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February 19, 1931 Golden Valley News | |
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February 19, 1931 |
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. i i ,
Mrs. J. F. Crook, Reporter
lq~appy Hollow School:Helen Bis-
hop, May Oison.
Trotters School: Cecil Omley, Ole
~mley and Eddie Omley.
A verY large crowd attended the
meeting of the Union Ladies Aid at
~he John Greenup home on Thurs-
day. A very nice meeting was held
and as tmual a real feast wa~ ~erv-
ed. Even ice cream'was on the
menu. Such feasts as are being
served at all of the Ladies Aid
~atherings aren't a very convincing
l~:oof that we're feeling hard times
w~ry serlo~ly.
As Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sperry and
Mrs. John Kr~amer were returning
home from the Ladies Aid meeting
on Thursday, they stopped for
very slaort time at the Hodgin
home. When they attempted to
start the Chevrolet, it refused to
go, so they spent the night at
the Hodgin farm. Bert Sperry walk-
ed home, however, and returned to
Hodgins later. On Friday Win.
Voyen came along, and being quite
a mechanic, was able to induce the
ear to go again. The folks drove to
Trotters. where Bert Sperry soon
became involved ~n one of the ex-
citing card games. After some
time he was induced to proceed
homeward but the car. was in no
mood to start again. However, Mr.
Metcalf happened to be there and
ctvme to the rescue so that by eve-
ning the folks were again on their
homeward Journey:
A fine Valentine party was given
at the Trotters school on Friday
afternoon. Valentines were distri-
buted, of which all the children
and the teacher received quite a
~mber. After the distribution of
Valentines, ~ lunch, consisting O~
sand~vlches, pickles, ice cream, cake
and coffee was served to all who
Were fotrunate enough to be pres-
ent. All of the patrons except Mr.
and Mrs. Omley, who were unable
to attend, were there, also Mr. and
Mrs. L~ Hodgin, Mr. Metcalf and
son I:~nald and Mr. and Mrs. J. :P.
Crook. All enjoyed a very pleasant
On Monday morning Mrs. Carl
Braddlgan returned to Glendive to
resume her work there.
The Omley family and Miss Lu-
eliot Bishop were supper guests and
ev~nlng visitors at the J. F. Crook
Dan Johnson has now invested"
in a brand new saddle. He should
be able to ride all of the vicious
bronchos now.
We are sorry to say that Mrs.
~dder is suffering with rheumat-
~r. Bishop, Lee and Lucille and
Carlot Nellermoe motored to Beach
Saturday. Helga Omley came out
to Trotters with them.
We are sorry to say that the
baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Monroe Gasho has been quite ill
with ~ severe cold.
Da~ Johnson is the proud posses-
SOr of a fine radio. No doubt the
~amPbeIIs are very happy about it
since he is making l~.'m home with
them. this winter.
Mrs. Nellermoe is suffering with
a felon on her thumb.
Roy Robertson is busy tearing
down a barn and hauling the lum-
ber home. This is a barn near
Beach Which Mr. Robertson pur-
Hjalmar Johnson and Seth
,Thompson were dinner guests at the
Hodgin home on Friday.
Mr. and Mr.s A. G. Treater came
OUt from Beach on Wednesday
night and visited at the Omley and
Crook homes until Friday after-
noon. whe nthey returned to their
home in Beach. Mr. Treater made
several business calls in the com-
munity during that time.
Mrs. A. J. Neliermoe and son
Arthur were Beach visitors on
Monday of last week.
O. K. Omley made a trip to the
H. H. Olson home north of Sentinel
Butte on Friday and returned on
A very large crowd attended the
Valentine party at the Amos
Gasho home on Saturday night.
The time was very enjoyably spent
l~laYing cards and dancing. Re-
ireshments were served at midnight
and dancing continued until about
4 a. m. All report avery pleasant
The Misses Ruth and Vivian
Walker and Bud Walker were week
end visitors at the A. J. Nellermoe
Mrs. Eiseworth err and children
Eugene, Leonard and Eileen were
on the sick list Friday,
Carl Meeks, Dad Teeter, Hjal-
mar Johnson and Lucille Bishop
were Sunday dinner guests at the
Omley home.
Ole O~ley spent the week end at
the L, Hodgtn home.
A very large crowd attended
church services at the Trotters
School hmme last Sunday, Rev,
Roscoe ~preached a wonderful ser-
mon, the text being: "How shall
we escape if we neglect so great
Grace Sperry, Helga Omley, Lu-
ther Hodgin. Glen and Cecil Met-
calf, .Wesley Nellermoe and Helela
Robertson all spent the week end
at their parental homes.
Mr: and Mrs. There Folkvord of
Skaar were Sunday dinner guests
at the Nelle~m6e home.
Tom Gilman and some of hts
~hfldren were taking In the sights
in our city on Sunday.
and Dan Johnson motored to Dick- !
inson on Friday and returned on
Sunday. They were visiting Rex
Campbell. who is a college student,
Hurston Burehette and John
Vinquist made a business trip to
Sidney on Saturday.
Leone Tanker was a week eno
visitor at the Leland home.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Williams
and son were Sunday visitors at the
P. V. Moore home.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nehl came
up to our vicinity on Sunday eve-
ning, planning to visit the Roy
Wilflams home. Since they were
not at home, they visited other
friends of Trotters.
We are sorry to say that W. E.
Sperry has been very ill. He had a
very severe cold which seemed to
be a touch of pneumonia and a
very painful ear trouble. We cer-
tainly wish him a speedy recovery.
It seems to be the style in our
community for folks to run out of
gasoline while out motoring. Law-
heads had this unfortunate thing
happen to them as they were re-
turning home from church last
~Irs. C. H. Howard, l~eporter
Mrs. Norman Rest and Mrs. Fay
Shepherd entertained Mesdames
Parker, Greiner, Pope, Hudson,
Tatley, Howard, Chas. Shepherd,
Carl Rest, Vincelette, Douthitt,
Chris Sherva, end Hoverson at
whist Monday night at the Shep-
herd home.
Mrs. Alfred Parker won high and
Mrs. Chas. Pope low in the whist
game and a delicious luncheon was
served at midnight by the hostess-
Mrs. C. H. Hall and daughter
Ruth were attending to buslneas in
Baker Tuesday afternoon.
Alfred Parker traded their Ford
touring car for an Oldsmobile on
Tuesday, ~tt th~ Burns garage in
Mr. ~nd Mrs. Henning Steen en-
tertained a number of friends on
Wednesday night at their home.
Mr. ad Mrs. A. A, Vincelette and
Mrs. Roy Holder were Baker visit-
ors on Tuesday afternoon and were
supper guests at ,the Oene Douthltt
home on their way home.
Mrs. E. O. Erlckson returned on
Tuesday from Bismarck, where she
had been the past ten days with
their son, Clarence, and reports
him us improving and will be able
to be home soon, which is good
news to all their friends.
Mrs. Roy Holder entertained the
Larkin club at the Vincelette home,
Wednesday evening. Whist was
enjoyed and Alvin Hoverson and
Mrs. Pope won high score and Mr.
Pope and Mrs. Douthitt low. A de-
licious lunch was served at mid-
The U. B. Sunday school gave a
social Friday night at the church
basement. A program was given
and lunch served,
The Golva girl~ and boys basket
ball teams came to Ollie Friday for
return game and were defeated.
he ~ore for the girls game was 19
to 20 and the boys was 12 to 29.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Howard and
daughter Ethel drove to Baker on
Tueed~y afternoon to do some
The Big Hill Home Demonstra-
tion club met Friday at the Gene
Douthitt home for dinner and a
business meeting was held in the
The Lutheran ladies aid served
unch Tuesday from 4 until 6 and
a nice crowd attended.
Mrs. Elmer Wang and family
and Art Wang were dinner guests
at the Chris Sherva home Saturday
Lorena Hurd, Reporter
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Furhman are
the proud parents of a baby boy
born early last Vruesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Covert attend-
ed the Masonic card party in Beach
Friday night.
Mrs. Jess Page went to Beach on
Friday to have her injured arm
dressed by Dr. Bradley.
Mr .and Mrs. Phillip Page were
Beach visitors Saturday.
Bessie Morton, Steele, is visiting
here a few days with her sister,
Mrs. P. A. Page while enroute to
her school in Montana.
Mrs. John Schaefer entertained
the Whist club at her home Satur-
day night. Those attending were:
Mrs. Louis Fasching, Mrs. Ellen
Welch. Mrs, A. M. Peterson, Mrs.
Frank Davidson, Mrs. Andrew
Grey, Mrs. Murdock Cameron~ Mrs.
Rich~rd-~Lorenz, Mrs, Julius Lar-
sen, Mrs. Wallace Page, Miss Bea-
trice Hilber, Miss LuciUe Sperger,
Mrs, Oswln Schmitz, Mrs. Leo To-
bias. Miss Flora McPhee. Mrs. Ed.
Fischer. Mrs. Thee. Maanum. Mrs.
Harry ,Funk, Mrs. Tony Kreitinger,
Mrs. Otto Hansen and Mrs. C.
Madison. A delicious lunch was
served at 10:30.- Seven games were
played and Mrs. Davidson won
head prize and Miss Sperger, the
The Junior 4-H club met last
Tuesday at theC~lva school house.
The project under discUssion was
"underwear." The demonstrations
given were: "Need of clothing,"
Mr. and Mrs. John Fischer and
family were dinner guests at the
home of Louis Fasching Sunday.
Ed. Nistler. Bert Fasching and
Howard Hurd played with the Car-
lyle boys in a basket ball game with
Baker Friday night.
Mrs. Andrew Grey returned home
Monday from an over Sunday visit
with her parents at Almont.
Recent news from the Henry
Johnson family, who were former
residents of Golva, are that they
are well and had been spending a
few days with their daughter. Mrs.
Mrs. R. L. Johnston and Mrs. Od-
man called on Mrs• Bury and Mrs.
Angliss Tuesday afternoon.
Rev. Briggs from Ollie was a
visitor in this vicinity Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Spenser and two of
their youngest children and Mrs
Ethel Horst drove up from Glen-
dive Tuesday to see Mrs. Angliss,
their mother, who has been visiting
at the Burr ~hume for several weeks.
The Altar society met at the
home of Peter Hagen last Wednes-
Ed. Eide motored to Dickinson a
week ago Thursday, taking Mr. and
Mrs. Bulkey and some of the chil-
dren along. They went by the
way of New England, leaving Mr.
and Mrs. Bulkey and family there
to visit relatives and friends while
Ed went on to Dic~nson picking
them up on the way home again.
Gloyd Bury was down and visit-
ed with Louis Knapp and Junius
Gronning Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Bury, Mrs. Angliss and Mrs.
Odman were callers at the home of
Mrs. R. L. Johnston Wednesday af-
A terrific noise issued from the
Carew school on Wednesday ev~en~
ing. The neighbors becoming
alarmed went to investigate and
found it to be Al's. Alpha band. out
for their first practice.
Bill Austin had the time of his
life Thursday evening, when a few
of the Alpha boys bought some oys-
ters and crackers and helped him
spend the evening. At midnight Mr.
Bury cooked the oysters and every-
body helped do the eating.
Ed. Eide has gone into the meat
business and anyone wanting
sausage made can notify him a
week in advance. He has all the
modern machinery for the work.
Mauriee Hogoboom, who has been
at Glendive for a few days, came
home Thursday. Neff Hogoboom,
his brother brought him out from
Sentinel Butte. where he came by
train. Everybody is glad to hear
he is back and feeling fine.
Ed. Elde was an overnight gues~
at Tony Barthels Thursday even-
Mrs. E. Jendro arrived home last
Thursday from visiting in Minn..
where she was called by the serious
some milk for the baby, but just as
The silver anniversary conven-
tion of the North Dakota Telephone
association will convene in Valley
City, North Dakota at rthe Hotel
l~udolf on March 11 and 12th for
an intensive two-day session.
More than 200 representatives of
the telephone companies in the
state and their families are expect-
ed to attend the convention. Re-
presentatives of a number of manu-
facturing and jobbing companies
of products used in the industry
will be present with displays of
their wares.
An interestir~g and helpful pro-
gram has been arranged by D. L.
Vail, of Milnor, secretary-treasur-
er of the a~sociation, and all pre-
sons interested in the telephone
business in the state, whether mem-
bers of the association or not, are
invited and urged to attend the
Prevalence o~ Go|tre
Ooitre prevails more or less in
all parts of the world, and among
all peoples. It is worse in Switzer-
land, where almost 100 per cent of
the inhabitants are affected. For-
merly their affliction was at-
tributed to drinking water from
melted snows, but now it is known
to be due to lack of iodine. Swiss
families that can afford the ex-
pense spend some weeks annually
at the seashore for s cure.
Beach Advance Ads Pay.
Bullion Butte this winter, came
home to help get things lined up
for spring work.
A1 and John Irons took a load
of hogs to Ollie Thursday.
Ajarge share of the eggs laid
nowadays are turned into angel
food cakes. All the ladies will be
experts at it before the price goes
up most likely.
Jack Fasching saw a group of
cars drive by and park up the road
aways ~aturday evening, so he took
the l~nt. it being his birthday, blew
OUt the light and jumped into bed,
but it didn't help any, as he ju~
had thJ ~ouble of crawling out
again when the neighbors came in
bringing refreshments and helped
him celebrate his birthday.
John Irons called at the Lazy J.
A. Ranch Saturday afternoon.
Jerry Kouba. the pure bred live
stock raiser was a Beach caller on
Miss Doris Odman spent the
week end at her home here.
Mrs. Knapp is reported on the
sick list.
Last Sunday afternoon Frank
Knapp had ~he misfortune of driv-
Elmer Boyce, also a resident of she put a lighted match to the ing off the road damaging the car
Golva for years. These people now stove it burst into flames. But quite badly, but was lucky not to
live at Ismay, Mont., and send,luckily they managed to put the lget hurt himself.
greetings to all old time friends. I fire out beforeit causedanyt Irving Odman and Milton Zie-
The Golva Sunshine society will damage. I barth were Beach callers Sunday.
meet in Oolva with Sadie E. PageI The Alpha P. T A. met at thei
Wednesday February 25th. I Alpha school house Friday even-
A surprise party was given on ling" A large crowd attended and t~
Tony Barthel Saturday night byI a good program was given. We l~
his neighbors and friends. The eve- t went to thank the Barthel schooll~ ~
ning ~as spent in dP~ncing and I for taking pRrt in the program. I~ K
playing cards. All reported a good Irma Irons took in the basket l~ m ]~ ~
time. Tl~eo, ~Iaanum helped fur-lball game in Sentinel Butte Fri-!~
n~lsh the music. 'day evening. . . " I~
The Oolva basket ball girls play, The queerest ?~okt,~a amms~ was~
seen loping down a north road ~he
ed a return game with Ollie Friday
night at Ollie. The game was fast
and furious and the Golva girls
throught they had won. ,but wnen
the score was counted it was
19-20 in. favor of Ollie.
The Golva boys second team also
played Ollie and lost with a score
of 12-29.
Those from Golva who attender}
the Barber's Ball last Wednesday
were Miss Alberta Barthel. Miss
Edna Peterson, Miss Florence Cam-
eron, Mr, and Mrs. John Schillo
and sons Anton and Martin, Hom-
er Madison. Bert Faschlng, Art
evening. - - " n- Schmitz Ernie Schmitz, E~win
Mr. and Mrs. ~ert ~ucts~ndr~~ Thill George Wosepka, Zd. Stull
children and MrS. ora ~tar ar - - • -- -
,- -'-- ~ ..... ~utts home Tuesda" .ano ~oum ~osmesKy.
~ .~,e ~e~s~ ~ _ ~ ~Mr and Mrs. A. H. Bares and
an~ were supper guests " • •
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. drove to Bak-] family~o .. h~..~ ~.vwere smiters at the M~ke
er Sunday and attended the mat-] T'~r~.e'an~"'~frs.~U~u~;lph. . Lorenz
mee. and family were Beach visitors on
Nick Garecht spent Saturday
and Sunday with his family in Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs• ~Iubert Schmitz
Ted Blake rode a saddle horse
out from Marmarth for Mr. J. M.
Buckley Saturday and was an over-
night gues,t returning with his
mother who drove out for dinner.
Miss Marian Buck]ey drove to
Marmarth by way of Baker Wed-
nesday evening .and was a supper
guest at the Ray Le~ry home.
Miss Helen Leary was a hostes~
to the Marmart~ teachers, and
several young people from town, in-
cluding IVriss ~v~arian Buckler of
Ollie at four tables of whist Wed-
nesday evening. Decorations, priz-
es and the delicious lunch served
were in keeping with Valentines
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Buckley and
were Beach visitors Saturday.
Mrs. Bill Gustavson who has been
visiting her sisters, Mrs. Thee.
Maanum and Mrs. Gunnar Fahl-
strom left last Wednesday for Bele-
grade. Minn,., where she will visit
Mr. Edwin Thlll and Leland Duf-
field were Beach callers on Sunday.
Twenty-five tables of whist were
played at the Cathoilc card party
Monday night• A packed house en-
joyed the fine lunch put out by the
ladies of the Altar society and
about $45 was the receipts of the
A flurry of snow fell Monday eve-
ning that looked for a while like
winter, butwith more mild weath-
er Tuesday morning it is fast dis-
Ed. Fischer and wife were guests
of the Alec LaSota family last
Monday evening. Ed. went out to
see what was wrong with the radio
and with his wife combined a
pleasure trip with business. Alec
has his new home almost complet-
e dand it is @ertainly nice and
Nick Oarecht were dinner guests
at the Alex LaSota home near Yule
Tuesday and Mr. and Mrs. Buckley
remained overnight.
All. Benson of Baker was an
overnight guest at the Alex LaSers
home Tuesd,ay and on Wednesday
he and Fred Timm delivered a
rumber of horses to horse buyers in
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hall and
daughter Rut~ drove to Glendive
Monday and were overnight guests
at the Art Meyer home.
Mr, and Mrs. McGuire of Rich-
ardton. N. Dak., have moved to the
Malay Superstition
If a Malay woman puts an In.
verted earthenware pan on her
Phelan ranch on the river and the head, and then, ~tting it upon the
Anderson and Sayre families who ground, fills It with water end
were living there, have moved to washes a eat IR it until the animal
Marmarth. is nearly drowned, she firmly be-
lieves heavy rain will certainly fol-
The U. B. l.~dies Aid will serve
a fine dinner at the church base-
ment, Thursday, February 26th and
Invites everybody to come.
Mr. and Mrs. David Thwing and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Emil
Rustad and family were Sunday
guests e~t the Nolan Williams home.
Benton Beach an¢t~on Dale of
Hill City, South Dakota, came on
Beach home.
Benton Beach and'son Dale and
Ivan and Earl Beach drove to
Beach today, Monday,
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ho~g~rson and
Mrs, W. A. Campbell, r~on Bruce Sunda:/ for a visit
at the
other evening, It wasn't an ele-
phant, d!dn't have a trunk, but
turned o',:t to be Bill Carew wit:a
the big bass drum,
Jack Clark, who has been ~-:: ::
on the old Chalk Timm ran'-;=, h2s
rented the Harpster place.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sorosen
motored to Sentinel Butte Satur-
day evening to take in the movie
taking Mrs. Hogoboom and Mrs.
A1 Irons along•
Mr .and Mrs. Burg took Mrs.
Angl~iss, who has been staying at
their home for several weeks, to
Beach Saturday, where she left
for her home in Glendive. Mr.
Bury took in the meeting of the
shipping association at the court
Harold Ziebarth and De,bert
Howie, who have been trapping on
ADULTS ......... 40c I
I STUDENTS ...... 35c |
CHILDREN ...... 15¢ t
His funniest picture
Enjoy Heatlhful Exer~se
February l~9th
Nutty race, f~i" all.
Hot Dog ra~e, ladies only.
ComeT~n for All
! /~February 21st
C'~e two step, couples.
Three legged skating, all.
Tug-of-war, Might and
Thursday evening S p. m.
S~turday "afternoon, 9.:30
Saturday evenings, 8 p. m
Paramount All Soand News
"Scotland Yard''°
See Lowe in a great dual role
And A Comedy
"Trigger Tricks"
A bang-up western
Mrs, Harry Sites has presentedI Mrs. Earl Baker and
her husband with a new daughter, ]Ila Mary, have returned from
named Arleen Ann, born February llightful trip to California and
14. Surely a fine valentine.| gon, where they visited
and friends.
"Do you know where you are~'[
demanded the tourist's wife? "No" New Office Boy: "I've
he admitted, "I'm as lost as the]those figures up ten times,
average American is when he ! Employer: "Good boy !" New
starts on the third verse of the ha- J Boy: "And there's the ten m
tional anthem." I sir." .~
J., C . PI:'NNEY ( .. ,, ,';
Beach, North Dakota
Stress Smartness at
Bright Colon
New Prints
new styles . . . and ex
~.ptlonal values l Each one oi
these dresses would have sold
for ~ro or three dollars mort
'a year ago. Bc sure to se)
Notably low-priced
Red Top Invention--
the ALL-DRIVE End,
Gate and Corner Post
Here it is, the first AH-Drive Steel
End, Gate and Comer Post--the~
most simply constructed azid
easiest to install--the only one that
dr/yes--and a Red Top. /
The cornet has only thr~ parts,
the end only two. There is no com-
plicated assembly, no m~ultitude of
loose parts to put to~ether.
You simply drive the upright
member into the~ti~rm, solid sub-
s~il, bolt on the braces, drive the
br~ce plates and you are ready to
stretch your/wire. There you have
it, the firm~nd lasting foundation
of your feWce~ a one-man job easily
dome in #few minutes. No holes to
d~-~ watt, stone or cement to
haui'and mix, no waiting for eou-
crete to set or harden. When you
DRIVE this new Red Top you've
done it all, and, with Red Top
Studded Tee line posts, you have
an All-Steel Fende~rmanent, and
built at the lowest cost per rod.
Come and see It- this new
BedTopAll-Drlve Steel End,
Grote and Corner Post. You'll be impressed
simpHelty, its gurdy strength, and flke ease
which it Is installed.
You mlm,~y ~ it
Let us help youwork out
Ingprnblemmsto ve you thel
value your money • an
Th tg N, ouw