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February 26, 1931 |
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'I~SDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1931
Cleveland Is
THE BEACH, N. D., ADVANGE ,-----------------------------------4-4,---,---
• Building a Municipal Stadium Aged Woman Holds Up •
_ . . q OLLIE
Bank to Get Into Jail i c. H. Howard, Reporter
Fort Worth, Texas.---A gray- !--
for Bismarck tO Wit his ~n~
ence, who is In the hospital thi m
and to consult the Sectors a~t m
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Parks
Lorena Hurd, }~.eporter
A debate was given in the Golve
High school by the members of the
Economics class Friday morning.
The question was: "Resolved that
the hand worker has done more
for the world than the brain work-
er." The affirmative side won by
three points. Those on the affir-
mative were Margaret Fisher, Leon-
ard Fahlstrom and Lorena Hurd•
Those on the negative side were
Marcella Finneman, Alberta Bar-I
thel and Gladys Fahlstrom. The1
Judges appointed were Loretta t
Fasching. Edwin
Harold Haukaas. Fahlstrom and
William Schillo of Bismarck, who
has been visiting his brother John
Schillo here, left for his home on
Miss Vera Funk came home
from Dickinson Friday night and
spent Saturday and Sunday.
The Gotva High school basket- plated in July, 193].
This architect's drawing shows how Cleveland's $2,500,000 municipal sladium will apl)ear when com-
pleted. The steel is now being erected and the stadium, whi(,h will set t ~..0h0 persons, is expected to be com-
haired, motherly woman walked i
into the Union Bank and Trust ) C.H. Howard traded his Chevro-
company here, held a bottle over let for a Buick at the Burns garage
her head and shouted she wou~d !in Baker this week.
blow up the bank unless given Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Tatley and
Some one stepped behind her and
easily seized the bottle, It con-
tained milk and copperas. The
woman, Mary Rosenthat, fifty-three,
told the district attorney:
"I had been out of work since
the first of July and was desperate•
Although I needed money badly and
w'~s,, hungry, I was too ploud" to beg.
I had no one to take care of
me in my old age no living rela-
tive in the worldl My husband and
I had no children.
"This morning I decided to go to
tim t):|nk and Infll tiffs stunt, which
I knew would get me into the pen-
itenliary, where I could work and
be taken care of•"
i daughter Helena were attending to
business in Baker Saturday.
i Mrs. B. L• Beach accompanied
i her son and grandson, Benton, and
I Dale back to Hill City, S. D., Tues-
day for a visit•
Mrs. A. A. Vincelette entertained
at four tables of whist Monday
night at her home and a very de-
lightful time was spent by the
guests present. Mrs. Chas. Shep-
herd won high score. Mrs. E. O
Elickson, law. and Mrs• C. H• How-
ard the ailcut. A delicious two
course hmch w~ served ~.t mid-
The Odd Fellows bas~:etball
team journeyed to Wibaux Tues-
day fright for a game with the town
Mrs. Rosenthal was given the team and lost by a 12 to 2~ score.
best bed in the women's ward of 'It was a good gam.e and a tie at the
the county jail. No charges were third quarter.
filed against her.
Misses Nelson, Holmberg,
and• Roark, Mr. and Mrs.
Hoverson and Mr. and Mrs, C t
Howard and Mr• and Mrs. A. 1
Vincelette drove to Baker Saturd~
and Mr. and Mrs. Hoverson, Mre
Howard, Mr. Parker and Mr. Vin~ •
celette attended the meeting at ~ []
court house in regard to a count~ ~ []
library. •
Mr. and Mrs. David Thwing a~ []
family were Sunday dinner gue~2 []
at the Denver Williams home. •
Mr. and Mrs. eo. Rop •
son Arthur were dinner []
Cole Mattte, Fred McManigal,:m
Jake Kinsley and Mr: and M~ ~
Winnifred Olson and daUght~l
Betty were dinner guests SUndayi~~
at the McManicral home. ~
Roy• Leon Briggs and son Nor-
!rill left Wednesday afternoon for
ball boys played Medora Thursday
night here and won with a 10-29 which was gotten last fall from ............ Divorce Ends Woman's :Spokane, Wash., where he was call-
led on account of the illness of his
SCore. The line-ur~ follows: g'~A~tf[L-~l" o IITT~rT-~ the basket social• Dancing was on- At r nn, Choice of Two Loves father and mother. Rev. Briggs BAD LANDS RED CEDAR
MOdern (10) " FG FT PF tJ2-~kl¥1JP_~h/:~ IIUL¥1F joyed until a late hour and every-. 2-]kLJl"l'l/-~k Memphis, Tenn.--The divorce l intends to be gone two weeks. Rev FEN )E POSTS
L. Co_n, ne!l, f ... ........ 2 0 2 Mr.~. teay I~rier, Reporterbody had a fine time.
granted Mrs. Mamye Briggs Scruggs iBovey of Carlyle filled his pulpit
--. =eneczson i~us~n ........... ...... 1 o z FINE MEETING i Tuesday. .................. grantedfr°m her husbandbusy on here,Cruelty I Sunday night at Ollie.ex. i~ [& \~ ~-'~" !~T
J. Connell c ' 1 0 2 ........... DRANK LYE WATER i E~. Sherman took a load of hogs charges was like any other divorce The High school boys basket-
EA. R.usth, g 0 0 2 Little J immie, the 18 months c!~ to Beach in the court I ball team played Modern at Ollie
• ,g ........... 1 0 ' 2 Friday night and Modern won by a i)(t__c'!
Btley n n n The Camels Hump homemakers son of Mr. and Mrs. Mat Tescher Barnes Johnston who has been cept for one thing:
..................... club met at the home of Mrs. Paul drank some lye water last Thurs- visiting in the New England coun- Seventeen years ago Mamye i 6 to 7 score•
Total -5- ---0 -~r Wagner last Thursday, February day while mother was busy w~zh- try, came back Thursday. Briggs, then nineteen, stood in her Radio listeners on the Childrens
Oolva (29i ............ ~. w-P p~ 12th with all members being pros- ing. They rushed him to the The Alpha Ladies Aid meeting home with a marriage license In Hour from KFYR, Bismarck, Sat-
H. Madison f "10-1 -3 ant and one visitor. The hostess doctor as soon as possible. Hi:~ was held at Mrs. Leppla's Thurs- each hand• Before her stood two iurday morning, ha dthe pleasure
B Paschin~ ~ ........ 1 n ~ served a lovely hot dinner at noon. throat and mouth were badly bt'r~'~-, day A large crowd attended and suitors, close friends and room- , of hearing Morris Young of Man-
L. Y~d~lstro°m'~ ........ ~ ~, ~ After the meeting was calledto ed and he was unable to eat for l a delicious dinner was served• mates, awaiting her decision, dan, play several violin so'los, ac-
.............. . • awhile.At th,is writing the little Herman Bury hauled two loads She made her choice, tore up one i companied on the piano by his siz-
E Ra o a ~ order the members discussed bacil-
• isler u . of the licenses, and married Doug- tar, Jewel. C. B. Young also hadWHILE THE~ I,AS~
• l~ehlstrom'-" ....... ~ ^ : lus botulinusin home canned fellow is somewha~ better• of hogs to Beach Wednesday.
, ~ ...... u u ~ las P. Scruggs, while Russell J. a few words to say to the "mike"
P-,Schmeltzer, g ...... 0 0 0 goods. The next meetingwill be Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stroh wereM. Dodson, the rejected sultor, gav$ [in regard to the shetland pony,
C• Scb_mit~ ~ , , ,at tne home of Mrs. Mike M. LardySURPRISED MRS. MOORE callers on Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clark them his blessing. Ihe L~u.rity bread compaly gives
"-' ~' ........... i on March 12th. A surprise party was given at the on the river Thursday evening.
away every month The Youngs
Total ~a • o Charles Moore home last Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Johnston ~ ._ • .......
............. ~ . ~ . ~ • ~ • • l were iormer resluen~s oI Ollle ano
IHAPPY . e~enmg the o cas on bem~ Mrs were evenmg visitors at Mr and ~. ombla ..a [ ....
__ BIRTHDAY SURPRISE ' , c . • -- . -- . • --O1 _et, 8 He._. , all wn~ t~m oa,.~.i.,.
~_, ....... I ......... Moore's birthday. The evenmgMrs. ~ob. Sonlek's 'rnurs~ay. ,,, , e ,. v, , i, ~"~- .;~ .......... ' .......
,,_. . as g yen on Mrs.Leo[prose party last Sunday evening at '- "" ......... s-end•n- "h- winter d ....... h ........ I Miss Edna Denms of Beach vm-I
,'~mes at the F . mlanlgn~ when a lovely mncn was p s b e vw, ~uu~ , ~ogom, ~olomolu•--4.~vernment
.~^_ red Nell home Sun- the Ray Brier home, the occasmn ............... "-^k ............. [lted over the week end at the Chas.
"=Y evenln~r x#v.~ Ahla~ ~ooai,,adlhein~ Mr~ ]Rvi~.'e ~.*~.~o., ~.~.o serves wnlcn was Drougn$ oy ~ne ~ _~w~ ~ta,,. -- . employees are zoroluoen to reau Otter bar.,,
many prettY," ,,~+-'L'~; "'"'Y~ "~.~Y'-~."!L-.=='_-?._/ ......... ".~.-'-.~"~.~" 22"Y guests. Tba~c attending were Mr. oohn Burr was a ~eacn caller on newspapers, novels or amuse them- i ,~,--r~'~'~,t.~,,,, ,~ ..... +^ ~oo,~( BEACH, N. D.
~. ~,,~ from nor Irlenos evening was spen~ jn playing wnls~ " Wh ~. ~. ~ ...... ., .~-v.v ~,~ ~.....~..
in Golva . and Mrs. Ray Brmr, Mr. and Mrs• ursday, selves otherwise during their work-
COuntr- ,~ and the surroundingand dancing...Everybody, enjoyed i Mat Tescher( Mr. and Mrs. Mat Mr. and Mrs. Loren Knapp from [ lng hours, in a decree issued re- Sunday morning and took the train i m m I i l
~l~e 2. ~.veryone reper~ea a good Jtnems~ves unul a race nour...~lDecker, Leo and Gregor and Geo• Bismarck drove up and visited inI cently by President Enrique Olaya I ~ .,---:r------,-:--- --
• [ mve~y mn_.c.n was serveo_ a~ m~o- I Lardy, Pete and Tony Lardy, Mr. this community Tuesday and Wed- [ Herrera. A~ ~governmental work- [ ,
~,, .... lmgn~ wmcn was orougn~ oy ~neland Mrs Albert Callus and Mr. nesday. Old friends and neighbors' ere must put In a minimum of ~ •
8a~rd~vadlson was a Beach visitor I guests: T1]_ose a ttendmg were- Mr. I and .Mrs "Pete Lardy and Regina were sure glad to see them• I eight hours a day and may taka [
,. ~. an