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February 19, 1931 Golden Valley News | |
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February 19, 1931 |
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"V I PO' Will Chey kill Che a ÷ed calf ? 3V ArChur Vensen
-- All orders for advertising under this head must be accoml)anled h~'
DA ~ONE SOUTH - BUT | HAD TO GET A CHICKEN AN' DAD TXOT I WUZ MILK COW5 / - HERE COMES DAD/ I NEVER SAW ONE I YOU I cents per insertion. No such advertisements phoned or mailed In will be
STICK AROUND TO SEE IF PEG WUZ A THIEF AN' FILLED MY PANTS I DIDN'T ~UPPOSE ANVONE WOULD MIGHT HAVE GOT BLOOD Cash. The rates ale two cents a word with a minimum charge el ~l
GOIN' TO GO WITH KEN 5ETMORE/ FULL OF SHOT- NOW I GO]TA FIND bAE HERE -- ALL I CAN DO POISON IN ~OUR LEGS I published without prepaymenl unless t~e party has an establllh~t
STA'~ HERE TILL I HEAL UP IS HIDE UNDE~ THESE AN DIED/ ~aceount with this office.
GUARANTEE 2 WEEKS, bacillary
i white Diarrhoea and T, B. test-
ed locks, fr e feeders. We ship
C. 0. Write for baby chick
catatSgue. Inman Hatcheries,
Aberdeen, S.D. Feb. 5- Jue 18.
Having cared for a sorrel gelding
branded FS ou left shoulder for
two years, I will sell the animal.
, Any other 1)arty, but Jim Scott,
who left horse with ale, who Call
prove ownership ean get him by
paying feed bill and advertising ex-
__~_~_ .. . pease, If not c~aimed within three
l weeks, the horse will be sold by All unleased State and School,
pu~lsue~s~,~r2~ ~ -~ tt~e Sheriff.--Bert Palmer. 42-3p lands in Golden Valley County, ~,,o ~T.c.~c~o D., will be offered for rent at a
public teasing to be held in the
A grade Holstein owned by Mrs. Court House at Beach in said COUpe
PRINCE DECORATED Bismarck, N. Dak., and also at theIC' W. Stephens, member of the commencingtY' on the 25that daYl0 o'clock°f MarCh,a. m,1951'
office of the County Auditor in the iNeW Salem-Hannover cow testing All unleased lands wilt bs leased
County where in the project or pro- association, produced 89.5 pounds to the itighest bidder, ~or a term o2
Jects are located, of butterfat in December. ~nc to five years. The first year's
0. All bidders are invited to be rout plus the legal leasing foa
I present at the opening of the pro- must oe paid in advance.
posals With the addition of four newA li~L o£ such lands to be offered
7. The right is reserved to re-Master Farm Homemakers Jan- will be on file with the Trea~urQr
ject any and all proposals, to of said county for public inspeot-
waive technicalities, or to accept i uary 21, North Dakota's list of dis- ion not le~s than two weeks before
such as may be determined to be tinguJshed farm wormen now to-the day of leasing, also instract-
for the best interest of the County tals 18. ions iu regard to the terms, etg.0
and State. ~hese lands will be leased.
of North Dakota resolution of the Board of County O'Keefe Yes, Wosepka Yes. Motion 8. Bidders must bid on all items Tl~e Do~rd Of University and
Y of ~ SS. I Oommissionera, adop'ted February carried, contained in the proposal blank. . School Lands reserves the right tO
-- .L~otden Valley. 110 1931 the following Commis- Jack Northrup was appointed Any bid or bids received for any NOTICE OF SALE reject any and all bids.
~. M. February 9, 1931 the lsioners voting "aye' O'Keefe, r~irK- road overseer for the unorganized nun~ber of items less than those --"----- Dated at Bismarck, N. D., this
't ot County Cohmdsisoners patrick and Wosepka and the fol- Township 136-105 for the year 1931. contained in the proposal will be NOTICE IS HEt¢EBY GIVEN second dab" of January, 1931,
• pursuant to adjournment withl lowing voting "nay" none. "N N The following bills were audited, considered as irregular and reject- that by virtue of a judgment ann ~'. E• BYERLY,
~embers present. I(Seal) CHAS CHRISTI~.'SE.', approved and ordered paid s~bJect ed as such. decree in foreclosure rendered ann State Land Commisslone~,
to per~Snal proper.ty taxes due or
~eas)han~ & .Kuhfeid asked for a l " County fi-uditor. STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT given by the District Court of the (39-8t)
unt- o a Judgment held bv the l Dated February 10th, 1931. delinquent: - (Signed) H.C. FRAHM, Sixth Judicial District In and for
Y agalnst O. C. Attletweed on [ Nick J. Maus, road work $ 31.50 Secretary. the County of Golden Valley atta --- - - -
SE~,NW~ and Lots 3-4-5 Sec." RESOLUTION COUNTY BOARD Johnson Motor Co., Tractor Dated January 28th, 1931. State of North Dakota, and entered P~EA~ BEACH ADva~-~ a~
.38-105• •This was held pendingI 'ctin to "proceed with State supplies .............................. 6.76 (Feb. 5-12-19) and docketed in the office of the ........
filing of certified copies of the H Clerk of said Court in and for said .
teharge in bankruptcy of the ~aidi " g ounty Funds therefore and Curtis Sill, trip to Sheriff's ' County and State on the 2nd day , , t,
E~eC-ay glmpr ovement, appropriat- Convention .......................... I 25.75
tie.tweed . ~ghoCr¢ M.L. McBride, expenses .... 24.85I NOTICE O]b" MORTGAGE $ALE B~ of February, A. D. 1931 in an ac ..... - ....... -_ :_ - ....
izing County Auditor to ~V. R. Schell, trip to State's [ ADVERTISEMENT tion wherein D. V. Buell was the
Ed Fllner and Otto Dolsen ap- ia hwayW warrants for such State Plaintiffgaret A. andRaw,C. E.J'F.RaW'McBride, IMar" MIIkkKEIIil[/ rrflSl llil g~ l~l~a
Attorney's Convention ....25.75
improvement bridge I
~tred beforebetweenthe Board relative to d, g RE'~OLVED b" the Board bon ........................................ 24.00
sections 34 and Panama Carbon Co., Car- I . Notice Is Hereby Given, Tliat
in Township 141 105 ! BE IT " Y - ~ I also known as Emma F. Me-I /l| lL O|0||fiL
~onrdee?l°n & McDonaid appeared[Of County Commissioners o~ ~o-V¢. C. Bradley, services ..... [that certain mortgage, executed and Hride, and George Herzel were the l --
Idelivered by Maxmlllian J. W. Defendants, in favor of the saidl:=:= --::=:-===---'----===-
,,_ ne Board regarding the den Valley County: " " tendent's clerk ................ 78.00I
~er o~[ electric fixtures fur thai That in accordance with Section Vivian ~,Ventland, Superin- I ~zudera, a single man Mortgagor, Plaintiff and e, gainst the said l)e-] ,~
• ,-~ no ...... i to Capital Trust & Savings Bank, a fendants C J. Raw, Margaret A .................. -
a .... use• No acuon was taken122, Chapter 159 of the 1927 Sessmn Black Diamond Coal Mine, I I corporation, Mortgagee, dated theRaw and E. F. McBride, also known " ................
):~y to their pr~posltion ]Laws, the Board of County Com- Coal ...................................... 49.98I 124th day of October, A. D. nineteen as Emma F. McBride, for the sum l ~ ~w ~ ~ ~!
:. ~ ~oon, the t~ard adtourned ] misisoners of Golden Valley county N. D. Children's Home, I I hundred and twenty-two and filed of Twenty-three Hundred Five and I ~ .... ~ ,,~ |
• care of Evelyn Tracey .... a 12.25 [ for record in the office of the Reg- 34-100 ($2,305.34) Dollars, which ! | DEI~T |
Butte Drug & Jewelry C~p_| 'I ister of Deeds of the County of judgment and d~reeaamOng other | I
Prescription for J. N V~ | / ] C~olden Valley, and State of Norththings directed le by me oil| All ~^~. ~ .... .~,.~ |
house ............................ ~ ~ 1,501 I Dakota, on the 3rd day of Novem- the real estate hereinafter descrlb-] | ~ ~v.~ ~~ |
A. N. Eliason, suppljes~t~..:.~ 36.23[ ber, A. D. 1922, and recorded in ed to satisfy the amount of saidI | ~a,~.~ ~v,,.~,~ ......Am, |
State Treasurer, carejpf~J~n- l Book 15 of Mortgages, at pages judgment with interest thereon ] | ~we~b ~.#~'~ ~J,~.~#~,•~ |
sane ................. ~.;.f~!....[~... 757.451 Prince Peter, seven-year-oldhelr ~04-5 and assigned by said mort- and the costs of sate or so much] ~
E• W. Johnsto~au~ing I to the throne of Yugoslavia, is gagee by an instrument in writingthereof as the proceeds of such|~:==-=--=- -==:=-_=-:::=~
grader bla~@~e.| ................. 1.00 [
C. Bartho~o~J~.l hauling ] shown wearing the cross of the to Rose H. Sasse, Austin, Minnesota, sale applicable thereto will satisfy, | ~
dated the 14th day of December, A.aud by virtue of a Writ of Special | .......... "
as~es ../ea~l._.~._.). .................. 3.00 ! French Legion of Honor which wasD. 1922, and filed for record In said Execution to me issued out of the | ~ .......... " " - --==--~
St. ~ol~,~r~phanage, care I bestowed upon him recently at the office of the Register of Deeds onoffice-of the Clerk of said District ~ ~ ~ ~ m~an~.m,~ ~ t%
o~ ?~e~uo~e children ...... 60.00 unveiling of a monument in .his the 7th day of May, A. D. 1924, and Court in and for sald County of | ~ _. ___ I
E. ~T~I'5~. Ct. R ep. Cop- recorded in Book 16 of Mortgages, Golden Valley and State of North i ~ ~1~1¢,~ ~d ~1111~ |
i~[~bf Dakota Digest ........ 4500, country by France as a token of on page 76, will be foreclosed by a Dakota and under the seal of said I | ~ N, D. |
AuStin-Western Road Ma- i gratitude for tile ald rendered the sale of the premises in such mort- Court directing me to sell said real | Y w~ ~ •
chine Co., tractor sup- I French in tile World war. gage and hereinafter described, at property pursuant to said judg- | -----~,.~v.~ |
plies ................................ 34 27! the front door of the court house meat and decree I, Curtis Sill, | Offi . |
Sentinel Butte Review~ sup- 1 .... in the City of Beach, in the County Sheriff of Golden Valley County, i C~ 1~ R~I~ 11t |
red Y2ssessed in error was[ .BE IT "FLrRTHER RESOLVED, plies .................................... 155.601~ of Golden Valley and State of. North Dakota, and the person ap- ~ •
a~.'li- .mount $27.67. [THAT, in v~Ceordanee with Sections Mildred Kirst, auditor's i a'~tur~ • xts~-,~" North Dakota, at the hour .of ten pointed by said Court to make saiu $-~=-_=====_==== ....... T
sale, will sell the the hereinafter .... - ...... .
~,~ ca[~on for relief filed forE1945 and :1946, co~npiled Laws oil clerk ................................... 78.00l o'clock A. M., on the 23rd day of described realhes!tteu~cthe highest ......
was ~u Poll by Q. H. Van-|North I~kota, ~9!3, as amended Bullion Townslhp, poor re- t March, A, D. 1931, to satisfy the
't to t~a-p-Dr°ved by the Board[the sum/of Three Thousand oneI ltef ........................................ 90.00 amount due upon said mortgage on bidder for cas a p i auction at F====:==-====:::-:--:==_-
the front door of ~l~e Court House I 1
a~'D'{~~s-s'~°ner'; .... "~. approval o~ the.. ...... .~,~ || hundred($3,150:00)fiftYbe andand no-1001s DollarsI Extension Division N. D.A. f the day of sale. The premlses des- in the City of 1Bleach in the County ~ ]KEO~ ~ ~][~F~. |
same hereby , C.. Deduction from bill No. , cribed in said mortgage and which of Golden Val ey a d State Of ~ --- I
o~'t~l~'~at~on for relief filed bv/appr@prlated and aside for the l 7088 ..................................... 62.50I will be sold to satisfy the same, are North Dakota, on the 9th day or | A~I~R~T~ AT I~.W I
o le~t _~acific Ry Co., rela'-lpurpose of paying, upon certificate[ Extension Division N. D.A. t those certain premises situated in March A. D. 1931, at the hour of ten I I
Whic~tl~e~e in Sentinel Butte[Of the Secretary of the State High-[ C. Co. Agt's Salary and t " the County of Golden Valley, and o'clock in the forenoon of said day, | Be~l~ Norf~ D~ |
red b-- -~ m no tenant was [way Commissior~, the County's f Exp ....................................... 233.361 ~
)prova~ ofne~b°ard subject to[share of the total estimated cost oft ~rI State of North Dakota, and des- to satisfy said Judgment with in- | ~]~0~ 1 •
Edna J. Algulre, Treas. j cribed as follows, towtt: terest and costs thereon and the ~ e ~ !
mer Amo~_~e ~ate Tax Corn- | improvement of Federal Aid Pro- I Clerk .................................... 56.00 I The Northeast Quarter (NE-
P M thinest.92. |jeer No. 347A in Golden Valley] Franklin R. Smith, Treas. t %) of Section Six (6)In Town- costs and expenses o£ sale, or so ~ •
et at ~:,a . ~Oard adjourned County. I clerk ................................... 81 00t ship One Hundred Thirty-nine much thereof as the proceeds o~ ======-=================
" -~- ,~. M. February 10 AND BE IT FURTHER RE-I Knight Pig. Co.,~ supplies .21.05[ (139) North, Range One Hun- said sale applicable thereto will , . .
:A ,~ .... ' SOLVED that under the proyisionstN. W'..Bell Tele. Co,, ser- . ] dyed Five (105) West, contain- satisfy. _ .... ' '' -~
The premises to be sOld as afore-, ....===:==:==:=::-::=--~
• '~nA~. C I~IRISTIANSEN of Sectiou 22, Chapter 159 of tlteI vices ...................................... 21.4~J| lug One Hundred Sixty (160) said pursuant to said judgment ann t ]~[~k][~IDA~ ~ ~.~ |
~ounty Auditor 1927 Session Laws, the County Au-I Beach Advance, pu'bltshlng 92.1~I acres, less Railway Right of decree and to said writ and to this | ~ i ~m~ |
------" ~ direr is hereby authorized and di- [ Curtis Sill, Prisoners board 5.00 t ~¢Vay containing six and forty- notice are described in said judg- | ATTORNE~ AT LAW |
of North Dakot rectcd, upon written demand of|John W~,ntalnd. mileage for one One Hundredths (6.41) ment, decree and writ as follows, | __ |
-a, SS the State Highway Con[mission as t January ........................ :.: ..... 43.95 acres, more or less, according
of~,.Golden Valley ' evidenced by. certificate of the So- Curtis Sill, mileage .................... 29.20 to the United States Govern- to-w~t~ of Section Twenty-four $ Pl~i~ ][~ All ~ I
A. 1~I Feb~ ..... cretary thereof, to draw a wari-ant L. J. Erickson, miiea~:e ....31.40 ment Survey thereof. (24) in Township One Hundred t ~__~"~'~, ~ •
)it "Count !ary 10, 1.931, the or warrants on the County Treas- John ~V. Wentland, mileage There will be duo on such mort- Forty-two (142) North, of | ~ ~. ~, |
~Uant to td~O~nm~ssionersurer in favor of the contractor for for December .................... 84.30 gage at the date of sale the sum of Range One Hundred Three ~ I
)el~s pres ~-U~nment wit~ such amount or amounts as may be- C. G. Johnson, road work.. 29.25 $1,635.96. -
Wnoa~ ~" come due him not to exceed the The mileage bill for December of Dated at Beach, N. D., this Tth (103) West, of the Fifth Prin- ~--==-=---=======- -=-=-=~-~1.~'
rs~:.~ ..Was appointed County's share'of such estimate John ~,V. Wentland was reduced day of February, 193I. cipai Meridian In Golden Val- ..~.
.... ,~,* the U: ' ROSE H. SASSE, loy County, North Dakota, to- --- _- .................... ' --
13R-106. ~'ages Assignee of Mortgagee. gether with all the heredita- - ........... ==--'~
unorganized necesasry to meet or pay the 45.00, mileage of State~Demonstrat-
s were f!x- County's share of the actual cost of or. KEOHANE & KUHFELD meats and appurtenances there- DB. I. B. ~ I
cents Per hour for man the improvement of Federal Aid The bill of Vivlan Wentland for penny for your thoughts AttorneYs for Mortgagee,' unto .belonging or in anywise
ts per hour for team• Project No. 347A, after a contract her January salary was reduced DEI~r][~E | i
(POre was aPPointed as- therefor has been awarded or the $3.00, an excess charge, that's a fair price. | Beach North Dakota. apl~er~aln.lng. . ....
' . ~a~eu tnls ~no. Day o£ ~'eoruary
Townships 143 and 14~, work done by force account, and 5:00 P. M. the Board adjourned ~ a cheau skate. (Feb. 12-19-26--Mch. 5-1219) A.D. 1931. - X- !
for the year 1931. ~ondalso such additional warrants in to meet at 9:00 A. M. March 9th, ~ - ~ CURTIS ~SILL, ~%y~ A
iShed to meet the approv- such amount or amounts in favor 1931.
Board. Moved rby W~oodb , II and second- NOTIOE OF MORTGAGE FOR~-- No~rht~rlDff2:ta?°lder~ Valley County, BEA~TH. ~o D. !
moved by O'Keefe an of the Departmenl of State High- (Seal) C~I~AS. CHRISTIANSEN,
~Y Wosepka that the f~d ways to rein~bu~s| the said De- County Auditor. ed by Halvorson that Alderman CLOSURE $~LE ~Y AD- w~'.~4~ ~" ~rT~T.r~
partment for th~ ~ouu~y's share of • John Drown be appointed a corn- YERTISEMENT ~',~'~'"'~'~¢^'~ ~°7"."--'-------' ~=---'----~ "----------=--~
~olutions be a .... ~" the total cost ~el material i ..... ney ...... atnt~
mittee to deliver the f re truck to ........... '
TIONto proceedCOUNTYwithBOARDstate Resolution~0f~A1~provaland engineeri~et forthas passedin the COUNCIL PROCEEDINGs the Fire Department, Motion car- Notice is givne that that ~eac~'I0¢l~r~Snl~)-~°~'---Meh• 5) ;~ ....... -= == ~ = ....
ried. certain real estate mortgage exe- "
Improvement apPropriat- by the St~t ~Ilg~way Commission Moved by Brown and seconded by cuted and delivered by William H. ~ ~ D]~ V, G. ~[
nds therefore and auth- for the abq~ ~nention-ed project onCity Council met in regular ses- Halvorson that the Coufleil do nowWoodhull and Nellie I. Woodhull ............................. ~ ~][~sI~ORRIS |i
)unty Auditor to draw Jauuary~3 ,ff~'1931. sion Monday, January 5th, 1931, adjourn, which motion prevailed, his wife, as Mortgagors, to Grace .... ~,~*~I~k~**~:'~.,~:c | OffiCe phone 40o I
for such State High ira- ~he.~r4~ve is a true copy of a at 8 P. M. M:em,h.~e~" present, A1- Attest P A COOK M. Wleting, of Beach, ~orth Dakoo ~ ........ ~in~ ~v-
r~l~5.n of the Board of County dermen John Brov~,~P.IA. Cook, T. --'~,-~ ~r ' " Ch~"m~- ta, as Mortgagee, dated December ..... t Res~ent phon@ ~. |
~tI~SOLVED by the Board ~.missioners, adopted February L. Dickinson, C~.O~ ~f]vorson, W, --'C'~y ~..~,~i~'or. - ........ 28th, 1.928, and flied for record i. 1. Proposals f~,--~r the construe- " BP~Ch, North s
~" CommisslonerScountv: of .G°l'-~ ~1931, the following Com.mis- V,~. Mills and~W.~X-t.*~'oodhall. May- the ~°fhce of the RegisterNOfr Deeds ........... ,~,~n ,~f s .~tate Highway .qtate
aecordance with ~ s~o~rs voting "aye" Kirkpatrick, or J. G. ~e~b~ b~i~g absent, P. A.~_ . of Golden Valley County, o th Da- ~o,,t,~ N,~ IS Golva North will be ~'~-~- -~----= = _- ........ ~ I•
O'I~efe and Wosepka and the fol- k D .........
r 159 of the 1927 ~e~ lowing voting "nay" none. C.oo~.,~pr~de~t ~f the council pre- eta on the 28th day of ecember ' ~ i
m eh . ' . ' received by the ~tate H ghway
Board of Cour~tMiJvfi~y
of Golden Val~e~ ~Dty (Seal) CHAS..CHRISTIANSEN, sn '' es of the regular meeting " Dairymen who buy u_, of then" 1928, at. .o'c.lock P: M" and re-] Commission in the offices of the
ieea, e~mer gram or roughage, nave coruea in J~OOK 17 DE ~M.ol%gages on l ~ .... ~,~,~, ,,¢ ~,,~ ~-T~ ..... •
ect to prl~Leed~ ~th hel)ated'- February CountYl0th 1931.Audlt°r' h~Lrc] December let. were read and one chance of makhlg a profit. The iPages 416-.17, will be foreclosed by t Bismarck N Dak. not later thanI ~ D Ee A Nym~L~l
rnent of Felil~l~th l~h_e • a sale o~ ~ne premises In saia mor~- 'c ' " ' "eb ua
on noUon ,by Mills, seconded, by dairyman who raises crops s.mtable gage and i ereinafter described at o lock tiry 27thj
It was decided by the Board to Brown were approved as read. . i , ............... ~ ...................
• . 348A in ~o~d .e~= Valley. Pay 25 centts per mile for road The following bills were present- •
for making milk ~ ~wo cnance the front door of the Court House, [v~i~] h~ nUhHmv ~nen~.~ ~nrl ,,,~a ro
:orcLance jwith . terlns ....... ""i ...... olde V 1 ............... ~ .............
r~eso~ion of ap- Urargglng dnd maintaining tn or- ed and considered: for refit :Fn"st there lS ~ne pro- In the ~ ~y ot ~eacn, in ~ n a - ', "the Pronos~ls mus~ h,~ ,~,~a
• .P • : ' ley County North Dakota, on "o otherwi~ "~" o i ~ -"' ........
g nized townships on roads desig-Montana-Dakota Power Co. flt In raising the crops, and secoIld, d ..... ' ....... to r r e dep s ted with the
tted by the State nated as County roads, o power for Dec ............... $ 20.00 ~onaay ~ne 2na uay o~ ~tarcn De) rtmen " " C]RFIROPI~]~ -
nission to the ~:oun- 12:00 Noon the Board adjourn- ),~ontana-Dakota Power Co. , , ~ ~...,~. ~. ~., .~,.,. ~.., ....
the profit from feeding the cow. ]1931 at' the hour of Two (2:00)~i~)~a ...... t of1.~:ate Highways at ~ /
ors of Golden Valley ed to meet at 1:00 P M. light at the pump house 1.50 ocolck in the afternoon of said ~,~alea ~.,a ~,~o,s~,~ "'Pr ..... ~ ¢'~"
.~orth the total es'- 1:00 p. hi. the Board met pursu-Montana-Dakota Power CO. ' * • .... a o" 1 ........... ~ .............. " "~"
' day, tosatisfy the amount due on ~.~.~.,,c~.~'"~ ~-~i~'c~-~'- | Off~ Houris |
• hat~ ~nesaidPropoSedcounty lm-•of ant to adjournment with all mere- .street lights for Dec ..... 111.59 NOTICE TO CONTR&CTORS j sa~d mol~g.age on the a y. ~ sa:e: va North (Fedoral Aid Project No. ~ 9 tO ~ L m I ~ | ~ II~ t
[ the share or por- bersL. L.present'Baughman before Montana-DakOtalight and Power Co. STATE HIGHWAY CONSTRUC- ['~n0 promlses ..n~, sal{l 348-A) In Golden Valley County" Phone
appeared gas at the-fire ~ - - r situ t- i ....................... ~" " I | |
is tp bear, together TION mortgage and wmcn Will oe solu .2 A c~t|fia~ phoott f~r K n~
the Board in regard to culverts in hall ...................................... 10.44 to satisfy tnesame a o a eu n , ~*
" - II - n- North Da cent together with a bidder s bond
er conditions as are township 136-105. It was decided Advance Publishing .Co~ Golaen va ey ~ou ~y, - '
....... "~for the construc ........................ in the full amount of the gross sum | ][~ over l~Er~ ~ |
)f~lnthlsWhiehresolutionare herebYas roadsthat Com. Wosepka view these publishing Pr0¢~edings ....33.61 .. ~-~t~a~,~,o " KO[a ann av~crluva ~ ~.w~vw~, ~v-hid ~t ~,~r,n~r,~r~v ,~.~oh r,~,~,~al
number of cul- N. P. Railway Co., rental on d S of Don i ....................... t~ t _ I
ttonof a State Highway On State wit:' -~, -}-on~.=~,~.;~...~,,~,=[- ~..Z~-=,=.~.:; ~t~il~
Route No. 16 N. an . .. n e "£he East Half (E~) of See-.... nf 700n ]~N~ ,~¢ ~,,,~,-~o ~, ,¢o,~,~
~on.hebeenSametullyeffeCtset forthas if ve~tStaxneede~Edeed was issued to Albert G.fir°o. halIHer~riess,le~se site. hauling ........ 15.50 View will be received by ~ne State tion Twenty-two (22), TOWn- and- ...... "Stock P~le-ro~t~(*imv~ove~enl [ ~ No Dl*lr~ |
Anderson on Trac~ A-25 Part of g~'aln .... f ....................... 14 2.8 Highway Coa~mission in the offices ship One Hundred Forty (140) in .....
l: t;etahtDa~il~a~e,C:klt~ ~f State High volvIng approximately:
°lr9~4~nceTl~l~R,% CompiledlZCESOLVED'with LawsSee" AddtttonL°t 2 in toI)l°Ckthe Cityl0' Hunter'Sof Beach.First R.A .*.i~. Hglstead,Ab~' salarypremivOf "'D'e~o~ " . AD~:, F t North, Range One Hundred 7:000 P~;Pe~ratton ................
ta, 1913, as amended, ~oved by O'Keefe and seconded flr~ .department inc~..~ "-" -"-~ " whic;: "I~" Ixing M inta nlng
by ~Vosepka that the following res- W.~. Mills, supplies |.~ ruary 2•#1 ~ .t:~ L ,, ~, ~ .. ~ ' '
hree Thousand one olution '.be adopted: D. Spiegelberg ~ff, ' ' il ' b~bli 1 ~ ~65 C Y b' Hauling
and time they w e P c y 9 719 ,~ ' ~'cl's ~r' shln~ ~ "
and no-100 Dolh RESOLUTION: tract reduil, all opened a] d read. , . ..... ~ ~"
and same is he: May .... ch Sq la: s OI~ening ~ US DO ~O~
set aside for kota. 2 The Proposals must De malt ...............
• • " ~,o,~.~a W. XUS. ~I:rlpplng FItS
ed to or otherwise deposited wlth
Five (105), Wost of the Fift~ 7719 C ya,~ Loadin~. Snrenaln~
later than 10 o'clock A. M., Feb- Principal Meridian. M/,~fn~ ~r.~'~'~n~.,~ " .......
ruary 27th, 1931, at which place " iv ....... " ............
And notice Is further g en that a_~s~ t, v ~ r-~.,,li.~ -====-=- -=--===-_r=_m_~
and F, D. and time they will be publicly the Mortgagors having failed to ~',~'~'v~*~-~,,"s-h"~',~,~% .....
and ~ - Whereas, Lillle .ct 35340 opened and read. pay tne taxes on salu p e sos zor inch S-uar~ ~n~nin~ Ll~ l~t| l~) ~l~,| •
ort .......
nd ~ ~atmer, of Beach,, North De- Miller & Wi 1~95 . 2. The Proposals E 1St be mail- the year 1929 andthe M,~.~gagee 1,633~ C. Yds.~Stri~ping Pits
paying, Upon to *h~na~s~thr°ugh Oounsel appliedW, W. Mills fence ....60.00ed to or otherwise d, posited with ...... ~ ~, ........................ i 2 Nn Pit ~/~ .... .
retary of the State sio~-~.~ ~y~ra of COUnty Commis- C. H. CI~] ~rpenmg the Department of State Highways of $179.01, that such sum, together -" ...... PAINT
mission, the C_~ rele~s~n~Ur~a release of Judgment tools _•...~. ...... = ...... = 2.0.0 at Bismarck, N. Dak., and shall bewith interest thereon from the time l 700 C ~ls.-- Load~.'~Unloadin~
the total estimated ~o~,.. ~ ~.~e ~OUtheast Quarter Golden/~l][e er xara sealed and endorsed "Proposal for of payment, is included in the and Pillnw " ~'
~ment of Federal Aid ~V~ or the Northwest Querier l_kw~l~ posts ............ 33.46constructing a Stato Highway N.[ amount claimed to be due on this l ~ ~o~ P ~v ........ An& I
..... • ~" rnree 3 mortgage ................... RATING
'. 348A in Golden Valleyand ,Five ~ ..... (). Four (4), Cl~i~t~ Merc. Co., gro- and S of Bonnie View (Federal Aid ". ........ I 700 C. Yds Crushlng tO pass 3- " DECO
T;OWnship "~ne" ~IeuCtt°n~ Six.. (6), ~lH~L49"Wfor pnor ................ 18.18Project No. 347A) in Golden Valley] And no~lce Is iurtner given that linch Snuar~ ~-~--~
BE IT FURTHER RE-" eight ¢138~ ~_ - ...... "~.'mrty- /~l~ Grain Co., coal for cOunty." _ I default havlng bexeens ~ad& in theI 5. C~pies of V~l~e"~roposal blanks
l Payment oI said ta y e ~lort- , may be obtained from the De~art- ~ ~'~ ~ m][~J~0@ i
that under the ~rovisions Five (i05)"G~enge~One Hundred ~L~oor ...................................... 9.20 3. A certified check for b per-]gagors, and the Mortgagors having m~-t -~ ~ .... ~z ........... ~T~o
n 22, Chapter 159 of theNOrth Dakota, from the lie ......... . .... .
ion Laws, the County Au- ' ,, valJey COunty, A. Overstad & Son, ,burial cent, together with a bidder's bond] further failed to pay the lnterest lm~rek N Dat~ Plan~ and sr~lf!
~Deor~eby au/~horlzed and di- judgment obtained .~ ..... ~ne nt~ountOf a J of poor ................................ 75.00in the full amount Of the gross I due on said m0rtgage, on November [ cation~ .................. ar~ nn it1. ~. th~ ~.....~..r~'~l''" C • & SON t
of Golden VaP^o- y ohn Brown, groceries for sum bid, must accompany each] 15tb, 1929, and~ on November 15th, I Office of the Denartment o¢ ~*o*~
p~n written demand of 1924 against O'~,~~ on.June 12th, _ poor ...................................... 18.91proposal. - • - 1 ........
]1920, that the Mortgagee s by the [HighWays -, r~,~, .... ~ ~-~ • J EIDE
• "~" ~etwee H.H. Harpster, salary for 4. Contemplated work consts~s] t0rms of said mortgage, authorized[and the office of the Denartmeat of
' ~lghway Commission as was then the record -,-. d who . , _ ............... , ....... ,
.oy Certificate of the Se-the land above desc~'~e OWner o~ December ............................ 125.00of 7.031 miles of Gravel Surfacing[t° declare and has declared and State Highways at Bis~,rek N
ribed, which Aylward Sons & Co., catch and Stock Pile road Improvement[does hereby declare tbe entire[Dak, and ats~ at the office ~f the
cnereOf,warrantstOondrawths acountyWar- Judgmentment roll filedwas docketedin t~ .... and Judg= basin gates ........................ 16.50involving approximately:
in favor of the contractor ..~ o~ce of the [ amount of said mortgage debt as I County Auditor in the County
Clerk of the DI~*~- .~ A.A. Abel, freight and ex- 7.031 Miles, Su,bgrade Prepare'[now. due and payable; that the lwheretn the project or projects aro
Lu~?unt or amounts as Golden Valley C0u~'t'~" ~ourt of press. ................................... 13.113tion.
....... .. ~, on June 1~, I mortgagee haS nertotore anu morel located.
sh[oshar~m'- " meet otn°t sucht°or eXCeedpayeStimate,thethe ; ~ ~ d wbylC~op~epsplol ~a~ on was"ankrupt's sUp-pe. Geo.Beachc°alF.atC°-°P'Lo~be,pUmp salaryh°UseGrain ........ CA).,for 10.65and2~7849'632Spreading.SC*c. Y.YdS'M.L°ading'Haulding.Unl°ading [ ¢lose[[than°f giventhlrtYsaidnotieemortgage,daYSofpri°r lntentlOn.andt° datethat to here-, . 6.fore. n° ] posals.I Present Allatblddersthe onenin~_ are _lnvitedof the_ tO_nro.be_ 601d e II V~~----'~ •-~
titlon for Discharge and Order of December ............................ 125.00 9,632 C. Yds. Screening. [redemption of the defaults existing[ 7. The right is reserved to re-
,,r~fV or ~ne actual cos~ Notice Thereon, Proof of Publics- Henry Keels, .................................. work on 4 0 9,632 C. Yds. Crushing Oven~Ize.
i~ -ve ment of Federal Aid tlon of Notice, and Adjudication ofmains 0 5,790 C. Yds. Stripping Pits. [in sa/d mortgage ha.s-been made by ]Ject any and-all proposals, to waive
h=-"'='~' after a contractBankruptcy, in the Matter of O C Ed. Kveck, work on mains 5]20 [ the Mortgadgors. I technicalities, or to accept such as
~T'~°sen awarded or the Attletweed, Bankrupt, duly cer*~" 2 No. Pit Moves.
oy force account I There will be d.ue on said mort-[may bq determined to be for the
L additionalw , and fled and wheroas saia ...~_ ~'.- L. R. Baird, Receiver, house ~toek [Pile Item
i Three Thousana ~tghty-seven and] State. •
- ~ arrants In meat has by said bankruptcy been Moved by Woodhull and second~ Pile. [81-100 ($3087.81) Dollars, together[ 8. Bidders must bid on all items ~ ~ 8~ ][zl~]~
,un[ or arnou~ s in favor ' ,- ~u~ment rent for poor .................... 40.00 500 Cu. Yds. Load, Unload and [gage on the, the Sum of~best interests of the County and
epartment of bate HI rendered uncollectible, be It ed by Brown that the bill of L. R, 1,573 C. Y. M. Hauling. ~with the statutory Attorney's feeslcontalned In the proposal blank.
reimburse t~ ._ ~h- RESOLVED that said lands here- Baird, receiver be rejected and all 500 C. Yds, Screening.
• or "~ -- • ' sa~d Ee- In, before described be released from other 'bills he ~llowed and warrants 500 C. Yds. Crushing Oversize.
~ne ~:0unt S sha- - | and the costs of these foreclosure I Any bid or bids received for any
cost ofo~-a~ ~" ms're oz the lien of said Judgment herein- drawn on the several funds for 5. Copies of the Proposal blank~lproceedings. [number of items less than those R00m~ with Bltth~ ~0~
teering as set ...~ , .e~ ~l before mentioned, and the Chair- their payment Upon roll call all may be obtained from the Depart- [ Dated this 22nd day of January, I contained in the uroposal will be
of ApProval "a~n .~ t tte man of the BOard of County Corn- men~bers present voted aye, nays ment of State Highways at Bis- [ 19~1. [ considered as irregular and re- O0~ W~r 1111 evM7
~tab Hi~hw~. -- ~ ~ss ,u missioners and the County Auditor nono. Motion declared carried, merck, N. Dak. Plans and speclfi- [ GRACE M. WIETLNG, [Jected as such, TIT ~ ~ ~
th~ ~ = ~. up[ Lm ~- of Golden Valley County be auth- Moved by Woodhull and seOond- cations are on file in the Division] Mortgagee, ~STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT We knOW ~ Win ~ TOll0
~o" ~ adoreD, toned ~-n~ ..• prized to execute a release of said ed by Brow~ that the ~urplus lum~ Office of the Department of [ HAI~IDAY & SCHELL, ] (Signed) H.C. FRAH:M~
The ~ Judgment on behalf of said County, [ per from the remodeling of the fire State Highways at Dickinson', [ Attorneys for Mortgagee, I Secretary.
Upon being put to vote the fol- hall be 8old to F. D. Spiegetberg N. D., and the office of the[Beach, North Dakota. ' Dated February 2nd, 19~1,
above is a true copy of a lowing was had: Kirkpatrick Yes, for $12.~0, Motion carried. Department of State Highways at l (Jan. 22-29--~Feb. 5-15-19-~6) (Feb 5-12-19)
tom rfncUng. Sand, gravel and
k ing wood for sale.E. D,
Logan. 39-t .
Truck--One Minneapolis Tractor,
in first class shape. See or
Guy Cox, Beach.