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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
February 21, 1935     Golden Valley News
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February 21, 1935
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~i~'i:~ --~'--t d"~A~k~ Trr~ D]L"~ ]['ltdr~T~T][~3 9-:-' n ~ ~- The t4flnI class is laboring with Lloyd Yates was a visitor at Vie Ed Ol,sen was a Caller at Billy [~lBVm~,~mm,~ I~#J-q ~~mm- 'Phe Home Economics I class isi Mr and Mrs Art Reinholz were Vic Klein and Lloyd YateS were :=~/|~1~ ~k ~m~t~'~j~t [ ~ wlHs~-~w very, very busy patching and darnil3gl Beach visitors on Thursday Sentinel Butte visitors Tuesday ~l ~, ~,~W~'~ I[ ~e~l~ and:°incgo~r:f =:a:°~sk the main ilyYMr:?dH?:r~ettaEd Sho:en? ::dd :::. visiL~t=r;:CLnt~iT:;eBuT:: Ce:::s~:;? WANTED--Bakery, Tea, Coffee or other route' Good proposition for right man in Beach Rawle'gh, Dept. NDB-12-L, Minneapolis. 7-4tp WIhL BUY DRESSED PORK. Secl e0zy Cafe. Beach. ltp' HOmer Smith of the Zook school was quite seriously hurt Tuesday uoGn While playing on the trapeze. HL~ ~ittens caused his hands to sIip and the fall injured his hack. Miss Hladick. the emmty nurse ~as a visitor at the Zook school on "I~esday. (]. Basil Magee left here Sunday for his home east of Bismarck. we are illformed. His small son accomp. shied him. Mr. aud Mrs. Clarence Overstad have returned IYom the recent hard- Ware convention in Minneapolis. John Kalkmau was in from the north country to spend Monday and "l'uesday. I Raymond and James Justesen. wh, have been visiting relatives here the l ,P~st few weeks, returned ~o their home at Litchhfield. N. Dak. on Tuesday morning. Checker players of the south Do you think thl~ idea is pract|e~H? Write Ray Grct~ in c:~re of thi~ new~paper country came to Beach Monday night , , ...... [ and attempted to take the local art- - . _ . . i~ts into camp, but were unsuccess- Dr. ttlemand, tIae eyes~ht spec!avI W. E. Robb of Medora wu a tiff we under~*^~d ist, may De conuslted ](or nnest optic-~Beaeh caller Monday. t Jack North-u- has been in Beach al service at reasonable prices at G)- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ma~mo~t aadj the past twoVo~ three days [den Valley Hotel Mar. 26-27-28 alI Ifamily were visitors in Glendlva onI A " ~ " s ! day F21--M21 ' Sunday. I . H. Beckley has accepted a po.-] ' " ition as field clerk with the submarg- A number of friends surprised Delo Julia Benson came home for a i~al land project Logan on his .birthday last Thursday visit last weekend. Roy Turtle and Ed Summers drove evening. Whist was played at two Dr. Tiztel] left Sunday for Iowa to Bismarck last Thursday to take in tables, guests being Mr. and Mrs I for an indefinite stay. a bOXing match there, i Mark Freese, H. W. Blair, Mr. and Charlie Purvis left by train Saturo,Mrs. Ole Thorson, and Mrs. Anna" Mrs and Mrs. George Rice are the proud parents of a baby boy, day ~norning for Minneapolis where Moyer. born yesterday {'Wednesday). he Will attend a vulcanizing school Mrs. D. J. Wicks entertained the for about two weeks. !Delta Dek bridge club at the Math A rammage sale is to be held in Ryan home Tuesday afterndon. the near future. Watch~ for the date Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Miller and and Place. [Mr. and Mrs, R. H. Mllloy enter- Mrs. Delo Logan, Mrs. Ole Thor- tained a number of friends at a din- :°a~m,n, Olga Moyer, and Mrs. Mark nor and brigde party at the Milloy ee enjoyed a quilting bee at the home on Sunday evening. Bridge One of the latter Tuesday a~ternoon, was played at four tables, with The Sunday sight bridge club met prizes going to Mrs, Esther Koch at the home o~ Stub Noyes on last and John Halbkat. SUnday evening. The Woman's Club will meet next ~T hemas Oldis and family returned Tuesday evening with Mrs. Roy John- st SUnday after having spent the]son instead of Mrs. Holstein as form. ~;~er m Iowa. . l erly planned. a~ nel~]a, Helga, and Clarence OlUleyI Mrs. Cordia Wallace was very v"~. a~ma Wentland were Glen&re ,leasantly surprised by s e v e r al lSttors Saturday evening. ~riends at the home of Mrs. Niece Mr. and Mrs. Fete Thompson, Qbarlie and Donald Wilson were in on Monday afternoon and by another group of ladies at her own home on NORTHLAND GREt~HOUND (~lendive Saturday. DANCE AT MADISON HALL, GOLVA Friday, Feb. 22 Music By THE DANCE DEMONS Tuesday ttfternoon in honor of her birthday which was Monday. The wheat allotment committee met at the court house on Monday. Mrs. Roy Noyea spent several days last week in Bismarck. Grandma Miller and Miss Jennie Miller entertained several friends last Thursday afternoon. A pleasant time was spent and late in the af- ternoon an excellent dinner was served. Allan Low was down from GIe~ dive yesterday calling on old friends. Mr. and Mrs. Forreat Samuelsare the proud parents of a baby boy born at the Glendive hospital recently. Bill Russell of Trotters has re- turned to the Beach hospital for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marmon drove to Dickinson Monday evening. Win. Gasho of Trotters was a vis- itor at the Simmons home in Beach Saturday, stopping at the community dance on the way home. Washinffton's Birthday program scheduled for Friday, February 22, will be held at 2:30 o'clock unless unforseen circumstances arise which prevent it from being held then. Vis- itors are welcome. The Home Economics room was the scene of much merriment last Frl- day. Feb. 15. The Home Econom- ics club staged a party, which was a costume affair, le one had looked in he would have seen Martha Wash- ington in person, several little girls, a live valentine, an old-lfashioned lady. and even a clown! After the short business meeting, games were enjoyed by all, and a lovely lunch- con wound up the delightful event. The third French republic is being taken up by the modern history students. I COAL For Sale $1.00 Per ton at Wallace ~glne Owen Rocksvold Charlie Lingk -- TICKETS .... 50c II i i I e arSa ns On Reconditioned "Fractors GOLDEN VALL,EY . HARVEsTER CO. topic being studied by the home ec- onomics II class. The art and design class is learn- ing the different types of l~tters and their names. Last Tuesday and Wednesday sev- eral of the home economics II stud- ents put on a little project skit for the home economics I class. 4ill Square Butte Mr. and Mrs. Henry Treater and son Larry called at the Lloyd Yates home Sunday. Harmon Olstad and Mrs. Lloyd Yatea went to Dickinson Sunday to see Pearl. Mr. and Mrs. Vic Klein were Sent- inel Butte and Beach visitors Thurs- day, Mrs. Klein having dental work i done. George Lemire was a business ca~- ler at Lawrence Lemire's. Billy DeVries was a caller at Clyde Polley's Tuesday. He brought his seed wheat home. Mrs. Einor Olstad and son Har- mon were visitors at Ed Shoen's. They were also Beach and Sentinel Butte visitors on Thursday. JGOOD TRAVEL '3p~t~l d~p-cut ~mlioa ra/w to pr/n~il~l ~ d Oa ~d~ d~y wl~ re~m good mml hum 1~. N~we~-hr~ lxu~, ~te, warm a~! oomto~ble. Sample one way hires from F~'go, N. D. to: NEW YORK ..... $:[9,20 PITTSBURGH... 14.70 DETROIT ...... 1@,20 ,SEATTLE ...... 25,?$ MIAMI ....... 29,$0 Hundreds of other reductions. Round triim rove ma additional 10~iL For com- plet, information, see IDeal agent. PIERZINA OIL STATION PHONE 21 BEACH, N. DAKj rence Goebel were Sunday guests at Einor Olstad's. Harvey wentland was a caller at the Klein home Sunday evening. Alice Olsen and Gladys Klein vis- ited the Square Butte school Thurs. day. Everyone received valentines, it being Valentine's day. Sam Wilson was a business caller at Einor Olstad'a Monday. Billy De Vries bought a turkey gobbler, but to his sad disappoint- meat. he found it was a he~: Poor Billy! Gladya Klein was a caller at Einor Olstad's and l,loyd Yates' Monday. I I Illl Ill I I IT I I II [. T. REYNOLDS CO. "'YOUR MONEY SAVING STORE'" I II II II I I IIIIII HURRY! Just a few days left, $10 I Cocktail Set FREE! ~ERRIES, POTATOES, MEAT OR" BUTTER SALT, i Ill RED PITTED, NO. 10 CAN 52c NICE' LAR6E RED BUSHEL $1,05 i ii 25 POUNDS 55c SCHILLINGS COFFEE, LB. 31c i STOCK SALT, 100 LB, SACK $L15 package APPLES, WRAPPED BOX $1,29 i SMOKED SALT, 10 LB, CAN 83c 1 AVA 0AP ALL FOR - 23c , | SU6AR, EXTRA FINE 100 POUNDS $5.55 LETTUCE, LAR6E SOW 2 FOR 19¢ ' GRAPEFRUIT, LAR6E6FOR WE DELIVER PHONE 75 II I II ii , I I I I I III I I IIII EUERY WEEK IN THIS PAPER WILL APPEAR OUR AD ANNOUNCING THE SELL. ING OF OUTSTANDING MERCHANDISE ITEMS. THE PRICE ON THESE ITEMS WILL !BE VERY SPECIAL AND WILL BE SOLD AT THESE PRICES ON THURS.. FRI., AND SAT. ONLY OF EACH WEEK. NEW ITEMS EVERY WEEK. i Men's rayon plated fine cotton SoT in a nifty pattern. 10%. to 12 Pair, ]Oc Men's Union Suits, medium weight, rayon trimmed neck front, rib cuffs and ankles. Flndy tailored and finished. ~es 36 to 46. Regularly 95c, for 3 days only, 75c Turkish towels- convenient size 15x30. ers. During three day selling, each. Oc Five (.olor striped l)ord- 50% Linen toweling, strong (:onstruction, fancy striped borders of red. blue, gold or green. 16 nch width. Yard, IOc Children's broadcloth bloomers, full cut, elastic waist and knee. Good quality broadcloth, sizes 4 to 12. During 3 day selling, pair, 13c • ~\., , r~:~:N~:, ~.~,X3~ DICKINSON'S "'WHERE YOU ALWAYS FIND THE BARGAINS'"