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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
February 26, 1931     Golden Valley News
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February 26, 1931
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Tlq(E BEACH, N. D. ADVANC~ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1931. mu ' ........ I SHRINE FOR ED ...... ................. I ST PAUL LU ER C.URC. JH " • | ~ --- r H J. Trinklein, Pastor. ~IC *~ |l C~r At a little gathering Thursday IN rilE CHURCHES I Sunday, March 1st. I I~r I~lllqPilit% (Continued from Page one) It .... Inight in the rooms of W. F. Cush- _ ................. I Sunday school 10 a •m. ! ilL, IJRII/RMk" .......... ^-^ I • I , • 11=~, ing of a number of Scottish Rite, - .................. [ Services 10:45 a• m. i ~'~ ~|~iVll'~ "Recoras snow.tnat.xor I!i~y- .... [[ • ~] I~111'YII] ~Qlll~t~ ~'~| i Ccmmandery Masons and Shriners METHODIST CHURCH I Y. P. S. February 27th ~ =,~.,,.o¶ v consecutive months, ~na~ is Iroml~ • ~a 8JaAaJ UL~A,.WAA a=~ lit was decided to form a social or~-' J. Ralph McNeil, Pastor ] Lenten devotions at 7:45 p'. m. August 1926 until November oi I t • ~llln LIA gt~tl~l= ' ..' _. . ' of t~ ~ -- I ganization for the purpose of bring- I Lutheran hour each Thursday al~ ~I~W!I ~; I~1~1 IKt la~tea[eal~otl~n%n VaSl~em~UPPct%asis I ~]1 With all of the discussion as to legislative, maneuvres, in connection]'mginto thecloserMaSOnSand better°f thOSesocialbrancheSrela_ SMUndnanYg S?:rOki 10:00p, a.. mm.. ]8 p. m• Columbm chain. m v n~ ,wv v ww=.==land World stocks, showed a con-I/ with adoption of the capitol commission bill, provlslons of the meas- ]tiGriS A Shrine club was organ- Epworth League, 6:45 p. m ] Success in waxin~ floors lip~ tn • stant increase. During every month I I ure itself have been largely overlooked• The bill was introduced by ii ized with W. F. Cushing as presi- Evening worship, 7:30 p.m. / applying .wax in thin coats and , ~~a,ro ~ ,-i over that per!pal_ the2slb e- su_p_ y II the state affairs committee of the house of representatives Repre- ![ dent and Oscar Samsel as secre- Mid-week.Bible study ~nd Pray-! rul~h-ag it a great deal One pound ~r,~-©~-~ ,~ v was larger ~nan ior ~nv ~t[ue * r er service we~nesaa '~'~v m " ~k~ ~,~ .... ,~ I .......... I I sentative L L Twichel, chairman and was drawn per- Iar~rel~, b~, ] | tory. Ca us were piayeu and a ..... Y'. ". P" =. I of wax will coat about 250 square ~ ~ n~_n~_ _~_~_~ i monm ot me :veal ~e I I .... " "" .... r 'rzs .... " f - "y "f " ~ I I lUnCh served, making the meeting uur. mo~o: 'Jesus unrlst the ~o- I feet of floor. RK /~ GENEK,a_L~Ir carryover on the firs~ ot las~ ~u~y I I ~x~orney ueo. ~. ~angs, ~rana o , m comerence wl~n Gown ~noe- I very eniovable especially as one of lutlon of Every Problem" ..... in the United States reached the [ pendent and Nonpartisan leaders Main provisions are these" I I those present intimated that he had .............. I -- ~ i u " " One large profit does not make a l~l.d~l/n~t~2L~:~Chan~] e no~s?o~ flm/~are l~ef 2?a~nlln~l~cnh bo;ll It establishes a three-member commission to build the new capitol l la fine gobbler that he thought pCeONvaG1R~G~::ON/~ CHURCH I company ~errnanently successful defeated -I anti. v . II th-memb-rs ....rv-w"h .......... n m .................. ~lwould be in prime shape for an . e . D. Minister l .... • -d--~nd--ts 34 to 20 ' ......h- "irstof next July II e ~ ~o ~e e ~ ou~ ~pay. u e emuer ~0 ue n~mecl ~rom i! .......... ! ~ m ©~ ~u , , ] more on ~ e • • • I t ......... t ~:as~er alnner ~o ~ne punch, ann I . .~me in which the Cowpun- "Some of the best ex~ort markets I [ eaon congressional oas~rlct. ] there was a mental decision all Character is what we are in the I Buy in a slumt>--sell in a boom. Ihtvwed up far the best they I have been largely closed to imports• j I Only actual traveling expense involved in the performance of their t I around that individual interest dark. [ sea,on. The Cowboys took I In 19q~5, Germany placed a dutv of I ] duty is granted ~] would be taken in the production of Services for March 1st. , ,, ................. ld shortly after the start of 25 ce~ts a bushel on wheat. That ]1 Ca":t^l -~-all ~'^ b'-il"~^'~ --Phi .......... *2 000 "00 I/fat by that particular gobbler from 10:00 a. m. Church school 1Vlrs. i ~'" ,m, m~ m,,, m,, mwmmm~mmmmmmm~ fracas on a field goal by Kenz- I dutv has been gradually increased I ] v~ ~ ~, ue u. ~ ~ ~ , ~,,e ~u., u,. ~, ...,.u .. --• . l/now on. C.C. Hollstein, Superintendent. ! ~ I ~, and from then on there was ] until today it is $1.62 a bushel. The ~ } Fixes location on rote of recently oes~royea ouumng In J~lsmarcK. ! | ~ Classes for all ages• ' ~ I~T s ~1 -- J_ -. • [oubt as to the outcome• The ltariff on wheat imported into llGives commission whole responsibility in designation of architect, ]J About a dozen Masons of thi~ 11:00 a. m. Morning worship. Alum I~X~ ~I.~V • half ended 23 to 5 In the high I France is 85 cents a bushel ,an I I selection of plans, letting of contracts, etc. , | county went to Glendlve Saturday message for the season. I -- '--~J I favor, and although the Ban- ] Italy has a tariff of 86 cents a bu- I I ~ .... ~ ....... ~ ........................... "/evenin~r to assist "he lod-e "h--: Special music I ~_ ...... [] • ~,~i~-'-~ ~ ,,~,-remaen~ arcnl~ec~ ~nOUIG ne oecmmgnaLeu to as- ~ t ~ ~ ere " t~'U0 P M | rallied in the second frame, lshel These tariffs are designed toll ....... ' ' ic^I^~" .... m ................ 8:00 p m Union services at thel~ . . M. i an r as a SOCla~e a North Dakota arcnl~ec~ with himself Cowmen wer~ never in d ge . protect domestic growers • [~ " /~nr~ o finP tirnp hath 8urin~r t:h~ U• B. church• ~ Bantam team was entirely I means of encouraging production I] Provides for organization with election of chairman, executive see- I] s"er'vic'es -and af"t'e'rward" w-h-e'n"soci'~t] Chmr practice every Thursday [ ~ [] ~tx~ed of former high scnom I in those countries In addition to [ I retary and such assistants superintendents and inspectors as needed• / ] amenities and a fine feast added to evening• I ~- CLOSING SERMON OF • ~yers, a majority of whom were this some of those countries have tl ... ' ....... ' .................... I1 the work accom--lished -- . I~ [] t;-~'%=-:'- ^f tee 1930 ---re-ation J ." ......... f Im '~ uomm~ss]oners mus~ ve nameo wlmm ~u aays ol me ume ~ne om i! v " UNITED BRET ............ I~= I/I' • Yi'l| t~l ~l~;~h:d ~ittle'suece~ i~l~netrat- I e rr( he etha' rc n e ese . and// becomes operative and must organize within 10 days of appointmenL [/m[ehte~h l~i°sm.e~a~r~m ch.lbB :~ F. o Ros~'i?L~~'" [| vmon mole uass I hag the high school defense, which]severn1 of them have enacted anti-i~ Makes it unlawful for any comissioner or any ,person connected ~| _. . ~ . s.. : ..... ~ e [~-- I ' rnursaay, maron~n, 19~I ~eau- S n , WItS especially effective in the first ! dumpin~ laws against countries I] with it to be interested directly or indirectly in any contract or other 11 ,w~,o,~ ..... r~ , .... ,~.~~ .... u day school, 10 o clock a.m. I ~ At, all Algutre went in at en that would sell ~t lower .~rices in ' ' , ~ ................. ornmg worship 11 o clock, m i ' ' ' service related to construcion, lesson for that day anddemon- " - = !~t~-~eond half for the ndepen- foreign markets than they receive . . ' Evening I m • ' 1 a stellarame. ~ Gives three percent preferential to North Dakota material of hke strat~l~ by J. C. Russell• The men Junior • ' =. payed g at home ,1 a ,v ..... C E o olock _-- Umted Brethren ', ' o Ks re n l~eu ~o ,oe uresenL • • . I *2aft three field goals in addi-| The ~rice of wheat at Llveroool[t ,character | • _ .- Christian Endeavor 7 o clock I= #~= • ! o his God floor work Gilman " ~ as been " Las~ weez Mrs t'aczer•s mother Evangelistic reachin 8 1 " I ~- ! ~t g . • _ ]recently was the lowest it h. I] Gives same preferential to North Dakota contractors as against t| ................ P g pc ock• - t:lmrcll I counted six points for the Joan- / for over three hundred years• At ~ ~ o,,tsido bi,~aero ' I ] leI~ ior her home a~ ,uol!~e~e, ~s., , i ~- ~ "" i titm& Kneamvich, rangy center of]nresent the world price, based pal] ~ ,. ,.,~/o._ ................ I| aider .a pieasan~ ws~t .here; .~e UNITED LUTHERAN CHURCH ~ .... Cowmen, was 1Mgh .poInt man'~,m~"--* --^-'-et,,~,,~ . ranges around 651/ ~.roviaes r, ne ouuumg snau oe en~lre~y nreproof ano contain quar- I/wen~ home ~o ce~eora~e her nmem" '', P. A. Gisvold Pastor '~ /- | of the game with seven field goals t cents her bushel The price of July I / ters for the legislature all executive departments and state offices ] | wedding anniversary this week. " ~ ............... .~ I ' ' ' It's h r m vvr~,~,~r~ ~,., ~.~ ,.,v= almOSt t e open season fo M |Or It total of fourteen points with | futures at Chicago ranges a few I / quartered at the capital city I] ....... arch 1st. • } _ "~" '~" [] i Do " remarks aoou~ that famous aney Beach• -~ McGee next with six ponts• n'|cents higher than that. This In-]~ ~r~o,,~¢o~ ¢,,,,~ ~, +~ .... ~li~ l~nr~ e~rqtm bui~,qn~ f--,~ and in- I] ................ . Sunday school I0 a. m.l~ OPERATING CI-J2t~CHF_~ i lfld Evans as McOee's runnIngidicates not only the discarder thatl[ ................. -: ~':~ ~'":~ ""'~/. ~eo-~." " ;~-~. .-;_,'- . .~_ /]leamng e~ Irom Mn~er e~.wm~- Divine worship, 11 a• m. ,Do not]~ ~ I mate in a new forward combination I ~ ~,o~- vlsl~d uwon wheat grow- I ~ surance money receive