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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
February 27, 2014     Golden Valley News
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February 27, 2014
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Page 4 Golden Valley News February 27, 2014 Legal Notices Week y SUDOKU Hat Tips By Dean Meyer Notice NOTICE OF LEASING SCHOOL TRUST LANDS The Board of University and School Lands will offer the following lands for lease in Billings Co. Ac Term Rent UNORGANInED (138-102) 26 N E4 160 4 919 26 NW4 150 4 899 26 SE4 160 4 493 26 SW4 148 4 767 UNORGANIDED (144-102) 16 E2SE4, Lots 1,4,5,8 241 3 1607 N N Known noxious weed infesiation. Control requirements apply to all lessees. The public lease auction will be held in the County Courthouse, Veteran's Room at Dickinson, ND, on Thursday, March 27, 2014 at 3:00 PM MT. Bidding will begin at minimum rent. 1st year's rent must be paid in full immediately after the sale. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. For more information, visit or call (701) 328- 2800. For auxiliary aids and services, please call by 03/20/2014. 2/4/2014 Is/Lance D. Gaebe Land Commissioner (February 27, March 6 and 13) DIFFICULTY THIS WEEK: * Notice Bid Notice The City of Sentinel Butte is accept- ing bids for the lot, South of E. Grove St. (Old Highway 10) and North of Sec- ond Street, East of City Hall, Original Townsite of Sentinel Butte, Block 9, Tract "B". Bids are due by 7:00 p.m. on March 10, 2014. The City Council re- serves the right to refuse any and all bids. For more information contact Mayor Rick Olson 701-872-2964 (February 20 and 27) Notice Meeting Notice Beach Civil Township #3 annual meeting will be held on March 18, 2014, at 7 p.m. in the Commissioners' Room in Golden Valley County Courthouse. ,, (February 27, March 6 and 13) Notice Public Notice and Notice of Public Meeting The Central Rural Fire District plans to submit a Communities Facilities ap- plication to USDA-Rural Development. The application being considered would request $50,000 for the purchase of a new fire truck. A public hearing will be the Community Learning & Technology Center-55 1st St. SE, Beach, ND on Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 8:00 AM to obtain views and answer questions related to the project economic and environmental impacts, service area and alternatives to the pur- chase of the new fire truck. (February 27) Bids Call for Sealed Bids URGENT NEWS ]F YOU USED TEST()STERON E HEART ATTACK or STROKE? The Golden Valley County Weed Board is calling for bids on the following equipment: 3-2012 Honda Foreman 500 4- wheelers with power steering 5' x 8' ATV Trailer Bids are to be submitted to: GV County Weed Board P.O. Box 605 Beach, ND 58621 Bids can also be dropped off in per- son by March 13th, 2:30 p.m. at the Golden Valley County Extension Office. All submitted bids are to be opened on March 13th 3:00 during the regular meeting. We also reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Bids should specify which unit number the bid is for. On all accepted bids, payment is due within 7 days of opening of bids. Weed Board does not warrant the condition, sold as is. All bids are required to be submitted in a sealed envelope. If have questions or want to inspect and/or test drive equipment, contact Jared at 701-290-3569 or Pete at 701- 872-4123 (February 27 and March 6) Bids Call for Bids The Golden Valley County Weed Board is calling for bids on the following chemicals and surfactants, in normal usage size containers, quart, 1 gallon, 2 1/2 gallon, or 30 gallon in brand name or generic label. 2-4D Amine Ally Arsenal Banvel Charparral Curtail Escort Fallow Master Widematch Hell Fire LV-6 Milestone Redeem Perspective Polaris Plateau Tordon 22K Methylated Seed Oil (MSO) Induce (Non Ionic Surfactant) Brewer 90 (Non Ionic Surfactant) Hi-Light Dye • Roundup Bids are submitted to: GV County Weed Board P.O. Box 605 Beach, ND 58621 Or in person by March 13th 2:30 p.m. at the Golden Valley County Ex- tension Office, or by fax at 701-872- 4334. At which time, during the regular meeting, March 13th 3:00 p.m., all sub- mitted bids are to be opened and con- sidered. If have questions, call Pete at 701- 872-4123 or Jared at 701-290-3569 (February 27 and March 6) Notice NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION Notice is hereby given that the an- nual election of Belfield Public School District #13, Belfield, ND is set for Tues- day, June 10, 2014 for the purpose of electing one rural board member for a three year term and one at-large board member for a three year term Any person who is a qualified elector of this district is qualified to be a mem- ber of the school board. Candidates must file a Statement of Candidacy and a Statement of Interest with the busi- ness manager's office prior to 4:00 pm on April 7, 2014. These forms, may be picked up in the business manager's of- fice located within the elementary school building. By order of the Board of Education Belfield Public School Belfield, ND 58622 Alice Berger, Business Manager (February 27) Notice NOTICE OF FILING DEADLINE FOR SCHOOL BOARD CANDIDATES Anyone wishing to file as a candi- date for the Billings County School Board from director district three must file a "Statement of Candidacy" form and a completed "Statement of Interest" form with the District Business Manager prior to 4:00 p.m. MT Monday, March 31, 2014. Forms are available at the district office in Medora, or by calling 623-4363 or 623-4351. They are also available on the school website. Candidates must be a resident of di- rector district # 3, but will be voted upon at- large in the entire school district. Di- rector district # 3 is comprised of sec- tions 19-36 of townships 142-98, 142-99, and 142-100, and all of town- ships 141-98, 141-99, and 141-100. If you are unsure if you qualify as a can- didate from this area, please contact the business manager at 623-4363 for assistance. The position will be for a three year term. Anyone needing special accommo- dations to complete the filing process should contact the District Office at 623- 4363 or Relay North Dakota at 1-800- 366-6888 (TTY) or 1-800-366-6889 (Voice). (February 27 and March 6) Notice Billings County Rural Fire Protection District Notice of Special Meeting The annual board of electioris tobe held March 19, at 7:30 p.m. in Fryburg at the Billings County Fire Hall. Put Your Money Where Your House Is/ GO;, I i':',lervdett A ' strengthen OUr t;us, cesse5 ate  cornmurtty )Our t,:; vo,u,? and Our ecotorny NORTH DAKOTA'S LARGEST!! 2013 RED RIVER VALLEY 48th Annuol SPOBTSMEN'S BOAT, CAMPING & VACATION IR#W IIAII I Ii I I | I''1 "(Ib[O) I10]111 Ii 5 GREAT SHOWS IN ONEI • Boat Show • Camping Show • Outdoor Equipment Show • Travel Show - Family Fun Showl Notice of Annual 1M[eetin, L Annua[ Me tiz g of th ,' 1= arn ,'ach, or L 1Mh nd W, ]Via eh 3r ',enter l(,cate t a tjacent to Ci Dinner will be served at 6:00 March 7-10 This is to notify you of the 84th Annual Meeting of the Farm- ers Union Oil Company of Beach, on Monday, March 3rd, 2014 at the New Conference Center located adjacent to City Hall in Beach, North Dakota. pro, with the regular business meeting to follow. The term of two (2) directors will expire. Dividend checks will be dis- tributed. Tom Schillo Secretary Farmers Union Oil Co. Beach, North Dakota by Linda Thistle Solution belo 6 7 3 4 4 2 ' 5 8 1 7 I I 1 7 5 3 4 6 3 8 8 9 2 7 1 4 5 Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each small 9-box square contains all of the numbers from one to nine. 9 2 3 6 8 * Moderate ** Challenging * ** HOO BOY! © 2014 King Features Synd., Inc. This weekly puzzle is brought to you by" T&A Seeds Beach, ND ............... (701) 872-3248 .............. Our Christmas vacation Hello, Well, Shirley and I just returned from our winter vacation. It wasn't a long vacation, but it was a good one. We talked about going east. Maybe to New York, or Philadel- phia, or maybe Boston. I've been to Boston and loved it. Ate clam chowder and talked like a Kennedy. Like my grandkids say, "It Was" cool ?" Then we talked about going south. Maybe to Florida to the Keys. Maybe the Louisiana Gulf Coast. We tossed Mexico and Ja- maica around. That would be fun. We went to the Bahamas once years ago. And Milo and Julie taught the natives to polka. That was the best part of that trip. We talked of going to baseball spring training in Florida or Arizona. We have friends in both places. That reminds me of something Linseth told me years ago. We were hauling a load of bucking horses across the United States to a buck- ing horse sale in Texas. I asked Lynn if he figured he would end up in heaven or hell. He didn't even have to think. Just replied, "Well, I bet I know somebody either place!" Back to our vacation. We de- cided we would do both. We would go east. And then we would go south for a while. As Corb Lund explains in his song, "You've Got to Have Cows Around", when you have cows, you're pretty well tied down. So, on Saturday, after chores, we loaded up and headed east. To Mandan. We would attend the an- nual Cowboy Hall of Fame banquet and meeting, visit with friends, enjoy the fundraiser, sleep in a bed somebody else made, eat a supper and breakfast someone else cooked, and we could be home for chores in the morning. It was won- derful. Then that afternoon, after chores, we headed south. Didn't mIke it all the way to the Gulf, But we made it to Amidon. It's towns like Amidon that make me proud of Maybe to Florida to the Keys. Maybe the Louisiana Gulf Coast. We tossed Mexico and Ja- maica around, That would be fun. We went to the Ba- hamas once years ago, rural people. It was their annual play. I've been to the Harding County play in the Bullock Hall. And I had always wanted to attend the one in Amidon. It's just dang good fun to watch your friends and neighbors produce one of these grand plays. It's fam- ily fun. It's farmers and ranchers wrapping up chores and spending several nights a week for a couple months memorizing lines and working on costumes. It's ladies baking cookies and cakes and lemon bars for snacks (I can't spell ordurves). It's Grandmas and Grandpas and moms and dads and kids and babies falling silent as the lights dim and the stage comes to life. It's watching men and women transforming a tin building on the prairie to a theatre full of apprecia- tive fans. There is a show called some- thing like "We've got Talent". We dang sure do. While at the Hall of Fame ban- quet, I was visiting with an old friend. He said he asked his wife what she wanted for their Anniver- sary, which was coming up. She replied, "A divorce!" ' He thought a minute and replied, "I didn't figure on spend- ing that muchI" Later, Dean Petroleum Council accepting Hunter education Adults and children looking to scholarship applications BISMARCK - The North Dakota Petroleum Council (NDPC) is ac- cepting applications for the 2014 AI Golden Scholarships, which are awarded each year to North Dakota students who are pursuing a post- secondary education in geology, en- gineering, processing plant technology, science, technical skills or other careers related to the oil and gas industry. Nine scholarships of up to $2,000 each for the academic year will be offered, an increase from five schol- arships that were awarded last year. Since the North Dakota Petro- leum Council founded the A1 Golden Scholarship Fund in 2008, $15,250 in scholarships have been awarded. The fund, which is named after North Dakota oil pioneerand the first member of the NDPC's Hall of Fame, A1 Golden, was established to encourage and support students interested in careers related to North Dakota's oil and gas industry. The scholarship is funded by proceeds from company and individual con- tribu,tions and the Williston Basin Petroleum Conference, which sold out of exhibits within four minutes this year. Applications must be submitted by April 1, 2014. For qualifications dnd application requirements for the AI Golden Scholarship and informa- tion on the North Dakota Petroleum Council Scholarship Fund, visit ship. take a hunter education class in 2014 are reminded to enroll now as the nwjoriyof all olas.are held by the etld,,of' May: .... To register, visit the North Dakota Game and Fish Department website at, click on the online serv- ices tab, and "online course enroll- ment" under the hunter education heading. Classes are listed by city, and can also be sorted by start date. To register for a class, click on "en- roll" next to the specific class, and follow the simple instructions. Per- sonal information is required. Those who do not have access to the Internet and want to sign up for a class can call the hunter education program in Bismarck at (701) 328- 6615. Individuals interested in receiving a notice by email when each hunter Please support classes filling up education class is added can click on the "subscribe to news, email and text alerts" link found below the news section on the department's home page. Check the box labeled "hunter education class notification" under the education program up- dates. State law requires anyone born after December 31, 1961 to pass a certified hunter education course to hunt in the state. Hunter education is mandatory for youth who are turning 12 years old, and children can take the class at age 11. £ £ i It 6 9 L I, 8 I. L 8 £ g  It 9 6 t 9 6 Z 8 I. £ £ Z 9 I. g 9 £ g 6 b 6 9 8 L 1;, £ L E: $ £   Z 6 t 8 9 9 g Z L 1786 £ 6  £ 9 g £ 8 17 L L l Studies show thitt using TeItosterone product, may your local B € 6 z 9 I significantly increase your rlsk of a heart, attack, stroke, jOMSUV I mpod clot, and death. IT you or It loved one nIts ,altered =,nay merchants I °ftlkese injuries, call 1-800.TItR-F, AGL]€ naow about mitldnag I a claim for subsantlal monetary compensation. No fees or noons AlNeeN I costs until your cue l=.=ettled It won, We pmotlee law oaly I zn Arizona, but associate with lawyers throughout the U..., i .,, GOLDBERG & OSBORNE . I " ,,,. ===.# ,= I-8OO-THE-EAGLE I : "== ' (1-800-843-324,5) ,.,- .... --. ......... ,,,.,oo,,,., .... .-..--, ....... we offer prdducer education seminars to learn about the NEW changes In crop insurance. D EAD L I N ES Our TEAM of licensed crop insurance agents will help you protect your investment with coverage that meets your needs, The deadline for submitted copy and stories and all ad orders is noon on Fridays. Call 872-3755 or eimail YOUR TIME MAY RUNNING OUT| For subscribers, your subscription's - 2 Bedrooms Available ."''i,,L_. * All Utilities Paid  expiration date is * Laundry Hookups ;fl/ * Income Based e" e on your address * No more maintenance!! -j"' nabel. It's time to * No more steps!! " " Call Sandy-701-872-4248 send in your payment if your ProfessionallY1_888.893_9501Managed.bYTTyPrairiei.800.366_6888Homes Management expiration is 2 weeks away.