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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
February 23, 1950     Golden Valley News
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February 23, 1950
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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7AGE TWO GOLDE I VALLEY NEWS. BEACH. N. D ' THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, JACK'S CLUB Buddy Orchestra SUNDAY, 26 ' *, To PUBLISS C L U B N 0 T E S ',th day of February, A. D. 1950. NOTICE TO CREDITORS HAZEL S ER With Your 1 EXCHANGE U~r AttorneyW' L. ECKESfor Plaintiff.--- I Administratrix of the 1~ County Extension Office and Postoffiee II IN" THE ~IATTER OF THE ESTATE tote of Ellis A. Stectk~, Golden Valley County fa,rmers SADDLE BUTTE OF ELLIS A. STECKER, ALSo also known as Ellis Stectl~, address: KNOWN AS ELLIS STECKER, DE- Deceased. Agent i may Hst ,articles for .,s~e or l~ade BEAVERETTES 4-H CLUB !. Beach North Dakota CEASED. tit, WARD A. MOUM ] "'"-~ t Attorney for Administratrix ]. at ~he Oounty Agents Office ~be- Ardehl Adam, S~. i N O T I C E NOTICE is 1]ereby given by the Beach, North Dakota ' undersigned, Administratrix of the es- ~ First publication on the 16th d~ tote of Ellis A. Steeker, also known of February A D., 1950. I fore March 4th. Sponsored j~in~y A meetir~g was held on Febru- s~c~oNs 1 TO THE ABOV~AMED DEFEN- as E!lis Steeker. late of the vicinity t (Feb. 16-23, March 2) By R. M. Miller iby the l~armers Union Oil Co.,,:lry 12, at the home of Beverly STATE OF NORTt~AKOTA !I)ANTS: 7ARMERS MEETING TOLD i and the Beacon Oil Co., of Beach, Odland. Nine members were pre- County of C~olden Valley ] You, and each of you, will pl'ease OfGoldenSentinelValleyBUtte,and Statein theof CountYNorth De-el ..... IN DISTRICT COURT take notice that the above entitled kate, Deceased, to the creditors of, .~:~~&.~.:'.~.~l tDF G~ASSH PPER PROBLEM the free exchange Hst is to open ~ent for the discussion on over- Sixth Judicial District act!on is brought for the purpose of and all persons having claims against, II ~-.~:-~ " :~1 lea rmers in Golden Valley ~u all fa rm~rs in the county. to cutBeverlYout,anOdlandapron. c. w. Alien.-vs- Plaintiff. ~)) .' p~,wngqllt"t ing,,id all yon,mtcq c~ttitle andin intheeachandPlaintiff°fto you,the andfollow_Of anyde- sa i,.lnec,~ssarydeCedentvoucherstO exhibitwithinthemthreeWith the(3) I!~~':: ~!~ ~ ~ :" ::~:':!:" ~'~: ] * * *** mont~s after the first publication of ~' . ~'k~ u,-.. ~ounty looking ahe, ad to next Games were played and conduc- T!:e ~elrs at law of Julius) in,{ desc'ibed lands ahd preni~es situ- this notice to the County Court of [" Z/:"~-~'"* .~:"%~a*:~'~,'::~ ~.~[i years farmin~ operations were :~UYS 4-H CALF .ted by Jan'iee ,an.el Ardehl Adams. ('~,apman. deceased, the heirs I ;~!~'d in Golden V:llPv County, North ~,arrled by "Wayne ('olberfL NDAC Charles Pel;e'rson, seeret,ary of Tl~e t'lext meeting will be held a~t .~:., knowo as Lilly J. Chap- } , Lots Seven 7) and Eiqht (8) '~;nid Golden Valley County, North De- i z): . . Nx.'t'en.sion ~aervice enttnnotogist, ~,.he Sa.ddle Butte Boys 4-tt Club, !he home of Janice Adams. mr~n. dace:lard, Am'ella Trana, ) ' Block One (11 Robinson,s Sec-lzotru r I'O~)OFtS 'tJhtl.t Etl~en~, Still ptlr- l~Mt"~t~clo'cr~;n'I~e;vi Aci~i~:~' I end Addition to the Village of ?JOq'ICE is hereby further given that ~lat L~ras~hfmper~c~ay be .a me- .I:,hn H. Chapman, Esther L. / ** *** Sentinel ButIe. Norlh Dakota, ~;,t, ~!~,~o :!nd pl:'~ce fixed by the Court " ;:t". ::~;:~;;~: !~ jar problem in ].L~0, at the an- t'~!.:~:~ed a reffis[~red beef Shor~- SADDLE BUTTE , .~ ' ; ,.w. ':. , . " : . ) as the same is platted and the for bearing and adjusting "such claims i :'~ .... " 2"~ '": >'~7:):~):2~:i%~"~" li',.;?ella Moi'ris. Lerov Lurid- 5 Plat thereof on file and of re-arc the 5th day of Jurle, A. D., 1950, [ ORGAN'S [ ,nu~A farmers meeting, horn h(~ifei" r~:w~mtly for ,a 4-It BOYS 4-H CLUB b~:',d. Facet Lundbl)~d. Guy ) ' cord in lhe Office of the Re~is- ~t 10:110 o'clock A. M., in the Court Appr~ximatelv 250 Golden V,al- pro~eet. The heifer wa.s ptrreh,as- Charles Peterson, See, Morris, 'Levi A. Chapman, / tar of Deeds }n and for Golden Rooms of the County Court in the [ CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC [ Rxeeutor of t~e I.ast Will and ) Valley Courtly, North Dakofa, ('¢,,wt H~use in the City of Beach in ' [ X-Ray -- Physio-therapy | ~ey COkltldy ~armers ,and farm ed from Ed gouba of ltle Gol~a On February 12, twelve mem- Testament of Lillie J'. Chap-) :rod of determining adverse claimsthe County ~f Golden Valley and man, deceased, and all other ~ , thereto, and thaf no personal claim is St:~te of North Dakota, at which time ~ Itydro-therapy -- Cardiovox | w~)men at'tended the Farmers COlmnunity, a well known Short- hers met ,at the home of Gerald persons unknown claiming ) ~[e~.tillg. February !,5, sponsored born b,reeder~ • ... • made against you unless you appearand place all Dersons interested in Imchler for ~he regular meeting, any estate or interest in, or ) :rod defend in this actmn, the estate shall show cause why any | Dickinson, N. Da~- I t~y the Beach IAon s Club, and lien or encumbrance upon the i W.L. ECKES claim against said estate shall not ~ 5~ 4th., Ave. E, TeL"/~| ~he North Dak~.a Exlension Ser- SUPERVISORS MEET Bob Hoeek ,and Eugene Still gave property described in the ) Attorney for Plaintiff, be allowed. a talk on oats for feed. Danny Complaint, ) Beach, N~rth Dakota t Dated this 14th day of February, A. | No parking problems. Defendants. ) (Feb. 16-23. March 2) D., 1950. ~r~ce t.o bring to Golden Valley Four cooperative eonservation lschaa,1 a,nd eordi.e Brettin talk- THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA .__..~ ~'~unty the latest information on agreements were approved a't ed on hay for livestock feed. A~ TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFEN- ~gricuRural topics, the February 17~h, me~Nng of the tho Mnroh rnootin~ wh.ioh ~v,t,ll DANTS: 1 Llveetock feeding for ranchers '1 Board of Supervisors of tile Oold- [~e- heid-~t" tile-RayS'Lin;i¢-'ilome: You are hereby summoned and re-~ above named Plaintiff, which is on ~nd farmers ~as viewed at Wed- ~ en Valley Soil Con~erva.tion Dis- ~avid Still and Eu~,e~ Ltn~'k qulred to answer the Complaint of the ~esday mornings session ~y,triet. Theodore W. Thorso~, U. S. will demonstrate ~he testin.~ of file in the Office of the Clerk of the b ~ ~orge S~rum, NDAC Extension l lSoil Conserv, a~:ion Service, reports seed for g~m,in, ation R M ~il- ~l~r}ct iCn°~rt ~uth~ °SiXGh°IdJ~nd~i~l- I b ~;erv~ee Livestock sgecialist, the foll~w~,ng ,agreern,er~ts were lo...~.ntv ,n~,~n,t a;tend~l ~h~ ley and State of North Dakota, and The afternoon's program was!~approved: S. T. Finneman, Su-~t~.~,-'~ ......... to serve a copy of your answer there- to upon the subscriber at his office (~, • • ~e~t