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Beach, North Dakota
February 23, 2017     Golden Valley News
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February 23, 2017
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Page 4 Golden Valley News February 23, 2017 Meeting Notice Annual Meeting Notice The Golva Rural Fire District will be holding its annual meeting on Thursday, March 2, 2017. It will be held at the Golva Bar Meeting Room at 7:00 pm. - Secretary, Daniel Noll (February 9, 16, and 23) Meeting Notice Annual Meeting Notice The annual meeting of the Central Rural Fire Protection District will be held on Tuesday, March 7, 2017, at 10:30 a.m. at Beach Fire Hall. Beverly J. Wolff Secretary/Treasurer CRFPD (February 16, 23, and March 2) Hearing Notice Zoning Hearing Notice The Golden Valley County Zoning Board will hold a public hearing on Mon- day, February 27, 2017 at 3:00 p.m. in the Commissioner's Room at the court- house for the following business; 1. Unfinished Business - Review fresh water pipeline per- mitting process and fees in the County 2. New Business - Reeves, Jesse request his parcel a 12 Acre Tract in SWl/4 Sec 1-139- 106 be rezoned from Commercial to Residential - Zook, Mike request a Variance to within 56' of a public road or highway, to replace and existing home and garage. The setbacks are 150' from all section lines, center of county high- ways, secondary county and township roads. (February 16 and 23) Meeting Notice Notice CALL FOR CONTRACTOR RATE SHEETS Notice is hereby given that the Billings County Highway Superintend-. ent is now accepting contractor rate sheets for the 2017 construction sea- son. Please submit the rates on an hourly basis, furnishing operator, fuel, oil, machine repairs, insurance, service units and any incidentals. Contractors must designate the make, model, horsepower and serial number of the machines. Rate sheets must be ac- companied by the following: Affidavit of Insurance coverage for general liability of bodily injury and property damage having a combined total of $1,000,000.00 minimum and a copy of current Contractors License or Certifi- cate of Renewal. Please submit to: Billings County Jeff Iverson, Highway Superintend- ent PC Box 168 Medora, ND 58645 Or, drop them off at the Billings County Courthouse at 495 4th Street, Medora, ND 58645 Attention: Jeff Iver- son, Highway Superintendent. Dated at Medora, ND this 9th day of February, 2017. (February 16, 23, and March 2) Election Notice Billings County Rural Fire Protection District Annual 2017 Election of fire board members will be held March 8, 2017, at 7:30 p.m. at the Fryburg Fire Hall, Fryburg, N.D. (February 23 and March 2) Billings County School BILLINGS COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #1 Minutes of Regular Meeting January 10, 2017 Billings County Rural Fire Protection District will have a special meeting The regular meeting of the Billings Thursday, February 23, at 6 p.m. at the County School Board was called to Fryburg Fire Hall and a special meeting order at 5:00 p.m. MT, Tuesday, Janu- on Monday, March 6, at 7 p.m. ary 10, 2017, at the DeMores School in (February 16 and 23) Medora. Present were members Lynn Arthaud, Joey Kessel, Stacey Kessel, Notice to Creditors Mike Klatt, and Julie aeis. Also present for all or part of the meeting were Prin- cipal Shae Peplinski, Assistant Principal Probate No. 04-2017-PR-00002 Danielle O'Brien, Business Manager IN THE DISTRICT COURT, Tammy Simnioniw, Marjorie Jensen, SOUTHWEST JUDICIAL DISTRICT, Jessie Berger, and Dan Schaff with COUNTY OF BILLINGS, STATE OF KLJ. NORTH DAKOTA M/S Joey Kessel/Klatt to approve In the Matter of the Estate of ROD- the consent agenda, which included the NEY R. ELLIO'I-F, Deceased. Minutes from the December 12 regular NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that meeting, the attached check list, with no the undersigned has been appointed additions to the agenda. The motion Personal Representative of the above carried unanimously. estate. All persons having claims January, 2017Checks against the said deceased are required BUILDING FUND 141 to present their claims within three (3) BERGEn ELECTRIC INC$895.00 months after the date of the first publi- 142 FLOOR TO CEILING cation of this notice or said claims will CARPET ONE $31,660.00 be forever barred. Claims must either 143 SCHOCH CONSTRUCTION be presented to GLORIA ELLIOTT, Per- $44,265.00 sonal Representative of the estate, at GENERAL FUND 18370-18371 19800 SW Touchmark Way #296, Bend JANUARY PAYROLL OR 97702, or filed with the Court. CHECKS $554.11 Dated this 9th day of February,DDJANUARY PAYROLL 2017. DD $72,780.27 GLORIA ELLIOTT, Personal Repre- 18372-18383 JANUARY sentative of the Estate of RODNEY R. PAYROLL VENDOR CHECKS ELLIOTT, deceased $42,026.75 Brittany K. Foust, ID#07506 EFT JANUARY AFLAC $691.46 NEFF EIKEN & NEFF, P.C. EFT JANUARY PAYROLL 111 East Broadway - P. O. Box 1526 TAXES $25,081.77 Williston, North Dakota 58802-1526 18384 AMANDA COSTAS $234.90 T: (701) 577-2000 18385 BELFIELD THEATER $468.00 F: (701)577-8927 18386 BILLINGS CO. SCHOOL bbergstrom @ DIST. #1 $265.00 Attorneys for Personal Representa- 18387 BLUE CROSS $1,165.91 tive 18388 CITY OF MEDORA $269.54 (February 16, 23, and March 2)18389 DANIELLE BOSWELL $60.88 18390 DAVID RODAKOWSKI$783.00 Notice of Hearing 18391 DENNIS O'BRIEN $8,466.55 18392 DOLLYWOOD Case No. 04-2017-PR-00001 FOUNDATION $53.00 IN THE DISTRICT COURT, 18393 DEPARTMENT OF SOUTHWEST JUDICIAL DISTRICT, PUBLIC INSTRUCTION $119.57 COUNTY OF BILLINGS, STATE OF 18394 ERICAELEMES VOID NORTH DAKOTA 18395 GARY MEDUNA $5,582.20 IN THE MATTER OF THE 18396 GINABRIDGER $203.58 GUARDIANSHIP OF O J J, A MINOR 18397THE HORACE MANN CHILD BORN September 22, 2016 COMPANIES $204.76 Patrick J. Obrigewich, Jr. and,18398 JAMES J WOSEPKA Shelly Obrigewitch PC $920.00 Petitioners, 18399 JANDT PLUMBING & -vs- HEATING $323.41 Johnette Jablonsky, the child's18400 JOBS HQ $252.00 mother 18401 KAITLYN DAVIS $120.00 and David Obrigewitch the child's fa- 18402 KARl HAGEN $892.62 ther, 18403 KASEY MALKOWSKI $274.05 Respondents 18404 KATHY MALKOWSKI$5,882.22 To the above named Respondents:18405 KEMPS LLC $449.06 YOU ARE GIVEN NOTICE that the 18406 KIM ANDERSON $293.42 Petition for Guardianship will be heard 18407 KXDI-FM $220.00 before the Honorable Judge of the Dis- 18408 LOREN FILKOWSKI $172.26 trict Court, on June 21,2016 at 2:00pm 18409 MARCO $183.25 or 2:30pm Mountain -time in the court- 18410 MARKIE TOSO $87.67 room of the STARK County Courthouse 18411 MEDORA in Dickinson, North Dakota. CONVENIENCE $30.96 You are entitled to counsel in these 18412 ND SCIENCE proceedings and the Court will appoint OLYMPIAD $170.00 counsel if you are unable without undue 18413 OLSON'S SERVICE $5,799.36 financial hardship to employ counsel. 18414 PAUL COSSETTE $822.15 DATED this 17th day of January,18415 PETER ODERMANN$4,975.78 2017. 18416 BILLINGS COUNTY MELBYE LAW OFFICE PIONEER $252.32 Attorney for Petitioners 18417 SAMANTHA BEARD $469.80 229 First Street West 18418 SHAE PEPLINSKI $45.00 Post Office Box 1136 18419 SPARTAN STORES LLC$17.40 Dickinson, ND 58602-1136 18420 OFFICE OF THE 701-483-1700 STATE AUDITOR $165.00 18421 SW WATER AUTHORITY $83.40 Is/Diane F. Melbye 18422 TAIT OBRITSCH $469.80 Diane F. Melbye #03680 18423 TAMMY SIMNIONIW $45.00 (February 16, 23, and March 2) 18424 TOM A HLEBECHUK $140.94 18425 TOM HUTZENBILER $45.00 18426 SYNCHRONY FINANCIAL $135.99 18427 WEST DAKOTA OIL INC $1,928.55 companying the application, at a pump- 18428 WEST RIVER STUDENT ing rate of 2,400 gallons per minute dur- SERVICES $7,531.18 ing the operating season for each year EFT JP MORGAN CREDIT said permit may remain in force, with an CARD $19,140.95 annual appropriation of 130.0 acre-feet The interview committee consisting of water, for industrial use. of Klatt, Joey Kessel, Peplinski, TAKE NOTICE that written com- O'Brien, and Simnioniw reported that ments regarding the proposed appro- they interviewed six candidates for the priation must be filed in the North maintenance position. All were excel- Dakota Office of the State Engineer, lent candidates. The committee rec- 900 East Boulevard Avenue, Bismarck, ommended hiring David Dickey for the North Dakota 58505-0850, by 5:00 position. M/S Klatt/Joey Kessel to hire o'clock p.m. on the 27th day of March, David Dickey for maintenance at a rate 2017. The State Engineer shall con- of $20 per hour. All in favor, sider all written comments received and M/S Stacey Kessel/Reistocompen- prepare a recommended decision sate Tom Hutzenbiler at a rate of $25 which will be provided to the applicant per hour plus mileage when he comes and any person who filed written com- in to train after his official retirement ments. Those persons may file addi- date. He will officially retire in early tional comments with the State February as he will stay on to train for Engineer, request an adjudicative pro- several days after Mr. Dickey begins ceeding on the application, or both. employment. All in favor. Dated at Bismarck, North Dakota, on Peplinski and O'Brien informed the February 13, 2017. board of upcoming events. They also /s/Garland Erbele, P.E. again discussed the possibility of de- North Dakota State Engineer partmentalization of grades 3-8 at De- 900 East Boulevard Avenue Mores for the 2017-18 school year. Bismarck, ND 58505-0850 AdvancEd documentation must be (February23) compiled by the next board meeting. The committee is working on pulling all Medora City Council of their information together. M/S Klatt/Reis to approve the • pledged asset report from First StateCity of Medora Bank of Golva. All in favor. Minutes of Special Meeting M/S Joey Kessel/Klatt approve the February 14, 2017 investment report compiled by (Subject to Council Simnioniw. All in favor. Review and Approval) Simnioniw gave a facilities report Meeting was called to order at 9:00 and presented the board with a list of items for disposal. M/S Klatt/Reis to ap- a.m. by Mayor Todd Corneil. Present prove disposal of the property accord- were Councilmen Denis Joyce, John ing to the list provided with the addition Tczap, and Kinley Slauter. Absent was of one item. The board set prices for Ben Brannum. some of the items that still had a resid- The first item of business was the ual value. All in favor. The list will be second reading of the Floodplain Ordi- made available to school patrons nance 01-2017. Joyce made a motion through the website and weekly update, to accept the second reading. Second M/S Stacey Kessel/Klatt to approve by Tczap. Motion carried unanimously. issuing transportation payments per re- Attorney Sandy Kuntz submitted an port provided. All in favor, email with the final draft of the SW Simnioniw provided a list of items to Water Contract. It was presented to the request for the WSI ergonomic grant. Council for review. Kuntz recommends M/S Stacey Kessel/Reis to approve approving the contract contingent on submission of the ergonomic grant for one point she is still negotiating with the total cost at approximately $6,473 with State. Tczap made the motion to ap- WSI grant reimbursement of $4,545.17 prove the SW Water Contract contin- in matching funds. All in favor, gent on Attorney Kuntz's negotiation. A committee consisting of Arthaud, Second by Slauter. Motion passed Reis, Peplinski, O'Brien, and Simnioniw unanimously. reported on their committee meeting The final agenda item was regarding which was held January 9 to identify the MCC Bathroom Project. Corneil ways to add needed classroom space stated that the Council must decide if for the 2017-18 school year. Options adjusting a few items in the bid are best considered were to make classroom for the project. Corneil and Slauter at- space out of the locker rooms or reno- tended a recent meeting with GTArchi- vate the small school. After discussion, tecture and Kolling & Kolling to discuss all were in agreement that the locker possible deductions. Jared Twogood room option was not viable. The De- with GT Architecture presented some partment of Public Instruction may re- items that could be deducted. After re- strict the district from renovating view and discussion, Slauter made the classroom space in the small school motion to proceed with the project; due to security concerns. O'Brien will $122,300 bid from Kolling & Kolling contact them to determine that. More adding Alternate G-1 for wall tile in the options will be explored by the commit- amount of $28,000, plus Alternate G-4 tee. for leather textured stainless steel par- Teacher contracts are up for negoti- titions in the amount of $6,300; less ation this spring. Lynn Arthaud and $8,900 in deductions from Central Me- Stacey Kessel agreed to serve on the chanical deleting items 1) delete the re- negotiations committee and attend the moval of the exhaust fan ductwork and negotiations seminar being held in Bis- utilize existing duct system 3) delete the marck in February. Simnioniw will also installation of new radiant ceiling pan- attend the seminar, els in both the men's and women's Stacey Kessel and Peplinski gave locker and associated temperature con- the RESP report, trol work 4) delete all testing and bal- The February board meeting wasancing of the exhaust duct system and rescheduled to Monday, February 13, at hot water heating revisions; accept bid 5:00 p.m. at DeMores School infrom Total Control in the amount of Medora. $3,305 for asbestos abatement; Archi- M/S Klatt/Reis to adjourn. All in tect will work with Contractor on wall tile favor, color at no additional cost. Second by Meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.Tczap. Motion carried unanimously. Lynn Arthaud, President There being no other business, Tammy Simnioniw, Business Man-Slauter moved to adjourn. Without ob- ager jection, meeting adjourned at 9:55 a.m. (February 23) Attest:odd Corneil, Mayor Attestarla Steffen, Auditor Meeting Notice (February 23) THE ANNUAL GOLDEN VALLEY Meeting Notice COUNTY PARK BOARD MEETING WILL BE HELD TUESDAY, MARCH 7, Beach Civil Township #3 Annual 2017 IN THE COUNTY COMMIE- Meeting will be hetd March 21, 2017, at SIONER'S ROOM AT THE GOLDEN 7:00 PM at the Golden Valley County VALLEY COUNTY COURTHOUSE IN Courthouse, Commissioners' Room. CONJUCTION WITH THE REGULAR (February 23) MEETING AT 1:00 P.M. (February 23) Notice Notice FILING DEADLINE FOR SCHOOL BOARD CANDIDATES Notice of Application On Petition For Anyone wishing to file as a candi- Appropriation Of Water date for the Billings County School From Surface Water Sources Board from director district three must file a "Statement of Candidacy" form TAKE NOTICE that Barry R Schafer and a completed "Statement of Interest" and Nancy Schafer, Sentinel Butte, form with the District Business Manager North Dakota, has submitted water per- prior to 4:00 p.m. MT Monday, April 3, mit application No. 6896 to the north 2017. Forms are available at the dis- Dakota Office of the State Engineer for trict office in Medora, or by calling 623- a permit to divert and appropriate water 4363 or 623-4351. They are also from surface water sources, available on the school website. The application requests a permit to Candidates must be a resident of di- appropriate water from surface water rector district # 3, but will be voted upon sources, utilizing point(s) of diversion Io- at- large in the entire school district. Di- cated in SW 1A of Section 35, Township rector district # 3 is comprised of sec- 142 north, Range 104 West, in Golden tions 19-36 of townships 142-98, Valley county as shown on the map ac- 142-99, and 142-100, and all of town- Farm Credit Services of Mandan delivered over $2 million in cash patronage to 2,200 borrowers for 2016. Patronage is a true benefit of cooperative ownership! has years/ ships 141-98, 141-99, and 141-100. If Oil activity report you are unsure if you qualify as a can- didate from this area, please contact the business manager at 623-4363 for as- The following relates to oil and sistance. The position will be for a three gas well activity for the week of Feb. year term. 12, in Stark, Golden Valley, Billings Anyone needing special accommo- and Slope counties and is from re- dations to complete the filing process should contact the District Office at 623- ports of the Department of Mineral 4363 or Relay North Dakota at 1-800- Resources: 366-6888 (TTY) or 1-800-366-6889 Confidential well plugged or (Voice). producing: (February 23 and March 2) #30725 - NP Resources, LLC, Beaver Creek State 41-36-lPH, Notice NENE 36-143N-103W, Golden Val- NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS ley Co. Permit renewal: The North Dakota Department of #27659-Enduro Operating,LLC, Transportation (NDDOT) will receive SND 2-28E, NWSW 28-142N- bids for the construction of the following 100W, Billings Co., "Tight Hole" project(s): Job No.: 19 #30704 - BTA Oil Producers, Project No(s).: HES-5-999(017) LLC, 20002 Agate 3427-3H, SESW Type: PAVEMENT MARKING 34-144N-103W, Golden Valley Co., County(s): GOLDEN VALLEY, "Tight Hole" ADAMS, BILLINGS, BOWMAN, DUNN, #30705 - BTA Oil Producers, HETTINGER, MCKENZIE, MERCER, SLOPE, & STARK Cos LLC, 20002 Agate 3427-2H, SESW Location: VARIOUS US & STATE 34-144N-]03W, Golden Valley Co., HIGHWAYS IN DICKINSON DISTRICT "Tight Hole" Bids will be received via the Bid Ex- Well name change: press on-line bidding exchange at until 09:30AM, March #13353 - Continental Resources, 17, 2017. Bids will be opened at that Inc., O'Conne]l 1, NWSW 9-138N- time at the NDDOT building on the capi- 101W, Billings Co., (was OConnel] tol grounds in Bismarck and the bid re- 1) suits will be distributed and posted Temporarily abandoned: online at ness/bidinfo.htm approximately30 min- #15762 - BTA Oil Producers, utes after bids are opened. LLC, 9210 JV-P Barkland 2-H NESE The proposal forms, plans, and 1-]42N-103W, Go]den Valley Co. specifications are available on the Permits approved: NDDOT website at and may be in- #333'49 - Marathon Oil Company, spected at the Construction Services Homme ll-18TFH, NENE 13-15IN- Division, 608 East Boulevard Avenue, 93W, Stark Co., 338'FNL and 285' Bismarck, North Dakota. FEL, Development, Big Bend, 'Tight All bidders not currently prequalified Hole', 2074' Ground, API #33-089- with NDDOT must submit a Contrac- tor's Prequalification Statement (SFN 00900 9384) to the Department at least ten Permit renewal: (10) business days prior to the bid #30734-Whiting Oil and Gas Cor- opening. Theformcan be found on the poration, Privratsky 21-27-2PH, NDDOT website. NDDOT reserves the right to reject NWNW 27-140N-99W, Stark Co. any and all proposals, waive technical- #30735-Whiting Oi| and Gas Cor- ities, or to accept such as may be de- poration, Privratsky 41-28PHU, termined in the best interests of the NWNW 27-140N-99W, Stark Co. state. #30736-Whiting Oil and Gas Cor- Requested by: Grant Levi, P.E., Director poration, Privratsky 44-21PHU, North Dakota Department of Trans- NWNW 27-140N-99W, Stark Co. portation (February 23) Meeting Notice BILLINGS COUNTY COMMISSION NOTICE OF CHANGE OF REGULAR MEETING The March regular meeting date has School is in been changed to March 8, .2017, in the meeting room at the Billings County Courthouse. Dated this 17th day of February, Be on the look out for 2017 by order of the board of county commissioners, buses and children/ Marcia Lamb Billings County Auditor (February 23 and March 2) I" I m m ilill liKE m m IBBII m lilll IIBIE m m m m m m m mml m IB~ ATTENTION GOOSE HUNTERS I The North Dakota Game and Fish DepartmentI " I I announces the following summary of regulationsI I from amendment number one of the 2016-2017 I i Small Game and Furbearer Proclamation. I I I 2017 SPRING LIGHT GOOSE HUNTING SEASON February 18 - May 14, 2017 m Statewide I Resident hunters can hunt during this season using either 2016-2017 or 2017- | 2018 resident hunting licenses (fishing, hunting and furbearer certificate, small | game license, general game and habitat license (or combination license)). Nonresident hunters can hunt during this season by purchasing a 2017 | nonresident spring light goose season license ($50.00). This license enables nonresidents to hunt statewide for the entire season and does not affect their | eligibility to purchase a regular nonresident waterfowl hunting license for the fall | 2017 season. All 2017 Spring Light Goose Season hunters must register with the Harvest | Information Program (HIP). Resident hunters with valid 2016-2017 licenses | need only call 1-888-634-4798 to be HIP registered. HIP registration can be obtained with license purchases through the Department's Bismarck | office, toll free phone licensing service, or website. HIP registration for this spring season will carry thru for fall hunting. | The Federal Waterfowl Stamp is not required for this season. Only light geese may be taken. Light geese include snow geese, blue geese, and | Ross's geese. They may be taken statewide from February 18 thru May 14, 2017. | There will be no daily limit or possession limit on light geese during this season. | Shooting hours will be from 1/2 hour before sunrise to 1/2 hour after sunset Electronic and recorded calls, as well as shotguns capable of holding more than I 3 shells, may be used to take light geese during this season.| All Waterfowl Rest Areas designated for 2016 are open during this season. | Non-toxic shot is required for hunting light geese. I I I LICENSING BY COMPUTER OR BY PHONE ; [Ji QUICK - CONVENIENT - EASY aim ~ YOU can instantly purchase your ......... licenses -- 24 hours a By Phone Via the Internet day -- 7 days a week Simply call toll free Visit our website at 1-800-406-6409 Besides license fee. a service Visa, Discover and charge will be added Service Regular license fees apply with MasterCard accepted, charge wtll vary depend#tg on no service charge added al?7olJnl of transaction I I I I I I A complete proclamation along with amendment one that contains regulations for the 2017 I Spring Light Goose Season is available from the North Dakota Game and Fish Department. I 100 North Bismarck Expressway Bismarck. ND 58501-5095. (701) 328-6300. I II I I I I I I l I I I I I I I ~ CUP AND SAVE I Farm Credit Services of Mandan Annual Pancake, Sausa