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Johnson Motor Co.
Given Award
The Johnson Motor Co., at
~ach, N. D., was recently pre-
I~nted with the Ford Motor Com-
~tny~s~"Four Letter Award" for
1~ outstanding business record
during the past year.
Mr. R. W. Johnson, president of
JrOhnson Motor Co., received the
Beach GradersTo
Play In Tourney
The Beach grade basketball
team and their coach Johnny
Pilot will be one of the teams
participating in the toucnament
which will be .held at ,Belfield
Saturday. Beach will meet St.
Mary's of New ~England in the
opening game at 1:30 p. m., and
should they defeat St. M~ry's
they will play the winner of the
Belfield and New England game.
4tw~ard from Mr. Leo Peterson, The consolation game will be
I~ne sales mgr., Ford Fargo dis- called at 7:30 p. m,, and the
tl'tCt sales office, at ~an informal championship game ~at 8:30.
meeting at the local dealers. The graders gave Sacred Heart
The entire staff of the Johnson a mauling here last Friday night
Motor Co. attended. 41 to 18, in a one-sided game.
'Mr. Johnson explained that Beach missed one shot from the
the "Four 'Letter Award" got its field during the first quarter and
ltame from initials which his allowed Saored Heart a lone
¢6mpany believes represent most
important qualifications for suc-
cessful operation in the automo-
bile business.
'~rhey are 'F' for sound fin-
ances; ~M' for efficient manage-
ment; 'S' fox competitive spirit,
al~d 'F' for modern facilities," he
Only top-ranking Ford dealers
are con_sidered for this award,
the fact Chat the Johnson Motor
Co., has earned it places them
among the best in the nation.
'~he 'Ford Division of Ford
Motor Company is particularly
l~roud of the representation the
Johnson Motor Co. has given us
for the past 23 years, and we
pleased with the type of ser.
free throw to end the quarter
14 to 1.
The Graders played an out-
standing passing game and their
team work was especially good.
In the preliminary game the
4th graders defeated the 3rd
graders 15 to 18 and from ere-
planned to return by the week
vice they render to the public,"
Mr. Peterson declared.
We would like to take this
method of expressing our deep-
est thanks to the many kind
friends who comforted us in the
dark hours of our loss. We .also
wish to extend our thanks to
the ladies of the chucch for their
work in the two dinners served.
The ~Hardy families
The George Muggli family
Rec~onstruction of the Occident
elevator in Wibaux. which was
destroyed by fire recently, is
coming ~long nicely, with work
on the foundation nearly com-
plete. Wooden forms for the ce-
ment footing were still in place
Sunday, but crews are ready to
continue with the work, since a
The Charles Marman family good stock of new lumber is el-
Frank and Ed Mailey ready on hand for the building.
The elevator will be erected at
DICKINSON STORE the same site as the old one.
Recent changes at the Dick- Dickinson Visitor---
inson store in Beach include the Mrs. Charles Purvis was a rib-
shifting of the ladies' ready-to- itor in Dickinson l.ast week.
wear department to the front of On F~rgo Txip---
the store, vchc~re additional racks Mr. and Mrs. Ted Thorson plan
have been installed to hold in-to return Sunday from a trip to
creased stocks. Fargo, where they have relatives.
Manager Ted Dickinson says and will transact business; they
that .he also plans to have a new will leave today.
floor put in that department,
and expects the work to be fin- Enters Training--
ished within the next 10 days. A A farewell party was held at
special pre-Easter opening may Dr. C. A. Bush's guest cottage
be held, if the w~ather is nice, last Saturday evening, in honor
of Ellen Strobel, who was lear.
Mr. Dickinson says.
and freezers before February 20, Mrs. Popiel is the forme¢ Lois
or they will be liable to a fine. Erickson.
Read thd ads in the News and Back From Calii.---
save money. George Smith returned Tues-
"~.~.__~,_~. ~_~.-- .L --_ --~. day night from Los Angeles,
Calif. He had delivered a load
In spite of advancing prices we are having a
spring motor oil sale. Take advantage of this special
sale, and place your order with us NOW for your full
seasons requirements.
of hard sDring wheat to New-
bury Park academy at Thousand
Oaks, Calif.. and repoxts that an
order of 600 bushels of wheat a
month may be forthcoming. On
his return trip he brought
1500-pound load of walnuts for
sale looally.
Visit In Oakes--
Mrs., Charles Finkle and dau-
ghters Wanda and Marilyn left
last Sunday fox Oakes, N. D.,
where they are visiting the Ken-
Larsons. They will return to
Beach briefly Thursday, before
moving to Spokane, Wn., to join
Mr. Finkle. who has been em-
ployed there for some time.
4--Quality Premium Oils to choose from an oil
Southwestern N~)rth Dakota
ranchers report a mild weather
Southwestern North Dakota
had a snow cover of from two
to six inches as of Febru.ary 1, as
reported by the office of the agri-
cultural statistician in Fargo.
Heavy snow cover, from
16 inches in depth was reported
over most of the state, prevent.
ing practically all grazing.
In ~he southwest aree the snow
came late in January and little
feeding ,had to be done up to
that time. In other areas, how-
ever, feeding has been going on
for a longer period. Feed sup-
plies are considered adequate for
the remainder of the winter if
weather does not become too
Livestock are in good condi-
tion. The absence of severe
storms to date has been a strong
factor in maintaining condition
although the severe cold wea-
ther the last part of January
caused some sl~rinkage.
The demand for stocker cattle
and sheep is still strong.
Beach Boy Scouts met Mon-
day night at the Scout cabin,
for a ,regular meeting conducted
by Roy Tabor. Scout patrol
meetings will be held there next
Monday night.
Shopping among the news ads*'
is sure to save money.
Tribute That Lasts For Ages
You need not over-
burden yourself to
get a Fine Monu-
ment for The Dear
Kollmann Monu-
ments are carved
with Artistry, and
our Materials are
"MARK EVERY GRAV " Free from all Flaws.
If you are interested in a monument or marker, fill in the
following and we will b¢ pleased to send you a guide book
free of charge.
NAME .............................
CIT~' ...........................
Kollmann Monumental
St. Cloud, Minn.
News Classifibd Ads Bring Quick Results!
to handle any lubrication problem. Cerex Heavy phenomenon February. 12 ,and 13
when a minor flood appeared f -~-~"
Duty Co-op 100 Plus --A. P. L. Diesel Oil -- Penn along the banks of the Little ,,,,,o,/(
Missouri river.
Reporting to H.arlan Erskine, • . , ,~" ~.
Union 100%. Buy thru your local Co-op and save. Bismarck, district engineer fox i "~ .....~,,"
the U. S. Geol~gical survey, they :
told of an e~ht foot crest of '*
We also carry a full line of Quality Greases, Tires v~ater moving down through the ',''
Badlands stream. The surplus ~,
and Batteries.
Beach, N. Dak.
Phone 148
water .apparently originated in
eastern Montana's ~eaver creek.
Exskine is of the firm belief
that there is no particular dan-
ger of extensive $1oodings of
the Little Missouri river during
Stream flow conditions on the
upper Missouri have remained FIRST HATCH MARCH 15
above the normal during the
season, federal agencies report, .-.- ..~,---'~trai~'ht Run Chicks As Hatched Per Hundred
with an average snow cover over
most of the area. Reserv~i~rs on
the Yellowst