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February 24, 1944 |
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C, olva Farmers
Have Enjoyable
A must for North Dakota farm-
ers is more efficient feeding, Ralph
Welch, agricultural agent for the
Greater North Dakota' Association,
told a meeting at Golva last Tues-
day, which was sponsored by J. L.
Tschida and other community
~'The advance in price of feed
grains will force farmers to do a
more efficient job of feeding,"
Welch declared. He stressed the
importance of protein and mineral
feeds and the importance of better
pastures in order to secure cheaper
-production of hogs and other classes
of livestock.
Welch stressed carrying on a
longtime livestock program empha-
sizing the Idea of keeping the same
n'ttinbers of livestock on the farm
year after year, planning reserves
~of feed for the purpose. He warn-
ed against expensive mineral feed
r~ixtures when home-mixed feeds
of reasonably priced mineral mix-
tures may be secured.
Welch had with him models of
feeders and other labor-savlng de-
"vice, and his talk was illustrated
with labor-savlng devices used over
"the state.
p. ]g_ Lewis of the Portland Ce-
~nent Association gave a demonstra-
tion as to more practic~ and econ-
omic uses of cement on the farm.
:Lemls illustrated ~ew methods of
and using cement which
saves money and assures a better
Coffee and doughnuts were served
~armers attending the meeting,
which is one of a series which will
"practically cover the state during
the winter. Meetings are being
sponsored by local extension agents,
~3NDA, the North Dakota Bankers
A~,oclation and local civic organi-
Interest in the subjects discussed
-were made manifest by the many
questions asked during the discus-
sion period. A canvass of the meet-
~rtg showed that local hog breeders
would not cut their production of
~orkers more than 19 percent for
The Welfare Office are request-
ing donations of good serviceable
clothing that may be distributed to
the needy families in Golden Val-
ley county. The articles needed
most at this time am children's
underwear, stockings, girls under-
garments, boys pants, overalls and
jackets. Usually the child in the
household will outgrow some of his
clothing before it is completelY
worn out. Instead of this being
thrown away, it can at this time
be put to very good use.
Even with such improved condi-
tions here, there are still a large
number of families in this county
that are less fortunate than others
clue to circumstances over which
they have no control. It is the
~blldren of these families this office
,ls endeavoring to assist. However,
a good suit of clothes for a man,
and a dress for a woman, will give
them g personal satisfaction which
~ght boost their morale to an
]reproved home living condition
Any contribution of clothing you
• r~ay wish to make can be made at
1he Welfare Office, located in the
• ~sement of the courthouse.
Reviving a former practice, Ovlde
]~. Orenier. county agent of Golden
~ralley county, announces this week
that he is preparing a free adver-
exchange list which will be
the second week in
in the Golden V~lley News.
are urged to take ad-
of this free offer to ex-
change or sell any surplus livestock
and farm articles they might have.
offer is absolutely free to all
~ldet~ Valley county farmers and
an opportunity to advertise, free
oharge, anything you have to
aell ~ trade, or to buy, without
This Is the way you do it. Cut
the ad announcing the ex-
list in this weeks Ck~lden
News, and then list the
sell, buy or
it to the
At~nts o~iee not later than
Tth. Positively no articles
listed after this date.
~ is a free service.
a~es ~lsted will make for
~ter mzcce~
rehtme~ to
II I I [
Ward and Zona Butterfield have
been on the sick list.
• Dorothy Micheis helped out at
Millers Store Saturday.
Ole Anderson of Trotters was a
caller in Beach Saturday.
Mrs. Exile was a dinner guest
of Miss Early Sunday.
Vera and Vlta Hess were hos-
tesses at a Valentine party given
on Valentine's eve.
William Hollar and Burns Aber-
nathy were business callers in the
Carlyle vicinity Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ueckert left
for Portland Ore. Monday night,
February 14, on business.
Misslonhry Society will meet at
the Congregational Church Friday,
when dinner will be served.
Glen Snow passed his test at
Fort Snelling. He passed on limit-
ed service.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Osgood and
family of Wibaux were callers .in
Beach Saturday.
The Parmers Union