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February 22, 1951 Golden Valley News | |
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February 22, 1951 |
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:0 15 .E .0H 22, 1,51 NUDE..
Mrs.0to " - - g ]S illw I .... " - ...........
, na, ]Vows In Seattle',
7 the
• v rgmm soyes, aaugnter
ty farm family lnstltute, ',held [ ~M~ ~,,a ~,~ D ....... a ~ ...... a
here under the auspices of the / Ben ~'-'" ~?-~-" -~-~'T?~ ~'-~Y* ~
, e On, oecame tile :DI-tU~ ~]~
Beach Coop. Gram Co. a~nd the | .............
~^~-~^-.-,-- -.--_ ! l~.eltrl l,lngLe son oI Mr a]~kq
OUUIU~2IIL I~ I t2Va'tO, k'~. ! C ~ "
• • Mrs E. Finkle, also of ~hlll
Toplcsto be dlseussed at the l .. " : ................k
gs today ,are ram
.... ~..,;~.o , ................ g ,-... [ eran church in ,Seattle, Wn. Re'/,
l¢ota.~.'wint'er'inTc;ttl"e i~nmn':: tqu~.'iOliver Everette, a former past~
mnt£ ,,,h,f'~ ~, .... £,'- t-..-f,='~ [ of the First Luthoran church in
• ' Beach, performed the double
hvestock and what the staff at] ....... ~.._
• ring ceremony at D p. m., ~u~.
the Dmkinson station hopes to[ .....
]o~rn / say, february li.
"~TU'" . ...... | The bride w,as attended by her'
awarded again today [ '*. ~"
...... = ' .. ~ net of Beach was the bride,
~esslons weonesaay aI[ernoon ! .r~....~,~ a÷+....a~..+
~ter~:Pllietr f~mtw:r~ern r~eee~nng. [ Sr~U'?~Cd ~r"~Mh"is~C~r:omO2y~a~.
strationson frozen foods and} p . - y .,,.u. rg ~ .~-
• . staa, who sang At l.~awnllq~r~
electrical eqmpment for the[ and "The Lord's Pra-er," accom
home. Farmers meeting atthe! n ..... Z - ~ ~"
pa m~ ~y ~ars. ~. w. lmmsm¢~
Beach Legion hall heard discus-] The bride chose a tailored
• 1951, and tne snowing, seneauiea , ~ .,,,~ u¢,u,,z~,- aria what s new/her corsage ~Irs bIiske woI~
t Nard;,, ]New Dial Bufldm n av At D Deserter Returned t| mn rat, d Farm Institute' I N.w ¢ rinbl .
.. _ I Almost Ready Now /_ _ J . ) To Spokane Base t .__. . Enters Final Day
J ~ on the Nocthwe, stern Bell Tele- | ~- ] arrested here recently by the ] 'J day of the Golden V~lley c~un- t ........ , __ __
'Mrs. Otto Nordin of Beach [ phone Company s new buildin.g | Early last Thursday morning ~ FBI on a. charge of desertion, ~ 'Before an altar banked with
s~ecumbed Friday, February 16, [ on the north side of the tracks | Lewis Odland, Jr., came to town [ was scneauiea to return m army [ baskets of tulips and carnations,
at 5 p. m., at the Johnstone Me- [ will be entirety eompmted, and| and reported that the spillway at[ comroi ~'uesaay. . . . [ Joan Orstad, daughter of Mr.
~.rial hospital in this city, after[ready for occupancy.. The large| Odland's d, am was being dam-] ..fig.~" J" ~ mooney .re[and M~s. Ol, af Orstad of Senti-
oelng in impaired health for ap-]structure, 42 ft. long ~y 22 ft.,,,in,| aged by the spring runoff. As[ ~leKmson ~.onaay mormng .Dy[ nel Butte, became the bride o£
proximately three years. She had ~ ~dth, will .house the new J'| soon as the word was /received| }ram, w~n ms oraers m ~rlng [ Wilbert Frank, son of /Mr. and farm meetin • caw at me .,v~ap~ ~ ~u.~,
oeen a patient at the Bismarck [ carrier system, .which will pro- [ here in Beach the State Water | coniey oac~ ~o the camp at ~po- | Mrs. J. G. Frank of Billings.
~ospital for several months be-] ¢ide more circuits on existing| Conservation,Baird and Commis-[, v~n. r .... [ The candlelight ceremony was
tore her death, and had surgery [ lines from Glendive, ,Mont., to| sioner Bud Morg,an of the] me d-yea-oia 'nas[ read by ,Rev. Emanuel Gackle ............................
about two e r Bmmarck Conhractor ~s Greet tat a e been magea m the Stark county of the Germ n n r ,
y a s ago but had " • " "[ S e G m & Fish Dept. were[ .... ~ a Cog egational
Consistently failed in healthMauer Construction Co., of Neb-|immediately contacted. Results|Ja!! ~ouowing removal r, rom the[church in Billings at 6 p. m.,
me last four months. Death was vaska. " | were that Enginee$ Don Nichols/3a~l n.ere, wnere ,ne was hera| February 10.,
c.aused by a complication of The new structure, of cement[arrived in Beach ~hat same eve-|after ~t was a~scovered he 'had[ The brides gown of white
• alseases. I blocks, is one of several being ning and visited the dam the[ farted to return ~rom a ~uriougn ] slipper satin was cut with a high
i ,,Funeral services were held in [erected by the ." telephone I next morning. [m M,ab. ] neckline, an off-shoulder net
~: ~entinel Butte this Tuesday, [company, others oemg mcatedI Mr Nichols reports that one | ~ t yoke edged with lace. A beaded
~'ebru~,ry 20, at the Trinity] at about forty mile intervals, t section of'the spillway aDron has |/I ]~¢,~ ]~[A~ I#- [ pearl hat held in place the
'LUtheran church, at 2 p. m.,[at Belfield, Richardton, and NeW lsunken in about a foot or more |'~t ]LP~5~hI| 1¥R~[5|| /~ ] court train, also edged in lace,
With Rev O L Olsrud con Salem, besides the one in [his - • • " ' ~ Pink tuli an te '
' i . . . duct- ] .. f whmh mdmates that water has [ ~ / ~ I 11 • 11/ ps d s phanohs
ag the last rites. Pallbearers ]c~w. '[ been washing out the fill be. ] | .r~lM~dg~gJ |,~I~|~:M~| were .arranged shower effect; a
• Were David Davidson, Frank [ The building is located north- I hind the concrete apron As I x.~ ~ vv ~..~ ~u~.¢~¢~aa~ta| three-strand pearl neckl.ace was
~l~son, John H augen, Fred [east of the Farmers Umon build: [water has been flowing over the [ ~ohnn ....... : ...... / a gift of the bridegroorff.
~aeKer, William ~ar¢lner, and, ing now under cons~ucuon, .ann n .... m ...... • .......... ~ ..... ~-~ ~ y n~n~on, ~ouert ,ann/ Mrs carl Fiscner served as ;i/:b~eOfs anfa~uiPmWe~rt ~cohOaOl, [suit in forest green and bla~
&l~lur Reinholz. Interment was [is the first structure north of and' no"doubt'~wi~l'~eontinue~to ~a~mond Severson and Lenus [ matron of hono¢, while Carl
~qmde in the Sentinel Butte cem-Ithe new tire nail Besiaes nous- ] flow for awhile there is li,ttle ]~et?:ne°~ ~eacn, wno Have oeen [ Fischer was best man. Mrs. Ed nlv ........... ^~l ~_P~ .....P'[ accessories yellow roses formin~
:~lTr [mg the carrmr, system, ~t wall I that can be done at this time. ]cSrowdedta~tkllhn~l great!y over- [ Frank as bridesm,aid wore a in insect control I ... ~'" . " .. .
|_ ~urviving her are ,her husband, [ also eonmm me xormeommg I Nothing serious will hap~n un- [ ..... ' u~r ro~ree ~a~e | gown of nile green taffeta, with ............ ] wrote ~eeesSones w~m a r~
~}tto, ~eaeh, one son by a pre. [ dial equipment, less the run-off become's-a lot ] m ~an Antomo, Texas, nave re- [ a net yolk, and a green net hel- 1)_ _ / rb ~1~ / | suit, and a corsage of white tll.
~vio • -- . cenuy oeen [rans~erred to the • -each ues neaav [ lips and hyacinths.
. us marrmge, Harry Olson, [ 1¢I¢ .~. ,i !-. , ~ ,~ [ heawer Ther may be such a ] ........ [ met-fa~hioned hat trimmed in
" 1 B tte al . e . ross crowaea tramm " center o~ " a in M Fi h ' J | Members of the wedding party
!, ~t~2n_ " e u cur , and a son [ Ha~l¢~ lit ll~u]d ' I a I thing that the water can now [ ............ g" ..... [ matching s t . : rs. sc er s ~1 ][~. T~f~lll~,It [ were entertained~at lunel~ at
:~ ~d daughter by her second [ ~,~o~., x~,~ ~,~ • ~ ~ v [ be directed so that it will not [ ~neppam ~leia, wmmm ra,ns, [ gown was of similar design in st ~ ~u,~o$o JtV~ ||~y [ Miske home Suhday afternom%
~ Vaarriage, Reubin Nordin, Senti-[ ~l IT ! ri~ flow over that portion of ~he [ ~e_xas". .... orchid marquisette; both carried [ going together from there to th0
, I The urines[tame conatuons at bo u t o white tuh s tied
~l~lr Butte rural, and Gladys,,. rtav nartem team Mr. ~ichols was of the[-LacKla-, n--a nave' recently'" oeen !" me'" ' .uqes f . " "p ' bC~ab~hsM~:rtYbeanddhrii?3b:~kt,~,~
l~ s. Guy L. ttonnold), Altkln, ] J [belief that maybe it would be l eause of official ...... w~th green ribbon.
• Ilnn • • mvesugauon An on " w s " re
esota, and mx grandchild- " n a good thin" if" more wash'rag • R me Frank a ring ben r,
!~n. One son, Fritz Olson, pre-I, T e.H.ay, em.Leff ,nnah s ar~[took nlace gso that the section[!,nvestigatlng .committee found while Donna Deines was flower t~oa;t2eek ~o;rd~r ?thbeDl~lIp:[Mrs" Walt Noyes, the brtfl@,
~,~n ............ . ~ ............................ -~ .- ,tna~ as manv as ~6~ ~rainees, ........... Basketb~" -- . s~.zc.~.[undle, and their son Bob, ~f2,
-- ' , lrl e r a In Lar
~r--~,~-u net m ueam, pas~mg ,~..+~..n ........ m .~.~,~ ,. ,wou/d fall in eomoletelv, and! ........ g ;ur~ oc~ w so~ p ~ - opens attDii~?nUrnn~men-~" t'nat]and Mrs. George Ramstad, ~J£,
~_... ~,,~ ,~=~,a,,,~,,,,~ "~,,, ,,,~ ",,, ~ -" ~were ]ammea Intome DasIc~-.*^ .....+t. u , ~+.~u~.~, +~.~.
..... y zn ,o~ • a ' r that m ch " tern, wit. a ,~a.~ m ........ ~ ...... The Be:~hnex:he~e3Ke" . [Mrs. Sarah Ramstad.
i: tOUrs. Nordin was born Dec. }peach onThrt~r~i~aY mght~ Ma(~h ]msik:r repmr wo k u [training center .that was design-[of the bridesmaid and matron afternoon " " v~.eanesaay t and Mrs. A. W. Ramstad awl
15- 1~ ~ ~m¢~ll~nr] ~woden I tst, mr m z ee ng s | • I ed to accommodate 27,500, mak- ^~ ,, ....
..... ' ................. ' r r "n f r F" " n" er i 1 ....... ~'"
? ~ad ............. I ~eaaon and befo e depa tz g o I~shermen and pzc ~ck s w 1 I ing an overflow of 41,231 men ' ......... tourna " s u e at the ] Mr and ;Mrs. Finkle are both
;: IS me zormer rimaa victoria ~ • '. " AZter a weaning trip tO Den-
"Alb ............... I~he east will play a three game ]be surprmed at the work that ] One of this cit~,'s latest to .......... drawi~me~etid 2~Dr:~go tothe |recent graduates of the Beach
uruna nmmerg ~ne came to . s vet, uom, ~ne coupm wm oe a~ . high school; she 'has been at-
~ ........ ;" ..... [ ~eries the first one here m Beach [ has taken place at the d,am/enlist in the armed forces is- . ., .... " g s n MOrt- •
: m~ unitect ~ta~es in 1~, maK- ' ' " n " florae i/I Ullllrtgs
~I. .......... ]and it ~s thought the second a d [sm('e early fall. Several places [ Aden Brunsvold, who was ~-ro ..... ~" ...... dgaYi2:t ~Sde~k~hPitSthc~inB::nS [tending ,Billings Business college
: ;-~_ ner nome in tvllnneapollS, [ ~,;~a ,,.m ~.~ h~n oo,~e , ~ac'" in ] -'o,~, +~.~ s'~ .... ,i,,~ ~v,~ ~.~., } .... ~' " The Dnae, a £~v graauale oi
M~ ................... , ..................... ~. ~ , ..... ~ ~ ...... '~ ..... = .......... ,cessea recently at Ft Lewis Wn ~. , ~.~ ,. ..~...~., ~**~,,,a~a ÷~ " .._ 2 - ~' .._ _ _ ]in Billings, Mont., for the past
.----.., ior the next rune yeat~ ...... - • , ., boxva .ig. S,-.w,, at~,,u,.u ..,. in the secona game weanesaayln,ne months
She - ...... f- ~l .....J ",!0n/ann, probably Billings. [ ')renared for tree plantings in / and was flown to Camn Cook,-~ ...........
. was weu to r~ ~= v ~vn~n ~ . ~ ~ : - . . ' v 2+atlonal ~cnoot ot ~umness a~ night, which will ,be called at | "--- -" .........
19~ ---~ ~- ......-~ ....... ~.. ~ Thus far thin ~eason boL']&e s~rmg while some of the/Calif, where he is in trainin- ............................... ! Azter a ~rzez weaazng ~rzp zo
-~, a,m ,,e p~u ,~,,, ..... n ~ ~ " ~,~apm ~ty, ~. u., ann me m,,- w~l?._l~avestW~er,:~fz~fl game [Tacoma, the couple returned to
.......... I earns have very hne records a d ~ norJ~ shore of the dam has been /with the tank, am"hibian and ..........
• on @gee. i5, i~i6, sne De- . , P ings t~usmess couege, l~unngs.
ca ....................... -~ not out to put on a per. [ ~xed for a beach The north road [ tractor corps He is the son of .............. l--~p 'y- " • y:' _ ew ~ng- [spend a week with Mr. and Mrs.
• u~ tile orltle ot ~.Jtto £~uiuut "~ • . ' " . • " iv~r/~ranKgraauatea ~rom me
a* ....... th t ormance but to add another wm / mtothe dam has been heawlY/Mr and Mrs Bar,~,~y n ..... v,,~a~.: ...... ~;~a~i[:°T~sse~Vemaeaw~.Ye:lnot~;|Miske before occupying their
~ ~ aunneapods, ivnnn., ann ey ~ -~ • ' ........ sMble ~ v .... s ...... ~ " . ........... ~inings senior mgn scnooi ann a ni-h~" ~ ...... [own apartment. ,Mrs. Finkte
~aa- ~'---'- "- ..... *"r ~'~r I " l.lloir string lI a~ all p~ ~ • ! ::o ereawim 'corra wnlen me log Beacn ........ ..--- - ......
uu mmr nuutc u. ,, ..... " " ,er • lvtomana state co,,ege, ou~emau. 7 00 ~l~tlg~.I~:''-Del~rg~calle~ _~I [ plans to secure employment as
n'- ~" ...... n 1I t~oth teamsboast some • y [ ~ounty road crew spent several~ Lawrence William, Jandt son ..........
s farm soum ot ~enue • ~ , Among [nose a~enmng me B:u~cs a-ain ;Ye ~hgen~i~neum''me |a s*tenographer, while her hus.
~,, ......... }mt-t-nding players and theft [ weeks completing last fall along [of J~r and Mrs Bill Jandt ~r ...........
tte mr tmry*two vents, u u ................ I ................... ! • • .. • J ", weaning ~rom tins eommumty will og into th s.rney [band will continue his work
~Y moved to Beach, where they[ ;ame~ome ozne'reme rlnes~'n ~ea~e,;~o~;r:;fpe x m [,.wtn ~me omerntSC~la wor~.e s /is. now a~ me Aberdeen Prov. were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kre. whichg should b e sem~:nnfl.m, [with the Boeing plant in Seat-'
~ided at the time of her death " . . . . The tree pm ing proj et and ling Ground, Aberdeen Mary- ~ers .,n John Tschida of Golva
Mrs. Nordin was a devo~J ':nemara court in.action. ]the planning of the other ira-|land, where he is .a member of and ~I~'rs."EvaCalvin and,Mr, anddeer or Hettinger.e agalns~ ~m. ltle| .
The g, ame is being sponsored
f~ .,~a .,,,.~*~ ..... h .... m~,~red [ ' ~ } provements were supervised by } the First Ordinance Tug Co. A. ~,r~ nlaf Orstad and Mvrna Or- According to the dope buckeI|~r~lj~
a~"~n~'~"~"fr"~e~'~d'~"an'~d"nei'~gh" [acre by the Be'ach Athletic As- [Ted Thorson arid Roy Tabor of [ After his training there "he will .~",.~" nil nf ~entinel But'te Beach should have little trouble |~IU b~I'IIVK~LUI|$
vs ~s'~: of" th,, ntoneers~of ! ~ciation who are holding an ad- [the local Soil Conservatmn Set- [receive an additional eight ...... ~ - " with Model Hi, a team they de- Jog Church Found
is ~'ommunity, who will tong vance .sale of ticketsto make[viee office. [weeks special schooling. ~-~.,,, r~ .... ]L][,~,r~, /eated several weeks ago by a | T "
erish her gracious friendship. [ su~r.e ~.aey .c~me ou~ on me [ ~ ~ Winning a promotion to cot- x" ~.~x x ~zt~ xa~.~ ~core of 62 to 33. The game ~with | Dismantling crews uesaay
scneaunng o~ tins game The pro ral 1
- • " [ ][J[~*¢]w ~Y[¢~fnw ~.~ [po • "s Dick Lewis, Beach, who Entered Tourney st. Mary s should be a compara- [l'ound the cornerstone of ~he old
'ceeds made b'" the local or~ani , ~t~uj ~.~....~.~.- .Jr. ' ........... ~-" "I tively easy one, and with a win |First Lutheran church in Beach;
.._ . . ~, . a~ , ~ s " - .... -- inns been sl:auonea in l, iranKzurt
irve{lal peaKs I zation will be turned over to I Show Here Feb. 27 [Germany, for about:two years', Dickinson, Belfield, Beach, and Lhe Bucs will be put into the |inside it and still well Dreserv-
• ther-Son Banauet Athletic field fund tol ...... , , _" ]his grandmother, Mrs. L A. Golva have entered teams in the semi-finals on Friday night at | ed were the history of the con.
_ ~..~el.~ cu~ d~wn the inde~.~tedne~st ~'~!,ere a=e rmuons" m .~:u op.e]Lewm announces. ~s two-year t4th d,stmct A mer,can Legmn 8:~5 p.m. |'~reg~i~r~ ~i~e constitution of the
The father son ban uet at the on the newly installed hghtsthat nave not oeen ~rwoivea m 1
- q | • [ ~ . ~term of enlistment was to haveT~ucnamem to be he d MaTch M1 Beach's games .are night~;:hV, rch and several newspapers,
st Lutheran church t~is past | If you have the evening open, ] a war for centur)es ~nd ,they are ~ been up in December but the 16 to 17 at the Beach ~high games unless a defeat in the ~ tic box held the items. The
lrsda, evenm was very well pack up the family and take in mainly countries } h~ 1 ~' ~n~a h, ~eh,m~ ~'vmn ~i m Tm t~ " o
y " g 'l . ". term has _en _en th_.. u~ s .....~,~.....a_.u ...... ~_aUv_ first two ,rounds forces them into ] box it~el[ fitted into a small
-~rtded, and those present en- ]this basketball game Thursday [ This fact is brougnt ou¢ "in one / authorities because o~ unsettled plans to invite ;i Montan.a teams ::f~ernoon games which moans ~ niche carved into a sandstone
ed the refireshing talk made |night of next week. It's one you'll ] ef two feature films in eolo~ to lwoHd conditions. On a two-dav n o~der to form an 8 team tour- d~a~ ~caeh fans will h)ave .an I ~o~'k in the foundation of the
'Leonard Orvedal of Bismarck. never be sorry you attended,be shown here "ruesaay feb. 27, [ leav~ reo~ndv h ....... ,i~.--:, 2am~..~ , ..... ~ ~ ~ ........ ~,~
[ [ ............... o ,.,. :,.~, ..................... p.~- opportunity to take in mo:~t c:t mi!d[ng. This stonc was the ob-
• o ' ! • o -- ~.. __ ff * -
interesting film about the [ f . I Miller, .at Munich, who is also~fl. The Indepe~Ment basketball h9 ~,::imes. ] 'c. o.I= an unfruilful search last
• , • • • to start at 1"30 p m, is sponsor- • • ', ,:
,utms of Norway "~as shown[~dd ~1" Enldemlc / . • .:: . • .. . . [a former ,resident of this com- ~rogram ha~ bb~ n ~o riddled by The: Fowm3n Eu]ld, ozs Frov~'d ] e :r before the n,,w Lutheran
~.vJ¢&A~lt ~ ~ la, , ! ,, .
ed b ~ara ~v~'o~or co, local
~oy Tabor. Those present [ ~ffi~ .~ --~ - [ . Y. . Y . " [munity, Miller is the son of Ed :he draft and cimstnients into to be easy victim~ last week enu I :r~.'(.:~ ,":~ completed.
eel t the dln wanln in uounr farm ~mplement dealer
unusually well a " - g Y [ ,, " .... [ Miller, who made his home here ~he armed i'orce~;, that is dig- .chUm the Bucs took a 55 to 29 hlc;udcd !n H~c ccv, tents were
, which included baked ham [ ..... a s'n il- ] Ent!tled Havens o.t l'eace, ] a number of years, ficult to find teams still active. .qctory, and this coming Satur- i ~n i;::xe of the Golden Valley "
I • Tne inziuenza c u l g a rn a the film is a tour of mose na- •
~ther favorite foods. [ ....... e ~r,alle "~-n [ ....... I Steve Slmght, Jr., and Lawr- The team that wins the 14th !ay night they ,will travel to Chronicle, fore,:unner of the .~
~e h d epmemm in ~ola n y ~ou - tions o~ ~urope ma~ nave not
rabers of the L. D. R., a [ ................. [ ....... t ence Feldmann, who were recent- district then plays a regional Killdeer which is a game the I News, dated July 4, 1907, a cwpy:~: =
~r~e ~f ,~okin~ and servin~ [~Y ~s on mewane here: accurst-/been trou~lea vy wars ann snows[1v nro ..... n ~+ ~'t Lew~s ~r- ~ .... ~:-.~;.. ~ ,.,, ~-~ bc\s have been waiting ~o play ~o: ~l'~e Lutheran tiera!d "
~usical prog~'am follcaved, [~t~gtt°thD:reC~Av:U~ehe~nc~sStsat;~[~ha~i:2n2c atetl~aCatsi°~e[are"no~enroute'to a new I~a2e: cgat~.,e ~i~l~ee~:~U~ulah' .are2~t; Th'e outcome of the Kilideer Evangelical Lutheran K~reade-
n Duane Davis, Loren Thomp- | ......... ri--e and t---- [ ..... Y _ [destination unknown at present dete,rmine a regional winner The ~,m~e will give local fans a pret- m:' a Norwogian i;tngu'age pap-
, and ootn me wPe ~ P m , ype people live viskea are sucn • • " " "
D~rrell Brunsvold, / .... ~--~ ~ -~'~ t" nor / . " _ _ , .... I Sleight was Just gzven a specml- regional winncr~ play in an 8 ty fair idea how~ we will stand I '~r. T?.o con,;titut~on was in tong,
ty Thompson making up a [~i~v~ ~ld~ ~nf~'amin'~ ~e [eounmes as. Anao~ao~ me Dor- tist,s rating, because of his team tourn~,ment at Jamestown "," the coming tournament, hand, as written by, S. C. Thorpe
aet e m nied b m y uc , ~; aer oI ~pazn ana ~-ance ~an
quart t, aeco pa Y [ .......... ',",+.-,',, *tact '~roduc [-- ~ ......... [pharmacy degree, which will be held the latter See you in Dickinson at the[who served as pastc, r at that
s. Victor Thomnson ~Irs 0 t ut, p~* ,~v,-~,~,~ t , v " ~warmo In normeas~ern ~ta~y, ~ ....... . - --- ,'- championship game Saturday time.
Olsr.~ .o;.ra~ni~d N;rriS ling weakness and muscular [ Vatioan City with its throngs of [. ~gt. Jimmy tiffs, ruben, son o~ pan ot March. /
~n~"~ ',",-~san~-a'solo Clif- [ aches, and is the rapidly spread- [ holy-year pilgrims, Switzerland [ ~r. ana mrs..l~.a~ ~mtuDen OI. The Beach Legionnaires during night. We hope, Several members of thc church
"was given by Carltme pauen~ g ,noted f