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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
February 23, 2017     Golden Valley News
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February 23, 2017
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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. ':" .. ,.. =4- ......... : ................................................................ . .......................................... ~ ................. _ February 23, 2017 Golden Valley News Page 7 News/Pioneer Classified Ads: A minimum charge of $7.00 for 25 words and 10 cents per word thereafter. Deadline for Classifieds & Display Ads: 12"00 p.m. Friday preceding publication date. Phone: 701-872-3755 Fax: 701-872-3756 Email" goldenandbillings@gmail:com Billings County has a full-tirne opening for a County Fire Chief. Applicant must possess a high degree of written and verbal communication skills in dealing with volunteers, other emergency services personnel, other county employ- ees, and the general public. Training re- quirements will be discussed during the interview process, including Billings County employee-specific requirements. Billings County offers a competitive salary commensurate With experience, accom- panied by an excellent benefits package. Salary is dependent on qualifications and experience. Successful applicant will be subject to pre-employment drug testing HARVEY POLICE DEPARTMENT hiring full-time Police Chief and Officer. Must be ND Post Certified. Resume to: HPD, 120 W 8th Street, Harvey ND 58341• Deadline 319117. MCLEAN COUNTY IS hiring one full-time Equipment Operator I1. For more informa- tion regarding this position visit http://www/mcleancou ntynd .gov/employ- menu RAILROAD VEGETATION CONTROL: Full-time traveling opportunity, 60-80 hours/week, $13-$15/hour starting, meal allowance, paid lodging, 95% paid Bennett Hou All Risk Crop E Hail Insurance 211 West Main Street Ada, MN 56510 16201 OLd Highway 10 Sentine[ Butte, ND 58654 1-800-784-2106 hougtum@toretet, net John Germolus Wayne Lee Marisa Carlsrud This entity is an equal opportunity provider Travis Hauck Master Electrician Cell 701-872-6063 Office: 701-872-4083 4131 166th Ave. SW Beach, ND 58621 C Licensed in M.D. and MT Sue ]:: i i" KEY Janitorial Finneman ] Service Licensed Real/ Estate Agent / * Carpet andUpholstery in M.D. ]i Cleaning (701) 483-6789 or ]i BUS NESS B DDY *StripandWaxFloors • suefinneman " ] i Certified Quickbooks *Disaster c/banup iI! ProAdvisor * ResidentialandCommercial !!I uz;,,. : • Bookkeeping Ken & Virginia Young ii. ' Payroll & Quarterlies Owners f Notary Public & More Glendive, MT HDr//e Land Cory McCaskey, Owner Call 406-377-3597 , ' Phone: 701-290-9006 ............. ............. '] Website: R e a 1 E s Ea { e P r o fc s i o n a t s J Your local telephone company Serving the Beach, Golva, Sentinel Butte & Medora areas For service please call 1-800-523-5436 Golden Valley Manor, Inc. ~cki Braden, Administrator • Flexible Meal Plans • Assisted Living • Night Security • Activities 701-872-4282 or TTY 800-366-6888 The Golden Valley Manor is a US Department of HUD facility. Rental assistance is available to those who qualify. and background check. Qualified appli- health/dental, 401(k) & Paid Time Off. cants should send resume to: Billings RAW, Inc. in Cooperstown, ND - County Rural Fire Protection District, PC 8 8 8 7 0 0 . 0 2 9 2 Box596, Belfield, ND 58622. Applications I www'rawapplicat°rs'c°mlinf°@rawap" Ill can be accepted until position is filled, Guns N Things Billings County is an Equal Opportunity ligion, age or disability in its hiring practice. North Dakota with the NorthSOAN pro-Empl°yer and does not discriminate on the ANYONE CAN RUN STATEWIDE with Tr " ' ONSTRsince ]9360 ' o, III basis of color, race, national origin, sex, re- HELP WANTED ads in all newspapers of LI ,C I ~ ff , gram, $150/25 words/90 papers. Call -- 701-872-3317 II/ Glendive, Mr NDNA, 701-223-6397. Custom Hauling III Licensed Contractor II/ Guns Bought, Sold, One and two bedroom apartments. ~0 " " 0 ~ l, Iol, k[eGrain or Feed 111 Design,Backh°eBuilding & OtherandDirtsupply,WOrk, II/ Repaired, and Traded Washer and dryer included. Call 701-590- I-ivest°c- Ill 2701. tfn 18 UNIT BRICK APARTMENT Building in I--L & Long Concrete, Stone & Brick, III FFH Licensed Jamestown, ND. 17 Two Bedroom units; I---°ca]D]o* Ill FumaceRO°fmginstaHation III Ernie Uuether, Pres. Furnished studio apartment in downtown One 1 Bedroom unit. Off-street parking. .ance Wibaux. $450imo. including utilities. Avail- $600,000. Dardis Realty, 701-252-5761 -- -. III able 2i18. 406-253-0451 Michael. 23-24 RogerTvedt II New or remodeling Ill 377-3969 Building your dreams iiiFirearrns Gun Safes I Wibaux, MT III through 4 generations,t IIISrna Wool Ammunition [ 406-796-2968 ]!! Reloading Equipment 2009Arctic Cat Prowler 1000 side-by-side. NEW 55+ COMMUNITY - The Meadow- Beach, ND 58621 New battery. Runs good. Call 550-9249. tfn lands in Mandan! Come see the homes CASE ELECTRIC (701) 690-7145 casey31269@gmail.cotn PO Box 892 Beach, ND 58621 Residential, Commercial, Agricultural, Industrial, and Oil Field Bill L. Seerup Oil & Gas Properties Buying Oil, Gas, Minerals & royalties Producing and Non-Producing in MD, ND, WY Office: 406-652-4101 or Cell 406-671-0559 Put Your Money Where Your House Zs! bcaf independent streog en our bllSmesses am,. ~ COm ,:st;,] ,~y lOUT ~est va;ue ~:~d ~ur ec0~c~:,' Please support your local merchants! The Billings County Pioneer and Golden Valley News have shared advertising, and have been sharing the news for some of their inside pages for about 40 years. This means the coverage of your ad isn't limited to just either county[ Our primary coverage area is western Stark County and west to the Montana border. It pays to advertise[ , ~ . currently offered, close to healthcare/; R~ister'ed~Bl~ick Angus Yearling Bulls future plans include community Cente~rl ' 701-712-1353 or www.meadow- Don't waste expensive feed on cattle that don't grow. Buy bulls with good weaning and yearling weights, both actual and EPDs. Buy bulls with good ribeye EPDs. Ribeye area is 70% heritable. Bloodlines for sale this year include South Dakota 402, Long Haul 502, Net Return 8197, Connealy Uptown 098E, Mustang 9134 and Angus Valley 1867. These bulls are easy to work with and reasonably priced. Contact Terry Week 701-872-1104.22-33 STEELE COUNTY PARK Board is seek- ing parties interested in leasing the Golden Lake restaurant and campground for the 2017 season. Please submit letters of in- terest to: Steele County BOX 275 Finley ND 58230 by March 3rd 2017. 701-524- 2110 .... LANDOWNERS: NORTH DAKOTA farm land values and cash rents continue to be strong. Call Bob Pifer for free market valu- ation. Pifer's Auctioneers 701-371-8538 or MJ Plumbing Anthony Medina Master Plumber #1192 • Sewer camera & location • Sewer rod • All new plumbing services • New & old construction • Residential, commercial • If it has to do with plumbing, we can hell; (701) 301-7465 PC Box 966, Beach, ND For all your plumbing needs! We have coupons on website for service, calls and new customers. Visit our website and tell us what you think/ The deadline for submitted copy and stories and all ad orders is noon on Fridays. Call 872-3755 BUYING USED VALMAR and Gan.dy ap- plicators. Call Paul at Daily Bread Machin- ery. 763-286-2037. EXPERIENCED TRUCK DRIVERS: Freight Solutions of Hurdsield, ND has im- mediate opening! Excellent pay, benefits, vacation time. We pull hopper bottoms and liquid fertilizer in US and Canada. Driv' ers must be able to haul to Canada. Con- tact Lyndsey at 701-962-3300 or visit if inter- ested in this great opportunity! UNNING 2017 ND MEDIA GUIDE: Names, ad- dresses, phone numbers, e-mails of all ND newspapers, radio/mV stations, specialty publications. Only $25. ND NewspaperAs- sociation, 701-223-6397. For subscribers, your subscription's expiration date is on your address label. It's time to send in your payment if your expiration is 3 weeks away. ATTENTION The North Dakota Corn Utilization Council election for Golden Valley County will take place on February 23, 2017, at 5 P.M., at the Golden Valley County Extension Office, 53 Central Ave S in Beach, ND. A Voting Producer is a person who plants, or causes to be planted a corn crop in which the person has an ownership interest, with the intent that upon maturity the crop will be harvested in the next available or immediately preceding growing season. Producers have to reside in the county and have not requested a corn refund during the preceding year. For more information contact the North Dakota Utilization Council at (701) 364-2250. North Dakota Statewide Classified Advertising Network For only $150, your classified ad will appear in every North Dakota daily and weekly newspaper! Contact this newspaper for details.