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February 24, 1944 Golden Valley News | |
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February 24, 1944 |
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February 24, 1944
A Weekly Published Every
Thursday by
Fred A. Shipman, Editor
N. C. SHIPMAN, Busineu Manager
J. D. MacDOUGALL, Supt.
i~tered as Second Class matter at
m~)c~ostoffice at Beach, North Dakota.
tober 7, 1936, under the Act of
| ...___ Mar:h 3, 1897.
[ A\m: co,.
i Charles Uetz is ill with the
| ~asles.
| Olga Lardy had dental work done
| la Beach Monday morning.
[ Mrs. Chas. Bohn was a business
| Caller in Beach Saturday.
| .Mrs. May Fisher and Clara May
| ~ed at the Charles Johr~on
| ~ae Sunday evening.
| Prank Johnson and Mrs. John
| ~on were callers at the Charles
| OO~on home Monday
| . r. and Mrs. John Sanders e n,-
! Joyed a visit with Mr Sanders
I ~0Other of Belfleld on Monday.
. t .Charlle Allen returned from the
| ~ea~h hospital Friday, where he
| had been a patient for several days.
| ]~r. and Mrs. Bob Hall were~
| L~ests of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hall
| in Wibaux on Thursday evening.
| Mr and Mrs. Bert Waldal and
| ]~rrell were Sunday visitors of
| ]~x~. Bertha Waldal.
| ~Mr. and Mrs. John Brown of
|~eac~h visited at the home of Mrs.
| ~Oldsberry Sunday evening.
| DOUglas Middleton of Dickinson
| ~lted over the weekend with
| fiends here. " " a
| b.l~recl Wilson of Bismarck was
| ~oU~n ess caner at Mrs. Reeds on
| nday and Tuesday.
| ,.Mrs. Otto Petersilie returned to
|~h hospital Tuesday, after having
| aPent two weeks at her home.
| Mrs. May Fisher and Clara May
| ~t the weekend at the John
| Grown home.
| Ted Rink ~nd Lyle Petersilie
| ~erpnt the weekend at their homes
/ ~. and Mrs. Harry Mikelson
| ~ Mrs Byron Hogoboom were
| Glendlve "shoppers Wednesday.
| Lorrain Sneed and Gladys Hun-
| ~ were Thursday evening caners
| Qf Mrs. Victor Carlson.
| ,,DOrOthy Lovell returned home on
| ~v~nday after having spent the past
| l~ek In Dickinson.
| ~ Mr. and Mrs. Vic Johnson were
| Unday supper guests at the An-
| drew Carlson home•
| he~rs'lw, Walt Dixon and Fred Goe-
| 1 were callers at the Ernest Nel-
| Son home ,Monday morning.
| 8 Mrs. Wm. Scherle and Paul were
| [~Uday visitors at the Robert
| WYekdff home •
| ,.:.Mrs. E. R. Kennedy called on
| ~"s.11 • Mary Lehmann Sunday after-
I Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Dempsey
| sod Mrs. Victor Johnson were
| J~ach shoppers Monday.
| f Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Satre and
| ~a~ly spent Sunday visiting at the
/ ~lmy Johnstone home.
| Mrs. Paul Wyckoff and infant~ son
| Came home from the Beach has-
| ~tali~ltal Wednesday.
| ,Gerald Combs returned to school
| ~n,. !~lay after an absence of twenty
| eight days with chicken pox and
| eOnlplications.
| ~rs. Mary Lehmann enjoyed a
| Visit from her brother-in-law, Paul
| ~hmann of Richardton on Monday
| 'mad Tuesday.
| ~h_l~r, and Mrs. Neff Hogoboom and
| i~i~y_~'gz Honnold .enjoyed a goose
| er Sunday at the home of Mr.
arid Mrs. Art Polls at Beach.
~ il Adams left Sunday for
~1 eapolis, wl~re he will visit his
/ Other and ~ters for a couple
~0f Weeks.
.: The Mesdames John Jordan and
iVlCtor Carlson were afternoon c~ll-
.~s of Mrs. Neff Hogoboom on
', Casper Berg and Albert Allen re-
~ttrned Saturday from Wyoming,
~here they had gone to take treat-
ment8 at the Hot Springs.
.~Mr, and Mrs. Victor Johnson and
~r.,_1.._ and Mrs, Rudy Kunick at-
~r~led the show in Be~ch on
~J.~s Rathbun left Sunday for
Snelll~, where he will take
.a~.flnal examinations for induction
l~to the Navy.
Lorraine Sneed was an afternoon
Caller at the Byron .Hogoboom home
~am~ a supper guest at the Paul
i ~iner home Thursday.
l'~C~rles. A Allen, son of ~Mr. and
: ~ts.~ Allen, enlisted in the
l~t~oond~ . last
~ oop division of the army
_ Mr..~d Mrs. ~ a~':~
Mrs. Victor J'~ ~ere ~
~ae.e~llers at the'~les Jo~
_]$~l!y Meyer& Dick Sechrist and
~aldahl are home on a ~l-4tay
~l~m~l~m~gl~ .before reporting for duty
w:'~B~ q~e Navy. " "
~0L~onard Peterson, local section
~-~vem~, is taking his annual vaca-
~.~ a week. Andrew Carlson
o1~ ~ach will take his place.
Cook and Ward, Mrs.
Reed and the Misses Mary
Hlgley and Jennie
attended the show in
.~.M~. and l~s. Ed Cook and Mrs•
~' ~eed helped Mr. and Mrs•
,~I~, ,Tangen celebrate their wed-
~::annivers~ry Wednesday eve-
with a 6:30 dinner at the
~C afe in Beach, after which
ey all attended the show.
Mrs. Bert Fasching, Marlene and
were down ~r0m w!b~.t}X and
at the Paul Wagner home
The Mesdames Bert Waldal, Vic-'l daYhe°f leasing, Beach, North Dakota. t
Board of University and School N O T I C E.
Lands reserves the right to reject You, and each of you, will please l
any and all bids. take notice that the above entitled]
Dated at Bismarck, North Dakota action is brought for the purposeI
this 4th day of January 1944. of quieting title in the Plaintiff]
JOHN-O. LYNGSTAD, and depriving you, and each of you, I
State Land Commissioner• Of any and all interest in and to the l
(Jan. 6, 13, 20, 27, Feb. 3, 10, 17, 24, following described lands situated in
iii ii
tor Carlson, Helen Hovland, and!
Ted Rink were Beach shoppers on
Mrs. Ernest Nelson and Mrs. Vic-
tor Carlson were afternoon callers
on Mrs. Norman Haugse Friday.
Bridge was played during the af-
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Tangen, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Cook and Mrs. Hazel
Reed were Glendive shoppers on
Saturday. They also visited at the
Charlie King home there.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kirkpat-
rick and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tes-
cher and families were Sunday
visitors at the George Franzen
Little Carol Kirkpatrick" had the
misfortune of breaking her collar
bone Thursday. She is the young-
est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Law-
rence Kirkpatrick.
Mrs. Art Reinholtz and Mrs.
Alfred Reinholtz are enjoying a
visit by their sisters, Mrs. Rose
Hanselman and sister, who are en-
route to Washington from Wis-
Mrs. Mike Theisen was hostess
to members of St. Marys Altar
Society at her home on Thursday
afternoon. After the business meet-
ing a delicious lunch was served
by the hostess, of which several
guests also partook.
The Farmers Union held a party
at the hall on Saturday night,
and a good crowd attended. Cards
and dancing were enjoyed by those
present, after which a sack lunch!
was enjoyed.
The names of Mr. and Mrs. John l
Sanders were unintentionally omit-
ted in last week's news on the list
of guests p~sent at the home of~
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dietz at
a party on Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wischow, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Smith, and Mr.
March 2, 1944)
County of Golden Valley )
Before Hon. James Donaldson,
In the Matter of the Estate of
Josephine Krcma, Deceased.
Agnes Hogoboom,
John Krcma, Bessie Krcma,
Pauline H e n r y, S a d i e
Krcma, Harold Krcma, Dor-
othy Krema, Libbie Fisher,
Mary Reed, Irene Krcma,
Jean Krcma, Eleanor
Krcma, a minor, Kenneth
Stout, Special Guardian for
Eleanor Krcma, a minor,
Adolph Krema. Ed Krcma,
Roswell Powers, Vera
Powers. and Eleanor Rich-
The State of North Dakota to the
Above Named Respondents, and All
Persons Interested in the Estate
of Josephine Krcma, Deceased:
You are hereby notified that the
petition of Agnes Hogoboom admin-
istratrix of the estate of Josephine
Krcma, late of the vicinity of Beach
in the County of Golden Valley and
State of North Dakota, deceased, has
been filed in this Court. therein
petitioning that she be authorized.
empowered and directed to sell real
state belonging to said deeedent's
estate, described as follows, to-wit:
A one third interest in and to
the Southwest Quarter (SW~,~) of
Section Twelve (12), in Township
One Hundred and Thirty-eight
(138). Range One Hundred and
Six (106), Golden Valley County,
N. Dak,
That said petition will be heard
by this Court on Monday, the 13th
day of March, 1944. at I0 o'clock in
the forenoon of that day. at the
Court Rooms of this Court. in the
Court House, in the City of Beach
and Mrs. Paul Wagner were guestS iCounty of Golden Valley and State
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith Fri- of North DaKota.
day evening. Cribbage and bridge. And you, and each of you are
• ~ __= _ ~^~;^~^,,~ 1,inch nereny cited ana required then and i
were p,ayeu a.u a .~.2~s~ f~he there to be and appear before this
Was served at the cm e o Court and show cause, if any you
evenin~ have, why this petition should not
-~" "~e ~ be granted.
Mrs. Charles Johnson was ~n i By the Court
guest of honor at a birthday party JAMES DONALDSON,
....... ,_ ^_~ c~..-dayt Judge of the County Court,
[at ner nome a wcc~ a~u e~e-~.( Let the service of this Citation
e resent w
evening. Thos p _ ' t be made by publication in the Golden
~o,~ ~t~r~ F~ olson and family, Mr. |Valley News, and personal service
~"~- "-'-~-" =--:-~- .... o- and fam-~upon Kenneth Stout. Special Guardian
!aria 2~lrs. victor do~m]e** d bo-s I for Eleanor Krcma, a minor.
lily, Mrs. Wm. Scner an y, JAMES DONALDSON,
i Mrs. Joe Dixon, Mrs. May Fisher Judge.
:and Clara May, W• T. Brown, and GUY LEE,
'John Haugen. The evening was
i spent socially and Mrs. Johnson
,received many nice gift.
The Girls' Hlgh School basket-
ball team defeated the Belfleld
team on the local floor Friday
night with a score of 40 to 13. The
Junior boys however, were defeated
by the Belfleld Junior boys. After
the games a dance was sponsorea
by the girls for the purpose of pur-
chasing sweaters for the team. A
very large crowd attended and the
girls were well pleased with the
The Home Economics Club of
the local high school are making
plans for a party this coming
Friday. Their instructor,, Miss
MarlyS Braaten, assisted by Delva
Mae Howard, are superintending
Attorney for Petitioner,
Beach, North Dakota.
(Feb. 24, March 2, 1944)
NOTICE is hereby given by the
undersigned, Executrix of the Last
Will and Estate of Lorenz Schulte,
late of the Town of Golva in the
County of Golden Valley and State
of North Dakota, deceased, to the
creditors of, and all persons, hav-
ing claims against, said decedent
to exhibit them with the neces-
sary vouchers within s~x months
after the first publicatioh of this
notice to said Executrix at the office
of John Keohane in the
Beach in said Golden Valley
North Dakota, or to the
Judge of said County.
NOTICE is hereby further
that the time and place
the court for hearing and
ing such claims are the 5th
~f September, 1944 at ten
I . M. in the Court Rooms of the
County Court in the Court House
in the City of Beach in the County
of Golden Valley and State of North
the County of Golden Valley andl North Dakota,
State of North Dakota, viz: I and of determining adverse ~ms
bo~ bevenJT) in Block Three It hereto, and that no personal claim
(3) of the uriginai "rownsite of lis made against you unless you
Beach, North Dakota, as the ]appear and defend in this action.
same is platted and the Plat ] JOHN KEOHANE
thereof on file and of record in [ Attorney for Plaintiff,~
ti~e ChiVe of the Register of Deeds ] Beach, North Dakota,
in and for Golden Valley County, I (Feb. I0, 17, $4, March 2, 9, 16, I944)'
[ ii i i iii i i
of Golden Valley County
• A FREE Advertising Exchange Medium
Use this official blank for reporting your items for the
exchange list which is being prepared by the County
Agent's office.
Advertisements for this exchange must be in the hands
of Ovide E. Grenier by March 7th. There will be no charge
made. Farmers are urged to list any article they may have
for sale, trade or desire to buy.
The exchange list will be released during the second
week of March.
(Usethis space for articles wanted)
FOR SALE (Use this space for itelhs for sale or trade)
Name .....................
Address ...................
Address all letters to Ovide E. Grenier, County Agent, Beach
II I II I IIIII I Ill l ~lll
Have you a
hidden talent?
Dated this 23rd day of February. WHEN WILL I GET
Attorney for Executrix,
Beach, North Dakota,
First publication on the 24th day
of February, 1944.
(Feb. 24, March 2, 9, 1944)
IF YOU'D LIKE to find out
what your special aptitude is
and put it to work to help win
this war--take the opportunity
the WAC offers you!
JOin the WAC and let Army
experts' help you discover the
type of work you can do best.
Let the Army train you to do
one of 239 vital jobs. Learn a
skill that will, be useful to you
long after the war is over! (If
you already have a sldll the
Army can use it too.)
s Get full details at your nearest
I3. S. Army Recruiting Station
(your local post office will give
you the address). Or write: The
Adjutant General Room 4415.
Munitions Building, Washing-
ton, D. C.
.... - _ _ ~t~t4t~4t~
_~ i is
All unleased State School lands in
Golden Valley County, North Da-
kota, will. be offered, for rent. at a
public leas,ng sate. ~o oe .nela_m~
Court I'Io~ al; x~eacn ~n =~
county, on the 6th day of March
1944 10..A.• M: o'c.l~•
All unleased lanas wnl oe ,masea
the highest bidder zor a germ o
three to five years, The first year's
r~nt plus ~ legal leosln~ fee mus~
be paid in xull on ~ne oay of ~ne
~*fiA ~ of such lands to be offereS
• -~on file with the treasurer
~ftsaid county for public irmpection
than two Weeks bexore ~.e
George A. Johnston~aintiff, I
vs. )
Lillian Cole, the unknoWn )
heirs of Daisy Foster, De- )
ceased, the unknown heirs }
of Lenora Horn Peall, De- )
ceased, James C. Hom, Paul ) •
D. Horn, Eva B. HomKruse, )
Mollie Horn Burgess, Cecil )
Horn Willey, Raymond Foe- ]
ter, Rex M. Foster, Reese Fos- )
ter, R. R. Halstead, Halstead )
Corporation, a corporation, )
First National Bank, of
Dickinson, N or th Dakota, I
a corporation, John Gilbert- )
son, and all other persons )
unknown claiming any es- )
tale or interest in, or lien )
or encumbrance upon the )
property described in the /
Defendants. ) I
You are hereby..summ°n_~lintand]
required to answer ~ne comp
the above named Plaintiff, which is[
on file in the Office of the Clerk]
of the District Court of the Sixth]
Judicial District in the Count~ of ]
Golden Valley and State of North]
Dakota, and to serve a copy or
your answer thereto upon the sub-
scnl~er at his office in the City
of Beach in said County and State,
within thirty (30) days after the
exclusive of m e_~a~.. ~our failure
ViCe. an(l llt case ~-
qmrea, m
ment against yoU by default for the
this Srd da~, "t~'~ "
.2~ml-., ,or ~int~
~ff" *i~e"~a" nd postoffice
Address: •, .
Facts on tl, e rub situatm
Petroleum oper ag a tin,000,000 m.d butauqma
plaM, for m maed p~ ef robber equivaimt to 11,000,000
~c~ ~oR ~,u~sea is right now eateriag ~rest of us must continue to save miles and ru]:~.
radon s s),nm¢~ ~ _I~mt~sre appmacmng , .......... •
..... ,--:^- ^~ o¢^ 000 to~" ...... r~ a mqo~ l~Octucer or outadiene the chief
- ~- ~.:-- .t,;. ,~-,,,A kfeat-in- achlevemer/i ~h,; 'm~r.eatCnt m syntheuc rubber) and 100 o~ae
ths are the time of~dsis, becau~- : ...... v s,~,a-=, merntmps ve~roieum,
~ts=.m~ , ' t • •
.... is - : 'I~. ~ hese tacts as a contnbuuon to
~d~ full~fighung power of rubber needed f~. ,.~:~un~.~s~_a: ....
- ~-- :;----and c6mbat trucksand ~~':"~"':~,~'~ .rang or me present transoor~
W]tf: £U'~ IOl" p/alice, ra~ ~,...~kl-- •--
• ' d" ~-~,~- .~v~z~:~.j.
. c~s. : : rubbe~ for hfe rafts and lan mg boats
t I With us, as ~wlth ev
~ ~ : rubber for bullet.sealing tanks and electrica : et7 American motorist, the
insuhtion : : : rubber for a thotisand and one needs of war come fi~st. But when victory is woa,'
car owners will begin enjoying* the benefits and
~ictov?needs. product-improvements flgwing from Phillips g/.
This is why only the most essenthl dvilian ga.~ic c&~ical p/ants, devoted to producing w~'w
drivers can be supplied with new fires of syn- and better thin~,gs from petroh.~ g~s as w~t as
thetic mbbe~ at k~st until late in the year. The petroleum. PhillipsPetroleumCo.,Bartlcsville,O/d~
: BeaCh,.N,D;.: ~.:. ~:, ~