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February 19, 1931 |
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• ~ Living Room That Makes You Senate Wants to "Recall" These Men
Want to Stay at Home, Thelma
Making old Furniture Look Like
New, Ioune Nelson.
Home Ec. Mystery, Margaret Ar-
Origin of Tapestry and Its Use,
Helga Omley•
NO special program was planned
but the club listened to the reading
of its constitution, and had a dis-
cussion of the life of Sir Walter
Scott. Miss Sundby read a part of
"The La.ckv of the Lake."
Talk on Work, James McGee.
Song Writers. Elizabeth Russell.
Pantomie, Nee Lawhead,
Reading, Virginia Miller•
Reading, Grace Gilbertson.
Rev Father Hake donated five i
dollars to the high school to be us-
ed in the extra circula# activities,
Elsie Buldhaup~ and Violet Sev-
erson were omitted from the
honor roll for the last six weeks
Madge: "How are you gettingi sons?" May: "Wonderfully•
your automobile lea-II learned how to aim the
After a short business meeting,
consisting of roll call, reading of
minutes of the previous meeting,
and a discussion of new business,
the following programs were rend-
Measuring the Speed of Light,
Junior Sehulz.
Martin Johnson's Expedition in
Europe, Delia Musll.
Stunts With Surface Tension,
Ralph Carlson.
Effect of Color on Heat, Viola
The Busy Broker, a reading, Dean
Mexico s Art Goes on a Tour,
Cecelia Enderle.
The Baby of Them All. a story,
Ethel Boaserman.
The Hero of the Marne, current
topic, Kenneth Kannenberg.
THIS expression, often heard from an owner
the new Case Model "L" Tractor, shows
absolute confidence he has in his tractor's
The tractor backs him up on it, too. Light
compact, it weighs but a trifle more than
draft horses--no excess weight to be 1
around. More power is available for useful
profitable work.
~Fise Greot Am~rleon Voht~
See Yonr Dealer Below
. ,Cl tU] L,
tied material.
The Shorthand II. class is look- The first year students were in- )f th~s
ins forward to its new book entRled ltiated, the older ones were calling ~e ~J
"Secretarial Studies," because they them the green hands. The pro- "ei
• ' ' this not'
are growing weary of taking short- gram was as follows .... ~ " - b " w
hand dictation all the time. Former Faith, Donald Hardy. and interest ~ nea sal~ ~aand
The Typewriting classes are hay- A New Corn Contest,Donaldfrom said sale before the expira-
h~ ~ tests of ten to ftfteeD I~tl~way tlon of the time for redemption as
~.+t1~:'~. r-.~.~~,~w. r...A above stated, a deed thereof will
manuttm duratdon. Some have wrll;- o ~ Thl'i issue tothe holder of the tax sa e
ten as high as forty words per z, eonara 1• certificate
as provided by law.
mLnute with a small amount of Pasture Fertilization, Harold Witness my hand and official seal
Feldhusen this >17th day of February, 1981.
ory class- h " (SEAL)
course up Sixty Two-Year-Olds, Luther Auditor, Golden Valley Ceuntyj
Hod~ln$ ~ North Dakota,
Questt'ons That Future Farmers (First l~ublieatton F~bruary 19th,
Ha4 Iast Year, Mr. P~ (Feb. 19-26--Mch, 5)
They have gained the speed of
about 50 words per minute on prac-
The Shorthand I. class is travel-
ing at break-neck speed in taking
dictation of letters and articles•
period. Elsie's average for that Other aduantages include a fast,
period being 94 3-5, and Violets' I eft to ri-ht Marcel G.trs'md Claude L Dra,~er and Geor,-e Otis steering gear which relieves the operator
91 1-5. • Smiti~, whose ~on'fi~a'tio:ls ;~ l~(onl/')ers'of the'federal I,.wer (:o~l~d~ion shocks and jerks from the front wheels a.. h
Mr. orinds~uen attended an exe7 ,'lie senate asked the President to return to the senate in order that it operated clutch within reach from the gro
• Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt, widow of the former President, as she cutive meeting of the Missouri ~•.g~d~dtr.... ,~vipd•_~e.... i,~ ,,c""ti'--' ...... i,~ e"--'~,'m;,,,'~ ,,,.~"~ n. '""-~.e 1'"~, ,~,,,e,. ........ ,~.,,~e,,+" .... ' ~"="'" or tractor seat hahn" " controls' cash" wor
returned to New York from Porto Rico where she had been visiting Slope Conference on Sa.turday Feb ........... (•u(~, """ Y Y
]her son, Governor Roosevelt. She attended memorial services in Oyster ruary 7th, at Dickinson It was ~'~ ~ "L' '" ~" . ;. swinging drawbar for easy steering and n
Bay 0n the twelfth anniversary of her husband's death, and recelved a decided to continue the Music _= ........ _ ........ i ing short turns with full loads.., practk
large group of "pilgrims" who made their annual visit to the eolonel's Festival which was so popular last .... "Z~'~: . automatic lubrication
t r'rklay morning Mrs W A "
tomb. " __~ [f:rs Tuhs~c ~t~vtal a::d ~le~aTad WEST TROTTERS ; Cam~n son Billy' and Dan J'ohn: Come in--see and decide i~r yourself that
..... +,.,~,.k ,W,.~+.. ,,~ .h,. ,~..~,t ,~+ +h,.~n Mi~s Alic" B HaH~n}an R~Dorter I son took a trip to Dickinson where many advantages offered in this
new tractor
Drl0H Hlftll l~ftHflfl] rflnTMifIHT] ~ differen~ times. This contest willi ........... ithey v.~s~ted Rex Campbell, who is[ m the smaller Model C as well as m l
attending normal school
flrlll.rl nihn AhnHH] rH~/~ll,ln/[| be held in Dickinson some timei ! _. .. • ~ [ other Case farm machines are just what you
~d~ihi~l%~l] IIIL|[I ~k~IkPlllh~UL /g$[|[ll[~[][L] during the fore ,part of May P.T.A. PROGRAM : ~ne pupns of the Guy school[ tnmM~ev,mrfarm~nrkeasierandmorenrot
.... a !,,~,, ,,+ .... + ,o ~,~,__ " ..... I Do-'t for"et the Henr,, P T A~ have completed their Washington l .... :" "" r
a~llT, Or ................................................. Mildred Tobias, "L :"?'~ ...... ~t ,o ?~mg ~nown I m__ts" thi- ~Frida- Feb~ar: 2~)th'; project which takes up the events l .....
~ews Editor ................................. An~eltne Wickam aeoate among our smaen~ oouy. f ee s y, Y ', ~,, +~,~ ',~ ,.~ +~,~ ~,+,..~ ^~ ^.., ~.~ ~ ~N
Athletics .......... James StoneThe seven schools between New [ 8 p. m., at the Guy school. At that ] .... ,,~ ,:,~ ,,, ~,,= ,2~,y: ,,, ,,u~ [ ~,.m -~ ,, ' m
portmentai'News........................ Dean "I~ugl~s" •Myrtle Meyer Salem and Beach inclusive, have time several interesting features c~:n~y m a series oi pmtures ano [ kT~---q'~-'~W "xL ~ ~
Features ...................... E]'lzabeth Russell been organized into a Aebate cir- will be presented. One a patriotic] . " ....... [ ~-~ ~] I] .-~
Clubs Editor .......................................... ~elma Dailey cult and are working on the ques- address by Judge A. E• Kastien ofI Mrs. ~ang pen.risen anal ~L~r_~~ 1[~
............................................ tion" Resolved that Chain Stores lBeach "I;he other a debate on the son ~mert were ~unaay vmxtors at l ~ .z .... ~.~. ~--':----£ £ll ~ "
EDITORIAL ; Are Detrimental to the Best Inter- ]subject, "Resolved, that the eigh-t Mr. and Mrs. Art Kammerer s. [ .. _ / ~ ,~ ;~2/" •
MI ann Mrs ~:a wenuana and'
SPRING FEVER transpired during the deoade of the ¢sts of the American People• Those teenth amendment should be re- . .:.' - . • . • ., I ~( [/~/~g...~ ,h~/$l
, ,, lamilv and Mrs wentlanas moth '
As each day rolls by it is bring- fifties. ]chosen to represent our local High lpealed. The affirmative side will[ " ... "..7 .... = ~ ~/]
er wer ~1 tors at me home oI 2¢1, ,.~..:~%.,t
tug us closer and closer to those " The Modern History class is be-[school are: Affirmative: Ernest[be taken by Wm. Campbell, Chest-I . e ,s[ _ .... [. - , .,'~,~1,.~ ~
ana ~ , o r~ Anore ~unaay ai ~,~)
warm balmy spring days that are ~nning the stud,, of the formation[Helm Dorothy Lovell and earlier Gasho and Clell Trollope" the] 'L'.~. . . - '7." • ..x2, .~ .~._~[~/ ~[~ ~[~ '
the delight of poets the Joy of of the German Emp}re. This elass tUeckert; Negative: Iva Clark, Ilo negative by J. R. Andre, Ed. Went- ternoon. .i,, ,, -, "'-~ ~.~ .I~:~T~ ~
school children and the despair of is composed of very ambitious stu-IHollstein and Rex Foster. Harvey land and J Q Lawhead. I A la:~e crowd reported a finP 't/b/'~'" " ..... 5_- ~.-~ -- - .-] ~l~ [~
bition and an intense dislike for ..... • I On Lincoln's birt~da', the Rev i Dale Ware delivered coal to the Mr and Mrs J A Vinquist spent ~~ ~ ~ ~
' The lnaustrial Geography class ~ • ~ .... ~ mr_--,.~_-~ ..N.=_ _~ n) n~ ,
anything that is inclined towards a Is now ex,~ectin- a little quiz every ]Father Hake addressed the High IGuy school.lastTuesday: o _ [a most pleasant evening at the II ~ ~
studious nature• Of course the idea ._ _ "~--'_ ~ ..... I school assembly in a splendid talk I l~. o. ~sarztana ann ~oo Meuon= I home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stewart. -----
Monaay "me stuaents are glaa Gasho ,
is conceived that being seriously t-a" ": "" ..... ]on "Citizenship," in which he saidlald visited at the Amos [The time ~as spentin playing
,, ,, n $ H; IS on Monauy ana not on, •
ill we should not be made to Frlda" l~eeause the- are rath^r su' that today we make much ado lh°me last Tuesday evening, l cards and listening to the radio ~] ¢ ~ ,_L_L_|_] ~_ ! rid , /
bother with such things as tiresome ....~.__ .~ ~ . .'~ " I ob,,,+ +~,~ ~m,,,~,,+ c,+iz~,, ,.-, .~.. ] Robert Trollope visited at the Before the ~uest's departure Mrs [ ~ ~b~ [|'HII~;;IIN | I~l~]~ I~. ~1~
SChOOl •lessens, ann. me mewtame [l~e stud,,'of the cii'fferent'a~rieui~-]n°t pay much attention to the or-Ihome ot Mr. ann .Mrs. a. ft. ~nure[ Stewart served a dainty and del=I " • •
resul~ m a aecmea lowering ot . . .a • ~ dinar,, members of our state Yet last Tuesday evening icious lunch
eural proauets ~ •
marks in. all subjects. . Th# Latin 1: ,'I .... h~= m= o a]how Could the eminent citizen per- Amos Gasho and son C1]ester [ The Kammerer boys were absent] ..............
~ow, 11; lS no~ necessary ~o con= ..,,.~ ~¢ ÷h"o'~t~;~,!-~',~+-~,,~"~'-÷'~',:l form his task without the support[were Glendive vlskors last Tnurs-lfrom school the greater part of last[ FULL LINE OF CASE QUALITY FARM MA(
tract this dangerous malady for in f'rs'-'-:--'~s ~wor;-" in" L^'in ~r-~" ] of the great mass O'f what is term- ) day. They report quite a snowfall[ week due to bad colds. I "~" "-- m
fact there is no disease by that ....~ ,.~ .... i ............. ~ ed the "ordinary citizenry? '[ in that city that day. On their re- [ I
name It is entirel,, a nroduct of m~r. o~u~ ~,m ~su,~,- wur~ u~ ............ • . .- ,= ...... ~------=
-. -" • .. #- ~ .- - the ~ox* thav h-v~, l~avn~#) tn uur average muzen m apt to un-]¢urn home m one evening theyI ......
~ne .!mag mauon:•anu can easuy..~e ten i~ Latln ~have-written"ori'glna] der estimate his worth• He may lcalled and were s~pper guests az~
eneczeu t)ezore 1~ has aavancea ~o ~ I f Mr and Mrs Art
Latin ~^n[^nc^s ^-'~ hay lazy but is most often indlffer- the home o .
any gre ext ' - ....... 1o~+'^"~ "~]i"- "~'*h =~ ent to his duties as .a citizen be-tKammerer, i ) .___2~[~_____~
_ " . . .o.... .,o.. ,We cause ne ieels tna~ ne alone as an Amert oonnson, rmmp anu r~ -# , /~.~L_~L~/
Let's see now much better work we .......... in ' it
........... Th~ ~ ...... )o~0 boo e~.~.,~ divldual cannot accomplish much nest Moore were in our commun y[ I
can .~o ~n)s semester ~nan me.)a~, throu~h"evoW"Jol~q~'~+o,~o~,"~,:"~,~s of worth as compared to what the last Tuesday in search of missing [ i
ana llow many more names Will De ~'" " "~"* **" "~'~'~ "*"~'~'~'"
.... ~ "- "he honor roll and is becoming familiar with his outstanding citizen c~m do. [ [ ,
' s 1 1 Not everyone can oe an eminent ,~,, , :d 1, i]'
___. .rye of wrltng as. well as learning v]~t,~n h,t ,,,~h ,~f ........ *,l NOTIC'~ o- I I ! < ... k , [) k-.f,, ] i,lJlt!
N T now ne successfully managed his .............................. " REDEMP~IIuN " : ; - ~ ~" t V) ~ t '! "'~
D~PARTME~N,T~. ;O^~S .,.o. operations against the Helvstians bute our share toward the common [ ~ ~ < ,,.->,. -, iilltiti
~ ~c~ ~-'~.v ~:.v~*~.~o ,,~- .-.. ........ " good by cooperation in which th~ State of North Dakota, I I ' %~'~e~,, 5{ ~.-~'.'~-;~' ~_~, I,~.r,l~" .., ,~,~ "~-,. ;. JliHiU..~
es have J~st finished studying the . The ~1~.zen.shlp class has peen significant one is supported by the ...... as. 1 i , ~ ~ ~ ~ }, -. ,,.,.
ouantitv of the population in the stuaymg llIeln ~wemeval ~.mgiand, ,..o~.~,,,~.., ,,, .... .= *...,;.~,,. l~e,~ L'ounry of Golden ~ alley, l i ~-.'~L.~ ~ ~,L~I[~ ~~ ~ '$ , '11|11
corn i Office o County Au( , • ] : , , .
Unlted States, and now they are par ng it with our life of today, as o whole and #eta lar~er and ............. l , ~ ~ ~ ~-'~ ~~Y ~ "Ill
taking up the study of the quahty They have also studied financial wider perspective To Henry Boerger' Louse )~ ...... - l ]~;~[" ~ ~ ""''t~ .... ~.__L.~
of the population of the United Institutions, q,h~ n~.¢~hl~m~ ~¢ ~v,v ~r~ )~nf, ,.q man, Davenport. Ion, a: Alf-,,,],i -
States The classes seem to enjoy The class of Crops and Soils has di )i ui'-as'Th e-oi- x ce "'}t ~ Mueller, DavenpOrt, I o.~]':(i , , the t I ~ ~ ~k~ .d==~~~~~
• kin d t e orl , You are hereby notir . ~', ~ '"~ ;I , ~i!l~!~ ~z
this part of sociology very much been ta g up a stu y of h
• : ' " " 'h "if"often not as hard to die for a cause tract of land hereinafter d",~" :.ibed [ [ ~h~ '{ ~'~ ~=>'"~;~ Jl~---lll|lf'
bc'ause it seems to be coming gin ann cnaraceermties of ~ e o - ,.~ It i~ tn liv~ f~- It and assessed in the name of Henry [ ~klig~PJ l/ ~ ~[ ~~----~iR-=Jill~t
r h rent in our national ferent varieties of soft ..,)o,,=o +he+ ,~,oo o~ Doerger for taxation for the v • ] i ~ ~" '~ ~ m'~~'~q~l'im~JiiNLl~i
me e to t e f • The hearty a~,v ....... ~ .... - cember, 19v7, duly sold as p~vide~[I926, was otl the 13th day De- [ ~" ~ ~ ~ ~]~~x~amm~ - ...~
roblems The Farm Accounting class has o
P . . .......... ' . corded to Father Hake at the con-| ~i~. ~ ~d~i~,~ ~i
The English I. Reading class ls oeen Keeping the i]nancmi recoras clusion of his address bespoke the by law, f@r the delinquent .~a~es~f] i ~~~~~~
~tarting "Treasure Island" with a of the daily transactions in the nnn~a¢,L~f~rs, nf /'h~ ~h,d,anf l'xex¢~v the .year..~'1926. and that t~e,~me[ I ~ )~;,~~~i
................................ for e0~emption from Saintt|c~ wilt[] "~|: ~:,,,!]~
contract. Many members of the operatmn of an eastern farm. ' ~I " " ""'" "
. • .: ..... and we shall look forward to hear- ex ,~e nn, ety dav~ fro tWcom': ..... . .... ;* ".
able to work with a contract• We Ing some new dish towels for the the future ° Said lan(~ !s deF ht ' w Ollow ) _t F yJm
hope they will be as enthusiastic cooking laboratory. ~" seS~lUotnh q~V~nt£12(~O tn(~To~V~2shif]~i ~ 8 ~i~,~/
When they finish with it. The Physical Education classes "How about some nice horse=rad- One H i" . "~h~rty Seven (1&7*~ m ~/// TheNewm;~~
amptes are mostly in poetry. We State of North'--~ota, (Seal) CHAS. CHRISTIANSEN,
Auditor, Golden Va]Tey County,
hope they like poetry like some of >- S.S. North Dakota.
the rest of their school mates. County of Gold#h Valley. i (First pt~blication February 19th, and these bcnefits find even fuller
The English IV. class is advanc- Office of Co#nty Auditor, Beach, During the past 20 years the An~eri-
ing in the age of Scott and Burns. North Dakota/ ~ ~ and finer expression in the Chevrolet
To Henry ]~oerger, H. J. Parker; 193I.)(Feb. 19-26---~ch. 5) can public has purchased 4,883,865
After reading about these men we Alfred C. M~feller. Davenport, Iowa• 1 Seventy-two per (ent Six of today.
wonder if they will know other good You ltre ljereby notified that the Chevro,ct ears.
traits of the Scotch besides thrlfti- tract o]~ la~hd hereinafter d#scribed
and ass,s*d in the name o~ Henry F )r Sale o,these--3,511,651--are ~till ia a~-
hess. . , BoergerVor taxation f_o~.~e year D New liow prices -
The Senior G,~nmar classs 1926, was on the 13th d~]'~ De- tivc service! Such a record de:non-
members are trying to plant in cember, 1927, duly soldl~provtd- ( Road~ter,$475;SportI{
their brains the parts of a sentence ed by law, for the de|i~q~ent taxes s~rates the soundness of Chevro~.c~'s
for the year 1926. aDdltSat the time seat. $195; Coach or Standard Five-~rindcw
gLr%e'S J°r'"~l~%oo~e"ing'%l;~S~e!l~InY" i;l~!:= for redemption ,r* ,aid sale wLIl I)olicy of building the very l-c.%t ear
t expire ninetya.d|Y~r from the corn- . Coupe, $5