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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
February 24, 1944     Golden Valley News
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February 24, 1944
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/i' fi PAGE EIGHT THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS Thursday, February 24, 11 ii iii I I I [ ii _ Two , Basketball Games in Beach H. S. Golva Playing Friday Eve. Sentinel Butte Playing Monday Be a Fan[ Don't Miss • : • , ,, , LOCAL NEWS Items of interest pick% Up here and there: by 'purl ows reporters. We are alw&ys glad to get your news items.: PHONE $9 Chas. Towers df Dickinson was a business visitor in Beach Thursday. Mrs. Franklin Smith went to Minneapolis Thursday morning. Walter Feldmann left Tuesday for Caistoata Corners, S. D. Mrs, Mormon and Charles made a business trip to Glendive Su]Iday. Henry Erickson attended th~live- stock sale in Dickinson MondaY. Miss Lilllan Jandt arrived in Beach Sunday from St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. L. Larson of Wibaux was a shopper in Beach on Thursday. Mrs. B. A. Bailley of Glendive was a Beach visitor Thursday. Mrs. Mark Freese spent Saturday in Glendive. Mrs. Philip Cook was a Dickinson visitor Wednesday. Miss Betty Hellemons has re- turned to her work at the Penney 8tore after a recent operation. Mrs. Dwight Snow attended to business matters in Dickinson on ~Phursday. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Stutsman and Misses Ida Gantner and Cyclic :Hagen spent Friday in Dickinson. Mrs. Edgar Kukowski entertained group of friends Saturday eve- honoring Mrs. Mildred Kenny. Mrs. Felix Zabroskl of St. Phllips Js a patient at the local hospital, ~ffering with pnemnonia. Prank Drake ~ ~ Kramer ~f Wlb~ux were Beach visitors on Thursday. Mrs. Jessie Weber left Wednes- day everAng for Pasco, Wash., Where 'she wt~ visit with relatives. Mrs. Stanley Ralsler entertained the Dessert Bridge Club at her home Thursday evening. The many friends of Paul Bren- ~_~ are glad to see him around again after a recent operation. Pete Sc~hieffer, who ~ a patient at the local hospital, is now re- ported as coming along nicely. Mrs. R. T. Coutts went to Bill- ings on Tuesday to visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kukowski and Mr. and Mrs. Martin K1ttleson were Dickinson visitors on Monday. ~.~The Misses Marlys Braaten and Cycfle Hagen visited with friends in Olendive over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stull of Beach are th~ parents of a baby girl, born February 14th, A nice Valentine! Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Nelson were dirmer gues~ at the Win. Gardner home on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Taft Schell of Dickinson at- tended funeral services for Mrs. Robert Menke on Thursday. i ii iii i John Callahan went to Dickinson Friday to attend to buginess matters there. Henry Thceml~e spent Friday in Wibaux assisting at the newspaper office. The American War Dads held a meeting at the courthouse Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Miller of. Plentywood, Mont~. were weekend guests at the Steve Sleight home. Iver Ness of Sentinel Butte has been spending some time in Beach attending to business matters. A. Monson of Glendive was a business visitor in Beach on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Halstead returned to their home near Lewis- town, Mont. after a visit in Beach. Roy Halstead, Emil Miller, Gor- don Oison and Eugene Will spent Thursday in Dickinson. Cyril Odenbaugh left Tuesday for Fort Shelling to be inducted into the army. Goodwin Thompson entertained i the Lutheran Brotherhood at his home Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Theop. J. Kunick and family were dinner guests on Sunday at the Dominic Kukow- ski home. Keith Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith, had his tonsils re- moved at the local .hospital on Wednesday morning. Mrs. Leonard Gobbert of New England is in Beach visiting with her brother, S. J. Sleight, and family. Mrs. Norma Loebe and daughters are moving to Minneapolis, Minn. this week, where they plan tO make their home. Charles Allen of Sentinel Butte left for Fort Shelling on Wednesday of last week to enter military service. Robert Hardy returned to camp at St. Louis after a short furlough spent in Beach with friends and relatives. Mrs. Thos. Johnson of Sentinel Butte returned to her home from Dickinson, where she has been a patient in the hospital. Mrs. Florian Adams of Dickin- son returned to her home Wednes- Miss Lola Barnes of Dickinson IsI visiting in Beach this week. ] Billy Klppley and Max Wilson] spent Saturday in Dickinson. [ Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rustad of[ Ollle were visitors in Beach Monday. Walt Christiauson of Medora was a business caller in Beach Friday. Joseph Svatoseh of Beach went to Bismarck Friday to attend to business affairs. Mrs. Nina Kramer, who teaches at Hebron, spent the weekend here with her children. Wallace Shodean arrived in Beach Tuesday from Helena, Mont. to. visit the Wm. Hollar family.' Postwar prophecy: We will ! continue to have politics and taxes. Mrs. Earl Baker of Beach went to Bismarck Tuesday for medical attention. Two freight trains collided at Waco, Mont. Tuesday night, push- ing twelve cars off the track and causing a delay in the passenger and mail service Wednesday. Roy Berg, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Berg of Sentinel Butte, re- turned to his camp in Louisiana after a furlough spent with home folks. Mrs. Mormon was pleasantly sur- prised at her home with a farewell Mrs. Earl Palmer left last week handkerchief shower given her by for Seattle Wash where she will .......... • ' " I ~ ~ruup oi irlenos on Monoay v~sit with relatives. _.... "~ k tlevening' Mrs. Mormon and family ma wojann ann ~aman ~ec ez [are moving to Glendive in the n . . t Wednesday to spend the day. Dr. J ns "ppe iLaura Stieka went to Dickinso~ of cattle to his feed yard in Los Angeles, Calif. Weanesaay. V " George Boehlke of Alpha arrivedi the forepart of the week on at , Bonnie View Cpl. Walter Kreuger of Carlyle returned to his base at Springfield, ! Mass. on Friday. I Janice Adams was absent from Mrs. Win. Burns and family of ischool last week while sick with the Wibaux were shoppers in Beach on measles. Monday. R. Holthe of Hebron visited S. Holthe Sunday enroute to his new home in Molt, Mont. Mrs. Julia F. Martin of Sentinel Butte was a caller in Beach on Saturday. Mrs. P. J. Edkins and Terry spent Saturday in Glendive visiting with friends. Mrs. Jack Ballard of Billings, Mont. spent the weekend in Beach with Mr. Ballard. Mrs. Frank Morasko of Glendlve was a business visitor in Beach on Saturday. Mrs. John Conway spent Friday in Glendive with Kiss Helen Blair, who is a patient in the hospital there. Robert Schallock left for his camp at Farragut, Idaho Tuesday after a leave spent with his par- ents and friends. Miss Vera Helm returned to her work in Plentyw0od, Wis. Tuesday Mrs. Godfrey Pesha was hostess to the Homemakers Club at her home Wednesday, when she served the members a lovely dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Gerhardt Schallock and family of Beach were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Schal- lock's sister, Mrs. Tom Gamroth. Olaf Abraham and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Glower, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Abraham were visitors and supper guests at the A. F. Doblar home Sunday. Mrs. Florian Adams of Dickinson, Mrs. Jessie Weber of Beach, and Pfc. Floyd Braden of California were visitors at the Lyle Adams home Wednesday. Floyd is a brother of Mrs. Adams and Mrs. Weber and has been visiting them while on furlough, as well as with his father, Win. Braden of Beach. ] Congratulations are extended to l Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Pesha, who were married in G1endive Sunday evening. Mrs. Pesha was formerly day after a short visit in Beach morning. Miss Helm came here to with relatives, attend the funeral services of her Ray Mormon, Funky Doerner, grandfather, Henry ~eyer. Kathryn Marmon, Dorothy Michels Mrs. John Jasmer of Winona, and Betty Marmon visited in Glen- Minn. left Friday after a short visit dive Saturday. at the homes of her nephews, 'The many friends of George! Henry Thoemke, Ray Zinsli and Page, division superintendent of the Leonard Trester. , Northland Greyhound, will be glad Mrs. Leo Tobias and Mrs. Ray- to hear of his improvement in mond Noyes entertained a group of health after a recent operation, frienMs at the Noyes home on Fri- day, honoring Mrs. Knute Farstveet May we take this means of ex- Vicky Corbert and Ruby Johnson, and Mrs. Gerhard Mugglt. tending our heartfelt thanks to the formerly of Minot and Webster, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Walker were many kind friends who tendered respectively, are now employed at guests at the C. C Clark home at ,ha~ ~o~ ~,~,= ÷~o ~u~ o the C. A. A. communication sta- a steak supper on Sunday. In the -" tion at Golva. They were Beach evening Mr. Walker and Mr. Clark and passing of our beloved wife, visitors Thursday. entertained the group with movies• mother and daughter.~L. R. Menke, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Shipman and Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Alguire re- Mary Louise, Mrs. Louise Menke, Dixon MacDougall entertained Mr. turned Sunday everdng from Min- Mrs. Armina Nichols, and other and Mrs. T. L. Dickinsor~ and the neapolts, Minn. where they had relatives. Misses Ethel Kippley and Helen spent the past week attending the ~V~ Dickinson at a six o'clock dinner Grain Dealers convention. Surxday evening. Miss Elma Homing of Glendlve. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pesha, Sr. and daughter Elsie, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pesha, Jr., Mrs. Godfrey Pesha/and Harry Hill were among those from this vicinity who attended the wedding. CARD OF THANKS The Wibaux high school boys basketball team defeated the Beach BuGs on the Wibaux floor Thurs- day, February 17, by a score of 32 to 47. The playing of Drake and Lawrence featured for the winners while for the losers the work of Pierzina and Brunsvold was outstanding. Young People of ~he St. Catholic Church met at the of Mary Ethel Gilman evening and organized a table club. Gerald Hardy elected president; Mary Ethel man, vice president; and Vera/. secretary and treasurer. served after the meeting. This Is A Real Good Farm I have for sale a 320 acre farm located about four miles northeast of Golva. Practically all of it is under plow, with about 100 acres SUMMERFALLOW with a good set of build- ings, plenty of good water. Will sell cheap for cash or on terms. SEE B. T. Piesik ,Beach, N. D., or phone 120R for appointment. Come in thi~ w~k-end.. • look around.., check our pri~ One visit will convince you that we've got tha mer~ha.,~cli~ and the best values. milmlflllilllMfllllllllllllMIIMlim IF ~ ~ICRD LUNCHEON 1~-07~ MAXWELL HOUSE ~ v~ *: . -PEAS 2 m or ILLS BROS. - ~" FARMDALE BRAND -- EXTRA OFFEEicoP, N, o Ts, zooz-c. s j ~-~ TIMELY BRAND- WHOLE KERNEL - ,8 POINTS, Mrs. Joe Odenbaugh received REPUBLICAN COUNTY ~ JAR ~--iPRUNES SANTACLARA ¢~-70's 4 POINt'S' word from Mr. Odenbaugh stating, CONVENTION FEB. 28 M that he arrived safely in Fairbanks, Alaska, and that the weather there is very mild. Mr. Odenbaugh employed at Fairbanks. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kowolewski ar- rived in Beach Tuesday afternoon for a weeks visit with friends en- routeto their home in Portland, Ore. from Rochester, Minn., where Mr. Kowolewski recently submitted to an operation. V. '~'*": FIRST LUT~/ERAN CHURCH O. L. Olsrud, pastor Tel. 154 Beach: Sunday School I0 A. M. Services at 11 A. M. Sermon by Rev. Nordsletten. Evangelistic services at 8 P. M. The meetings with Evangelist Nordsletten speaking continue each evening this week at 8 P. M., clos- ing on Sunday. Sentinel Butte: Sunday School 1:30 P. M. Services at 2:30 P. M. with Evan- gelist P. A. Nordsletten speaking on the ~pic "The Praying Mother." On Friday this week at 2:30 P. M. Pastor Nordsletten will speak on the topic "Conversion." V CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Bey. John Roberts, Pastor Beach: Church School at I0:00 A. M. Morning Worship service at 11:00 A.M. Young Peoples meeting at 7:30 P. M. Choir practice Wednesday at 7:30 P. M. Sentinel Butte: Young Peoples meetil~ Monday at 7:00 P. M. Service at 8.~0 P. M. Medal: Sunday School at 3:00 P. M, Afternoon service at 4:00 P, M. V ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH V. H. Dissen, pastor Divine Service 10:30 A. M. Sunday School and Bible Class II:30 A. M. Mid-week Lenten Service Wed- nesday, 8 P. M. ~V ~EVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Sabbath School II:00 A. M. Church service 12:00 Noon . Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30 P. M. the Republican column at the June primary election; also other busl- ness as converttion may determine. All Republicans are urged to be present. J. M. Still, County Chairman. A Republican county convention m£~- is called for Monday, February 28, ~B~] [at the Courthouse in Beach ,for the ND purpose of selecting three dele- gates to the Republican state con- vention, which wiil be held in Bis- ~ ~B@~LB.$ marck March 27th; for the pur- RAISINS ~-LB.--~ -- pose Of endorsing candidates for $ BAG ~ the several state offices to run in MlSS IO~oS~D)LES { To Certificate Holders For Tires- Tubes We have the following Pre-war Tires and Tubes on hand : 3 - 30 x 3 Vz Heavy Duty 5 - 5.00125 x 17 H. D. 2- 32x4 H.D. 7 - 5.50-6.00 x 18 H. D. 2 - 5.25 x 18 H. D. 3 - 5.00 x 20 Regular 1 - 5.50 x 20 Regular 2 - 5.00 x 21 Regular 1 - 4.50x20H. D. 2 - 5.00 x 20 Regular 7 - 4.40x20H. D. 5 - 7.00 x 16 Lifeguard tubes No. 1 Prewar Casings 2 - Seg. 4.50 x 20 4-ply 10 - 4.75 x 19 H. D. 10 - 4.40 x 21 H. D. and Regular 83 Casings Several 6.00 x 16 4 ply We also have several 32 x 6 10 in stock 4 - 30x3½ chains W. C. SCHULZ BEACH N. DAK, Quaker Dill 8 oz. Jar. HEAD LETTUCE FAMED CALIFORNIA ICEBERGS~EXTI~A CARROTS Sweet, Tender California Green Tops LEMONS S NK ST 00's Help Prevent Colds CABBAGE,. New Texas, RUTABAGAS ~ WAXED FOR A CHOICE DESSERT IN S MINUTES ..... TRY FLUF-TEX P~¢o. ltt PUDDING MIX EVAP. E3 26, VAN CAMPS ,1 POINT, SUPER SUDS 23, FLOODS O' SUDS LINAL GRANULATtrDsoAP 69"0Z" 59~PKG. FOR LAUNDRY. DISHES AND 2 .for M GAUZE TOILET TISSUE 25' 2 bchs. 6 for - per lb. lb. PIKE CANADIAN CAUGHT WALLEYES FROZEN S-69 SPICD llRRINGo o."1 QUANTITY RIGHTS