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February 19, 1931 |
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9 :'' '
A--ND ODDITIES .... OF LIF , Palace to Be the American__as'y in Berlin No ooK LESSER EVIL
Attorney (examining hurl
wife): "What is your age?"
~-: , i ..... _ .... . .... - ~ -~--~ ------Y'"~ I Burglar's Wife: "Thirty-fou
" :4 Attorney: "Are you this z
Now York.---Handsome George al gift of humor, completed his wife?"
Wandllng, famous as the most contributioa to drought and un- B.W.: "I am."
comely COp on the sidewalks of emi)loyment victims, which inj Attorney: "Did you know h(
New York wept as he an- ~ound numbers totalled approxim- a burglar before you married,]~
not~ed that a young and wealthy ately $225,000. B.W. : "I did."
~, ~rangely missing, was to -- H Attorney: May I ask why
~ been his bride this spring. He l~ittsburgh --- William • happened to marry a burgla
~tlfled his superiors Tuesday thatTenser, merchandise broker, in B.W.: "Yes, you may; I we
ling along in years and it
~nogene Stelia, 36, had van- his suit for divorce claimed his
Ishefl; and that he believed racke- wife, Gertrude F. Tenser, per- choice between him and an
tears had kidnaped her, seeking a witted cats to sleep in bed ney." ,,
large ransom from her estimated with them. Mrs. ienser cnarg-
million ch~llar fortune. Wearing a ed that her husband was fond
21,4~ ring with a pidgeon blood of one of the cats and called youSmallgoingS°n:to playGrandpa'football?"whcc
:stone which he said was a Christ- the feline his "lucky piece, pa: "Football? I can't play
mRS gift from the widow, Wandling -- ball!" S. S.: "But dod said
told dectectives he was the chief Miami, Fla.--Mrs. Donald Rift, a new car as soon as you
beneficiary in her will. Others Negress, had her husband arrested off."
seeking to share in her fortune here charged iwth an attempt to
~ought to have her change it, he dynamite her bed as she slept. She
~ad, because he was "only a cop."
Washington. --- Senator Fraz-
ier (Reph, North Dakota. to-
day introduced a bill to make
1L09~61 available for construc-
tion of public roads and
brit~es in North Dakota, He
said this amount had been re-
ceived from the sale of public
lands in the state, placed In
the reelamatoin fund and never
used for irrigation purposes.
New York. Not for $650.000
"will Charlie ChadMin open his
mouth for the great American
TRdio audience. An advertising
agency today announced that in
~ehalf of one of its clients it had
made two propositions, one calling
~or the payment of $650.000 for 26
]5 minute programs, the' other for
the payment of $130,000 for 25 elec-
trical transcriptions. Both pro-
positions were presented to Chap-
lin personally recei~tly, and both
were flatly refused,
London, -- Three women
hold the theater.going record of
London. Two thuk far have
had a box for "Bitter Sweet'
more than sixty times and still
keep booking it. Another saw
'flPeg o' My Heart" eighty-three
times before it closed and still
:hts~ habit of going to at least
"nine shows a week.
Opella, German, Upped Silesia.--
Three unclQ~hed, ill women were
!~scued t~_~y.hy health authorities
ft0m acage On a farm near here
where they ~id, their father had
~pt them,, imprisoned, for three
,years to protect their innocence."
Memphis, ~n. --- J, C.
~Sandy} Lyons, police patrol
wagon driver, drove his wagon
'into a telephone pole, arrested
himself, told the arresting of-
ricer (himself}, he was driving
only eighteen or twenty miles
an hour, then released himself
,an his own reeognizance.
Texankana. Ark.---WlL ~oger$
ended here a crusade unique m
the colorful annals of the south-
west. The sage of Claremore, Okla.,
'through the medium of his natur-
said sh~ awakened jus~ as he light-
ed the fuse to three sticks of dyna-
mite under her bed.
Boise, Ida, -- Add another
point in favor of dogdonfs in-
tellect..An ll-month-old Irish
setter owned by Dr. C. J. Lay
became sick. It immediately
made its way across the city to
a veterinary hospital, scratched
at the door and was finally ad-
mitted as a patient.
• .London.--The house of commons
by a vote of 137 to 18 has rejected
the bill which would have prohi-
bited the use of a~Icoholic liquor as
beverages throughout the United
Chicago -- Alleging that the
dentists who worked on his
teeth left a drill in a cavity,
• ~V. C. Suntken of Oak Park,
Park, sued them for $30.000
View of Blucher palace In Berlin, which will be occupied shortly by the American embassy.
"H. B. 28" means House hill No. corporate limits.
28,,S ~ H.B. 95--:Kneeland ~f Stutsman:
• B. 87"' means Senate bill No. 'Requires teachers in public schools
87 .and so on. For the next week to take oath of allegiance to con-
or so each house will devote itself ~titu~ion and flag.
to disposing of bills originating in H.B. 159--Olafson of Pembina:
' its own body before acting on bills Suspends right of county ~o acquire
of the other house which results in tax deed on land on which title is
a gera~ mass of elgislation jam- held by state•
S. B 108--Authorizes health de-
~mr.~men~ ~o accept left, oral funds
for use in health work•
S. B. 98---Ghanges in law regu-
lating taking of renewal notes and
S. B. 91 Makes changes in limi-
~a~-op. of ~:~x levies of cities, vill-
ages and school districts.
med into the last ~wo weeks oi the H.B. 241--Mau of R~_~nsom: Ex- S. B. 10--Places supervision of
, Ann Arbor, Mich. -- University session, tends time of levy of one mi!l for refunds of gasoline tax with tax
'padlocks" were ordered placed un- Following are bills passed in capitol building purposes!vsioner for more stringent
til Sept. 1 on five fraternity houses either 1louse during the pazL week 1940, an increase of four years, check of refund claims.
at the University of Michigan in during which time many of theI H. B. 227--Baseflug of Stark: S.B. 31--Requires domestic mu-
whioh liquor was found in a series freak bills have been killed. If a Provides for licensing and regular- tual insurance companies other
of police raids, senate bill or vice versa--is noted ing of tourist cam')~ in North DR- than life insurance to notify mort-
as passing in the other house, kgta. ~, _ . gagees ~)f a policy when the con-
London --- The Vienna cor- that means the measure is then up H.B. 194--Fitch of ~,ass ann m- tmgent mutual liabilities have not
respondent of the Daily ~- to the governor for approval ot dergaard of Foster: Prohibits pos- been paid on the policy.
press says it is widely reported disapproval, session, sale and use of machineI S. B. 57--Authorizes county or
in Buckarest society circles that ~vns, sub-machine guns and auto- ] district mutual insurance compan-
Queen Helen, divorced wife of Bills Passed By House rustic rifles over .22 inch Caliber lies to reinsure its risks.
King Carol of Rumania, is plan- H.B. 28--Appropriations commit- unless granted permit by district t S. B. 154--Requires surplus of
nt~g to marry a Rum~nian of- tee: A~)~ro~)riates $2~,700 for st~.t~ judge. ~$100,000 as condition to admission
fleer, Colon Skeletti. transportation officer. H. I~. 106--Hamilton of Nelson:]of foreign mutual insurance com-
Pana, ilL--His broken spine knit- H.B. 162--Mau of Rar~om: Au- ~eq'~,.u~-~ all vendors andreman~o! ~an!es to do business in state.
thcrizes sa'le of state n~ill at Drake. f:.cL~u'e.,~ of e ~. " S. B. 95 Imposes tax on gross re-
ted together with a slLer cord, For 71; against 42. be licensed ~nd defines imitationlceipts of express companies.
Paul Tosetti, Nokomis coal miner, H. B. 35---Johnson of Trail: ice cream. I S. B. ll2--Fixes school year of
walked from the Illinois Memorial Limits time for abatements andH.B. lld--Halvor~on of Ward: I seven months, and provides for
hospital with a new lease on life. refunds of unjust and invalid tax Amer.ds law relating to redemptionl discontinuance of school where at-
He was injured when caught under assessments, cf slate and school lands. I tendanee is less than four for 10
H. B. 83--Halvorson of Ward:
Empowers state board of school
lands to lease state and school !and
containing gas sodium, chemical
substances or aUodial and other
I:L B. ll3--Lofthus of Nelson:
Raises limit on construction costs
of schools organized by petition
:from $1,200 to $2,500.
a slide of slate, and for weeks phy-
sicians feared he would die.
H. B. 151 Northridge of Barnes consecutive days.
and McManus of Rolette: Provides] S.B. 162---Provides for filing by
establishment of industry to! ministers of taheir 'credentials be-
manufacture au:omobile licenses at fore being authorized to perform
state penitentiary, marriage ceremonies.
S. B. 25---Porter of Cavalier: S.B. 190--Operation or attempt
Gives governor free hand in aP-lto operate any automotic vending
' pointing members of board of bar- machine, telephone, slot machine by
her examiners, except one shall at means of slug contsitutes a mis-
all times be a journeyman, demeanor.
H. B. 135-~Correll of Cass: Per- S.B. 23--Etto~tad of McHcnry: S.B. 149--Provides that fees eol-
mits establishment of free kinder- Requires township ~o install crop-;leered by state register for record-
gartens upon a majority vo~e at ings ~o afford access to premises ing marriage licenses be turned in-
election called by petition of one-~of owner of land where township to general fund.
fifth of electors in district. ~construets ditches or drains in S.B. 146--Requires filing of con-
H. B. 167--Travnor of Ramsey: connection with road work. I tracts on sale of real estate when
Provides that lancts to be sold for House Concurrent Resolution such contrac~ creates lien on or re-
personal property taxes shall be --State affairscommittee" Peti- ¢~ ~ , .......~,, ~,~ ~,,,,,, ~,
~2esignated by resolution of the .... I ce~-m ...... I
tlons congress to enact legislation rtu'-- ~,~,.,a~
board of county commissioners, prohimtmg, use of ~alm. oil in [ S. B. 131--Legalizes execution~,
H. B. 23--Johnson of Traill; manufacture of o~eomargarine fo- wl gement of certain'
Limits time of appeal to county l ~ • ' - " ~,and ackno ed . . ,
commissioners for refunding tax- [ co.ormg purposes, should not fed- ~ d~eds, mortgages, and otPer instru- i
eraI internal revenuedepartment ,-en~ ~- wri~in~
es paid under protest to 60 days af- / .~' . S. B. 181--Autho. izes juvenile i
re~oke Present ruling allowing such
tar such payment. / ou :ax exempt 1 ded I
H. B. 65---Baseflug oz ~ar~: Ap-] • . court to commit to feeb e-min I
~I B 9g---Lynch of Rmhland
• • : institution any feeble-minded de-i
propriates $7,000 to buy section of Repeals law requiring assessor to n~,~nt ,oa~d ~v ~li ~U t l
register voters by party affihation. ~iid I
land to lease to federaI government[ ............ ~ ........ d~ n~ en
for use in connection with e~peri- For 59: against 54. --S'.-'B. 69--Establishe's standardiz-
ment station at Dickinson. H.B. 59--Appropriations com-
H. B. 55--Appropriations commit- mlttee: Appropriates $40,000 for ed system of potato grading.
tee: Appropriates $341,085 for Min- state contingency fund.propertyS' B. 126---ExemptSof Indians whofr°maretaXati°nwards [
0t State Teachers .college. H.B. 184--Traynor of Ramsey: of federal government.
H.B. 5 ---Appropriations corn- Creates state governmental survey S.B. 186---Makes changes in or-
mittee: Appropriates $195•994 for commission. For 57; against 55. ganization of fire marshal depart-
Mayville State Teachers' college. H.B. 182---State affairs commit- went.
H. B. 180--Cox of Burleigh: Per-l tee: Creates fund designated as More Freaks I
wits qualified receiver of insolventi "capitol fire replacement fund." A petition to congress ~o enact
foreign corporations to receive reaI Iand authorizes emergency commis- !egislation placing a tax on wheat
property in state and validates all ision to transfer from that fund.
deeds given by receiver prior to this H.B. 185--Johnson of Traill and produced in excess of 5.000 bushels
by any person or firm is proposed
act. Northridge of Barnes: Repeals in a concurrent resolution Tuesday
H. B, 148--Svingen of Bottineau provision for insurance of grains
and Crockett of Cavalier: ProvidesI stored under farm storage act and by Senator D. H. Hamilton of Me-
for establishment of industry to[ makes minor amendments to stor- HenrYAt theC°UntY'same time. Senator J. H.i
manufacture coffins at state pen- age act. For 63; against 48. Burkhart of Ward county offered
itentiary. H. B. 43--Appropriations corn- a measure ~o prohibit any foreign
H. B. 147---Pfenning of Morton mittee: Appropriates $24,000for~ corporation, association or joint
and Bishop of Stark: Provides for state board of auditors. ~ stock company from engaging in
Ely, Nev. -- Spurning dent-
ists, slamming doors, axtd all
other traditional methods of
yanking out a tooth. Gerald
Dugan. 6, tied one end of a
string to his dog's tail. the oth-
er to a tooth that bothered him,
yelled "Sic' him"-to the dog,
and watched his pet run away
with his tooth.
New Portrait of the President
This new life-size oil portrait of President Hoover has Just been
~ompleted hY Douglas Chandor. an English painter. It shows Mr. Hoover
~ated at the head of the cablaet table.
• Christie in His Swift Army Tank
penalty for violations of state reg-
ulations governing undertakers.
H. B. 223--Wigen of Adams: Re-
law recognizing marriages
performed under Indian custom and
law as legal.
H. B. 173--Wilson of Slope: Au-
thorizes municipalities to issue
bonds for funding outstanding in-
debtedness incurred prior to Jan-
uary 1, 1931, in certain cases. Em-
ergency carried.
H. B. 236--Pfenning of Morton:
Authorizes municipal fire depart-
ments to attend fires outside of
41-" : !"'": : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :'-
Rooster Possesses
Double Wishbone
'rulare, Calif.--Mrs. H. Z
Lumley, wife of a rancher
near here, has a Rhode Is-
land Red cockerel with two
wishbones and no breast.
The bird's heart ia ao
close to the skin tlmt lm
beats can be watched.
H.B. 39--Appropriations com-
fort the business of farming within the
" -i state.
state penitentiary. Senator Hamilton would urge
congress to take steps to impose a
Bills Passed In Senate production or sales tax of 15 cents
per gross bushel on wheat on each
bushel grown, but each bona fide
farmer living on a homestead
would be exempt.
The tax collected would be cred-
ited to a revolving fund to furth-
er and promote cooperation among
the American wheat farmers under
the direction of the federal farm
S. B. ~7--Facllitates mergers of
state and national banks.
S. B. 88--Creates commission to
manage state mill and elevator.
S. B. 134---Entitles operators of
new motor vehicles to 50 Percent
reduction in registration fee If car
purchased July 1, and to 75 percent
reduction if car is purchased after
October 1,
The most recent wedding to be
announced at Wee~erheim is that
of Einar Fong and Miss Zella Con-
nell, who slipped away to Wibaux
Saturday where they were quietly
t Walter Christie, automotive engineer, waving from the circular
door of his new super-tank, wMch was demonstrated to military authori- married.
] ties at Linden, N. J. The tank can attain a speed of 75 miles an hour on The bride is the daughter of Mr.
an open road. With the caterpll]ar tracks It can speed across any rough and Mrs. Barney Oonnell of Me-
~ ~untry at45 miles an hour. tt tms~es %-inch armor and carries a dora, where the young lady was
one.pound c~nnon and 30-caliber machine guns with 2~100 rounds of bob and reared. Durtn8r the pres-
I ammunition, - " ent term of school she had been
engaged as instructor at the West-
erheim school. The groom is rath-
er a-newcomer here, having come
from across the water a year ago.
He is a r~ephew of C. O. Carlson,
foreman of the Hudson ranching
interests, and had been employed
with him since coming here.
In order to hasten his $~raerican-
i~tion, the young man attended
the school which Miss Connell was
teaching. He soon made the deci-
sion that one of these American
teachers wouldn't be at all bad as
a life partner, and he acted ac-
cordi~ly.--~entinel Butte Review.
No. U er New Management
We now and lower pri on tires and tubes
Until furtherl/-- otice we Will give a NEW TUBE FP,,EE with
every NEW TIRE g~LD.
Clayton E. Leach,
He---Can I have just one kiss?
Sbe--I should say not, I'm a
wholesaler's daughter.
During the past 12 years
phosphate used in a good
tation at the experiment
has increased crop yields
average of 10 percent.
These days the thrifty careful buyer examines very closely
the quality of his merchandise in connection with the price he
is to pay for same.
We offer high grade quality merchandise at a real reduc-
tion from what prices had been in ~own tbxee months ago.
[ l ' '
r' .
CUP AND,~AUCER .................... ............. 5~
I NO. 2 C~M CUT WAX BEANS, 11c; DOZ ............ $1.29
1 NO. ~/CAN CUT GREEN BEANS 12c; DOZ ........... $L34
i /CRACKERS~'~v" ................................... :... $1.19
~' WOOL SOAP ....................................... 23c:
We carry a well assorted stock of spiced and smoked fisn.
Received a car of Washburn Crosbys Gold ~etal Flour
which we offer at the following prides:
98 LB. SACK GOLD METAL FLOUR .................. $$.69
48 LB. SACK GOLD METAL FLOUR ................... $1.413
Beach, No. Dak.
. I#
Yo. c.n talk 40 i ;ne miles {:or 35C*; 70 amine
miles {:or 50¢*; and 100 airline miles for 60¢*.
Long distancu telephone rates are based on a rli
miles and are less per mile as t:h¢ disl:ance increases.
.j~ This is the day statlon-ta-stab~an rote from 4:30 A. M. to
7 P. M. for a three-mlnute conversation and applies wken
you ask to talk with anyone available aE the telephone called.