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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
February 22, 1951     Golden Valley News
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February 22, 1951
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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t PAGE SIX THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS, BEACH, N. D. , THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, . * retary, and ,Mrs. Kenneth Son- I makers club, may contact the have been boiled down to 90. I laneous lesson on ' Salads , hostess to the clu,b on,March 1. 7. A very informal meeting i II1;~1-, ~J,-,,,,• I nek, treasurer Mrs Jim Ruth- [ county agent s ofhce for further Twenty eight of these 90 vari- which included flints and sug- * * * * * I.l~eld because of the few memb~'~ | Yv luul | bun, ]~rs. Robert Ekre, Mrs. 1 information, cries have been underscored as I gestions for ptirchasing and .~OLDEN VALLEY: /present due to inclement Tenth~ [County Extension [Leonard Fahlstrom and Mrs. ] ***** especially de.sira?l.e., preparing vegetables was given Mrs. Roy Oeeh, See.. /er. The lesson on kmtting w~ • | . _ __, ~ I John Palmer a~re other members [4-H SUMMER CAMP by Mrs. Dolwig, follo\~ed by a "Bu--in- a Sewi ...... ,, ]concluded at this meeting `Mrs. Agent I I Mrs. Raisler and `Mrs. KruegerllN PROSPECT HAY CROP SILAGE, I demonstration for the prepara- and ';Hogw to Use ?ou;l~/nne= / Herman Schieffer will be'ho~- l~r R. M. ~ i were selected to attend the pro- [ A zreat deal of entl?usiasm in GOOD FEED ] tion of a tossed vegetable tuna M~ehlno htr~,-hm,~m~" , ..... t~ ! ess to the club on March 7. " jeer leaders training meeting the I~ossibility of attending a Beef cattle on the Nyle Doug-Isalad. Mrs. George Michels will "'ro~e[.t'~les"~ns"~"iven~ hv'~r.¢"~ I * * * * * ~~ERS INCREASE ........ I ............ i be hostess ~o the club on Ma,rch :~ ~ ° "" -~ ........HARMONY" ..._..._ ~on garaenmg ~o de neia In ! 4-H ClUb camp in me ttoosevelt Ins tarm, soutnwest o~ ~oiva in ~ " Hildebrant and Mrs ur.~" o ~ • MEMBE .............. " Zl~rd[R RSHIP Beach on February 28. t National Park this summer is Golden Valley County, eeally go[a" ra, Jr The lessons were ~ivenl Mrs" Romax~. P.ramman, 5~... Mill.Roland Raisler, Beach, ] Mrs. Leonard Fahlstmm will [ retm~rted bv several 4-H club for hay crop silage. Douglas [ * * * * * at tho" meetin= held n, ,2~h~,~, /~ieven memoers and two v~sP electedpresident of theI be hostess to the club on Ma¢ch] seer* etaries.- started feeding his range cattle[PLEASANT V&LL~i': 7 at~the home of "~,-:~-'~,~er I tars were present for the lesso.a l~ly organized homem, akers [15, at 8:00 p. m., at her home. [ Tentative arrangements have hay crop silage two weeks ago I Mrs" Rex Simmons. See. Raisler. The president "~l~rs. I°rnn :ewing, machines and a.tta~._~. ~i~. at her xarm home m the [ Homemakers membership now [ been made to have 4-H club and expects to empty his trench [ The annual party was held for Harold Feldhusen, gave a retmrt I. e ts glx en o v.~ pro~ect l ea~ T/a~len community, Feoruary 15. [ totals 235 in 18 elu,bs in Golden ] members from Golden Valley silo in about 60 days. The cattle[ members and their families on on County Achievement I~v [ ~virs. ~.ari ~cnmKz. at nee. norn..¢, O~l~er officers elected include, I Valley County Women interest-| County and Dunn County share are eating about 25 to 30 pounds[ Februar 1 with Mrs Hu~h The next meetine wR1 be henri[ on ~e~ruary 6. fne cma .wl~ ~. Walter Krueger, vice-presi. [ ed ila organizing a club or be-| the camp during the same peri- of hay crop silage each d.ay per[ Ross, asYostess. A eompi'ete din- on March 7, with~`Mrs Ed Stull [ meet ~tlarcn a at me win. 5ticKa • ~nt Mrs Donald Hinman, sec. [eomin members of a home-~ od. In all probability, camp will head, with hay, straw and ~[ ner was served for those re- as hostess Iframe" , • g . P • .... := .. | be held during late June or early pound of protein supplement.| sent. Following the brief busi- * * * * * [ A~_nd P,rmr,~ n " ' i~/July, under supervmlon ~ N.D. The hay crop salage consmtsI ness meeting the program cam-COZY CORNER: [ Mr. and Mrs Frank Stocke of ~,..L_ H[| Extension ~e~vice ~amp uounse, at wila oats ann wneat wnicn a ............................... mittee roar charge and a few Mrs, Thomas Lynch, S~¢, ; B,~r, ,v,~ ~,. ~'ma~ ,~o~ .,,,,~ ~ [H| lors. was cut on July 28, with I games of whist were enjoyed. Mrs. Harold Abraham was/ for the funeral of a friend, L. ~-~ Ill ~,ml ' ill| Golden Valley County boys swather and immediately chop- i Mrs. Earnest Zielsdorf will be hostess to the club on February ~ Kuvkendall i fa~r~/~. ~¢:~ ~ IH|planning to attend should be ped with a field chopper and ................................ ~ ...."'" i ~~ ~ Ill| prepared to establish claim to placed in a trench silo. A small ~ ~ ~)"~J/~l~ * H[~ the softball championship. Word amount of oats and barley was ~ 11 ~oW - =' lU ~ i ~J~L~Jl~i~ Ill/has been received from Dunn added at the time of filling. No] ~. M~P~[j'II f~-~=ffmq= ---'~)~ In i Ill|county that they also are pre- Tatar was added until the silo P .., ~rJrJ i111~$v- il I--v.,,,,, I IR! 'lli IllIparing to take the champion-was almost filled, i D_i • D~ ~ I ~"- ~,. m ~--~' ¼":~ ]|l L- ) ~ If...'~l~, Illlship trophy home with them. Douglas says there is less! ~ ~ qP~J IH,rj~111~ ~rli j~ ~~ '! ~ * * * * * spoilage in hay crop. silage than. ] -- ~ ~ll| I~r I .L';7'.. i SOIL DISTRICT REPORT5 last year's corn silage stored m! ¢~ -~- ~ ' EVERGREEN ORTAGE tho same trench silo i TJ * ~:'~~ --~'~k~.._ ~ m[ At the last regular meeting .ofMineral and salt are kept be-! ~, ~ ~=~ ~! • ~[~l "~ ~ I]~J~[ | ~G~-J;o-q7= t [~i ' i:%i! the Board of Supervisors for the fore the cattle at all hines. ~1~ I -- p_~l~ I ! • Ill olden Valley County Soil Con-. , KI [~ .~i~~'~'~!i~ : ~ _ IIl/seevation District, arrangements T_ ......... ~ t -~l ~~ - _....~'-- . ~]]~-- " ! [U ~~ /~-~ -_ - - J[[iwere made to secure 2000 Cola- (.~ L [.J']:~ -[~ O T ~ " ~ ~ " ' N|] Ill | "~~ Ill~ rado blue spruce from Oscar H I l . H! [,-._,_~ Ill | -"- , - Jill Will & Co at a cost of nineteen TOWN & COUNTRY: It's Carter EXTRA Gasoline for the ]Jl~i ! .arl r i J I| ~~~~" [JJJcents each for shelterbelt plan~- Mrs. Donald Hardy, See. QUICK ~TARTS, FAST WARM-UPS and /~i k J Ill --- Ill[ ings. ,Mrs. Russell Noyes was host-i ,ACTION'PACKED POWER that,, help you enjoy v l i| IN ~ ~1""'~} ~ ~~!i" IIII Additional trees will be se- ,ess to the club on January 31. 'HAPPY WINTER MOTORING. ~il]l -[IT~a.. ........-- ,111 fill cured from nurseries at Man- The major project lesson on i Qgiei, ,.~ [ |~'~-" "i I ~i~~ I' [[[[dan, Bottineau and dukes, how- "Sewing Machine Attachments" [ Tt,:= ~rurter.. # Ill ~ ~ "-"-" "'~ ~'.%'w~ Ill[ ever, supplies are extremely orb was Dresented by Mrs. Lee Rice. I -"-I $ Ctl?#eel # [ ii [U r~ / Ilil rival. Each member made an original I ~._ .,,; -'" m III IlllleV J a{1 ' IIit Conservation authorities state valentine as answer to roll call. "- -- k I Ill IR ' IIIJthat proper transportation and The next meeting will be March --------~,~ " [ ............ ' I IlL ..... HI[storage before planting are two 1 at the home of Mrs. It. M. Mil- --~1 IIIlilJl 7 • -~'" important factors in survival of ler ::::!i!~:~::::::::i~:::::~::i::i~::~:::: ~ l~l B~ :::~i:~::%k~, :::: ~: : : . | Why can t we eat here more oiten, trees afro: --lantin" In the case " ***** P ~ F~: ............ | Ill]of evergreens this IS important KOPPER KETTLE KLUB: ii::i:: i ........... ~]i because they are not as dormant The club met on February 5, I ~ ~ :iiii!!:i: | Mother can feel RoaR, not ~aa, aDout lilt as hardwoods. Tree roots should with Mrs. Alfred Dolwig, as host- I ~:~ ~