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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
February 21, 1935     Golden Valley News
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February 21, 1935
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THE BEACH REVIEW ~ that the Counkv ,,Auditor be. and: he is. hereby ordered to extend upon: : ,. ,,- Published every Thursday at Beae~h, North DakO~t tlm tax list~ am provided l~v ChaP. • - " 24~; Laws. of :1929, and to enter there. . ,H, E, E~D~RI~ mad D, A. WALLACE, l~dttora mad PUblIsher~ on such .dollnqueRt personal property " ~:,~ taxes a~d that such County Auditor, ir ,~t~ .......... ~ Subscriptions, $2.00 per year in adva)age accordance with Chap. 242, L~ ot 1929, make entry against any" real " ~': Entered ~sz second class matter September 15, 1991, at the. postoffice at estate which may hereafter ~a an- Dtckln~ml ('linh:, " operation . Oscar Ol8on .............. 50.0 " l~tch Advance printing ~r. aonal property tax notices 23.1( O~ua Rlshovd, l~iumbing and supplies ........ ~,..~,,..~ - 13.45. Mrs• ;Anna Meyer, meals for 4ranaients ................ 5.35 , John Vinquist, road work .. -~13.6~.~? m ~ Odland that in view of agreement given by ~. L. Bark]and to Golden Valley County whereby Barkland has. a~aigned $20.00 per month from salsify ~o apply on delinquent taxes, :~jnllea~.~?~vprrants Shall not be held ~tor "~h delinquent tax~, ~uch as- !:~signr~t being iu e~ceas'of' amount Of mli~aage warrants, and that mi- Beach, North DakOta, under the Act of Ma~h 3, 1879~ " : Advertising rates furnished upon request. ~ 0~¢~d lmper of the City of Beach an~ of Golden Valley County ...... ,, WALTEK F. CUSHING With the passing of ~'. F. Cushing, editor of the Advance and veteran newspaper man of the state, North Dakota, and more especially Beach and Golden Valley count), will feel a great loss. As a sample of the comment which his death has brought forth from the press all over the state, we reprint the following editorial from the Bismarck Tribune. "Walter F. Cushing was laid to rest Friday and his t~riends mourned his passing, even as they realized that his Spirit had gone to the Valhalla which'all good news- papermen eventually will know. A eulogy had been pronounced over his bier by his payor and fraternal brothers of the Masonic lodge, but Lt is doubtful if it will live as 'long in memory as the riewspaper folk of Western North Dakota will treasure their recollections of this well-loved veteran. For Cushing had, in addition to a clear and penetrat- ~ihg mind, a warm heart and a valiant spirit. ThYoughout his long and active life he lived with a zest which is granted to few men. He had his full share of heartaches, but to his friends h~e always presented a smiling face atad his laugh was always genuine. In his profession he was a leader 'by virtue of his merit. A gentleman of the old school, he kept the fires of integrity burning when the temptation to prostitute his v~cws was strong. Honest in the presentation of news, he was fearless in his convictions, willing and able express them. A fair fighter, he was a vigorous one en:the question involved was that of right and wrong. granted to everyone the right to hold his personal views but he never compromised with evil. m grew older, his spirit of charity flamed brighter. has seen much and has come to the conclusion that a gqod ~many of our struggles are mere futilities. He had reached a realization that time cures all ills, even :those of the flesh, and that only the spirit is important. Thus, with the portent of death upon him, he still ~as serene. He had run his race and it was a task well done. He could face the future unafraid, just as he had ,~rom the beginning. He would not have his friends mourn for him, for he knew that someday he would meet them on that happier plane where the news is always fresh and front pages breathe sweetness and light rather than misery and corruption. Western North Dakota will miss him, for he was a constructive force, b~t if the state i~lucky his spirit•w/tl live on in the breasts of ~'ounger n~n who wilt'take up the torch as h~e laid it down and keep it burning brightly until they, too, are calIed by the Supreme Editor. It is good to have had such a man among us. His example witt live as an inspiration to all who knew him." ' [ ' Sunset Sentinel Win. Ueckert hauled a load of barley to the Clyde Polley farm last Tue~ay morning, This commuaity was grieved to hear of the death of Mr. Cushing taut Wednesday. Sympathy is ex-~end. ed to the beaeaved families. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Treater and Mrs. Ads Neudeck attended St. Paul's Lutheraa l.~tdies Aid in Beach Wednesday afternoon. Bill Ortner hauled a load o]7 grain from the Wm,Ueckert farm Wedne~ day ,morning. Roy. Kramer, Ervtn and Elemaor Uec~rt went to Sentinel Butte on ~fla~lay evenin~ and attended the l[hsket Social. F. P. Schmeling was a business caller at the Win. L~eckert farm last Thua, s4ay. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Bell and faxm lly were shopping in Beach last left- day morning. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Polly and daughter Ella were guests at the Win. Ueckert home Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Dykins re, ceived word here last week that Grandpa Dykins was taken suddenly ill with gall-bladder trouble and was taken from his home in South De, kota to a hospital in St, Paul. The friends here wish him a speedy re- co~ery. Clyde Polly had a crew o~ men at work last Friday and Saturday put. ring up lee cut from his dam. Mr• and Mrs. Ade Neudeck and Charlte Kramer entertained the Neu. deck families from Beach at dinner last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stacker were afternoon and supper guests at the Win. Ueckert home last Sunday, Ervtn l~ackert attended a eharlvari ~mxty Sunthty night at the Harry Ku, kowski home in honor of Mr. and l~l[rs. Cecil T~em+. Mrs. Beckaell ~et~ra~ rem~ntly i from a trip to the w~tern States some time vt~ family. Commissioners' Proceedings ~ll--- State of North Dakota County of Golden Valley, tin. 9:00 A. M. Februa~5, 4, 1935. th.~ Hoard of County Commissioners met pursuant to adjournment with all members present. An application filed by Elizabeth Meyer for the abatement of her per- sonal property taxes for 1985, amount $2.88. was laid over. L. L• Baughmau appeared be- fore the BOard requesting that the County pay his house rent• The re- quest was refused All lots owned by the County in Blocks 15~16-17.18 ~Voodhull's Ist Add. were leased to Jane Moran for 1935. Sec. 15-140-103 was leased to page Meyer= (or ~1935. R. H. Wilson appeared before the Board relative to the teasCng of All See. 26, "~nd the ~,V~6S~V~/,. ,qE~SW~ Sec. 2, all in T. 139, R. I03. A down Imyment of $10.00 was made. the balance to be paid May 1. 1935 when lease is to be executed. Ed. FI. Lievena appeared in he~ half of hospitalization for Mike Thiesen at Dickinson. An order was given in the ,~mount of $10.00. t,ots 3-4-5-6• Block 5. Hunte)•'v Fifth Add. was leased to A• F Beln~ont for 1935. Pursuant to See. 2169. Compiled l,aws of 1913. the Board cancelled from the list as uncollectible, the following: B. J. Benson: 1922. $13.50: 1923, $44.89: 1925, $34.58: ]926. $20.3~: 1927. $17.47; 1923. $7.77; 192~. $16,81; 1931. $12•71. L D• l'.rvs,m: 1925. $33.35. G. W. Brown: 1931, $3.85. Carroll. Prentice: ]92~. $13.47. Lewis Crawford: 19:',I. $11.19; 1927• $7.70. Ray Curtius: 19~,>. $2.~7. Farmers Lone Tree ~Zqui~y (7o: ~926. $12,6g. L, M. Harvey: 1924 :vs 63. H• L. Jones: 2928 $4.03, Alfred Jensen: 1930, $4,05; 1931. $5.96. And- yew Johnson : 1931. $1.00. Gee. Kingen: 1929. $20.11: 1931. $4.19; 1933. $4.6"I. I,. H. McDonald: $1.93. ~,V. ~-I. M'lller: 1928. $8.96. W. L, Maxwell: 1930, $5.50; 1931. $5.71. Gee Newberg: 19~0, $8.31. Lydi~ Rir.harls: 1935. $2.68; 1928• $1.00; 1930 $1.00, JuIius Roesler: 1929. $3.48. NIe Severson: 1930. $2.99. Oscar Treat: 1928. $4.91. Mary Ter- ry: 1929. $3.62; 1936, $1.36. J. ~. Thorson: 1933. $I.29• Ted Vaughn: 1933, $4.25. Upon motion by Woaepka aml sec- ond by Odla~nd, the following resot- Boar~ of County duly eanceIled un- prol~rtF taxes as 2169, Corals]led is delinquent uncancell~d q'~ired by any person, firm, or COr- poration oweing such delinquent per- sonal proPerty taxes• Be it further Resolved that de- linquent unpaid and uncancelled per- uonal property taxes ill the amounts hereinafter set forth sball be ,. s~,eeiflc ]lea on the s~pecifle dem'xi;, tion of ]anti hereinaft'er set f:)rtt? owned by said tax delinquents whose n~mes are likewise herein utatcd as of the date of entry and extensim~ thereof as • by law provided, to-wit : John L. Barkland $17.08 on Ls. 10-11-12, BIk. 2. Hunter's 3rd. Beach: A. t], Broeknieyer $20.56 on SWz& See. 32, T. ]39, R. 105: Crook & Kammerer $2.34 on NE% Sec. 20. T. 144-104; Jeppe Christensen $1.20 on Ls. 3-4-5-6- See. 4. T. 136. It. 105; Frank Dennino $2.41 on Ls. 7-8, Blk. 9, Hunter's 3rd, Beach; P. A. l)ickinson $9.49 on Lot 7 & S~ I.ot s. Blk. 5, Hunter's 5th; C. J. Eng- lund $50.98 on E 116 ft. I~ot 16, Blk. 2, Orig, Sentinel Butte; E. D. Evans ¥24.20 on Ls. 1-2-3-4-5-6. Blk. 6, Near'a 1st. Beach; Andrew Helm $75.72 on I,s. 5-6, Blk• 4, Hunter's 3rd. Beulah; Anna HoecR $5.15 on SVz Lot 2 & Lot 3, Blk. 10, Hun- ter's 2nd; Mona Haulcaas $5.43 on l~ot 1, Blk. 9, Hunter's 4th; T. R. Johnson $15.48 on l.s. 14-15. Blk. 14, Nest's lst•; L. A. Kirst ~$16.32 on NE~ Sec. 32, T. 143. R. 103; Herman Kettner $20.95 on NW'~ See. 8, T. 139, R. 105; A. C. Klein $21.06 on NE~A Sec. 20. & N~V'A Sec. 21 in T. 140, R. 105; Archie Lewis $6.63 on LOt 16. Blk. 6, Hun- ter's 4th, Beach; Arthur Latterail $24.93 on E~/aNW~, bs. l~2, NE1A. SE~.4. Sec• 18, T. 139, R. 104; Me- Donald & Anderson $3.51 on Lot d, Blk. 3, Orig, Beach; Joe Maher $8.69 on La. 2-2, Blk. 2, Woodhull's 1st: Beu Michels $26.19 on Ls. 2-3-4 Sec. 34, T. 140, R• 106; A. J. Nellermoe $62.15 on Ls. 4-5-12-13-14 Sec. ~. T• 144, R. 104; Pie K. Omley $27.98 on LS. 1~2-7-10 Sec• 6. T. 144, R. 104: E• J. Pletan 26.77 on Ls. 11- 12. Blk. 1, in Resurvey Orig. Beach; Agnes Pierzina $2.18 on LS. .1-2. Bik. 2. SVoodhull's 1st. & 3V. 290.93 ft. of SW~A, SW~ Sec. 24, T. 140, R. 106: J. W. Skinner $42.53 on Ls. 5-6, Blk. 13, Hunter's 2rid; ~,Vm. A. Staudemyer $66.30 on Set'. ~7, Sec• 29, Pt. Sec. 31, & See. 35• ~n T. 144, R. 105: Stockmen's State Bauk. Medora $22.85 on S~,V~A, N~,~ Sec. 30, T. 143, R. 103: W. G. & Eliza Smith $14.32 on Ls• 1-2-3-4 Blk. 2, Robinson's fat, Sentinel Butte: W. H. Woodhull $35.94 on All less N. 27 ft. Lot 1, Blk. 11 & Tr, A- 36. Pt• Lot 4. BIk. 11. Hunter's 1st. Beach: Lee Williams $8.51 on SE~4 & SV¢%. Sec. 30. T. 144, R• I05; Golden Valley Impl. Co. $126.92 on Tr. A-39 & A. 40, Lt. 3. Blk• 12, Hunter's 1st. Beach. Bids Were opeued for a~sessor's field listing blanks In duplicate as follows: Beach Advance, l~erson. al property $18.75. 5000 real estate $24.50. Beach Review, personal prop. erty, $19.75. Real Estate $37.50. The bid was awarded to the Beach AS- vance. The Board began auditing bills. 5:25 P. M. the Board adJb~rned to me~t at 9:00 A. M. FeN~uary 5, 1935. 9:00 A, M. February 5, 1~+" the Board met pursuant to adJo~en with all members present. ~ An application flied Janua~ 5. 1935, by H. A. Bury, as rOadrunner- seer of T. 136, R. 105, 'an~ |aid over on that date was reJeot~;- The application of Elizabeth Meyer la~d over from February ~=.~ re~ J~ted. This appltca~on ,~ for ca~ellafi~d bn tli6 +~k that psi'serial property ~ assese~il~ was less than $100.00 and her income less than $600.00. The BOard reject- ed the application for the reason she is net"the head of a family with one or more persons dePendent as is rmcesmury to claim exemption ns provided In Chap. 256 of the ~933 Session Laws. The following bills were audited. approved and ordered Paid subject to pers~ml oroperty taxes due or delinquent: Joseph Plesik. poor relief for February • ........... $ 10.00 Dr. V. G. Morris• services to Mrs• Hem ............ 20.20 Anna Vlasoff. care of Pete Cook ...................... ~ .O' J. C. Penney Co•, slippers for Mrs. Schaefer ......... 6f J. W, Skinner, storage rent for January .............. 10.00 St. John's Orphanage, care. of Nlehouse, Musil child- ren ....................... 90.0t • ~. R. Kennedy, drugs for Mrs. Scherle, F, Bates ._ 2.7r Bert MOgle, poor relief for Januaxy . ................. g. 00 Pearl Fredericksen, care of babieS~Engebretson. Berg, Stull• Mrs• Scherle. E. Dletz ..................... 74.0e iMrs. E. A. Ernest, assigned to Farmers & Mercbants Bank ................... : 5.2~ Mrs. E. A. l~rnest, care Of Mrs• Seherle ............ 7•2f Einor Nordby, mileage an~ exltenses .... , ............ 15.64 Mrs Fred Stacker, care of E• Bates• . ............... 7.00 J. R. Larsen, spark plugs 2.60 • Tractor & ~]quipment Co.• r~pairs .................. 1•80 Sorenson Machine Shop, re- pairing .................. 8,9: F. F Schmeling, road drag- ~ing .................... ~.41 J. J. Schaefer, repairing .. 16.0~ C. (~. Johnson. labor on snow plow ................ 14.5( Jonas Hammack. road work 138-103 .................... 3•0, Gloyd Bury. road work .... 1.75 ~Vm Ma!quette, road work 27,0~ Bill Maas. road work ...... 2.00 John Keohane.. attendaa,.~ ~tt at insanity board meeting 5.0¢ State Treasurer, (,are of in- sane ...................... ~64.0, ('. Bartholomew. hauling ashes .................... 3,0c Aaron Snook, coal ......... 70.14 Victor Cqson. carpenter work 40.0~ J• 1'. Thlll. supplies ...... 11.40 (]olden Valley l,nmber Yard. lumber ................... 105.6: Globe-Gazette 1 rlnting Co., supplies .................. 67.27 Knight Printing Co. supplies 47.6~ tloward Stockwell, ticket to .lamestown ................ 5,5 tlernulu ~. 1)ietz. mileage ]1.62 l{oward Stockwcll. mileage 33.00 John Barkland, mileage .... 7•3 K. H, Alton. 1)Pry. Clerk of Court, ................ 2, '~0 A• M. Kuhfe]d. n,i]eage and expenses .................. 18• 5 Reaoh Review, Drinting .... $4.9: N. W. Bell Telephone Co. services rendered ........ 46.:~! June Mills, clerk in auditor's oflit~e ..................... 52,0( I)avid M, Howls. labor on tractor .................... 15.0¢ H, A. Bury. road work ... 3.32 work at court ..... 1 :l .~)0 care of Patriela LaMeres ...... 25.0~ :AD~e~ovotny, care of Mrs. ~h~fer .................. 6, 0 Mrs. George Nelson, care of Ed. Anderson, labor at court ~