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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
February 26, 2015     Golden Valley News
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February 26, 2015
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Page 2 Golden Valley News = February 26, 2015 7 STURGIS, S.D. - Jean Irene Schieffer, 83, Sturgis, passed away Sunday, Feb. 15, 2015, in Rapid City, S.D. " Jean was born Jan. 2, 1932, near Weldon, Mont., to Jennie V. (Lukin) and Lawemnce D. Lockhart. She spent her childhood on her parents' homestead in the badlands of Mon- tana, 'She always loved ranch life and missed it always. She had great stories about all the fun she had with her two closest siblings, Mary and Jim. They spent a lot of time on horseback. She boarded in Circle, Mont., for her high school years. She was united in marriage to Theodore "Ted" Schieffer on Nov. 6, 1950, in Circle. She always thought him to be the handsomest man. Un- fortunately, they only had 26 years together before he passed away in 1976. They lived in Circle and Wis- consin before moving to Beach, where they fanned and owned a shoe 14, repak business, Ted's Shoe Repair in Beaeh and Sturgis. In 1963, they bought Carl's Confectionery, renam- ing it The Sturgis Confectionery. Many residents have fond memories of buying candy and magazines "there. :' in ber later years, she joined the turgis iSeni0r Center where she loved to play pinochle. To her great sorrgw  none of her children played it. She Worked at the Senior Thrift Store until her death. She truly loved the job and her co-workers there. She is survived by her sister, Mary Curtiss, Miles City, Mont.; her five children, Cheryl (Larry) Weisz, Rapid City; Richard (Joyce) Schief- fer, Sturgis; Patrick (Lisa) Schieffer, i i Jean Irene Schieffer Sturgis; Larry (LeighArm) Schieffer, Littleton, Colo.; and Dan (Jean) (Schieffer) Lockhart, New Under- wood, S.D.; 12 grandchildren, Shawn Weisz, Adam Weisz, Beth Severson, Christina Hollearn, Kelly Jean Sanderson, Dylan Schieffer, Dawson Schieffer, Drew Hunt, Aidan Schieffer, Ian Schieffer, Jenny Alvarez, and Lukin Lockhart; four great-grandchildren, Conor and Ethan Weisz, James Hollearn, and Felicia Sauceman; and many nieces and nephews• She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Ted; two brothers, Dan and Jim Lockhart; and one sister, Ruth Schriver. Visitation was from 5 until 7 p.m. on Wednesday at the Kinkade Fu- neral Chapel in Sturgis. Funeral services were at 10 a.m. Thursday at the St. Martin's Chapel in Sturgis. Burial followed at St. Aloysius Cemetery. A memorial has been established. Condolences may be sent to" the family at Committee funds requests totaling $32.000,394 5','Y , ; ;7T/ ;:  " ....... " : ': i : ', The North Dakota Agricultural process for the design, procurement Products' Utilization Commission and placement of equipment for the (APUC) awarded funding requests establishment of a multi-species for four projects totaling slaughter and processing facility to $320,394.00 at its quarterly meeting provide custom meat processing Feb. 19 at the North Dakota Depart- services to area livestock producers ment of Commerce in Bismarck. and plant processed meat products to APUC is a committee of the the public. North Dakota Department of Com- Giant Snacks. Inc, (Wahpeton) merce that administers grant pro- was awarded $150,000 to expand grams, for researching and marketing efforts of new products developing new and expanded uses and grow their brand into new terri- for North Dakota agricultural prod- tories including California, Texas ucts. The grants can be used for basic and Mexico. and applied research, marketing and Red Barn & Berry Farm (Kin- utilization, farmdiversification, na- dred) was awarded $26,250 to ex- lure based agri-tourism, prototype pand operations and open for "Red and technology, and technical assis- Barn Weddings" and other events by lance completing Phase II of their remod- The following requests were eling plan. awarded: The following project was Fields Vineyard (Dickin- awarded full funding with contin- son) Was awarded $61,050 to seek gencies: new!markets by expanding crop pro- NDSU Dept. of Animal & Range duction tO a full-service winery to Sciences (Fargo) was awarded promote locally bottled wine, $47,924 to hire a graduate student for tourism and events, the research and monitoring of . Pembina/Walsh County Live- hematocrit levels of dairy heifers and : :Stock Processing Committee cows during the estrous Cycle and (Grafton) was awarded $35,170 for pregnancy for the development of an consultant and legal fees related to on-farm test to be designed and com- fundraising and the construction mercialized. i Stevenson Funeral Home Please support your local merchants! 866-483-7900 or 701-483-7900 www.stevensonfttneralho.te, corn Have something that may be newswor- thy that you'd like to sham or submit to the Golden Valley News or the Billings County Pioneer? We won't know about it unless you tell us, and we welcome submitted news items! It's easy. Just give us a call, e-maU your item and a phone number, or mail a photo and the text that goes along with it. Golden Valley News/Billings County Pio- neer: P.O. Box 156, Beach, ND 58621 (701) 872-3755; Do you need a tax n;turn?  [ Ctieckwithyourstatetaxagencybefore] concluding that you're entirely in the clear. bar. Dear Savvy Senior, What are the IRS income tax filing requirements for retirees this tax sea- son? I didn't have to file last year, but I picked up a little income from a part- time job in 2014, and I'm wondering I need to file this year. Part-Time Retiree Dear Retiree, Whether or not you are required to file a federal income tax return this year will depend on how much you earned (gross income) - and the source of that income - as well as your filing status and your age. Your gross income in- eludes all the income you receive that is not exempt from tax, not counting your Social Security benefits, unless you are married and filing separately. Here's a rundown of the IRS filing requirements for this tax season. If your 2014 gross income was below the threshold for your age and filing status, you probably won't have to file• But if it's over, you will. • Single: $10,150 ($11,700 if you're 65 or older by Jan. 1,2015). • Married filing jointly: $20,300 ($21,500 if you or your spouse is 65 or older;, or $22,700 if you're both over 65). • Married filing separately: $3,950 at any age. • Head of household: $13,050 ($14,600 if age 65 or older). • Qualifying widow(er) with de- pendent child: $16.350 ($17,550 if age 65 or older). To get a detailed breakdown on fed- eral filing requirements, along with in- formation on taxable and nontaxable income, call the IRS at 800-829-3676 and ask them to mail you a free copy of the "Tax Guide for Seniors" (publica- tion 554), or see pdf/p554.pdf. Special Requirements There are, however, some other fi- nancial situations that will require you to file a tax return, even if your gross in- come falls below the IRS filing re- quirement. For example, if you had earnings from self-employment in 2014 of $400 or more, or if you owe any spe- cial taxes to the IRS such as alternative minimum tax or IRA tax penalties, you'll probably need to file. To figure this out, the IRS offers a tool on their website that asks a series of questions that will help you deter- mine if you' re required to file, or if you should file because you're due a refund. You can access this page at - click on "Do you need to file a return?" Or, you can get assis- tance over the phone by calling the IRS helpline at 800-829-1040. You can also get face-to-face help at a Taxpayer As- sistance Center• See tacts or call 800-829-1040 to locate a center near you. Check Your State Even if you're not required to file a federal tax return this year, don't as- sume that you're also excused from ill- ing state income taxes. The roles for your state might be very different. Check with your state tax agency be- fore concluding that you' re entirely in the clear. For links to state and local tax agencies see click on "State Agencies/Links" on the menu Tax Prep Assistance If you find that you do need to file a tax return this year, you can get,help through the Tax Cotmseling for the Eld- erly (or TCE) program. Sponsored by the IRS, TEC provides free tax prepa- ration and counseling to middle and low-income taxpayers, age 60 and older.  Call 800-906-9887 or visit to locate a service near you. Also check with AARP, a participant in the TCE program that provides free tax preparation at more than 5,000 sites nationwide. To locate an AARP Tax- Aide site call 888-227-7669 or visit You don't have to be an AARP member to use this serv- ice. Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of "The Savvy Senior" book. Crop insurance deadline approaching The USDA's Risk Management Agency (RMA) reminds farmers and ranchers that the final date to purchase or make changes to crop insurance on spring-planted crops in Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming is March 16. Farmers also need to notify their agent if they have planted winter wheat in a county with only spring wheat coverage by this date. Crop insurance provides protection against crop production losses due to natural perils such as drought, hail, and excessive moisture. Decisions on new farm safety net options will need to be made be- fore the March 16 sales closing date as well. Farmers will need to decide whether to elect Actual Production History (APH) Yield Exclusion, as well as the Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO) for the 2015 crop year by this date. These two op- lions, provisions of the 2014 Farm Bill, are available for select crops in select counties. More information is available on the RMA Farm Bill web page. "Farmers should contact their crop insurance agent for more in- formation on crop insurance and the availability of these new options," said Eric Bashore, Billings Re- gional Office director. Additional Information is also located on the RMA website at Crop insurance is sold and deliv- ered solely through private crop in- surance agents. A list of crop insurance agents is available at all USDA Service Centers and online at the RMA Agent Locator. Produc- ers can use the RMA Cost Estima- tor to get a premium amount estimate of their insurance needs online• Suicide prevention education programs launched in North Dakota BISMARCK - In an effort to re- duce suicide rates in the state, the North Dakota Department of Health (NDDoH) is expanding their com- munity education programs to edu- cate citizens on how to recognize the warning signs of suicide. Sui- cide isa condition that affects peo- ple :of all races, ages and socioeconomic status. "One of the best ways to reduce suicide rates is to increase commu- nity awareness of the prevalence of suicide in North Dakota. Most peo- ple who are experiencing suicidal thoughts do not want to die; they only want their pain to end. Offer- ing to talk tO people about their thoughts of suicide and referring them toother people who can help is one way to end the pain without ending a life," says Micki Savelk- oul, Suicide Prevention Program di- rector at the North Dakota Department of Health. Suicide numbers continue to climb both nationally -- 40,600 in 2012 -- and within North Dakota -- 138 in 2013, which is the most recent data. In 2013, North Dakotans between the ages of 35 and 44 had the highest rate of sui- cide in North .Dakota at 31.9 per 100,000, followed closely by peo- ple:ages 25 to 34 with a suicide rate of 29.8 per 100,000. C0mmunity education programs focus on teach- ing people how to identify warning signs and how to ask about suicidal thoughts, as well as provide re- sources for those thinking of sui- cide. These trainings are known as "gatekeeper" trainings. A gate- keeper is someone who is able to recognize warning signs of emo- tional distress and crisis. Gatekeep- ers can include a variety of community members, from parents and friends to caseworkers and fire- fighters. North Dakota Department of Health is offering two community education programs free to commu- nities upon request• The programs Locally Oumed arul Family Operated Serving Southwestern North Dakota and Southeastern Montana Funeral Directors Jon Stevenson Nic Stevenson Tom Muckle Bill Myers are SafeTALK and QPR. SafeTALK- SafeTALK is pre- sented in a three-hour, classroom- style training that focuses on how to identify warning signs that people who are experiencing suicidal thoughts exhibR, when  thinking about suicide:- S-afeqM,:Ltt- lso teaches participantg h8v fo offnect people experiencing suicidal thoughts to resources that can help. Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) - QPR is presented in a 1- to 2-hour training session. Participants in this training will learn how to identify warning signs of suicide, how to ask the question of suicide, how to persuade that person to get help, and how to refer someone to a higher level of care. Anyone interested in one of these community programs being held in your community or other Put Your Money . Where Your House Is/ local it ,'1 strength our linesses ate  eomnni yoor best vstoe ar or economy suicide prevention programs nd activities, contact Micki Savelk0ul, North Dakota Department ' of Health, at 701-328-4580. Golden Valley ,News "- ;'P..O'-B6x 156, BeachD:58621 ':.i "-' :,:,(U.S.P.S, Pub. No. 221-280) Staff: Richard Volesky, editor/ reporter, Jane Cook, office and news assistant and Tawnya Bul- ger, correspondent. The Golden Valley News is pub- lished each Thursday, 22 Central Ave., Suite 1, Beach, ND 58621 by Nordmark Publishing. Periodicals postage paid at Beach, ND and addi- tional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Golden Valley News, P.O. Box 156, Beach, ND 58621. Please allow two to three weeks for new subscriptions, renewal of ex- pired subscriptions and for address changes. Contact Information • Phone: 701-872-3755 • Fax: 701-872-3756 Email: goldenandbillings@ Subscriptions: • 1 year: $34 Golden Valley Coun(y • 1 year: $38 elsewhere in North Dakota i • 1 year: $42 out-of-state and : snowbirds • 9 months: $25 In-state ', college rate The Golden Valley News is a proud member of the North Dakota Newspaper Association. All content is copyrighted.  I For Fr o0medmce  11 be  - Feb. 19 i Ma. 12 ,26 [ Bea- Feb. 9 Mar, 10 RUNNING OUT OF TIME? For subscribers, your subscription's expiration date is on your "" . '! . address label. It's time to send in your payment if your expiration is 3 weeks away. This XVcck s Local l:orccast Farmers Union Oil Co. 701-872-4471 Interstate Cenex 701-872-3590 Hot Stuff Hzza 701-872-3190 Thursday Friday. Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday wednesday Sunny Mostly Sunny Mostly Cloudy Mostly Sunny Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy 11/-2 23/5 22/6 23/-1 20/-2 25/4 28/9 Precip Chance: 0% Precip Chance: 5% Precip Chance: 10% Precip Chance: 5% Precip Chance: 10% Precip Chance: 10% Precip Chance: 10% What is the record for the most consecutive  ) days below zero in the U.S. ? • s£ep 91 JOAO zoJ ozoz AOIO q lmS "UOIA[ '0aAH', '696I Lmmref u I :