bee. Alumni asked to submit information BELFIELD - The Belfield Q- Centennial (125th Anniversary) Committee is looking for alumni who plan to hold class reunions during the Q-Centennial Celebration from July 11-13, 2008. The information is being sought so that it can be listed among the schedule of events for the celebra- tion. The tentative schedule of events can be found a Click on the "contact" link and send an e-mail to have your event listed Alumni may also contact any of the planning committee mem- bers. Having your event listed may help alumni locate others who will be in town that weekend, and it will help advertise your reunion since it will be on the Web, on posters and in advertisements. Natiohal leaders peak at Legion Mid-Winter Conference DICKINSON - Nearly 250 vet- we are and what we do and what of a strategic planning process, people who have worn a military erans from aqross North Dakota we stand for, the American Legion She said her theme of forwarduniform, carry inside them gathered for !the annual North family, which includes the Legion, thinking is important for coming because of the service they have Dakota American Legion and the Auxiliary and the Sons of the years "and we feel it is important provided for our country And the Auxiliary Mid-Winter Conference American Legion We're there for for us to attract younger members, purpose of the American Legion in Dickinson n Feb. 8-10. them. And we'll always be (there) and we hope that through thisbeing the service to the veterans, National ~merican Legion for them." strategic planning process we will the people that are coming home, Auxiliary President Jan Pulvermacher-Ryan, a member be able to do that, and that is excit- the people who need our help to Pulvermacher-Ryan of Madison, of the Legion Auxiliary for 48ing news." obtain the benefits that they need Wisc and National American years, was futuristic in her address The national annual meeting of and service to our communities for Legion Vice: Commander Don to the group the legion and auxiliary will be in projects that we need to do to Hayden of Lee Center, Minn "My focus this year is on chil- Phoenix inAugust David Rehbein make our communities a better headlined the event, dren and so, because of that, I of Ames, Iowa, will be one of the place to live " Hayden was enthusiastic about think itwasvery important thatwe candidates for the position of Reports from North Dakota the event, noting the North Dakota try to establish a scholarship fund national commander He addressed American Legion Commander American Legion "is number two for the military kids," she said. the North Dakota Legionnaires, Harvey Peterson of Beach, and on membership in the United The Legion Auxiliary has agoalof seeking their support for his candi- Auxiliary President Charlotte States on percentage. I appreciate $1.2 million for the fund. dacy and laying out his platform Lassonde of Rolla were also pro- that and l th~nk them " Hayden In addition to the,scholarship"My themes are pride and pur-vided at the meeting, attended by said the NorthiDakota membership,fund, Pulvermacher-Ryan said she pose," he said. "(The) pride all of representatives from all North "is not a lucl~y statistic; it's who was excited about the completion the service members, all of the Dakota legion districts. ents Tera and Curt Kahl. I KEATING FURNITURE 75.00 The executive session adjourned at -t 7:25p.m. The public was invited back JAYMARBUSINESSFORMS1192.58 Stude,: s receive NDSU degress into the room and the regular meeting KATHY KREBS 27.00 LAKE COUNTRY The following are Belfield students who graduated from North Dakota was back in open session. Pres.STITCHES/BUFFALO GAP/486.00 Procive noted the following motion State University in the fall of 2007, according to a recent press release: was made and unanimously passed: LOGO MAGIC /453.00 to accept what the board has heard at LOUISE LORGE 55.90 Andrew J Krebs, B.S civil engineering; Ivan F Anheluk, B.S indus- this (executive). meeting and to stand ND FFA 901.00 trial PEPSI COLA BOTTLING1107.50 engineerin~ and management; and Paul T. Emch, M.S social science. with the administrations' decisions. QSP, INC 2,844.16 Lois Myran gave a presentation on RUDY'S LOCK & KEY "115.00 the purpose and actions of RESP.Hs Prin. noted a foreign exchange JAKERUNNINGSSUPPLYINCsToLTZ(February, Health clznzcs"" schedules student from Brazil has enrolled for the second semester. He reviewed up coming activities including JH Ag day Call for bids Billings/Golden Valley County pulse, immunizations, fasting blood and the FCS Health Fair. Health clinics: sugar, hemoglobin, urinalysis, etc. ' Elem. Prin. noted the elementary The Golden Valley Count:y Weed - Olson's Service, Sentinel Butte, For a complete list of services pro- would be doing Dibles screening again Board is calling for bids on the follow- 8-11 a.m,March 4 vided, please call (701) 872-4533 and that April will be Math Month. ing chemicals and additives, ira normal - Fire Hall, Fairfield, 9-noon, 1-3 A small fee will be asked for these Bus. Mgr. Berger gave the board usage size containers- quart, 1 gallon, financial reports for December 2007. 2 1/2 gallon, 30 gallon, or shulttle tank. p.m March 5 services. Please call'for an appoint- She also presented theAudit report for Brand name or generic label, with or - Senior Citizens Center, Beach, ment. 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 school without micro-valves: 2-4D, Amine, 10:30 a.m.-12t30 p.m March 18 years. Board members were invitedto Arsenal, Banvel, Curtail, Fallow Golden Valley Manor. Beach. visit with either the superintendent or business manager if they have any questions on the audit. Supt Remington noted that the school has received two AEDS (defibullators) and he is scheduling training; the CTE grant will be award- ed on Jan. 21st; Accreditation reports will be late from the state this year; and he has received legal advice from Mr. Thune on a couple of issues. Pres. Procive gave a report on the Sports Coop meeting. M/S Kadrmas/Hlebechuk to pay the bills. Motion carried unanimously. M/S Kadrmas/Buckman to rescind a tuition waiver to South Heart for Chantel Hushka. Motion carried unan- imously. M/S Krebs/Kadrmas to continue kindergarten for four days a week for the 2007-2008 school year. M/S Hlebechuk/Krebs to destroy the following business records for the 2000-2001 school year: GENERAL FUND - cash receipts, invoices of bills paid, canceled checks, check stubs, monthly board reports, state and federal reports; STUDENT ACTIVITY FUND - cash receipts, invoices of bills paid, can- celed checks, check stubs, and monthly board reports; HOT LUNCH - cash receipts, invoices of bills paid, canceled checks, check stubs, and monthly board reports. Motion carried unanimously. M/S Kadrmas/Krebs to approve review of Pledge of Securities from Great Plains Bank, Motion carried unanimously. It:is the board consensus to allow ~life-time sports passes, with recipients approved by the administration or board. Either Procive or Krebs will be the ;governing board member for the new ~CTE board. The next meeting is scheduled for ~i~February 14, 2008, 7:00 pm. Meeting adjourned at 8:31 p.m. Respectfully submitted Alice Berger, Business Manager Master, Milestone, Ov/erdrive, Redeem, Plateau, Sahara, Tordon 22K, Wide Match, Methylated ISeed Oil (MSO). Bids are to be submiltted to: Golden Valley County Weed Board, P.O. Box 605, Beach, ND 586~21-0605, or in person by March 13, 2008, at 5 p.m. at the Golden Valley County Courthouse, commissioners' xoom, at which time, with the regular ~meeting, all submitted bids are to be opened and considered. If you have ques- tions, call (701) 872-4736. (February 28, March 6) 9-noon. March 19 - Billings County Courthouse. 9- noon, 1-3 p.m March 14 and 28 (Please call for appointment scheduling) Public Health Office, Beach health maintenance. 9-noon, 1-3 p.m March 6, l 1. 20, and 27 (Please call for appointment scheduling) Offered screenings at these clin- ics may include blood pressure, This meeting will be held on March 8, 2008 at Dickinson High School, 979 13 Ave. West, Dickinson, N.D. The District Convention will approve the district platform and elect 17 delegates and alternates to the D mocratic-NPL State Convention to be held in Grand Forks on April 4-6, 2008 The Billings County School District is accepting applications for a full-time technology coordlinator for our K-8 district ~vith schools located at Fairfield and Medora. Salary is negotiabledepending on expe- rience and qualifications;. Teacher certification is preferred, but not required. For further information an~d a job description, contact the District office at 623-4363. To apply, send a letter of ;application and resume, including experience, qualifications and references to: Billings County School District, Box 307, Mledora, ND 58645, or email to dar- lene.mitchell@sendit, Applicants selected for an interview will be notified be telephone. Billings County School District is an equal opportunity employer. Anyone needing special accommodations for the application or interview process may contact Darlene Mitchell at 623-4363 or Relay North Dakota at 1-800-366-6888 (TTY) or 1-800-366-6889 (Voice) rece i p'-pt- & dispursements for the year ending 2007 FUND BEGINNING RECEIVED TRANSFER TRANSFER D1SPURSED ENDING BALANCE IN OUT BALANCE GENERAL HIGHWAY SOCIAL SECURITY CITY SPECIALS DEF EMERGENCY TRI- JOB DEVELOPMENT CITY SALES TAX POOL SALES TAX , SIDEWALK CITY OCCUPANCY REF 93-1 461,276.77 462,764.48 27,665.40 53,812.48 I 8,014.70 12,073.57 3,304.64 9,758.69 5,319.41 2,081.10 128.33 45,756.27 56,578.49 I 0.00 66,162.66 27,849.69 23,078.89 4,624.63 0.00 0.00 10,597.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o oo WATER EQUIP. RESERVE SEWER & WATER RESERVE WATER SEWER GARBAGE MINI MALL TOTAL 29,505.97 24 129.74 57,576.29 29 180.60 56,578.44 11,194.31 5,724.47 53,397.87 0.00 0.00 2,600.00 0.00 270 949.43 120,989.12 14,685.00 1:,162,981.52 0.00 0.00. 364,081.66 33,028.36 1,343.64 0.00 2,000.00 553,986.52 48,449;52 7,630.36 11,902.98 63.21 I 0.00 0.00 I I 0.00 i 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 655.20 2,881.87 0.00 8,224.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 131.67 0.00 30,106.77 0.00 80,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ,3,000.00 0.00 72,975.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,983.00 0.00 0.00 191.30 237,980.39 12,00 20,778.74 48.70 91,713.87 0.00 8,278.98 10,849.70 969,534.05 8,822.94 0.00 72,227.99 42i74!.10 39,044.00 8,611.00 3,501.76 30,758.69 29,505.97 40,894.49 24,129.74 90,354.03 41,649.80 61,289.02 14,910.76 1 142,767.48