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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
February 22, 1951     Golden Valley News
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February 22, 1951
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PAGE TEN OCAL NEWS of In~ra|l plckod up hers ~dO fhere by our News reporters. are al~nM~ glad to get your PHONE 39 .a |ostess To Aid-- Mrs. Elmer Howard was host- ass to members of the Evangeli- cal United Brethren church of Alpha ladies aid, at her home here last Thursday, which start- ed with an ex¢'ellent noon dinner, the meeting following. New Employee--- 'Mrs. Lydia Brunsvold is a new employee of the Seeley Elec~ic Co., having started there the first of this week. where she has (glarge of the shop. ?arm Troubles-- Joe Dietz of the Sentinel But- te rural community came to town last week to purchase a new mo- tor for his water system, that was burned out, believed to be due to low voltage; local elec- tricians inform us ,that there are guards manufactured to be used on motors that will prevent this. Returns From Ore.-- Edwin Fa,hlstrom of Beach rural, returned home I~his past Sunday morning from Ore.. where he spent the winter months with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar Fa~hls~om, also former residents of this commu- nity. Edwin's two children are being cared for by his parents, since the death of his wife. He and his brother Leormrd are get- ting their machinery ,ready to start grain cleaning and treat- ing in a couple weeks. Farewell Party-- Several friends of Mrs. P. A. Thomas met at the Dickinson Cr~amecy last Saturday after- noon, where they gave her a fare. well party, on the occasion of her leaving the management of the creamery. Attend Game-- Coach Moriariy, '°Moxie" To. bias. "Chuck" (Matejeek, Walt Bratton and Bobby Jones mo- tored to Dickinson (Monday eve- ning where they attended the Jamestown vs. Dickinson College ~ame. USED MACHINERY DISC TIIX RS GRAIN DRILLS One 21 ft. Single Disc. One 18 ft. Single Disc. Some Used Hay Balers. Come in and look these over. Phone 25 Beach, N. D. I SWIFT'S SHORTNING wmmne, 3 lb. i DEL MONTE -- NATURAL can 98c Pineapple Juice, 46 oz. can 3% STEVEN'S ERAND --- SOLID PACK UTAH TOMATOES No. 2 ( an 17c 6 cans $1.00 Case 24 cans $3.90 N0. can 22c 6cans $125 Case 24 cans $4.90 Buy By The Case and Sayd I PAHTR# PRIDE --- MAPLE FLAVOR Breakfast Syrup, 24oz. bottle 24¢ ii RORDEN'S CHEATEAU Cheese, 2 lb. loaf ii ii i Vel- Fab, large package . I N J Jr I I TE~qS SEEDLESS Grapefruit. dozen Sugar, 10 lbs. 99c QUALITY MERCHANDISE FOR Free Delivery a. m. & p. m.-- Phone ,75 i THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS, BEACH. N. D. % THURSDAY, FEBRUARY Spring Nears-- One sure sign that spring is near are the many local farmer§ who are now starting to clear{ ~rain, preparatory to the plant- mg season, which is not too far off. The warm, sunshiny weach. er of the past week is bringing everyone out of doors, especially last Sunday, when practically every householder in town could be seen browsing around out- side. On Sick Ltst--- A. C. Stone has been on the sick list for the past week, but is now feeling much improved. He and his wife own and operate the Golden Valley hotel in this city. Old Timer Here.- Mr. and Mrs. Ben ,Fulton of Oakland, Calif., arrived here last Y, aturday for a short visit with his brother Tom Fulton. They had been to the Mardi Gras in Orleans and are returning home this way to visit his bro- their, In'Beach, Glendive and Missoula. Ben is an old timer here having worked in Beach in the early days and l~rior to that time ~had homesteaded in the Ollie community. They were very much surprised at our North Dakota weather as their trip through Texas,had been cold and miserable. In Who'S Who--- Revs: H. E. and Inez Lacy, co- ~astors of the Beach Congrega- tional church, have been notified that their names ,and biogra- phies will appear in the 1950 In- ternational Blue-book. in three languages---English, French and German0 This world who's who was forrherly published in Eng- land, but now in the United States, contains about 5000 bio- graphies of living persons in its 1000 pages. The ,Marquis publication in Chicago, also advised them their biographies were appeaxing in the 1950 "Who's Who in the Mid- west". This is the wall-known American who's who of 1500 pages which is issued annually. Visit Nearby Towns-- Mrs. M. Butterfield made a combined business and pleasure trip to Glendive, Sidney, and Fairview this Monday, with fri- ends. returning ,home that eve- ning. Mrs. Butterfield has just had a phone installed in her home here, the number is 228- DM, % Recuperating At Home-- NIrs. Stub Noyes is recuperat- ing at home following hospitali- zation in Billings, Mont., for a week. She was taken ill there while staying with an aunt, and after going through a clinic was taken to the hospital. Her hus- h, anti brought her .home Sunday night. ~et~ms Home-- Dan Cafferty returned Thurs- day from attending the funeral of his father in Kendall, Wis. He left here the previous Sunday. BAKER COMMITTEE ~EPORTS ON HOSPITAL The people of Fallen county were told last week they could rightfully expect construction of he i,'allon (~ounty Memorial hospital to begin this spring. The hospital committee, in a joint session with county com- missmners, voted to begln con- '.~truetiod~ as soon as possible, even without federal aid. .al- though the project was at the top of the list for such financial assistance in Montana. Grear-Mauer construction Co. of Nebraska, which is handling construction of the new tele- phone building in Beach, has the contract for the hospital. NEWS CONTINUES CONSERVATION SERIES The second comic strip featur- ing Red Ryder appea~s in this week's issue of the Golden Vai- ley News, sponsored by the Golden Valley county soil con. servation district in the interest of soil conservation. These strips were called to the attention of county school children last week in a letter by Superintendent Natalie Adamson. The strip, as well as a regular series on soil conservation l~ractices ,also ap- pearing weekly in the News, will be used by the schools in their conservation corners ,and scrap- books. will begin our on-the- farm seed grain and treat ing service. From Glendive-- Mr. and Mrs. Hank Gannon and children were callers in Beach Tuesday from Glendive. Makes Billings Trip--- Fred Buldhaupt returned ,Mon- day night by truck from Billings where he had gone the previous day to pick up a load of machi- nery. See the Hardy Motor Co's show here Tues., Feb. 27, movies, Drizes, lunch. Read ad else- where in this issue for details. From Minneapolis-- Mrs. Kenneth Kannenberg and small son Richard returned to their farm home ~his past Sat- urday evening, after spending a month in Minneapolis. Minn., where Richard received treat- ments firom an eye specialist. They were house guests at t~he home of her uncle and aunt. Mr. and .Mrs. Thomas Kirkpatrick. Mr. Kannenberg drove there and picked them up. With Information Group-- In a letter to his parents here this week. Jimmy Ristuben told of being tcansferred from Camp Rucker, Ala., to Camp Carlisle, at Carlisle. Pa., where he will be with the office of public infor- mation. At Camp Rucker he and Rex Cook worked on the office staff of a major. Business Trip--- J-I,arry Kukowski and son Don- nie spent three days in Bismarck last week, on business, returning home Saturday. THANK YOUI Mr. A1 Ueckert, Beach, N. D~lk. Dear Mr. Ueckert: On behalf of the staff and management of KDIX I wish to take this opportunity of extend- ing our heartfelt thanks and ap- preciation for the excellent pro- gram presented during our grand opening by the Beach group. We found the community pro. grams were of such excellence they should be repeated quite often. Please advise the leaders of your community that°no speci- al occasion is necessary for K,DIX to be happy to present .a pro- gram of talent from your com- munity. You will find us most receptive at any time. Please express our apprecm- tion to all who participated in the production and presentation of your fine program. Cordially yours. RADIO STATION KDIX By: Orville F. Burda. General Manager. [ Hospital Notes " Births: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sliper, Car- lyle, Montana. Girl. Feb. 18. (Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allen, Sentinel Butte. N. D.. Boy, Feb. 19. Surgery: Mrs. Don Hathaway, Beach, N. D., Mrs. Carl Sliper, Carlyle, Mont., Ma's. Matt Dutka, ~el- field, N. D.. Mrs. Matt Ganser, Sentinel Butte. N. D. General: John Feldman; Nels Langdon; Mrs. Russell Zinsli; Mrs. Martin Con Short Bet~r--- We are happy ~to report that Kittelson; Jack Sleight; Ted Con Short's condition is much Tescher; Robert BrengleA Mrs. improved ove¢ a week ago, al- Nellie Bass; Jeanette Fasching; though he is still ~ patient at Mrs. Oswald the Johnstone Memorial hospital. Landmark Moved--- ' To Florida--- The old Amidon Hotel. a land- Mr. ::nd Mrs. Roy mark in this area for the..,past small daughter are _~0 years, was moved this week leave this week end or ante a foundation on west Vil- of n~xt week for a Florida. They have lard in Dickinson. The job was beautiful new trailer handled by the Dickinson House- trip, which is noving company, having ,a frozen food Jacobsen; Billy Eckes; Mrs. Raymond Popiel, Mrs. H,arold Barthel; Mrs. R. H. Runk; (Mrs. Harry Roberts. Illustration show~ the Hoeme 14-ft. Rod Weeder on a Graham-Hoeme Plow, using 2-ft. extenaion. Athlete Visits-- Freddie Roberts of Bismarck was a caller on Slim Clark at the Golden Valley Harvester ~.onapany this Saturday; he and ~. ~,roup of other athletes, bas- ketball [)layers. were cnroute omc from a game in Miles :itv Mont. They are students ,.: lhc Bi~'narck junior college. "~naqers Meeting-- ~,~) Taylor of t'.~_o I~e:~ch tele- ~onc exchanze, left Tuesday von-ng for Dickinson. \vhere he ,: an overnight guest at the ome of his mother and father- n-law. Mr. and Mrs. Booke. at- ending a telephona managers' -necting there Wednesday and Fhursday. His wife and baby '-laughter were guests at her par- :mt.~; home since the first of the week. Sure To Place Your Order As Soon As Possible They May Be Hard To Get Manufactured By PRATT MAN!L;ACTURING COM! P. O. BOx 834, Phone 1126 702 South Main S:reet. See Your Loc~D DeMer Today W. L. HAMM 0 ND Beach, North Dakota Theatre BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA FrL - SaL Saturday Matinee "Operation Haylift" BILL WILLIAMS, ANN RUTT"I- ER~FORD, TOM BROWN. FINE 10- : GRANULATED |LAI|~.~, 1.09 Drama sweeps the skies in tl$is action film---the story of the U. S. Ak" Force flying in hay a]~d grain dtlring the blizzard tla t swept the Great Plains two years ago. Shorts -- News Sun. - Mon. - Tuu. Sunday Matinee ,'Johnny Holiday" Wm. BENDIX, OAGY CAR- MICHAEL. A "good" film for the whole family. With a setting of the In. diana Boys School .this is a well- made, semi.documentary style drama about man's progress in dealing with the problem of juvenile delinquency. Short --- News Wed. - Thurs. '"Return of Jesse James" JOHN IRELAND, ANN DVO- KAK. The re.issue of this history- making adventure. Short~ -- This Is America Continuing through the winter montll% there will be Just one show e~tch night except Saturday and Sunday. Monday through l~lday--1 show--at 8 p. m. Faldstrom Phone 5F-310 Beach, and Suaday~-Mati. aee- event sh 7. O and Dak. Maid O dent 4.15 HARVEST/) | ~1 -tl. QUEEN .LOAVES 37c SEA PItE~E CHUNK ~TYLE RED OWL PEACH OII APRICOT SUNSHINE'S I.LB. 30t~ CRACKERS |OX '" 84¢ QUEEN BAG % STOKELY'S CREAM STYLE 17-OZ. CANS STOKELY'S HONEY POD VAN CAMP'S VAN CAMP'S OVEN BAKED VAN CAMP'S KIDNEY VAN CAMP'S Washington Finest -- Medium Sizes ( Winesap Apples, 3 pounds 29c Crisp California Iceberg -- Lm~e 48 Size Head Lettuce, 2 heads For Delicious Juice Florida Oranges, dozen FancY Cello Carrots, bag ........