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February 22, 1951 Golden Valley News | |
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February 22, 1951 |
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kY, FEBRUARY 22, 1951
FOR SALE---Building. 20 x 50 ! rSee the Hardy Motor Co's show
feet suitable for granary.! N I here Tues., Feb. 27, movies,
John Dobrowski, phone 2251, Trotters ews izes, lunch Read ad
Wibaux. 23-2tc where in this issue for details.
~R--RE-~-~2 ~--~ Visit Dmlghter--"'-'-"~. -"
kitchenette, furnished. Rube A fair sized crowd attended Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Busch vis.
Clark, phone 149-M. 21-3tpchurch services at Trottecs onited their daughte~r and son-in.
Sunday. If weather and roads law, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Wetseh
FOR SALE--Electric water pump are o. k. there Will be Sundayat Killdeer last week. .
• eWe c~ ~n WORD for your own water systgrn. School and church on ~¢Iarch 4,
l*l~tt IsstrE Reasonablj~ priced. Inqui~e~at at che usual hour. To Laurel---
~o ~ accepted ~ lm than ~c Noyes Ca.6in Camp. 23-2tc Weather and roads permitting The Hank Reiter family left
----,. zm made for "blind', a¢l~ FOR SAIMg--Home in Beach. 5 Webbs Willing Workers will Sund~y morning for ,Laurel,
meet at the church pa~lors onWIont., whece they plan to visit
• • rooms, gas, electricity, tele- Wednesday .afternoon on March his mother .and other relatives.
your order for Famous Bluephone. Godll well. $4450. Own. 7. Pot-luck lunch will be served.
R~bboh Baby Chicks now at er must leave soon. Phone 205R
Dickinson Creamery. Mrs. P. or write Box 224, Beach. 22-3tp Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Moore and Victims Of Gas--.
Doris visited the Con Simonsen Mr. and Mrs. Alger Meek and
A. Thomas. 18-tfc
...... S~~rtifi~l-Mi¢ia family, near Sidney, on Saturday. Mrs. Jessie Schell and family of
the Hardy Motor Co's show wheat, certified ,Montcalm Bar- Doris Moore, Larry ~VIetcalf Wibaux are recovering satisfac.
here Tues., Feb. 27, movies, ley, Bill Melvin, Beach, phone and the Sperry g~ls spent the torily from an experience recent-
l~rizes, lunch. Read ad else-4-1,~. 18-tfeweek end at their parental ly; escaping fumes from the
Where in this issue for details homes. Larry returned to Beach gas line in the home were dis-
~- ' -"~R~--nnow-is-the time to lwith the Bert family on Sunday-. coveted by Peggy Schell after
R SALE---Brome grass seed, place orders to assure spring - all had retired. Doctor Noonan
cleaned and sacked. Max Lo- delivery. Bill Melvin, Beach, CHANGING SIGNS and the fire chief worked with a
gosz, Belfield. 22-2tpN.D., phone 4F-12. 18-tfcThe old sign for the Red Owl respirator for some time before
Stores, Inc., was removed lastMr. and Mrs. Meek come out of
SALE--3-bottom John FOR SALE--Coming two-year week from the front of the to-it.
Deere plow, on rubber. Tony old registered Hereford bull. eal store, in preparation for a
]~ta, Wibaux. 23-2tp Harold Mathison, Sentinel But- new one. to be installed by W. Church Redecorated--
Attend Funeral--- the occasion being the weddingGearey.
Mrs. Frank Huber, Mrs. Junior anniversacy of Mr. and Mrs. Sch- Mr. "and Mrs. A. Gustafson,
Sehulz and Laura Sticka, left reeling. Mr. and Mrs. LeT McManigal,
Sunday to .attend the funeral Of Fred Pickwell, agent for Steel Mr. and Mrs. Volney Schmeling
an aunt, Ma,ry Sticka, in Havre, Cock,are, served a demonstra- and family, Mrs. Edna Ham-
S/lent. tion and 6 o'clock dinner at the mend, Rienzi and Scott wc~.e ~ix
- = home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rising o'clock dinner guests ~t the home
Sunday evening. Those present of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ham-
were Mr. and ~Irs. John Schulte mend Wednesday. The occasion
Mr. and Mrs. ,Rudy Rising Mr: was Mrs. Edna Hammond's .and
and ~rs. John Susa, Mr. and Volney Schmelings birthday.
Mrs. Leo Kremers and families., Mrs. Bert Covert and Mr~
All enjoyed the fine cookware M~dison were visitors at the G.
and dinner. I Gearey home Wednesday.
an were dinner guests of The Golva Homemakers Club A nice new Plymouth car has
Mrs. Eva Weim'eis Sunday. held their meeting with ~Vlrs. Eva ] just been reported to have ar-
Roman Finneman left the past Weinreis of Beach on Feb. 8, ],rived at the home of Mr. and
week for surgical ~id at ,an but due 1o weather, news failed lMrs. Chas. Hayden. -
Eastern hospital Mrs. Finnemanto report. There was a 1,urge at. A report tells us that Mrs.
left Saturday to be with her tend,ance of neighbors and mere. John Tschida is a patient at
husband. Mi's, Sthromeyer is bers to vnjoy the fine dinnt)r, the St Vincent hospital in Bill-
earing for her grandc,hildren Mrs. John Schmeling was assist- ings ~nd friends are all hoping
during thei,r absence, ing i~ostess. Mrs. Anion Schillo for ~'~er speetiy recovery and re-
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Rising ,and gave the lesson on St, wing Ma. turn ho~w~
family and Geraldine Rising chine attaehmgnts. Two new ~, ~ ¢'Mr J~)hn Schmelin-
were 6 ()'clock dinner visitors at ~ ~ • ~ ~r, ~ ~ I ~ s. ~ • g
}embers added their names to ....... ,.,,,~,~
the A. Scheffer home, and Mr. ,. . ann iamny were ~unuay m ......
and Mrs. Paul Wehrman enter, ro~t cal. The next meeting will guests o[ M~-" and Mrs Henry
rained Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Ris- be on M,arch 8, with Mrs. Geo.Strum of Beach.
ing at a birthady dinner Sunday ....................................................................................................................................................
at noon, it being Betty Rising's ...................................................................................................................
SALE--Assorted household te. 22-2tpJ. Power. The new sign f~r the The Beach Congregational bicthday; Saturday was Mrs. Ris-
Red Owl Agency is here at pre-church was redecorated last ing's birthday. ' •
gOOds. See Lois O'Connor at F0R RENT--Modem dow~t~airs sent and will be put up soon. week, the work being done by aSee the Hardy Motor Cos show A I R S
group of volunteers from the here Tues., Feb. 27, movies,
,,.~.d_ garage. 23-Itp; apartment. Uetz Apts. 22-2tc To Seattle-- church. The old organ, sold to p~rizes, lunch. Read ad else.
Mrs. Arlene Barrow and sister, [
| i~Imlml ~ ~ Mrs. Hazel Redmond left last t St. Plus Roman Catholic church where in this issue for details.
in Dickinson, was replaced with Mrs. Edna Hammond, Rienzi
I Frid,ay via the Northern Pacific,, Now is the time to think about get-
,RII~ ~ ~ )U f°r Seattle' Wn" where they are ] the °ne recently purchased bY and Sc°tt were dinner guests |
2v~rs. T. E. Hudson. A large 4~ at the A. Scheffer home Satur. |~
guests at the home of their bro- I by 10 foot picture of Christ in d,ay evening. -- ting that tractor overhauled, while you
~ 'ther, Chas. Cooper, and family. [Gethsemane was hung in the The Boys Beef and Grain Club ii ha e the time, and we still have the re-
51R ] RI( JS They will als° visit s°me °f the J eh°ir l°ft as a mem°rial t° met Thursday eveningat the
wh°lesale ma~rkets °n the west ] Faith Nichols Menke, 1902-44, Dudley Fulton home. County li y
CAN OR CASE! e°ast' where they will buy mer" land a lectern given bY Mr" and Agent Miller °f Beach and all
chandise for their Hazelone shop / pairs.
in this city. Mrs. Knaur is again /theMrS'pulpitJ°hnsection.H°llstein placedin members and six visitors were !|
~n cAarge of the shop. present. Bobby Kremers, Ralph
Notes Birthdcq,--- lerRising'we~eJimmieelectedand delegatesD°nnie Nist-to Don't wait for the rush!
i Mrs. Daisy Rice was hostess to attend the judging contest which ' |-
i|i ,,
Ernie Culp of Dickinson, for- eight friends at her home last is held at Fargo. Other work in- [|i -"
ofmerthedrive¢culp truckand noWlines,CO-ownerw,as Wednesday on her birthday, eluded judging and instruction
]I| in iwhere she served luncheon at l on different type of seeds. A fine '_~~" o
Beach this Tuesday calling °n [ P m" They spent the aftern°°n lunch was enj°yed and a pleas" ~ii~ ] ~.tQUI CO
~everal business ,acquaintanceS lplaying Chinese checkers and ant evening spent. KOT g F %R ~l
, lr~ town." ]cards. The guest of honor was Mr. and Mrs. Volney Schmel. "
100 "~7 c~Y~ Moves Her~- ,presented with many nice re-ing, Mr. and Mrs. Geonard ~=~
Ralph Kirkpatrick and family I membrances" i! Phone 25 Beach, N. D.
' Strietz, and Rienzi enjoyed a fine
__ _ __ have moved into the Earnie •
-- ~chmit apartments in Beach; [Attends Council Meeting--- steak dinner at the Shamrock
Inn at Wibaux Friday evening, ~.~~~----,~2,V::,~=,..:~-2,,~:~,~,,...,,I.:~,,,V,~:,,,.~.£T,,:,~,.T~
MEDAL -- IN LOTS OF 500 LBS. OR MORE they formerly operated a filling Rev. H. E. Lacy was in Fargo - - -
t$~ ~IfL~|~S, "~t)~{~9~7~ station and cabins in Pray, last week attending theState "
Mont. meeting of the Inter-church
FFA BOYS TO GIVE Council composed of 29 "Protest-
U. S, NO. 1
38 lb. box $2.98
• -- Uo S. NO. 1
extra fancy, 40 lb. box
colorquiCk,-lb, 41c
or Pet, 48 tall cans
no. 2% can, 4 for
Case 24 Cans
Case 24 cans $3.39
eas, no. 303 can, 2 for
This coming Saturday, Feb.
24th the local chapter of FFA
boys will present a radio l~ro-
gram over station KDIX at Dick-
The following members will
be taking part in ~he presenta.
tion; Ed Crook, Bob Abernethy,
Earl Peterson, Darrel Ueekert,
Bob Scha11, and their supervisor
Dick Schroeder.
During the broadcast they will
briefly tell the duties of the of-
fiers of the chapter and ,also give
an account of the activities of
the members.
FOR RENT--wm.m sleeping room
with bath, men only; daily
papecs and magazines furnish-
ed. Mrs. Daisy Rice. 23-1tp
room furnished apt. See
Sehmit's apts.Phone 169-J,
Beach. 18-tfc
man with car wanted to call
on farmers in Golden Valley
County. Wonderful opportuni-
ty. $15 to $20 in a day. No ex-
oerienee or capital required.
Permanent. Write today. M0-
Freeport, Ill. 22-2tp
ant denominations. The meeting
was held in the First Methodist
church. The Presbyteri, an minis-
ter in Bismarck was chairman.
Minnesota's Gov. Youngdahl de-
livered the banquet address, in-
broduced by Gov. ,Brunsdale of
N. D. Rev. Lacy is connected
with the promotion of the min-
isterial activities on this Coun-
cil. The Council voted to main-
tain its membership in the
World Council of Churches; the
International Council ~T Reli-
gious Education of 40'den0rni.
nations, ,and the Nati0na,! qdun-
cil of Churchet~.
m ~ m
it's anything in the line of print-
ing, we can take care of your
needs--- we ~peeialtze in
" Business Stationery
Wedding Announceme~l~
• Sales and Auction Bills
Checks with name and num
We carry in stock Sales Books.
Guest Checks. Typewriter Rib-
FOR RENT---Modern 4 room bons. Adding Machine Pcrpe~.
no. 303 can, 2 for 29c ,~partment. downtown location, Stamp Pads.
see or call W. L. Eekes, Phone
Cream Style, Case 24 Cans $3 39 9-ttc G ld V 11
" FOR SALE--One used oil hr~od. 0 en a ey
er. 400 chick size, 2 years old.
Reasonable, Orville K. ~Ioe, News
5 lb. pail Sentinel Butte. 23-2tp
85C FOR REIWT---Sixroo-m-ho~tse-~m.Phone 39
-- -- -- eluding bath. SeeMrs. Paul
ARBRANDS ' Thomas, Beach. 23-1tc , ,, ,,', ,-: ~;
• ett{ s, carton $1o98
eni g, 3 lb. can $1.05
xrles, no. 10 ean $1.19
Case 6 Cans $6.85 i!i .---= i:
Juice, 3 for $1.00
Case 12 Cans $3.89 ......................... :,:
,.es pair . $4.65
some 40' y
2 jars 19c
, 46 oz. can 29c
2 £a115
CAKE FLOUR, 44 oz. pkg.
HI-LEX, gallon
2 pkgs. .... 23c
i MERICAN 6 tins 4%
• 40 lb. Box $3.75
0 O_ S, 2 lbs. ..... 15c
sQ Esl 25C