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February 22, 1951 Golden Valley News | |
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February 22, 1951 |
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I ~.~.£J'~_d a,~ ~'~ [Pauline Zem pel. M. Y F. Worship Refre~Phments, I Wed., 7:45 p.m. from Spearfish spent the week Hemming Slcen and Mrs. Auer morning and Rev. Knowles from
~:~! : _,,, , .,,~h 111:45 uflde~r leadership by Miss Wed., 7 p. m., Choir, 8 p. m., I Mid-Week Lenten Services Bern.ard and Francis Madler neth Rust,ad h,ome Sunday. place at the pulpit Sunday
~; : ~,,~-~q~w, ~--- 2~ [ Hear the "Voice of Prophecy'0 ~nd Rec'reation ' 1 ~ ] end in Ollie and Baker with I toolt Rev. Auer to the Miles Wibaux brought a message Sun-
~ i ~ ~ ~ I every Sunday over KGCX at 8:3 Friday 8 a m to 10 p ~n., the IST. JOHN S CATHOLIC f, riends and relatives. ] t'ffv hosnit-,! ~,ridav night Rev day ewening.
~" CHURCH a.~t~m-~,,t ,,,.~. " church will be open for anyone { _. /_ oCHURC.H . --. I~ In honor of Cohns birthday [Fo;ter a"m'issi'~nary-'took his News~sults
SEVEWrH DAY ADVENTIST E ~RCH WhOprayerWill stop in for a p~-iod, of{i Hr. ~ev. ~asgr.PasiorJOna j. ~m~, eron~UnuaY'hadiVir'asanadinnermrS'guests,tV°ss ~am-Mr. ] ~----~1 .........., [-:.. ......... ....... =~. ~ .
This week is Week Of Dedica- ] Every Sunday and Mrs. Buck Shepherd and ]lit |
N, J. Johnson, Pcmtor J Robert Boggs, Jr., Pastortion It is to be observed by { Early Mass 8:30 a.m. [ children, Mr. and Mrs. Terry {m - ~ l- ¢-~ ~ ~ ~ 1[ ][- 1[- ~ -[~ ~-~ i
Wednesday evening 7 p. m., ;I~AUX: . ... pra~,er, fasting, and self-exami- [ High Mass 10~0 a.m. [ Cameron; Mr. and Mcs. Victor ~| | | | ~ | | | | . | , ~. !~ '~ |
~i-i Master Comrade Class I Morning Worship v:~5 a.m. --~atien The observance closes { Lenten Service Wed. andFri- [ l~erg and children. ' ~ 1] 1 k.) ~.A J I 1A ~ ~ L~. k.)'
I . Wednesday evening Prayerl ._.Sund-a:y: School 10:45 a.m. next Sunday with'an offering for/day evenings at 8 p. m., Rosary{ iMr. and Mrs. Dulane Wang/~
needy emergency projects aroundl Lenten Sermon and benediction[ spent Saturday evening at the[[I . . . . _ !!
~eeting at 7"30 I~" ~'~" • p" m. ~ -- -- ~AAA~A.~~ .~~ - _..
Thursda D'r" ^~: ........I Evening worship ~ p m ihe world, the first of which is Wednesday eve, and Stations Of lPat Plummer home. Ill Yes, we have D sc Tillers, sizes4 and i[
ne / at 2 n rn t,~ ~ ,~ ,~ ~ ~,,~,~i*~ / Thurs., ~:30 p. m., Bible S u y assistance of our Korean breth- The Cross, and benediction, Fri- I M.any people of this commu- HI ' I!
ill , A~nex B-u'il'd~ing .................. !and Prayer. 8:15 p. m., Choir. ren. The first $100,000. of the day eves. I nity, both children anti adults, lU tWO thirds ft. to 20 ft. in stock. Grain|
ka ! Frid.ay evening 7 p. m., Mas-I BEACIi: ,~.~icring goes there. -- I have been having bad sieges of|U " ' n
ter Comrade Class meets at lSunday SChc~ol 10 a.m. rite COrl~nt.~2,110~,~; I the flu this week. |~ n,,mo ,,,, ,,,,,~ ...;v;,,,, vo,,r order I
~chool. I Morning Worship 11:15 a.m. , ....... ,:. ................ , ~ / Tuesda- after school the IU • 1.~llll~ (Abl~k* IIYI¥~II~.III~-~O ~vl ~ ~-L ~.~
Sabbath Schoo! 10:30 a.m. I Tues., 8 p. m., Hour of Prayer ~'Bi'~E"T~"~EN~"CHU~C~~ .~ev"~H~¢i~"i~e~:'~;';asiorslchurch basement was the scene|a •
o.[ _ Young Peoples program at lat the Parsonage. Rev. E. I. 5ott. Pas~, ~eacl]'" " " /of a lively valentine party for/r~ in now, [[
.................. Preaching Service 10:15 a.m. 9'45" a m church school] the eight grades of the Ollie/]I ~
" " "' school and also the Preston o
Sunday School 11:15 a. m., meets. Classes for all ages. 1 ........... |11 -*her machinery you mav need now
MONTH-END._ Time of Pra"er 7:@0 " m ....... W r hi ,SChOOl. l~ev. ano ~virs. ~ue ............... ,,., -.- ,,
PEN-NEY'S ~,oac~ SYervice 7:~0 p. m. sp~ia~ :rgamn' a~an~rn~:raT~sP'./i~:harg~ :~ttehti::syes and ex-]W ,,n,., financed. |
Youth Fellowship Wed., 7:00 Lenten sermon by the psator. ~ • ' ge o *~ • [~ ~,H o n
• ~ m*. 4.30 n m the PiF, rim Fel-I Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Bryson|| •
"'The ~Rev. R. R. Strutz, C. S., low'ship" Len'ten Services and from Glendive visited at the Per. ~[ l~
will be here for Quarterly Con- ~upper, cy Bryson home over the week-IM -- -----'~ .............. !]
ference Wed. 21st, 7:30rsP. m. Monday evening is the inter-Iena. ' ~[ 11
P.rayer Meeting Thu., 7:30 Bible Study class on the | Little Ricky Bowen spent see. ~1 ][~h][/d'~r]Dh T~A][~]~fi ]-~, ~'h|l][][]b ~'~d['~ ~
at the Roy Snow home. Old Testament, in cooperation ]eral days at the Arnold Beach tl] ][~ff~.J~l/~ ][~/~h~ ]~L.J|]['** ~[..~]~o
w. s. w. s. Thurs., March 1st, with the E. U. B and the Meth- t home. Mr and Mrs. Bud Bowen I~ n
1:30 p. m., at Roy Snow home odist churches Meeting in our and children were Sunday !m -- = -- ---
with Mrs Snow and Mrs Anna basemernt 800 p. m., Rev. E. J. !guests there. " | Phone 25 Beach, N. D. |
C~-eeley entertaining. Cou se Butt di ect" g the study. Every- ', M,r and Mrs George Rustad lU ~ '
121a, "A Brief Survey of the Old one welcome. ]were'supper guests at the Ken- "r '~ ... III ....
, Testament", at the Congregation-Church attendance certificate ~ --~ ~A~fA---A-A-A-A~"-£-~-~'--J" ~t,.'
al Church Monday, 26th, at 8:00 to those who have lOOVo a t " I~r.~.~.~.~.~.~.v.v~.,r~,~r'v'vwr'~'v'v~v~~~~,~
p.m. ~ ance during Lent, and to t osei~r q~
Nylons Nylons ..........
.,,who attend four or more s~rvi-/~ _ __- . . --- -- A 4"
I:VANGELICAL LU 1 v,,.tti'~l' ces I~ • ~ ~ .U m [] [] __ _[] ~ .....
rangy Replica heel, in deep I All Sizes,~ Assorted Dark • '2HURCII All Sun morning ch~roh!t I "~ga ~k~~e~l l lOQn () .
colors, All Sizes. I Colors, O L OLSRUD Pastor v e o d d f "
$1.25 ] $1.00 Sunday School 9_.'50 a: n~ermon 9:45 Sunday School meets. ~ " . _ _. ~
th :C lave or the reg- We have several good late model used ears, including
Lenten Services Wednesdays at . "
:30 p m. caW it.° ) Oldsmobiles and Pontmcs, none under 1948 models; ]))
• 9 * ~ . " construct our church destroyed . • •
Serv!ces at 9:3.0 fire as the weather permits. )) they are m excellent condltmn, and are prmed very ()
Boys' Shirts Men s Sh rts
~un(~ay School l.u:Ju a.m. • , -
...~.v.~, Pl,ans and finance arrangements~ • .. ---- --1 ~k
~olorful Pkdd Flannel Shirts. | Solid Colors in Cotton ~,¢~,,z.~,: .... have been received from our • lOW, see mere an(/ t)e convlnceu, 4[
2 to 6 ] Flannel. --\14½ Io 16]. ~erv~ces a~ z:6u p.m. Nat'l. office. • ~r
• 1.50 ? ()
$100o . ] $ . CHUIICHG HIN Z pas,~r m.Preaehing Service at 9:30 a. P. )) " S ip "N ~)
~lissouri' Syn::ruar 25 ~:d~YveSCha°Oletb~:r30°fa'a~li )) U S E D T R A C T 0 R )
B () ' " t , Services Sunday, F Y ' '" " " "" ' " -e" • - .... ~* •" •
i()'3 cations mr ~apt~sm an(~ mem~ ):'- • ' •
oys Corduroy Pants,12to16 bunuay;' O. :>cnool ....... z~:ov, ship, others wishing to join .thi" ) We have a number of good used Mmneapol,s- vLonne (';
" - ..... group may apply to the pastors. ~ , , 11 1" ' ] • "~ ] " "
= ) tractors, all overnaulefl, and ready to go, ()
ildrens Flannel Sleepers 2-6 $1.50 """ )) pmced to save you money. 1) :
Ullle l ews ) - ),
Pique' in Solid Pcustel
Shades -- 7 to 14.
Dresses Every now and then someone
tells us "why so and so from
Childrens Printed Summer somewhere visited us last week,
and there wasn't anything in the
Cottons. -- 3 to G paper about it''I
~] 00 Or perhaps ,we ~gl~bed a
~" :~ * wedding . . . a death . . . or a
club meeting.
,~'~rt~l Cotton Prinis. Printed mad Solid Colored Rcryons.
$4.@ All Sizes
Golden Valley
But we simply cannot keep up
with all of you, not without help
from you.
So when you have a news item
Phone 39
II I '~ltJ d
Sunday School I0 a. m. "
Evening Worship 7:30.
~Nednesday Adult Bible Study
Thursday Choir Practice 7:30.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rust*ad
and family stayed with the Hu-
bert Rustads at Livingston from
Friday to Monday.
Mrs, John Sliper is staying at
the Carl Sliper home while Mcs.
Carl Sliper is in the Beach hos-
pital recovering from an emer-]
gency appendicitis operation.
Large and Small Models.
Wibaux, Montana
Located 1 mile East of Wibaux, on Highway No. 10
Are you going to need a, new car or tractor
battery in the near uture? If your old one is
about worn out, now is a good time to make that
Change, and remember, Firestone makes one of
the best batteries on the market today, and they
can't be beat for price.
Where The Crowds Go Just
Phone 17'
Tu. our chef has a certain wonderful flair with Jood, that nmk~
ovOrT from on our, monu REALLY apociaL Enjoy our pula~~ dlshos
nf~t| . ,
Q 1~ m.., to