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February 19, 1931 |
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FE I UARY 1{}, 1091
BRIEF NEWS Many people heard "The Belfie:d
Trio" broadcast• "Old Time Fiddl-
........ : --== ing" melodies over station KFYR
Roy. and Mrs Packer entertain- at Bismarck a few weeks ago. The
ed the Thomen" family of Medora boys won the favor of many listen-
last Friday evening in honor of erS~hey will be on the "air" againI
their daughter, who was recently over the same station at 5:30 andI
alalTIed to Mr. E. Larson of Miles 6:30 p. m. o'clock (mountain time) I
City, Montana• Saturday, February 21st. L
Charlie Mover has recovered The boys hail from Belt[old, N. I his illness and is back in Dak., and the citizens and people!
schOOl, of Western North Dakota, are I
'proud of such boys who are able to!
entertain them at various times[
Miss Olga Mover has returned to with good clean music which is a]
duty at the Mover cafe after work- pleasure to listen to. I
inglllnessat theof Mrs.ButtreYThoreson.St°re during the "the personnel consists of Vin-]
cent Rodakowski, Steve Namenuk~
_Mrs. Leon Kremers, Mr. and Mrs. and John Struchynski, playing theI
W• J. Kremers and Mrs. P. J. Fis- violin, dulcimer and drums•
cher were up 'from Golva to at- Dulcimer? What's that? TuneI
tend the movies Saturday night• in and you'll be astonished when
you hear it. It's quite a musical
The following are listed amongsensation.
Sick this week: Mrs. Charles All the "fans" who are interested
Ma-s. Orpha Blue. in helping the boys out, may tend
Larson and Mrs. Jim in their requests and criticisms to
the station. This will be appre-
ciated and the boys will endeavor
Helstrom fell off a ladder to answer all requests•
fixing the Legion hall and
_ a nail into his foot, a painful NEW COMMANDMENTS
H. H. BUrehette, mayor of Trot-
• s and president of the chamber
c° un~n~ce, etc., was in town Fri-
ricer the guardianshtn of
Vinquist• Both reported the
e0untry as bare of snow and
getting ready for the spring
A Wonderful lemon hie was left
this office bv Mrs Roy McCas-
Saturday aftern~)n and there
~°et dissentin~ vote when it
clared the lady was the
lemon hie maker• The
not need washing.
~eo. I-Iill. who has been via-
With her daughter• Mrs. P. C.
to her home at
spring A. C. Townley debat-
couple of times here with an
the latter taking up
CUdgels for the prohibition
• as the ~aid dummy for
ley to knock down and 'fool a
f People. Press dispatches
the news that the ex-preach-
s been Jailed for driving a car
intoxicated and for other
Unbecomin~ a man of the
but in uerfect line with a
who Would be the hireling of
in Such a cause.
Pletan and son Paul were
Dickinson last evenlng, up
general complaint ~bout
ess of the highways and
and even the Paved streets
a country road because of
brought onto them by the
There is a report that the N. P.
road is going to uniform its freight
crews in white duck this summer
and fire anyone getting their
clothes dirty• Just think what a
nifty bunch the boys will be in
such summer raiment•
Crested wheat grass is an ou~-
standing grass for early .spring
pasture in North Dakota. It has
the capacity to grow at lower tem-
peratures than other common pas-
ture plants, so Provides grazing ear-
lier than any of the pastures so far
Try our delicious variety
cf noon lunches, from 15c
and up. A nice bowl of Hot
Soup, Home Made Pies. Real
Serv e a' ad a Smile
General Logan Taken for a Ride IN THE CHURCHES B[ACfl blA $ B Cll W IH[R
,.~. Thursday Morning
Weather report tor the wee~
Last This ending February 18, 7 p. m.
J. Ralph McNeil, Pastor Week Week Max Mln
Sunday school, 10:00 a.m. Northern wheat ....$ .54 $ .53 February 12 ... 33 13 .01
Morning worship, 11 a.m. Winter wheat ........48 .47February 13 36 9
Anthem by choir• Durum Wheat ........41 ~ .41February 14 "'" 47 18
Epworth League, 6:45 p. m.
Evening worship, 7:30 p.m. Rye ................14 .14 February 15 ... 48 28
Special orchestra number. Flax ...............1.18 1.28 February 16 ... 49 26
Mid-week Bible study and Pray-Oats ................ 17 .16 February 17 ... 41 27 i3
er service Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.
Eggs ................09 .08, February 18 ... 46 25 ,
Our motto: Jesus Christ the So-
lution of Every Problem." Butter ............ .23 .23i J. CLAYTON RUSSELI~
Cream ..............22 "2~ Cooperative Observer,
Percival C. Packer, B. D. Minister
Allegiance to the Kings of Kings WE HAVE A NUMBER OF WATCHES LEFT FOR RE-
ix the best patriotism.
Services for Feb. 22rid. PAIR THAT ARE UN~AI.~